Guest User

Eval Result

a guest
Apr 11th, 2018
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text 52.52 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Client {
  2. domain: null,
  3. _events:
  4. { 'self.voiceServer': [Function: bound onVoiceServer],
  5. 'self.voiceStateUpdate': [Function: bound onVoiceStateUpdate],
  6. ready: [AsyncFunction],
  7. message: [Function],
  8. guildMemberAdd: [AsyncFunction],
  9. guildMemberRemove: [AsyncFunction] },
  10. _eventsCount: 6,
  11. _maxListeners: 10,
  12. options:
  13. { apiRequestMethod: 'sequential',
  14. shardId: 0,
  15. shardCount: 0,
  16. messageCacheMaxSize: 200,
  17. messageCacheLifetime: 0,
  18. messageSweepInterval: 0,
  19. fetchAllMembers: false,
  20. disableEveryone: false,
  21. sync: false,
  22. restWsBridgeTimeout: 5000,
  23. disabledEvents: [],
  24. restTimeOffset: 500,
  25. ws:
  26. { large_threshold: 250,
  27. compress: true,
  28. properties: [Object],
  29. version: 6 },
  30. http:
  31. { version: 7,
  32. host: '',
  33. cdn: '' } },
  34. rest:
  35. RESTManager {
  36. client: [Circular],
  37. handlers:
  38. { '/gateway': [SequentialRequestHandler],
  39. '/channels/427375220781875200/messages': [SequentialRequestHandler] },
  40. userAgentManager:
  41. UserAgentManager {
  42. userAgent: 'DiscordBot (, 11.3.2) Node.js/v9.5.0' },
  43. methods: RESTMethods { rest: [Circular], client: [Circular], _ackToken: null },
  44. rateLimitedEndpoints: {},
  45. globallyRateLimited: false },
  46. dataManager: ClientDataManager { client: [Circular] },
  47. manager: ClientManager { client: [Circular], heartbeatInterval: null },
  48. ws:
  49. WebSocketManager {
  50. domain: null,
  51. _events: {},
  52. _eventsCount: 0,
  53. _maxListeners: undefined,
  54. client: [Circular],
  55. connection:
  56. WebSocketConnection {
  57. domain: null,
  58. _events: [Object],
  59. _eventsCount: 1,
  60. _maxListeners: undefined,
  61. manager: [Circular],
  62. client: [Circular],
  63. ws: [WebSocket],
  64. sequence: 10,
  65. status: 0,
  66. packetManager: [WebSocketPacketManager],
  67. lastPingTimestamp: 1523477163532,
  68. ratelimit: [Object],
  69. expectingClose: false,
  70. gateway: 'wss://',
  71. disabledEvents: {},
  72. closeSequence: 0,
  73. heartbeatInterval: [Timeout],
  74. sessionID: '79499234015d1c1c5710805f36be3093',
  75. _trace: [Array] },
  76. lastHeartbeatAck: true },
  77. resolver: ClientDataResolver { client: [Circular] },
  78. actions:
  79. ActionsManager {
  80. client: [Circular],
  81. MessageCreate: MessageCreateAction { client: [Circular] },
  82. MessageDelete: MessageDeleteAction { client: [Circular], deleted: Map {} },
  83. MessageDeleteBulk: MessageDeleteBulkAction { client: [Circular] },
  84. MessageUpdate: MessageUpdateAction { client: [Circular] },
  85. MessageReactionAdd: MessageReactionAdd { client: [Circular] },
  86. MessageReactionRemove: MessageReactionRemove { client: [Circular] },
  87. MessageReactionRemoveAll: MessageReactionRemoveAll { client: [Circular] },
  88. ChannelCreate: ChannelCreateAction { client: [Circular] },
  89. ChannelDelete: ChannelDeleteAction { client: [Circular], deleted: Map {} },
  90. ChannelUpdate: ChannelUpdateAction { client: [Circular] },
  91. GuildDelete: GuildDeleteAction { client: [Circular], deleted: Map {} },
  92. GuildUpdate: GuildUpdateAction { client: [Circular] },
  93. GuildMemberGet: GuildMemberGetAction { client: [Circular] },
  94. GuildMemberRemove: GuildMemberRemoveAction { client: [Circular], deleted: Map {} },
  95. GuildBanRemove: GuildBanRemove { client: [Circular] },
  96. GuildRoleCreate: GuildRoleCreate { client: [Circular] },
  97. GuildRoleDelete: GuildRoleDeleteAction { client: [Circular], deleted: Map {} },
  98. GuildRoleUpdate: GuildRoleUpdateAction { client: [Circular] },
  99. UserGet: UserGetAction { client: [Circular] },
  100. UserUpdate: UserUpdateAction { client: [Circular] },
  101. UserNoteUpdate: UserNoteUpdateAction { client: [Circular] },
  102. GuildSync: GuildSync { client: [Circular] },
  103. GuildEmojiCreate: GuildEmojiCreateAction { client: [Circular] },
  104. GuildEmojiDelete: GuildEmojiDeleteAction { client: [Circular] },
  105. GuildEmojiUpdate: GuildEmojiUpdateAction { client: [Circular] },
  106. GuildEmojisUpdate: GuildEmojisUpdateAction { client: [Circular] },
  107. GuildRolesPositionUpdate: GuildRolesPositionUpdate { client: [Circular] },
  108. GuildChannelsPositionUpdate: GuildChannelsPositionUpdate { client: [Circular] } },
  109. voice:
  110. ClientVoiceManager {
  111. client: [Circular],
  112. connections: Collection { '395990537955573771' => [VoiceConnection] } },
  113. shard: null,
  114. users:
  115. Collection {
  116. '413956221108879360' => ClientUser {
  117. id: '413956221108879360',
  118. username: 'FusionCraft-Bot',
  119. discriminator: '3241',
  120. avatar: '611d793cbcb22f1c0a5ddaebb29b8c20',
