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Jul 20th, 2018
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  9. note the credits page on my own blogs.
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  1464. <h4>
  1466. </h4>
  1467. and silvery was her tongue, my lads, as the tall ship left the bay. there is salt lacing your lips / you can taste it 'pon your tongue. no matter how long it has been since you left your ship, you cannot seem to forget her.
  1468. <h4>
  1470. </h4>
  1472. Indie & Private. Extremely selective, <b>age of sail</b> based multimuse, as weathered and told by Mani. Established 1/1/2018 and revamped on 01/03/2018.<br>Please read rules before interacting. Trigger warnings do apply.
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  1494. featuring muses from Hornblower, master and commander, pirates of the caribbean and original characters.
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  1616. <span style="float:left">posted {block:Date}<a href="{Permalink}">{ShortMonth} {DayOfMonthWithZero} {Year} {24HourWithZero}{Minutes} hours</a>{/block:Date} with <a href="{Permalink}">{NoteCount}&nbsp;notes</a></span>
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  1653. <br>
  1654. <b>Please specify muse or the ask will go unanswered.</b> If you are unsure of who you could possibly send something to, do not be afraid to ask, if we're mutuals I'm sure that I have an idea as to who of my crew might be up to interact with your muse(s).<br><br>
  1656. <center><iframe frameborder="0" height="250" id="ask_form" scrolling="yes" src="" width="100%"></iframe><br><br></center>
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  1664. <h3>an introduction</h3>
  1666. Hello everyone, my name is <b>mani</b> and i'm a 21 year old female from The Netherlands ( timezone being GMT+1 ) and i've been around on tumblr for a good four years. <br>At the moment i have a fulltime job which means i work anywhere between 20 / 60 hours a week, <i>this means that i'm not always around when it comes to ooc chatting as well as replies</i>, i can't promise a steady flow of writing on this blog but i always do my best to keep a queue running with at least three posts a day coming out.
  1668. <br><br>
  1671. <br><br>
  1675. <h3>the basic code</h3>
  1677. <i>i.</i> first of all, this is a <b>mutuals only blog</b> meaning that i won't answer ic memes, starters, ic asks and / or reply to likes on one of my starter calls from non mutuals. ooc asks, memes and such are always welcome ! ( for example, please come and hit me with your headcanons or meta questions, even if we're not mutuals. ) an important thing on this blog is that i <i>won't accept asks which are either non-specified or directed at no muse in particular !</i> this being due to the fact that this blog is heavily plot driven. please come to me if you want to interact but are unsure as to who you could possibly send a meme, i'll gladly throw up some ideas !<br><Br><i>ii.</i> when it comes to threads and / or aus and / or verses ; i feel more comfortable with <b>plotted</b> interactions, while i don't feel the need to have <i>every</i> interaction plotted out i do feel a stronger connection to plotted threads and i will write for those more often. <br><br><i>iii.</i> on that note ; <i>i'm allowed to have favourites</i>, i am allowed to feel a stronger connection and devotion to certain threads and muns compared to others. i am allowed to talk to certain muns more than to others. rp is a hobby, and <i>anyone</i> who makes me feel as if i've lost the right to feel comfortable with my selectivity will get the block button. <br><br><i>iv.</i> this blog can start to contain <b>NSFW</b> themes. i am old enough to legaly be able to write such things, and i only ask for my partners not to lie to me when it comes to age. never will i force or push someone to write <i>any form of nsfw</i> ( this could also include things as gore or extreme violence. )<br> when it comes to tagging ; all nsfw posts will be tagged with <i> cw nsfw</i> or <i>nsfw for ts</i> and threads which feature nsfw will be placed underneath a readmore with the exception of gore / torture / etc threads ; those will be tagged into great detail but not placed underneath a readmore unless requested. <b> PLEASE feel free to ask me to tag your triggers, tumblr is supposed to be a safe place and i would gladly tag anything you requested of me !</b> <br><br><i>v.</i> i won't tolerate any shape or form of godmodding ; i write my muses and you write your own character. even if we've plotted the lines of our thread, i still want you to <i>ask me</i> if i'm okay with actions you describe them doing in said thread. <b>HOWEVER</b> if i ever send you one of those 'drabble' asks ; <i>feel free to write away !</i> such things are hard to pen down without any form of interaction from the other side of the screen. <br><br><i>vi.</i> anon hate will not be tolerated and will be deleted rather than posted, i will not give them any attention so sending anon hate is actually rather pointless to this blog ? <br><br><i>vii.</i> <b>ON REBLOG KARMA ;</b> i personally don't care if you reblog memes from me without sending some in, especially considering my muses are sometimes unable to interact with others from other fandoms. and while i do read the rules of everyone i follow, i can't remember exactly who does and who doesn't practice reblog karma. if you see me reblogging memes from you without ever sending one in, please feel free to nudge me. it's easier for me to remember that you don't appreciate it if you mention it to me one to one and i'll do everything in my power to remember.
  1679. <h3>details...</h3>
  1681. <i>i.</i> i know that shipwars can be a bit.... fierce, but if you have a negative opinion on a ship portrayed on this blog i would ask for you to not share it with me in a hostile way ; dropping a message in my ask / ims about exactly <b>why</b> you dislike it is certainly okay and i'll tag said ship for you ( in a more clinical way than my usual tags so you can actually block it if you want ) but sending hate for a ship is absolutely childish and i'll have none of it.<br><br><i>ii.</i> this blog deals with heavy themes of a frequent basis, these themes include canon character death and feelings of depression / ptsd and suicidal tendicies. i do my best to tag these things into great detail, but if you at any point feel like these topics become too heavy for you to carry / see on your dash as often as i mention them, <i>please unfollow me for your own mental health !!</i> i will never hold a grudge against you if you do, i won't ask questions and even if we have a thread / interactions together i want you to be happy and comfortable rather than forcing you to stay with me and making the situation worse!! <br><br><i>iii.</i> this blog will also deal with internalized homophobia ; something which i have to admit i often forget to tag. if this makes you uncomfortable, please remind me to tag it or unfollow me. <b>i'd like to make clear that these feelings are not my own, for i am quite bloody gay myself.</b> <br><br>
  1683. <h3>time period related matters</h3>
  1684. even though the age of sail time period is one which is often heavily romanticized, and i will admit that i'm going to be guilty of that from time to time here too, i want you all to be aware that i'm heavily leaning towards <i>realism</i> in my portrayal and discovery of it on this blog. the time period had its nasty sides, homophobia, and torture were common enough ! i won't glorify these things / won't mention them or play upon them when there is no need for them to. but rp is a hobby in which i try to get into the headspace of the characters i write ; and i'm sorry for the fact that those things were included in the general headspaces of people back then.