  121. bot: true,
  122. lastMessageID: '433719291125170186',
  123. lastMessage: [Message],
  124. verified: true,
  125. email: null,
  126. localPresence: [Object],
  127. _typing: Map {},
  128. friends: Collection {},
  129. blocked: Collection {},
  130. notes: Collection {},
  131. premium: null,
  132. mfaEnabled: false,
  133. mobile: null,
  134. settings: [ClientUserSettings],
  135. guildSettings: Collection {} },
  136. '1' => User {
  137. id: '1',
  138. username: 'Clyde',
  139. discriminator: '0000',
  140. avatar: '',
  141. bot: true,
  142. lastMessageID: null,
  143. lastMessage: null },
  144. '358509657226084352' => User {
  145. id: '358509657226084352',
  146. username: 'unknown',
  147. discriminator: '6012',
  148. avatar: 'cca6ab5d52c83f9c6017958d4d9b795d',
  149. bot: false,
  150. lastMessageID: null,
  151. lastMessage: null },
  152. '411349522858508308' => User {
  153. id: '411349522858508308',
  154. username: 'Kittycat101321',
  155. discriminator: '5158',
  156. avatar: '518167aa97b6e1ef18a3472028c6fd13',
  157. bot: false,
  158. lastMessageID: null,
  159. lastMessage: null },
  160. '413862858577674260' => User {
  161. id: '413862858577674260',
  162. username: 'Dj',
  163. discriminator: '3832',
  164. avatar: '81ec510af4064b1184094eea260c7fca',
  165. bot: false,
  166. lastMessageID: null,
  167. lastMessage: null },
  168. '397456812133318656' => User {
  169. id: '397456812133318656',
  170. username: 'Jp_Gamer100',
  171. discriminator: '7021',
  172. avatar: '95f47a89d325e5201baf3a6f824f5669',
  173. bot: false,
  174. lastMessageID: null,
  175. lastMessage: null },
  176. '275063966072569857' => User {
  177. id: '275063966072569857',
  178. username: 'UltimateChiefV2',
  179. discriminator: '9890',
  180. avatar: 'b8576ba273192c8ae9dcbc5992c9cc4c',
  181. bot: false,
  182. lastMessageID: null,
  183. lastMessage: null },
  184. '353516762316144640' => User {
  185. id: '353516762316144640',
  186. username: 'YT_PvPking',
  187. discriminator: '3765',
  188. avatar: null,
  189. bot: false,
  190. lastMessageID: null,
  191. lastMessage: null },
  192. '377354557820370965' => User {
  193. id: '377354557820370965',
  194. username: 'Zapper',
  195. discriminator: '4133',
  196. avatar: '6274ead39b8d3fd415228d08f1d98369',
  197. bot: false,
  198. lastMessageID: null,
  199. lastMessage: null },
  200. '349265901008453633' => User {
  201. id: '349265901008453633',
  202. username: 'lil\'Nicole4life',
  203. discriminator: '3207',
  204. avatar: '407961b5476b26f679ca8916cf797ea1',
  205. bot: false,
  206. lastMessageID: null,
  207. lastMessage: null },
  208. '396001484682297354' => User {
  209. id: '396001484682297354',
  210. username: 'K3YB638',
  211. discriminator: '4400',
  212. avatar: null,
  213. bot: false,
  214. lastMessageID: null,
  215. lastMessage: null },
  216. '322268821945581578' => User {
  217. id: '322268821945581578',
  218. username: 'jgsatwik',
  219. discriminator: '6047',
  220. avatar: '654174f1cf450f593afe9b02daf4c3dd',
  221. bot: false,
  222. lastMessageID: null,
  223. lastMessage: null },
  224. '290026363010940928' => User {
  225. id: '290026363010940928',
  226. username: 'AlexiVerse',
  227. discriminator: '7869',
  228. avatar: '76115ddfa1805b605a84fe2fe8a46852',
  229. bot: false,
  230. lastMessageID: null,
  231. lastMessage: null },
  232. '229461200025550848' => User {
  233. id: '229461200025550848',
  234. username: 'jason',
  235. discriminator: '3736',
  236. avatar: 'e7457fadddb9031556d89ea237aece4d',
  237. bot: false,
  238. lastMessageID: null,
  239. lastMessage: null },
  240. '366356328060551180' => User {
  241. id: '366356328060551180',
  242. username: 'UniPlaysBest',
  243. discriminator: '2717',
  244. avatar: '67c4f30f104e12a609c53da1ff873b83',
  245. bot: false,
  246. lastMessageID: null,
  247. lastMessage: null },
  248. '335893092756488205' => User {
  249. id: '335893092756488205',
  250. username: 'BradGamez',
  251. discriminator: '1374',
  252. avatar: 'cb1216302156b8b4960d03f9c6de1088',
  253. bot: false,
  254. lastMessageID: null,
  255. lastMessage: null },
  256. '293096162917875712' => User {
  257. id: '293096162917875712',
  258. username: 'BubbaPlaysBest',
  259. discriminator: '0695',
  260. avatar: '0456660af7318e51b0fc6fb8a40220ea',
  261. bot: false,
  262. lastMessageID: null,
  263. lastMessage: null },
  264. '401734393175080963' => User {
  265. id: '401734393175080963',
  266. username: 'Panda GamingMC',
  267. discriminator: '3849',
  268. avatar: null,
  269. bot: false,
  270. lastMessageID: null,
  271. lastMessage: null },
  272. '278910737785815060' => User {
  273. id: '278910737785815060',
  274. username: 'shane',
  275. discriminator: '4204',
  276. avatar: '4715094d7c2cdc62e56a1a03d0560734',
  277. bot: false,
  278. lastMessageID: null,
  279. lastMessage: null },
  280. '304289364949860352' => User {
  281. id: '304289364949860352',
  282. username: 'Mattheww',
  283. discriminator: '6343',
  284. avatar: 'e597f213951b40bccf031f12b114f677',
  285. bot: false,
  286. lastMessageID: null,
  287. lastMessage: null },
  288. '206233642589093889' => User {
  289. id: '206233642589093889',
  290. username: 'puppedmatthew1234',
  291. discriminator: '9051',
  292. avatar: 'b6f4a8271bbff9a510ed2975e0252bbd',
  293. bot: false,
  294. lastMessageID: null,
  295. lastMessage: null },
  296. '394244495421603841' => User {
  297. id: '394244495421603841',
  298. username: 'EthanDaBeast',
  299. discriminator: '7838',
  300. avatar: null,
  301. bot: false,
  302. lastMessageID: null,
  303. lastMessage: null },
  304. '431488493794099221' => User {
  305. id: '431488493794099221',
  306. username: 'Taylor',
  307. discriminator: '1069',
  308. avatar: null,
  309. bot: false,
  310. lastMessageID: null,
  311. lastMessage: null },
  312. '351402066083840002' => User {
  313. id: '351402066083840002',
  314. username: 'ItzMeGild',
  315. discriminator: '2798',
  316. avatar: null,
  317. bot: false,
  318. lastMessageID: null,
  319. lastMessage: null },
  320. '197209609335865344' => User {
  321. id: '197209609335865344',
  322. username: 'SrVr',
  323. discriminator: '6319',
  324. avatar: 'ac9d20bc93063ed26bb3a510486f8486',
  325. bot: false,
  326. lastMessageID: null,
  327. lastMessage: null },
  328. '386322994529828866' => User {
  329. id: '386322994529828866',
  330. username: 'lole4l2u56',
  331. discriminator: '2295',
  332. avatar: 'c519acba536797d47e80d6b6f21d6a1a',
  333. bot: false,
  334. lastMessageID: null,
  335. lastMessage: null },
  336. '344883233500037121' => User {
  337. id: '344883233500037121',
  338. username: 'Supremacy09',
  339. discriminator: '2127',
  340. avatar: '55ab2935f187db41876a9f6a596eb82c',
  341. bot: false,
  342. lastMessageID: null,
  343. lastMessage: null },
  344. '305060807887159296' => User {
  345. id: '305060807887159296',
  346. username: 'littleemma4life',
  347. discriminator: '2747',
  348. avatar: '92202467ce507f8230a8e09a24b58219',
  349. bot: false,
  350. lastMessageID: null,
  351. lastMessage: null },
  352. '418764114966347789' => User {
  353. id: '418764114966347789',
  354. username: 'FallChipmunk386',
  355. discriminator: '7734',
  356. avatar: null,
  357. bot: false,
  358. lastMessageID: null,
  359. lastMessage: null },
  360. '407038050779267075' => User {
  361. id: '407038050779267075',
  362. username: 'Supremacy09YT',
  363. discriminator: '5734',
  364. avatar: '78e2fa34448786bfdbcf23eedab9ea36',
  365. bot: false,
  366. lastMessageID: null,
  367. lastMessage: null },
  368. '395473541631442945' => User {
  369. id: '395473541631442945',
  370. username: 'StagnantDread16',
  371. discriminator: '7480',
  372. avatar: null,
  373. bot: false,
  374. lastMessageID: null,
  375. lastMessage: null },
  376. '415259630722220032' => User {
  377. id: '415259630722220032',
  378. username: 'Sumowski',
  379. discriminator: '3225',
  380. avatar: '49c1baef3d2123c6095891da63ff0836',
  381. bot: false,
  382. lastMessageID: null,
  383. lastMessage: null },
  384. '332366969707823105' => User {
  385. id: '332366969707823105',
  386. username: 'Im Bob',
  387. discriminator: '5347',
  388. avatar: 'da393f7634488d4bdebe1d9030d74a71',
  389. bot: false,
  390. lastMessageID: null,
  391. lastMessage: null },
  392. '313189724850225156' => User {
  393. id: '313189724850225156',
  394. username: '[10✩]imwood04',
  395. discriminator: '0528',
  396. avatar: '6c5181b8d1d9526b4d57b41e9f03c976',
  397. bot: false,
  398. lastMessageID: null,
  399. lastMessage: null },
  400. '311177033801793548' => User {
  401. id: '311177033801793548',
  402. username: 'Rex',
  403. discriminator: '0117',
  404. avatar: '7fff6fbda2a432b7ef89951c33d57d3e',
  405. bot: false,
  406. lastMessageID: null,
  407. lastMessage: null },
  408. '286856645407932418' => User {
  409. id: '286856645407932418',
  410. username: 'Ivoツ',
  411. discriminator: '9427',
  412. avatar: '95abb91ef5df1ea5ac3ed7c7ff1564f9',
  413. bot: false,
  414. lastMessageID: null,
  415. lastMessage: null },
  416. '201679157124399104' => User {
  417. id: '201679157124399104',
  418. username: 'SchdowNVIDIA',
  419. discriminator: '1149',
  420. avatar: '41ae4f17ffd11f9a163042c3d2d98331',
  421. bot: false,
  422. lastMessageID: null,
  423. lastMessage: null },
  424. '391196643086565376' => User {
  425. id: '391196643086565376',
  426. username: 'Mutant',
  427. discriminator: '9564',
  428. avatar: '45f8d0d581b97636f8bda10e6211ae48',
  429. bot: false,
  430. lastMessageID: null,
  431. lastMessage: null },
  432. '282819886198030336' => User {
  433. id: '282819886198030336',
  434. username: 'Jackthehaxk21',
  435. discriminator: '8860',
  436. avatar: '9d64b6a988282135a8a9aeeeeb27d672',