  1686. <h3>CREDITS.</h3>
  1687. the theme I use was made by the wonderful <b>holmesdepot</b> and commissioned by me. <br>icons are a mix of self made, gathered from hollowart and commissioned from <b>holmesdepot</b> ; <i>Jack Aubrey, Stephen Maturin, William Warley, James Norrington and Elizabeth Swann</i> and <b>Aricommissions</b> ; <i>Horatio Hornblower, Archie Kennedy, William Bush, Edward Pellew and Henry Wellard </i><br>the PSD i use for most of my icons ( with the exception of the icons commissioned from Aricommissions ) is one of my own design.
  1689. </div>
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  1693. <div id="box3" class="popup_block">
  1695. <div id="text">
  1696. <h1>IMPORTANT INFO</h1>
  1697. <h3>CROSSOVERS & VERSES</h3>
  1698. I will not create modern verses or crossover verses to interact with people ouside of the Age of Sail fandom. I am aware that this limits my interactions with people, but I am also aware that this keeps me focused on the things I <i>want</i> to focus on. This blog was created to explore the time period as well as the mental state of the characters I've loved for years now.<br>It is a shame that in most crossover / modern verses my muses would be entirely different people, and while I do see the appeal of writing out such interactions I, frankly, can't be bothered. Note that this rule only applies for people I have yet to interact with; muns and muses who have already interacted with me and my muses are absolutely welcome to plot alternative universes with me.<p>
  1700. <h3>REGARDING WRITING</h3>
  1701. Lately, I've noticed that I lean towards slight body horror a lot in my prose; while this is usually contained to metaphorical flowers blooming from ribcages, it has started to develop into something new. If something of said nature irks me, or if I think it could irk my partner, I will from now on tag these as body horror. If you, at any point, start to feel uncomfortable with this detail in my prose, please do not be afraid to tell me! I can work around it for your sake.
  1703. <h3>REGARDING EDITS</h3>
  1704. I make edits quite often, anything from aesthetics to gifsets. I, generally, make everything myself; from the screencaps to the psds used on them. To be honest, I have long since given up on uploading these to personal blogs and you are more than welcome to reblog these edits if you want. However, if you claim them as yours I will hunt you down, and believe me, my fair ass <i>will</i> find you.<br>You can always ask me to make things for you, after all, if I can make them for myself I can make them for others! Hit me up with gifset requests and PSD requests.
  1706. <h3>OOC INTERACTIONS</h3>
  1707. I am 21 and I'm <i>tired.</i> I have been on tumblr for five years now, I have been writing James Norrington for around the same period of time. I know this site and its mentality well; and let me just state that I no longer have time for the bullshit.<br> I am not here for the mob mentality, nor am I here for callout culture. I'm here to write and to feel comfortable in a hobby I have grown to love very much over the course of many years. Keep your drama away from me, I'm absolutely not interested.<p>If you have a problem with seeing other languages than English on your dash, I advice you not to follow me. I speak three languages fluently ( four actually, the Dutch government can fight me. Limburgian is a language ) and I have always been a very liberate switcher between them, not only on the dash but also in real life. I do not tag this, I frankly don't care anymore. In the past, people have come to me asking me to tag these things, and in the past I used to do exactly that; but here's the tea Shanon, if you can't wrap your head around the fact that people speak other languages than English you can leave my blog.<p><br>Don't spam me on the IMS / discord. My energy levels fluctuate, and answering OOC messages often takes me too much of it to be comfortable. If you see me being active on the dash that doesn't mean that I have to reply to your messages; to be crude, you are in no way entitled to my time or attention. However, this doesn't mean that I don't care for you / your muses / our interactions. As stated above, I'm just tired.<p><i>I know my limits !</i> I know the amount of work I can handle, and I know the amount of heavy topics I can take. If I mention that I'm near my breaking point I do fully expect you to drop it; I'm very open in regards to my mental health and the way it affects me on a day to day basis because I feel like people can learn from it. But this honesty only comes to people I feel comfortable enough with.
  1709. <h3>SOME MORE SALT</h3>
  1710. <i>This is the ocean, what did you expect ?</i> I have no time for people who don't wish to interact with me. Don't pretend, be honest with me. Don't plot with me if you have no idea who the character is and you're not willing to learn. I don't expect people to know every single character I play, but once we get to plotting <b>please</b> don't claim that you know a muse while you actually don't. I love talking about my kids, let me talk about them to you!<p><br>I write prose. There, I said it. My writing is flowery and filled with symbolism and metaphors. Fight me on this Shanon. Don't come at me saying that I write purple prose, because I will hunt you down and drop my Hornblower novels on you while you sleep. If you don't like my writing style, unfollow and don't look back. I only change my writing style for people who are currently learning the English language / aren't comfortable enough in it yet. The same courtesy was given to me when I started out writing, and I cannot stress enough how that helped me grow and develop. <p><br>Minors are welcome here. NSFW will be present on this blog, and this shall be tagged to great extent to make sure that it will be blacklisted to those who want it to be. I will not write NSFW content ( ALL NSFW CONTENT. Not only smut. ) With people under the age of 18. <p><br><b>Don't try and censor me in any way.</b> All triggering content will be tagged into great detail and you are always free to ask me to tag things for you. But don't try and dictate me what to write / reblog / develop, because I will just scream louder.