  437. bot: false,
  438. lastMessageID: '433719460495622144',
  439. lastMessage: [Message] },
  440. '412817608325332992' => User {
  441. id: '412817608325332992',
  442. username: 'MLT64Games',
  443. discriminator: '6023',
  444. avatar: 'fab0d42731f2fb01fa595ece0dff281d',
  445. bot: false,
  446. lastMessageID: null,
  447. lastMessage: null },
  448. '381833169315430401' => User {
  449. id: '381833169315430401',
  450. username: 'Shadow The Demon',
  451. discriminator: '6125',
  452. avatar: '726d8dc7503067897ec0459661e53af0',
  453. bot: false,
  454. lastMessageID: null,
  455. lastMessage: null },
  456. '397350824600272907' => User {
  457. id: '397350824600272907',
  458. username: 'Dragon Gamer',
  459. discriminator: '6090',
  460. avatar: '0b306911434d9259bc41a0c988122096',
  461. bot: false,
  462. lastMessageID: null,
  463. lastMessage: null },
  464. '395991455887261698' => User {
  465. id: '395991455887261698',
  466. username: 'RoseyPosey',
  467. discriminator: '9190',
  468. avatar: 'e24beca889e7184ff902011a08b851d1',
  469. bot: false,
  470. lastMessageID: null,
  471. lastMessage: null },
  472. '406428335837675530' => User {
  473. id: '406428335837675530',
  474. username: 'PunieThePikachu',
  475. discriminator: '2409',
  476. avatar: 'b84c2436a377f432e41afff9b5abaacc',
  477. bot: false,
  478. lastMessageID: null,
  479. lastMessage: null },
  480. '406195084212830219' => User {
  481. id: '406195084212830219',
  482. username: 'Ajdinb',
  483. discriminator: '3764',
  484. avatar: null,
  485. bot: false,
  486. lastMessageID: null,
  487. lastMessage: null } },
  488. guilds:
  489. Collection {
  490. '395990537955573771' => Guild {
  491. members: [Collection],
  492. channels: [Collection],
  493. roles: [Collection],
  494. presences: [Collection],
  495. available: true,
  496. id: '395990537955573771',
  497. name: 'FusionCraftPE Discord',
  498. icon: '46033c0c30ccd0307c6430acd85f991d',
  499. splash: null,
  500. region: 'eu-central',
  501. memberCount: 44,
  502. large: false,
  503. features: [],
  504. applicationID: null,
  505. afkTimeout: 300,
  506. afkChannelID: null,
  507. systemChannelID: null,
  508. embedEnabled: undefined,
  509. verificationLevel: 0,
  510. explicitContentFilter: 2,
  511. joinedTimestamp: 1518765416717,
  512. ownerID: '293096162917875712',
  513. _rawVoiceStates: [Collection],
  514. emojis: Collection {} } },
  515. channels:
  516. Collection {
  517. '415294622215045160' => VoiceChannel {
  518. type: 'voice',
  519. id: '415294622215045160',
  520. name: 'SG',
  521. position: 1,
  522. parentID: '395990537955573774',
  523. permissionOverwrites: Collection {},
  524. bitrate: 64,
  525. userLimit: 0,
  526. guild: [Guild],
  527. members: Collection {} },
  528. '395990537955573775' => VoiceChannel {
  529. type: 'voice',
  530. id: '395990537955573775',
  531. name: 'General',
  532. position: 0,
  533. parentID: '395990537955573774',
  534. permissionOverwrites: Collection {},
  535. bitrate: 64,
  536. userLimit: 0,
  537. guild: [Guild],
  538. members: Collection {} },
  539. '432615076151689216' => TextChannel {
  540. type: 'text',
  541. id: '432615076151689216',
  542. name: 'top-money',
  543. position: 17,
  544. parentID: '427146630761021440',
  545. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  546. topic: null,
  547. nsfw: false,
  548. lastMessageID: '433719183541534751',
  549. guild: [Guild],
  550. messages: Collection {},
  551. _typing: Map {} },
  552. '427146009685131279' => CategoryChannel {
  553. type: 'category',
  554. id: '427146009685131279',
  555. name: 'Information',
  556. position: 1,
  557. parentID: null,
  558. permissionOverwrites: Collection {},
  559. guild: [Guild] },
  560. '427138743321755648' => TextChannel {
  561. type: 'text',
  562. id: '427138743321755648',
  563. name: 'verify',
  564. position: 21,
  565. parentID: '427146630761021440',
  566. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  567. topic: 'Type /verify',
  568. nsfw: false,
  569. lastMessageID: '433020089135005697',
  570. guild: [Guild],
  571. messages: Collection {},
  572. _typing: Map {} },
  573. '395990537955573773' => TextChannel {
  574. type: 'text',
  575. id: '395990537955573773',
  576. name: '🌈-fusioncraft-chat-🌈',
  577. position: 7,
  578. parentID: '395990537955573772',
  579. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  580. topic: 'Talk about FusionCraft here.\n',
  581. nsfw: false,
  582. lastMessageID: '433716110102364160',
  583. guild: [Guild],
  584. messages: Collection {},
  585. _typing: Map {} },
  586. '415294691979034626' => VoiceChannel {
  587. type: 'voice',
  588. id: '415294691979034626',
  589. name: 'PRISONS',
  590. position: 2,
  591. parentID: '395990537955573774',
  592. permissionOverwrites: Collection {},
  593. bitrate: 64,
  594. userLimit: 0,
  595. guild: [Guild],
  596. members: Collection {} },
  597. '415288216275517441' => VoiceChannel {
  598. type: 'voice',
  599. id: '415288216275517441',
  600. name: 'Staff_Only',
  601. position: 5,
  602. parentID: '395990537955573774',
  603. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  604. bitrate: 64,
  605. userLimit: 0,
  606. guild: [Guild],
  607. members: Collection {} },
  608. '427581852350545923' => CategoryChannel {
  609. type: 'category',
  610. id: '427581852350545923',
  611. name: 'Staff',
  612. position: 24,
  613. parentID: null,
  614. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  615. guild: [Guild] },
  616. '427582639755755520' => TextChannel {
  617. type: 'text',
  618. id: '427582639755755520',
  619. name: '🍰-survivalgames-chat-🍪',
  620. position: 8,
  621. parentID: '395990537955573772',
  622. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  623. topic: 'Talk to fellow players about SG',
  624. nsfw: false,
  625. lastMessageID: '432831667208716289',
  626. guild: [Guild],
  627. messages: Collection {},
  628. _typing: Map {} },
  629. '417047361886486570' => TextChannel {
  630. type: 'text',
  631. id: '417047361886486570',
  632. name: 'mod-log',
  633. position: 28,
  634. parentID: '427581852350545923',
  635. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  636. topic: null,
  637. nsfw: false,
  638. lastMessageID: '433000554097147904',
  639. guild: [Guild],
  640. messages: Collection {},
  641. _typing: Map {} },
  642. '413672212327825410' => TextChannel {
  643. type: 'text',
  644. id: '413672212327825410',
  645. name: '📙-rules-📙',
  646. position: 2,
  647. parentID: '427146009685131279',
  648. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  649. topic: 'Please obey all FC and Discord rules',
  650. nsfw: false,
  651. lastMessageID: '418721813967798272',
  652. guild: [Guild],
  653. messages: Collection {},
  654. _typing: Map {} },
  655. '427892740722786306' => TextChannel {
  656. type: 'text',
  657. id: '427892740722786306',
  658. name: '👮-prisons-chat-👮',
  659. position: 11,
  660. parentID: '395990537955573772',
  661. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  662. topic: 'Servers coming soon !',
  663. nsfw: false,
  664. lastMessageID: '427901405689413642',
  665. guild: [Guild],
  666. messages: Collection {},
  667. _typing: Map {} },
  668. '415564187436056576' => TextChannel {
  669. type: 'text',
  670. id: '415564187436056576',
  671. name: 'top-voters',
  672. position: 16,
  673. parentID: '427146630761021440',
  674. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  675. topic: 'latest voters,\nupdated every 10minutes',
  676. nsfw: false,
  677. lastMessageID: '433719192101978112',
  678. guild: [Guild],
  679. messages: Collection {},
  680. _typing: Map {} },
  681. '415846005599240193' => TextChannel {
  682. type: 'text',
  683. id: '415846005599240193',
  684. name: 'recent-votes',
  685. position: 19,
  686. parentID: '427146630761021440',
  687. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  688. topic: 'Displays when someone votes\n',
  689. nsfw: false,
  690. lastMessageID: '433671557324341249',
  691. guild: [Guild],
  692. messages: Collection {},
  693. _typing: Map {} },
  694. '427583008975880192' => TextChannel {
  695. type: 'text',
  696. id: '427583008975880192',
  697. name: '🏹-kitpvp-chat-🏹',
  698. position: 9,
  699. parentID: '395990537955573772',
  700. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  701. topic: 'Talk to fellow players about KPVP',
  702. nsfw: false,
  703. lastMessageID: '428074615252975618',
  704. guild: [Guild],
  705. messages: Collection {},
  706. _typing: Map {} },
  707. '432254078437818378' => TextChannel {
  708. type: 'text',
  709. id: '432254078437818378',
  710. name: 'fusioncraft-bot',
  711. position: 30,
  712. parentID: '427581852350545923',
  713. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  714. topic: null,
  715. nsfw: false,
  716. lastMessageID: '432599026035326986',
  717. guild: [Guild],
  718. messages: Collection {},
  719. _typing: Map {} },
  720. '419859089967939584' => TextChannel {
  721. type: 'text',
  722. id: '419859089967939584',
  723. name: 'warnings',
  724. position: 26,
  725. parentID: '427581852350545923',
  726. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  727. topic: null,
  728. nsfw: false,
  729. lastMessageID: '433719184568877066',
  730. guild: [Guild],
  731. messages: Collection {},
  732. _typing: Map {} },
  733. '427892525706248192' => TextChannel {
  734. type: 'text',
  735. id: '427892525706248192',
  736. name: '❤-ultrahardcore-chat-❤',
  737. position: 10,
  738. parentID: '395990537955573772',
  739. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  740. topic: 'Talk to fellow Players about UHC',
  741. nsfw: false,
  742. lastMessageID: '433235106971254805',
  743. guild: [Guild],
  744. messages: Collection {},