  1711. </div>
  1712. </div>
  1714. <div id="box4" class="popup_block">
  1715. <div id="text">
  1717. <div align="center">
  1719. <div class="links_list">
  1720. <p class="links_head">HORNBLOWER</p>
  1721. <div class="links_body">
  1726. <div class="links_listb">
  1727. <p class="links_headb">Horatio Hornblower</p>
  1728. <div class="links_bodyb">
  1731. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  1732. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  1733. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Horatio Hornblower<br>
  1734. <b>NICKNAME:</b> <strike>the sailor who was seasick at spithead</strike><br>
  1735. <b>AGE:</b> 17 - 25<br>
  1736. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 4th of July 1776<Br>
  1737. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  1738. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  1739. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Bi-romantic <i>( heavily leaning towards men. )</i><br>
  1740. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Homosexual<br>
  1741. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  1742. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English / French / Spanish / Greek / Latin<br>
  1743. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> midshipman / lieutenant / captain <i>( depending on verse ) </i>
  1744. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  1745. Born as the only son of a doctor in Kent, Horatio was <I>HARDLY</I> fit for the navy from the start. With an interest and affinity for numbers and a skill in languages but a lack of knowledge on an outrigger or ratline he didn’t exactly stand a chance between the well-experienced sailors that resided on the HMS Justinian. Making him equally a target to the bullying of some, as a friend to the kindness of others. A clever man who rose up the ranks of the royal navy due to his quick thinking and ability to outsmart most senior officers, either friend or foe. He’s extremely loyalty driven; and a good friend and commander to those who serve with him.
  1747. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  1748. Semi - active. Plotted interactions <b>ONLY</b>.
  1749. </div></div>
  1751. <div class="links_listb">
  1752. <p class="links_headb">Archie Kennedy</p>
  1753. <div class="links_bodyb">
  1754. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  1755. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  1756. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Archie Kennedy<br>
  1757. <b>NICKNAME:</b> None.<br>
  1758. <b>AGE:</b> 18 - 26<br>
  1759. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 9th of April 1775<br>
  1760. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  1761. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  1762. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Homosexual<br>
  1763. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Homosexual<br>
  1764. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  1765. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English / Spanish<br>
  1766. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> midshipman / lieutenant <i>( depending on verse ) </i>
  1767. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  1768. Born as the second son to an aristocratic family living in London there was never a question as to what Archie was to become - a midshipman from the fragile age of 14, torn from the life he had desperately wanted to lead. A dreamer above all things / gentle soul who feels more affinity to the arts than to sailing, yet a man who has learned to weather the storms that terrorize the sea, learned how to balance himself upon the violent sway underneath his feet. <p>
  1769. After four years with the abusive midshipman Simpson he has developed non-epileptic seizures which only return when under great stress. This condition was only made worse by a year spend in Spanish captivity; a noticeable feat was his escape from five prisons before finally walking out the doors a free man once more.
  1771. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  1772. Very, very, active.
  1773. </div></div>
  1775. <div class="links_listb">
  1776. <p class="links_headb">William Bush</p>
  1777. <div class="links_bodyb">
  1778. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  1779. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  1780. <b>FULL NAME:</b> William Bush<br>
  1781. <b>NICKNAME:</b> Bush <strike>Mistah Boosh</strike><br>
  1782. <b>AGE:</b> 31<br>
  1783. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 21 November 1772<Br>
  1784. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  1785. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  1786. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Biromantic<br>
  1787. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Bisexual<br>
  1788. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  1789. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English<br>
  1790. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Captain
  1791. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  1792. Born as the Oldest child and only son of the Bush household William was quick to grow into the role of command. Always the rock for others to rely on, always the man on whom others leaned / the bringer of peace when peace within himself was far from found.<p>Sharp tongued, a master of backhanded compliments and sassy remarks. Filled with love for his sisters and mother and more at home on the sea than he will ever be on shore.<p>Break through the walls he has build up around himself and you'll find a loyal friend, a man driven by duty and beliefs.
  1793. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  1794. Active.
  1795. </div></div>
  1797. <div class="links_listb">
  1798. <p class="links_headb">Edward Pellew</p>
  1799. <div class="links_bodyb">
  1800. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  1801. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  1802. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Edward Pellew<br>
  1803. <b>NICKNAME:</b> None. <strike>dadmiral</strike><br>
  1804. <b>AGE:</b> 45 - 53<br>
  1805. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 27th of December 1748<Br>
  1806. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  1807. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  1808. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Heteroromantic<br>
  1809. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Heterosexual<br>
  1810. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  1811. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English<br>
  1812. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Captain / Admiral
  1813. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  1814. The oldest son to a low noble family settled in Dover, Edward was a wild child in his youth. At the age of 14 he all but ran away to the sea to become a midshipman. Clever and driven and with a natural air which made men follow him to greater lengths than they most likely should his superior officers at the time saw great potential in the young mister Pellew.<p>A lieutenant at the age of 20, one of the few looking at the mistreatments within the navy to their own with the intention of healing those wounds / a dreamer of a better order. His distaste for the nobility ever growing, yet a man gifted with a sharp tongue and a familiarity with wandering through the dangers of politics.<p>Men had always been willing to follow him, so it was no surprise that he quickly rose through the ranks, eventually making it to Admiral.
  1816. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  1817. Semi - active.
  1818. </div></div>
  1820. <div class="links_listb">
  1821. <p class="links_headb">Henry Wellard</p>
  1822. <div class="links_bodyb">
  1823. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  1824. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  1825. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Henry Wellard<br>
  1826. <b>NICKNAME:</b> None.<br>
  1827. <b>AGE:</b> 18<br>
  1828. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 5th of April 1780<Br>
  1829. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  1830. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  1831. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Biromantic<br>
  1832. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Demisexual / Bisexual<br>
  1833. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  1834. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English / French<br>
  1835. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Midshipman
  1836. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  1837. Biography will be added as I develop Wellard further. Please feel free to contact me in regards to his details, for as of right now, he doesn't want to give up his secrets just yet.
  1838. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  1839. Upon request only. To be frank, I'd love to write Henry more, but he only seems comfortable with plotted interactions. Please show some interest in this kid, he's worth it.
  1841. </div></div>
  1843. <div class="links_listb">
  1844. <p class="links_headb">Andre Cotard</p>
  1845. <div class="links_bodyb">
  1846. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  1847. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  1848. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Andre Pasqual Cotard<br>
  1849. <b>NICKNAME:</b> None.<br>
  1850. <b>AGE:</b> 39<br>
  1851. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 21th of May 1754<Br>
  1852. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  1853. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  1854. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Homoromantic<br>
  1855. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Homosexual<br>
  1856. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  1857. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> French / English<br>
  1858. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Major
  1859. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  1860. Biography will be added as I develop Cotard further. Please feel free to contact me in regards to his details. <strike>Stubborn Frog</strike>
  1861. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  1862. Upon request only.