  745. _typing: Map {} },
  746. '413724844761284609' => TextChannel {
  747. type: 'text',
  748. id: '413724844761284609',
  749. name: '📌-staffchat-📌',
  750. position: 12,
  751. parentID: '395990537955573772',
  752. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  753. topic: null,
  754. nsfw: false,
  755. lastMessageID: '433235208662286337',
  756. guild: [Guild],
  757. messages: Collection {},
  758. _typing: Map {} },
  759. '427851807784697857' => TextChannel {
  760. type: 'text',
  761. id: '427851807784697857',
  762. name: '🎉-giveaways-🎉',
  763. position: 5,
  764. parentID: '427146009685131279',
  765. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  766. topic: '',
  767. nsfw: false,
  768. lastMessageID: '433672406859513856',
  769. guild: [Guild],
  770. messages: Collection {},
  771. _typing: Map {} },
  772. '432223801632227334' => TextChannel {
  773. type: 'text',
  774. id: '432223801632227334',
  775. name: 'todo-list',
  776. position: 31,
  777. parentID: '427581852350545923',
  778. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  779. topic: null,
  780. nsfw: false,
  781. lastMessageID: '433694195924992010',
  782. guild: [Guild],
  783. messages: Collection {},
  784. _typing: Map {} },
  785. '419059010596241408' => TextChannel {
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  787. id: '419059010596241408',
  788. name: '💪-current-staff-💪',
  789. position: 4,
  790. parentID: '427146009685131279',
  791. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  792. topic: '',
  793. nsfw: false,
  794. lastMessageID: '428594784882393098',
  795. guild: [Guild],
  796. messages: Collection {},
  797. _typing: Map {} },
  798. '429553391300247562' => TextChannel {
  799. type: 'text',
  800. id: '429553391300247562',
  801. name: 'php_plugin_docs',
  802. position: 29,
  803. parentID: '427581852350545923',
  804. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  805. topic: null,
  806. nsfw: false,
  807. lastMessageID: '429585904844144650',
  808. guild: [Guild],
  809. messages: Collection {},
  810. _typing: Map {} },
  811. '427873116044263436' => TextChannel {
  812. type: 'text',
  813. id: '427873116044263436',
  814. name: '🎮-bot-commands-🎮',
  815. position: 13,
  816. parentID: '395990537955573772',
  817. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  818. topic: null,
  819. nsfw: false,
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  821. guild: [Guild],
  822. messages: Collection {},
  823. _typing: Map {} },
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  827. name: 'Automatic',
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  829. parentID: null,
  830. permissionOverwrites: Collection {},
  831. guild: [Guild] },
  832. '395990537955573772' => CategoryChannel {
  833. type: 'category',
  834. id: '395990537955573772',
  835. name: 'Chat',
  836. position: 6,
  837. parentID: null,
  838. permissionOverwrites: Collection {},
  839. guild: [Guild] },
  840. '413680677712822293' => TextChannel {
  841. type: 'text',
  842. id: '413680677712822293',
  843. name: '👂-announcements-👂',
  844. position: 3,
  845. parentID: '427146009685131279',
  846. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  847. topic: null,
  848. nsfw: false,
  849. lastMessageID: '433206044999680002',
  850. guild: [Guild],
  851. messages: Collection {},
  852. _typing: Map {} },
  853. '427375220781875200' => TextChannel {
  854. type: 'text',
  855. id: '427375220781875200',
  856. name: 'private-bot',
  857. position: 27,
  858. parentID: '427581852350545923',
  859. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  860. topic: null,
  861. nsfw: false,
  862. lastMessageID: '433719460495622144',
  863. guild: [Guild],
  864. messages: [Collection],
  865. _typing: [Map],
  866. lastMessage: [Message] },
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  869. id: '415294879808356352',
  870. name: 'UHC',
  871. position: 3,
  872. parentID: '395990537955573774',
  873. permissionOverwrites: Collection {},
  874. bitrate: 64,
  875. userLimit: 0,
  876. guild: [Guild],
  877. members: Collection {} },
  878. '421631750821642241' => TextChannel {
  879. type: 'text',
  880. id: '421631750821642241',
  881. name: 'most-active-players',
  882. position: 20,
  883. parentID: '427146630761021440',
  884. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  885. topic: 'shows top 24 players\n',
  886. nsfw: false,
  887. lastMessageID: '433719183830941706',
  888. guild: [Guild],
  889. messages: Collection {},
  890. _typing: Map {} },
  891. '415934374777716764' => TextChannel {
  892. type: 'text',
  893. id: '415934374777716764',
  894. name: 'server-stats',
  895. position: 18,
  896. parentID: '427146630761021440',
  897. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  898. topic: 'gets latest server stats,\nevery 5minutes\n',