  1863. </div></div>
  1865. <div class="links_listb">
  1866. <p class="links_headb">Duchess of Wharfedale</p>
  1867. <div class="links_bodyb">
  1869. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  1870. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  1871. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Katharine Cobham<br>
  1872. <b>NICKNAME:</b> Kitty<br>
  1873. <b>AGE:</b> 43<br>
  1874. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 15th of Februari 1758<Br>
  1875. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  1876. <b>GENDER:</b> Female<br>
  1877. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Biromantic<br>
  1878. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Bisexual<br>
  1879. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  1880. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English / Spanish / French<br>
  1881. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Actress
  1882. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  1883. The only child to a middleclass family living in London. From a very young age Katharine showed signs of a passion for the arts, at first, her interests rested in the field of music; a singer from birth, gifted with a fair voice. A wild child at the best of times, always seeking out the edge of customs and appropriate behavior.<p>Around the age of 13 her interests shifted to drama, running off to the theatre shortly after. Her parents did not agree with this, but there was nothing they could do to stop this storm of a human being from living her days on and around the stage.<p>From a stage girl to a lead actress, Katharine quickly became known as Kitty and she had the pleasure of having roles applenty. This career eventually took her across Europe. She was in Florence when the French invaded, desperate for a way back home, and what was she if not a natural born actress?<p>The role of Duchess had always suited her well enough anyway.
  1885. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  1886. Active. Kitty will befriend everyone in sight. Please let this woman brighten up your muse their day, thank you very much.
  1887. </div></div>
  1889. <div class="links_listb">
  1890. <p class="links_headb">Joshua Styles</p>
  1891. <div class="links_bodyb">
  1892. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  1893. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  1894. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Joshua Styles<br>
  1895. <b>NICKNAME:</b> Styles<br>
  1896. <b>AGE:</b> 41<br>
  1897. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 15th of Februari 1756<Br>
  1898. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  1899. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  1900. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Homoromantic<br>
  1901. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Homosexual<br>
  1902. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  1903. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English<br>
  1904. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Sailor
  1905. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  1906. Born into a rather poor, but tight knit family living just outside of London Joshua grew up in a home made warm by love. Family was everything to him growing up, and would remain to be so for the rest of his life. He was the second child to four, one older sister and a younger sister and brother.<p>It was for his younger sister that he spend time in jail, he does not regret beating the man who had her cornered in a dark alleyway. At least, not as much as he regrets not killing him. Fuelled by rage yet somewhat of a model prisoner he was eventually pressed, setting him on board of the same ship Gavin Matthews just so happened to be on.<p>Luck took form in the shape of a man for him / salvation in a stern voice and kind compassion enough to sooth the waves of rage. Their relationship is as secret as it is important to him, by now, they are married for at least 8 years and Styles will not take kindly to any advances to him or to his husband. He is far too loyal and in love for any of that, thank you very much.
  1908. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  1909. Upon request only. Please know that Styles his story is heavily tied to <b>RIGGINGFREEDOM</b> his Matthews, and that, if I'm totally frank, he does have litte interest in interacting with anyone else if it isn't to tease or dad a muse.
  1911. </div></div>
  1912. </div></div>
  1914. <div class="links_list">
  1915. <p class="links_head">MASTER AND COMMANDER</p>
  1916. <div class="links_body">
  1919. <div class="links_listb">
  1920. <p class="links_headb">Jack Aubrey</p>
  1921. <div class="links_bodyb">
  1922. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  1923. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  1924. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Jack Aubrey<br>
  1925. <b>NICKNAME:</b> Lucky Jack<br>
  1926. <b>AGE:</b> 25 - 40<br>
  1927. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 03 October 1766<Br>
  1928. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  1929. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  1930. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Biromantic<br>
  1931. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Bisexual<br>
  1932. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  1933. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English<br>
  1934. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Captain
  1935. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  1936. Lucky captain Jack, a title well earned, as is the one declaring him to be <i>stubborn</i>. Playing with the articles of war rather loosely but driven by the grand desire and moral duty to do right by his crew. Each loss of a soul weighs heavily upon his heart.<p>A kind captain, yet an even kinder friend, Jack Aubrey is a force to be reckoned with in all regards! Driven by the desire to win, nearly turning everything into a game within his own mind. He will, and shall, move heaven and earth to get whatever he has sat his mind to. <p>Extremely loyal, basically a human turned golden retriever. I really don't know what else to say about this human angel.
  1938. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  1939. Active. Will befriend everyone on sight.
  1940. </div></div>
  1942. <div class="links_listb">
  1943. <p class="links_headb">Stephen Maturin</p>
  1944. <div class="links_bodyb">
  1945. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  1946. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  1947. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Stephen Maturin<br>
  1948. <b>NICKNAME:</b> none<br>
  1949. <b>AGE:</b> 32<br>
  1950. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 7 December 1771<br>
  1951. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  1952. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  1953. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Biromantic<br>
  1954. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> demi-sexual / asexual<br>
  1955. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  1956. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English / Spanish / French<br>
  1957. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Doctor & Surgeon
  1958. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  1959. Who will force this man into revealing more about himself? I don't know, not me, that's for sure.
  1961. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  1962. Semi - active. Stephen only reacts well to muses who actively show interest in interacting with him, he is not the type of muse who does the work. He's a bat, and he will not come out from his dark corner until forced.
  1963. </div></div>
  1965. <div class="links_listb">
  1966. <p class="links_headb">William Warley</p>
  1967. <div class="links_bodyb">
  1968. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  1969. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  1970. <b>FULL NAME:</b> William Warley<br>
  1971. <b>NICKNAME:</b> Will / Warley /<i>he who deserved better</i><br>
  1972. <b>AGE:</b> 24<br>
  1973. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 7 December 1778<br>
  1974. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  1975. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  1976. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Biromantic<br>
  1977. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Bisexual<br>
  1978. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  1979. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English<br>
  1980. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Sailor
  1981. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  1982. Pressed into the navy at 17 years old, Warley never really had a shot at living a life outside of it. Good with his hands yet even quicker with his tongue; the kind of man who could get a whole crew singing or shut them up in a matter of seconds. A friend to most, a shadow to the officers.<p>Raised by a firm mother and an absent father who believed in discipline above anything, he was already excellent at following orders before he was even pressed. Surviving on a ship had been hard at first, seasick more often than not, yet he knew what the value of human life was to most officers, and how little it truly meant.<p>By the time Warley found his home on the <i>Surprise</i> under the command of Jack Aubrey he was 21 and already more than familiar with life on board of a ship. A brother figure to younger lads who carry the same burden that he once did.
  1984. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  1985. Semi - active due to the limit canon materials. However, Warley interacts well with nearly every muse thrown at him and I'm confident that there are beautiful threads in his future.
  1987. <br>
  1989. </div></div>
  1990. </div></div>
  1993. <div class="links_list">
  1994. <p class="links_head">PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN</p>
  1995. <div class="links_body">
  1998. <div class="links_listb">
  1999. <p class="links_headb">James Norrington</p>
  2000. <div class="links_bodyb">
  2001. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  2002. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  2003. <b>FULL NAME:</b> James Lawrence Norrington<br>
  2004. <b>NICKNAME:</b> Former Commodore / <strike>Jem</strike><br>
  2005. <b>AGE:</b> 19 - 29<br>
  2006. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 16th of July 1700<br>
  2007. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  2008. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  2009. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Homoromantic<br>
  2010. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Homosexual<br>
  2011. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  2012. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English / French<br>
  2013. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Lieutenant, Captain, Commodore, Admiral
  2014. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  2015. As the only son of Admiral Lawrence Norrington, there was always a great burden on the shoulders of James. With no loving home to grow up in and his life and career already planned for him from the moment of his birth there was nothing left for him to do except grow into the role he was given.<p>An officer from a young age, 19 when he was a Lieutenant on the <i>HMS Dauntless</i>. 22 when he became captain. <p>James Norrington is extremely driven. He is a barrel of gunpowder waiting for a spark / inner turmoil far too great to be contained. Filled with pride, yet equally filled with distaste for his own titles and the crowd in which he finds himself. No one hates the admiralty as much as he does, yet no one has ever lived as much for them.
  2016. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  2017. Active. James will answer every starter and ask within reason.
  2019. </div></div>
  2021. <div class="links_listb">
  2022. <p class="links_headb">Elizabeth Swann</p>
  2023. <div class="links_bodyb">
  2024. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  2025. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  2026. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Elizabeth Mary Swann<br>
  2027. <b>NICKNAME:</b> Pirate King / Lizzy<br>
  2028. <b>AGE:</b> 16 - 25<br>
  2029. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 27th of October 1711<br>
  2030. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  2031. <b>GENDER:</b> Female<br>
  2032. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Biromantic<br>
  2033. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Bisexual<br>
  2034. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  2035. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English / French<br>
  2036. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Governor's daughter, Pirate, Pirate King
  2037. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  2038. She was just another girl living in a golden cage, until the day she wasn't. Born with fire in her heart and the sea calling her through the blood pumping through her veins, Elizabeth was everything but the proper lady her father surely wished her to be. Sure, she could pretend. She could sit still and listen, but he must have known the storm that roared within her.<p>Clever as well as skilled in the art of sailing, a quick learner amongst other admirable attributes; not afraid to open her mouth and draw her sword, yet soft when needed to.<p>We all know the story of Elizabeth Swann well. We all know how she grew from the Governor's daughter into the Pirate king.
  2040. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  2041. Semi - active. For Elizabeth I'm heavily leaning towards plotted interactions based on an actual desire as to interact with her, not just because she's one of the three muses you know. There are various sides to her, and I really want to explore them more in a setting where they are welcomed and encouraged.
  2043. </div></div>
  2045. <div class="links_listb">
  2046. <p class="links_headb">William Turner</p>
  2047. <div class="links_bodyb">
  2048. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  2049. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  2050. <b>FULL NAME:</b> William Turner<br>
  2051. <b>NICKNAME:</b> Will<br>
  2052. <b>AGE:</b> 18 - 27<br>
  2053. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 11th of Januari 1709<br>
  2054. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  2055. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  2056. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Heteroromantic<br>
  2057. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Heterosexual<br>
  2058. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  2059. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English<br>
  2060. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Blacksmith / Pirate / Captain of the Flying Dutchman
  2061. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  2062. Biography coming soon, first I have to figure out how much of Disney's shit I want to throw in a dumpster and how much I want to salvage.
  2063. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  2064. Semi - active / still in development. Plotting is heavily encouraged at this point in time.
  2066. </div></div>
  2067. </div></div>
  2069. <div class="links_list">
  2070. <p class="links_head">ORIGINAL CHARACTERS</p>
  2071. <div class="links_body">
  2073. <div class="links_listb">
  2074. <p class="links_headb">Jackson Ayers</p>
  2075. <div class="links_bodyb">
  2076. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  2077. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  2078. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Jackson Douglas Ayers<br>
  2079. <b>NICKNAME:</b> Jackie<br>
  2080. <b>AGE:</b> 26<br>
  2081. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 21th of July 1724<br>
  2082. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  2083. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  2084. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Homoromantic<br>
  2085. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Homosexual<br>
  2086. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  2087. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English / French<br>
  2088. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Midshipman
  2089. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  2090. Oh, sweet child, have you not danced along to the soft hum of wilting flowers? Have you not tasted the salt of the sea on your lips before you were even old enough to understand the calling of it? Leave the arms of your mother behind when you run towards the water which call has always tugged at your heart; Finally, you can return home when your feet find the comfort of a sturdy deck and the palm of your hand finds familiarity with the roughness of rope.<p>
  2091. Jackson Douglas Ayers was the first child born to Alfred Ayers ( father ) and Kenna Ayers ( mother ) a boy with the near golden hair of his father and the stormy eyes of his mother. For the longest time, the family believed that it would be just the three of them; since Kenna did not again fall pregnant for many years to come. It didn’t matter, for the husband and wife loved their son dearly and while the two of them might differ from time to time they both agreed that their son was the most important thing in the world to them.<p>
  2092. Jackson had the pleasure of growing up with an educated father, one who not only taught him to read from a very young age; but who also allowed him to grow and explore the beauty of the word, resulting in a love for poetry from the fragile age of 7. While his father might have been a man with a warm smile and his fingers forever stained with ink, his mother was a wild woman with hair as red as fire and a raging storm trapped inside her eyes. There could not have been a stranger pair in the entirety of England, and yet they made it work.<p>
  2093. From a very young age Jackson understood and answered to the call of the sea; wandering off ever so often to stand inside the cold, muddy, water until the calls of his mother reached his ears, drawing him back to reality.<br>
  2094. Just a few months before his 18th birthday did Jackson finally join the navy; due to the nature of his father’s job ( being a private tutor for many noble boys, and many boys from naval officers. ) Was he able to rise the ranks quickly to the position of midshipman. Here he grew to be stuck. Although the fact of no promotion never bothered him. He was far too glad to sail the seas and to taste the salt upon his lips.