  899. nsfw: false,
  900. lastMessageID: '433718425437732875',
  901. guild: [Guild],
  902. messages: Collection {},
  903. _typing: Map {} },
  904. '430258418209521674' => TextChannel {
  905. type: 'text',
  906. id: '430258418209521674',
  907. name: '☕-off-topic-chat-☕',
  908. position: 14,
  909. parentID: '395990537955573772',
  910. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  911. topic: null,
  912. nsfw: false,
  913. lastMessageID: '432917682803965952',
  914. guild: [Guild],
  915. messages: Collection {},
  916. _typing: Map {} },
  917. '428124862880415744' => TextChannel {
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  919. id: '428124862880415744',
  920. name: 'reported',
  921. position: 25,
  922. parentID: '427581852350545923',
  923. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  924. topic: null,
  925. nsfw: false,
  926. lastMessageID: '433677508441800745',
  927. guild: [Guild],
  928. messages: Collection {},
  929. _typing: Map {} },
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  935. parentID: '395990537955573774',
  936. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
  937. bitrate: 64,
  938. userLimit: 0,
  939. guild: [Guild],
  940. members: [Collection] },
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  942. type: 'text',
  943. id: '428114373614108672',
  944. name: 'requests',
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  946. parentID: '427146630761021440',
  947. permissionOverwrites: [Collection],
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  949. nsfw: false,
  950. lastMessageID: '433519978000547842',
  951. guild: [Guild],
  952. messages: Collection {},
  953. _typing: Map {} },
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  960. permissionOverwrites: Collection {},
  961. guild: [Guild] } },
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  965. user:
  966. ClientUser {
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  968. username: 'FusionCraft-Bot',
  969. discriminator: '3241',
  970. avatar: '611d793cbcb22f1c0a5ddaebb29b8c20',
  971. bot: true,
  972. lastMessageID: '433719291125170186',
  973. lastMessage:
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  977. type: 'DEFAULT',
  978. content: '`​`​`​xl\nClientUser {\n id: \'413956221108879360\',\n username: \'FusionCraft-Bot\',\n discriminator: \'3241\',\n avatar: \'611d793cbcb22f1c0a5ddaebb29b8c20\',\n bot: true,\n lastMessageID: null,\n lastMessage: null,\n verified: true,\n email: null,\n localPresence: \n { status: \'online\',\n game: { name: \'Minecraft | /help\', type: 1 },\n afk: false,\n since: 0 },\n _typing: Map {},\n friends: Collection {},\n blocked: Collection {},\n notes: Collection {},\n premium: null,\n mfaEnabled: false,\n mobile: null,\n settings: ClientUserSettings { user: [Circular] },\n guildSettings: Collection {} }\n`​`​`​',
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  1481. DmondPlugg72: { min: 2, last: 1520341977639 },
  1482. littleemma4life: { min: 176, last: 1521982841881 },
  1483. FallChipmunk386: { min: 4, last: 1520375251651 },
  1484. ceecyx: { min: 2, last: 1520377291898 },
  1485. 'Brodie Climber': { min: 3, last: 1520392658039 },
  1486. TeagueHendrick: { min: 2, last: 1520392658039 },
  1487. WitheredMC10: { min: 2, last: 1520401714867 },
  1488. BondedPond34099: { min: 2, last: 1520432937988 },
  1489. CinnamonCape190: { min: 76, last: 1520666382908 },
  1490. grippingAsp3789: { min: 2, last: 1520443859338 },
  1491. 'MCDINGHOUR FIRE': { min: 3, last: 1520452984821 },
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  1496. Firedarkgarnet: { min: 8, last: 1520472427154 },
  1497. 'haddad amine62': { min: 1, last: 1520496906139 },
  1498. ZimRoyalZx: { min: 3, last: 1520517548873 },
  1499. AutumnNest23116: { min: 14, last: 1520705923780 },
  1500. DerpKing10106: { min: 1, last: 1520547944441 },
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  1503. BlazePlayzMC27: { min: 1, last: 1520553889822 },
  1504. iagomitao452: { min: 30, last: 1520557909606 },
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  1506. woodK1NGPL4YS: { min: 14, last: 1520633019133 },
  1507. joaovini100: { min: 7, last: 1520722664718 },
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  1514. DrivenSnow12176: { min: 8, last: 1520602133716 },
  1515. dubster22: { min: 2, last: 1520603796636 },
  1516. HyperBeastLore: { min: 2, last: 1520605960109 },
  1517. Mipkastojede: { min: 2, last: 1520630197774 },
  1518. Arthurgamer6789: { min: 2, last: 1520631998109 },
  1519. fabicho2016: { min: 1, last: 1520633858059 },
  1520. AquaEnzoMCPE: { min: 2, last: 1520637279216 },
  1521. PigHenrique11: { min: 8, last: 1520644600704 },
  1522. wudarples: { min: 8, last: 1521128856395 },
  1523. Panda36525066: { min: 5, last: 1522543457599 },
  1524. Facedpvpgod: { min: 2, last: 1520668722539 },
  1525. yusefgamesYTT22: { min: 3, last: 1520685467780 },