  2095. <br><i>Jackson could previously be found on Pueraqua</i>
  2096. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  2097. Jackson can and will fit into most situations. He is a midshipman, he can hop from one ship to the next without grand alterations to his storyline. Please, let me write him more often.
  2098. </div></div>
  2100. <div class="links_listb">
  2101. <p class="links_headb">Adelé DesRosiers</p>
  2102. <div class="links_bodyb">
  2104. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  2105. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  2106. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Adelé Nereida DesRosiers<br>
  2107. <b>NICKNAME:</b> None. The use of nicknames would not be adviced.<br>
  2108. <b>AGE:</b> 25<br>
  2109. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 8 December 1725<br>
  2110. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Spaniards<br>
  2111. <b>GENDER:</b> Female<br>
  2112. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Biromantic<br>
  2113. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Bisexual<br>
  2114. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  2115. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> Spanish / English / French<br>
  2116. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Captain / Pirate / Fugitive / Dona
  2117. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  2118. Born as the only daughter and youngest child to Marqués Ernesto DesRosiers, Spanish nobility by title and heritage from his mother’s side, French nobility by title and heritage from his father's ( hence the French surname ) Adelé grew up in a home filled with riches aplenty; yet she herself soon found that she was just another trinket, just another piece of art to be collected and put on display in the corner of a room. With her mother dying during childbirth she grew up around mostly men, with the only exception to this being the maids that lived on the estate. At the fragile age of 15 she was engaged to a man who at that time already was 41 years old. <p>
  2119. A porcelain doll which was to be kept in the corner - something shiny to look at and admire for the lively glow in dark eyes and hair that fell like a waterfall around an angelic shaped face. She was indeed beautiful / just as she was dangerous. Married at 16 she quickly settled into the life she was forced to lead. Well mannered nods and bows, gentle smiles at her husband who adored her; if only he had known about the fire burning in her heart. <p>
  2120. It was on the shores near the mansion that she now called hers that she learned the theory about sailing. Chatting up to sailors on her strolls, making friends with soft smiles who knew everything about the world she so longed to see. They thought of her as kind, and she allowed for them to believe it. She stayed with her husband for over two years before she killed him. Pressing a pillow against his face as he slept. He was neither cruel nor violent to her, except for the fact that he had wanted her to be caged until she died; the porcelain doll had broken a long time ago, and the man cut himself on the shards of it.<p>
  2122. Using his money and her own name to buy passage on a navy ship with a captain sailing under the Spanish colours yet with crooked morals aplenty she tried to make a run for it. Trying to leave the cage behind. Alas, she had not counted on the wrath of her brother, Raoul Carlos DesRosiers. A captain in the Spanish navy because of his wealth; having bought his way to the top as well as the loyalty of a crew rather than having earned it. For upon hearing the news of the passing of his brother in law and the disappearance of his sister Raoul tried to seek her out / starting the chase in which he was determined to either kill his sister or force her back home.<p>
  2123. Neither was to become true; for the money of her late husband and her own dangerous smiles could get Adelé far, buying passage from one ship onto the next, until eventually she was dropped off on clew bay in Ireland. The captain who had brought her there had cared little if she was to live or die; all he cared about was the gold in his pockets. Clew bay is a well known spot for pirates around the irish coast / one of the last places protected from the navy by reputation. It was here that long black hair was cut and dresses were traded for trousers and smudged shirts, she was no fool, she knew how to adapt. Out on the ocean she had proven herself capable of sailing, and some pirate captains were more than willing to accept her onto their vessels. Letting them sail with them until she got a name amongs them.<p>
  2124. Adelé Nereida DesRosiers was a name no one would forget; her times of laying low, trying to remain invisible for her brother, were shortlived. An excelent shot, yet even better with a sword, and armed with a sharp tongue and quick wit / a woman to watch out for. By the age of 22 she was able to obtain a small ship and an even smaller crew. A captain, just like her brother, but with more loyalty and well earned fame to her name than Raoul could ever hope to gain.
  2125. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  2126. I would kill to write more of and with her. Let your muse have a violent Spanish lady in their lives.
  2127. </div></div>
  2129. <div class="links_listb">
  2130. <p class="links_headb">Victoria Bush</p>
  2131. <div class="links_bodyb">
  2132. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  2133. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  2134. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Victoria Bush<br>
  2135. <b>NICKNAME:</b> Vic<br>
  2136. <b>AGE:</b> 19<br>
  2137. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 15 may 1774<br>
  2138. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  2139. <b>GENDER:</b> Female<br>
  2140. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Biromantic<br>
  2141. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Bisexual<br>
  2142. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  2143. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English<br>
  2144. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> unwed / no occupation as of yet
  2145. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  2146. The youngest daughter and youngest child in the Bush household, a sweet and gentle maiden who takes great pleasure in gardening and pressing flowers / angelic laughter falls from her lips whenever she hears of her brother’s return. A dreamer and a hopeless romantic. She misses her brother more than anything when he has to leave, yet she does not sit idly by waiting for him to return. She seeks comfort in doing chores around the house and singing.
  2147. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  2148. Heavily upon request, all William Bush writers are welcome to plot with Victoria if they so desire. For other characters not associated with the family directly ( this does not include the main Hornblower cast, for them the same rules as William Bush apply ) <b>HEAVY</b> plotting is adviced. I will <b>NOT</b> answer memes / starters thrown into her direction without previous plotting or a known setting.