  1526. edukof3789: { min: 8, last: 1520772111170 },
  1527. XxMomoBoyxX: { min: 7, last: 1520887415742 },
  1528. vhv1800: { min: 2, last: 1520697041230 },
  1529. CatiaAshili123: { min: 3, last: 1520699440995 },
  1530. PEDRORBYT: { min: 4, last: 1520700041097 },
  1531. Jade524: { min: 1, last: 1520700221635 },
  1532. gustavosr110: { min: 5, last: 1520700521368 },
  1533. SUMOWSKI: { min: 13, last: 1520787292857 },
  1534. Alejandroxdfr: { min: 1, last: 1520702687898 },
  1535. 'Tigrasso games': { min: 3, last: 1520800254375 },
  1536. SparklesFighter: { min: 4, last: 1520706945561 },
  1537. yEduardo20: { min: 2, last: 1520713422912 },
  1538. TeakCarton20077: { min: 5, last: 1520713723113 },
  1539. 'Filipe 1357': { min: 1, last: 1520720085515 },
  1540. Thundercrush645: { min: 1, last: 1520722244309 },
  1541. jgsatwik: { min: 2, last: 1520731064619 },
  1542. 'brandon V jean': { min: 7, last: 1520745410352 },
  1543. ramsyvalle: { min: 6, last: 1520745530065 },
  1544. XxCreeperBoyYT: { min: 1, last: 1520772171917 },
  1545. GustavohenS1486: { min: 1, last: 1520778951271 },
  1546. Itsjordan0918: { min: 8, last: 1520806617514 },
  1547. mrbc543: { min: 1, last: 1520782971653 },
  1548. ELFairyShadow13: { min: 4, last: 1520790772707 },
  1549. MLT64Games: { min: 4, last: 1521296619679 },
  1550. Tr4dut0r: { min: 8, last: 1521234149557 },
  1551. Chacabangaso: { min: 6, last: 1520874754227 },
  1552. UnarmedBranch71: { min: 1, last: 1520806915072 },
  1553. GIOHUBMCPE: { min: 2, last: 1520817956366 },
  1554. Getrat2: { min: 13, last: 1520826657704 },
  1555. Appler8h: { min: 2, last: 1520871137661 },
  1556. Marsoppi04: { min: 2, last: 1520871137661 },
  1557. gustavoretbr01: { min: 8, last: 1520874016330 },
  1558. tnrexx: { min: 3, last: 1520882016457 },
  1559. flaretaresh56: { min: 16, last: 1521055897272 },
  1560. ZZWILLIAMXX: { min: 3, last: 1520887598575 },
  1561. UltimateChiefV2: { min: 20, last: 1520888616278 },
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  1563. Kittycat101321: { min: 26, last: 1522112444405 },
  1564. Shartpooppnuget: { min: 1, last: 1520944742470 },
  1565. MrSamMC4: { min: 3, last: 1520954844471 },
  1566. NestyPvP7w7: { min: 3, last: 1521271410927 },
  1567. henrikgamerplay: { min: 6, last: 1520976924159 },
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  1569. benthejamin12: { min: 2, last: 1520985625144 },
  1570. felipechorapran: { min: 1, last: 1521039394280 },
  1571. GuustavoHB: { min: 2, last: 1521041252606 },
  1572. 'JUST ROLL SG': { min: 3, last: 1521077614317 },
  1573. ShawnMicheals56: { min: 4, last: 1521077733692 },
  1574. Cracudo22: { min: 5, last: 1521092014420 },
  1575. Maninoh: { min: 9, last: 1521124715881 },
  1576. luginBR1290: { min: 22, last: 1521126395857 },
  1577. PoppyParsley911: { min: 1, last: 1521142228759 },
  1578. IceeyMCPE: { min: 2, last: 1521142411522 },
  1579. VaguestKoala902: { min: 1, last: 1521149429184 },
  1580. EliseBunny2005: { min: 8, last: 1521193113835 },
  1581. DiamondAsuraz: { min: 2, last: 1521200974150 },
  1582. Viniciusbr52: { min: 18, last: 1521214469988 },
  1583. Jumbomartinez: { min: 6, last: 1521225208645 },
  1584. MiniXISDE: { min: 6, last: 1521235889711 },
  1585. FusionAdaptYt: { min: 3, last: 1521239372347 },
  1586. BurlierFoot: { min: 2, last: 1521243449592 },
  1587. GustavoAEGbr: { min: 8, last: 1521245009921 },
  1588. Natsuxy335: { min: 5, last: 1521249389979 },
  1589. AimlessEight429: { min: 1, last: 1521249089926 },
  1590. Kiraxw335: { min: 4, last: 1521249449976 },
  1591. ddeathbySnuSnu: { min: 3, last: 1521254489819 },
  1592. TheDragons23: { min: 2, last: 1521267390590 },
  1593. NikodemPlays: { min: 1, last: 1521281020387 },
  1594. TheAbners5432: { min: 4, last: 1521282761610 },
  1595. killerfungi12: { min: 9, last: 1521287980153 },
  1596. metrogamer98: { min: 3, last: 1521296319751 },
  1597. NoHaxJuztSkillz: { min: 1, last: 1521300943097 },
  1598. UnicornSpike: { min: 14, last: 1522624920413 },
  1599. StopBog56704263: { min: 2, last: 1521321706722 },
  1600. GreaterBranch50: { min: 7, last: 1521314083429 },
  1601. 'KATIE 2116': { min: 2, last: 1521317026678 },
  1602. akram3419: { min: 3, last: 1521318100772 },
  1603. VisileKibbles54: { min: 1, last: 1521323621762 },
  1604. 'cronos play5008': { min: 51, last: 1521340182887 },
  1605. wiseSafe0420: { min: 1, last: 1521338021445 },
  1606. xravengamesx218: { min: 2, last: 1521737054602 },
  1607. ProvingGoblin5: { min: 5, last: 1521759915028 },
  1608. smashisnotugly: { min: 2, last: 1521819516223 },
  1609. AceGamingKid89: { min: 2, last: 1521819574677 },
  1610. lordliam8: { min: 6, last: 1521993055714 },
  1611. RemoteAbyss4575: { min: 4, last: 1522002194268 },
  1612. 'AFH MC': { min: 3, last: 1522063815386 },
  1613. HeyItzYoBoiDj: { min: 2, last: 1522077743283 },
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