  2149. </div></div>
  2151. <div class="links_listb">
  2152. <p class="links_headb">Willem Van Der Decken</p>
  2153. <div class="links_bodyb">
  2154. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  2155. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  2156. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Willem Theodorus Van Der Decken<br>
  2157. <b>NICKNAME:</b> none / captain of the Flying Dutchman<br>
  2158. <b>AGE:</b> 28 / immortal<br>
  2159. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> this he has forgotten but it was 7 December, the year however, is unknown<br>
  2160. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  2161. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  2162. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Homoromantic<br>
  2163. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Homosexual<br>
  2164. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  2165. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> Dutch / English / French<br>
  2166. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Captain of the Flying Dutchman
  2167. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  2168. Born on a stormy night in early December to a Dutch merchant and his wife, it was said that Willem held the earth in his eyes; as dark as the night and even as a child they were empty of joy. It seemed as if he grew up in limbo itself, no sound of childish laughter drifted from the rooms in which he played, but neither did cries of a child longing for his mother. Reserved, even then.<br>Growing up without seeing much of his father, and rarely being allowed around his mother, had been hard on the young boy; who could often be found near the pond in the family garden. Willem was a lonely child, isolated from the other kids in the town, and never really allowed to socialize whenever his parents had company over<p>With the rise of the VOC his father was quick to invest his money in the company, and at the age of 17, Willem was pushed forward as a possible midshipman for the <i>Juil</i>. A small merchant ship of which he would eventually become captain when he was 24.<br>Upholding conversation was, to that day, nothing short of a struggle for the young man; even if he had now carefully constructed a shield around him, the fact that he was now <b>captain</b> instead of a mere merchant son did him some good in more ways than one.<p>Married to Catharina at the age of 25, Willem once again fell into dispair, for he had no love for her and sailed far often than either his crew or wife could truly appreciate. Wealth came to him, a familiar face on the spice market, for he had used his father's connections and name to build somewhat of an empire. At least, that was the story which he would shyly tell at home and to his wife whenever he was forced to see her.<br>The truth about this wealth was, indeed, far more dishonest. For what the world did not know was that the shy boy with the earth in his eyes hadn't merely been sitting by the pond in the garden, hadn't been merely been keeping quiet in his room whenever it rained. Willem had been making deals / spirits of water and air had been kind to him in the absence of his parents, for no matter what the world might think; the supernatural surely lives in The Netherlands, as well as in those who grow up lonely and are therefor easy pray.<p>Fair winds and fair seas, and all he had to pay was bits and pieces of his own soul; a bargain, especially for someone who had nothing else to give.<br>However the soul is not mortal, nor is it unlimited, and Willem was bound to run out soon. Restless, unable to sleep either on land or on the seas; the world was indeed cruel to him during those months. Clawing at his own skin, trying to make the laughter of the waves stop. Pulling at his own hair, trying to make the howls of the winds fall silent.<p>It was easter when he sailed last. A final act of defiance against God himself. His crew, loyal and well paid, unable to prevent him from setting sail on that faitful day. Neither was Catharina, but perhaps her desire to make him stay only encouraged him to go.<p>Willem sailed for one year without finding land. Supplies had long since ran out, yet no man fell ill, no man died of starvation. God, a cruel player in the game of life. The spirits, even more so. There is no rest for those who have sold their souls / no kingdom come nor a place to rest their weiry heads. Limbo is where they dwell, Limbo, is where they'll stay.
  2169. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  2170. Willem is available to everyone <b>but only in plotted interactions</b>, I need at least a rough outline of a plot to be able to write him. While this version of the Flying Dutchman might differ from the one most people are familiar with in media, it is one which paints a different picture of the captain himself. Willem is able to meet people, but only when they do so at sea / interactions on land will not take place because he cannot go there.
  2171. </div></div>
  2173. <div class="links_listb">
  2174. <p class="links_headb">William Silas Dover </p>
  2175. <div class="links_bodyb">
  2176. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  2177. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  2178. <b>FULL NAME:</b> William Silas Dover<br>
  2179. <b>NICKNAME:</b> none.<br>
  2180. <b>AGE:</b> 21 to 30<br>
  2181. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 15th of April 1722<br>
  2182. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  2183. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  2184. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Homoromantic<br>
  2185. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Homosexual<br>
  2186. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  2187. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> English / French / Latin / Greek<br>
  2188. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Fourth Lieutenant
  2189. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  2190. He was born in the early spring, when the skies above England cleared up and the sun shone down upon him from the moment he first drew breath. William was loved by his mother and adored by his father from the moment he entered the world; the oldest child, the oldest son. He was destined to bring joy to them, or so they thought. His father a man of politics, and his mother a woman who favoured the finer things in life far above the value of a family, William grew up with his nose in a book for most of his childhood. <br>The birth of a younger brother, Maximilian (Always called Max by family) did little to bring him out of the shadows more. By the age of 11 he knew the name and capital of every country of which those details were available to him. By the age of 13 he found great pleasure in mathematics and chose to surround himself with numbers rather than with stories or people.<p>At the age of 15 his father shipped him off to the navy as a midshipman, for William was of little use to him otherwise, sure, the boy could make miracles happen when given a few numbers which had proven to be quite useful when coins where limited and their value too little for what he wanted to achieve, but he saw a brighter future for the youngest son who had no problem wrapping men and women around his finger with a well placed smile and a speech clever enough to make your head spin.<p>Even if he was able to rise through the ranks of the navy due to his excellent memory, and perhaps, even better ears, he could never be happy upon a ship; the navy was hardly the place for a man who was better suited for soft whispers rather than the loud roars of cannon fire. War was unkind to him, yet it did not make him so.
  2191. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  2192. William dies at the age of 30. There is no way around this, ever. He works in the same timelines as Jackson and Adelé, and might, in certain timelines, even appear as the partner of Jackson; at the very least these two will always be tied together unless at the point of his timeline where he's a midshipman. Plotting is encouraged, although my heart swells every time someone shows interest in my ocs.
  2194. </div></div>
  2195. <div class="links_listb">
  2196. <p class="links_headb">Jan Klaassen</p>
  2197. <div class="links_bodyb">
  2198. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  2199. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  2200. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Jan Klaassen<br>
  2201. <b>NICKNAME:</b> Trompetter van de Prins<br>
  2202. <b>AGE:</b> 31<br>
  2203. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 26 September 1761<br>
  2204. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  2205. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  2206. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Biromantic<br>
  2207. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> Bisexual<br>
  2208. <b>RELIGION:</b> Catholic<br>
  2209. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> Dutch / English / French<br>
  2210. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> trumpeter of the prince / trumpeter within the Dutch army
  2211. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  2212. A young boy born to a lower class family living in Zuid Holland, a musician from a very young age and dedicated to nothing but his trumpet. Jan still remembers the first time he saw and heard the instrument, a summer sunday afternoon on a bridge near his home when he was five years old; squeezing in the hand of his father as blue eyes went wide with delight at the reflecting sun in the silver of it. <br>His father broke his own back trying to get his only son the instrument of his dreams, and while the man worked a wild variety of jobs and saving every penny, the young child sat on his bed; fingers moving through the air as if he was already holding it in his hands. <p>He was 17 when he joined the Dutch States Army, even if he didn't have the stomach for violence, nor a particular taste for war and bloodshed. He favoured his music above anything, yet saw no career in it other than being the merry tune to which men were to march towards their graves.<br>Quickly accepted by the soldiers as one of their own, for if there was anything Jan knew how to do well, it was how to set a mood; men pulled him towards the fire around which they gathered, urging him to play one song after the next while the lyrics fell from their lips.<p>Home was found whenever he was with the men he grew to consider as a family. For his mother died when he was eight years old from an illness he never quite understood, and his father suffered an accident when he was 19, the letter notifying him of this had to be read to him by a soldier from another regiment who took pity on the man staring at the paper with a puzzled look inside his eyes.
  2214. <p>Their marching took them to Belgium where they met the French on various fronts; it would not be long until Jan saw his own hands soaked with the blood of another man. He suffered from this, greatly so. Violence was a taste he disliked, it was not something he cradled in his chest waiting to leap out like so many men did. Until, eventually, its seed was planted and anger bloomed behind his ribcage.<br>Seeing the men he had grown to consider as his brothers die before his very eyes made him hard, allowed him to build a shield around himself which was to protect him from the outside world; he wanted nothing to do with war, but the war wanted everything to do with him. <p>Once so merry tunes turned into something far more aggressive / happiness fleeting and only truly felt when he slipped away into the night to spend some time in the bed of whoever was willing to have him there. Intimacy something he was able to share freely and often, for it was when he slept with a warm body beside him that he could truly sleep without dreams.<br>He had been away when it happened, a slaughter in the Belgian Ardennes; there were no survivors amongst the Dutch soldiers, except, perhaps, that blasted trumpeter who spend the night in the arms of an innkeepers daughter.<p>To The Netherlands, Jan Klaassen is dead. To the kids who gather around him to hear him play his trumpet, however, he is, very much, alive.
  2215. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  2216. Active. Very, very, active.
  2218. </div></div>
  2220. <div class="links_listb">
  2221. <p class="links_headb">Naut Gooischot</p>
  2222. <div class="links_bodyb">
  2223. <img src="" align="left" style="height:85px;width:85px;padding-right:5px;padding-bottom:0px;">
  2224. <h3>STATS.</h3>
  2225. <b>FULL NAME:</b> Naut Gooischot<br>
  2226. <b>NICKNAME:</b> none if you wanna live<br>
  2227. <b>AGE:</b> 47<br>
  2228. <b>BIRTH DATE:</b> 31 October 1620<br>
  2229. <b>ETHNICITY:</b> Caucasian<br>
  2230. <b>GENDER:</b> Male<br>
  2231. <b>ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:</b> Biromantic<br>
  2232. <b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION:</b> demi-sexual / Bisexual<br>
  2233. <b>RELIGION:</b> He has no time for god<br>
  2234. <b>SPOKEN LANGUAGES:</b> Dutch / English<br>
  2235. <b>OCCUPATION:</b> Third Lieutenant within the Dutch Navy
  2236. <h3>BIOGRAPHY</h3>
  2237. Born as the oldest son of a family of 13 kids on a rather large farm in Zeeland, Naut grew up mostly taking care of his younger siblings; with his father marrying a total of 4 times, he grew fairly accustomed to the ever changing family dynamic around the house. His father demanded him to split his time between farm work as well as watching the little ones whenever he could not. It shaped him, making him hard and stern, a quality, which would come in handy later in life.<p>He was 26 when he was pressed, a fool who stormed out of the house to tell the officers seeking extra hands off with his youngest sister on his arm. It was his blessing in many ways; the Dutch navy a horrible place to be for a man who had never sailed before, made even worse by the fact that he was shoved onto a ship of the line. He saw his first battle within two weeks of being at sea.
  2239. <p>Two years after he was pressed he found himself in a rather unique situation, he had lived through various battles and encounters with the enemy, even if the same couldn't be said for many of his fellow shipmates. He was standing directly next to a young midshipman (the kind of man who had no idea what he was babbling on about, just another sheep lead to the slaughter by a father who valued glory above the life of his son / a waist upon a ship like this) when a piece of debris cut the man's neck open; covered in blood of his superior Naut was quick to take over the command in the heat of battle, barking orders had, after all, been a natural state of being for him while he was growing up.<br>The men who now followed his command did excellent, and his captain, a good man but a rather big fool with his head in the clouds, made him midshipman. Captain Huistede was, in the humble opinion of now midshipman Gooischot, the most idiotic man that ever lived.
  2241. <p>The nature of the war meant that the dynamics on the ship were ever changing, quite like the family with which he grew up. Naut, who never wanted to become an officer to begin with, quickly rose through the ranks out of the sheer luck of being alive and being excellent during times of great distress. A very loud voice which could be heard shouting more insults than actual orders at times somewhat became a beacon of hope for men facing the cannons of the enemy for the first time. Yet, he put his foot down at the position of third lieutenant; for he is absolutely not interested in officially rising any higher (heaven forbid that he might one day become captain, no, he is having none of it) to great delight of the captains under which he has sailed / and to annoyance of his siblings who still mostly financially depends on him, yet, he is rather fed up with living his life for them rather than himself.
  2243. <p>Unmarried and very much pleased with his life, he eventually goes to sail underneath Michiel de Ruyter on the new admiral's flagship.
  2245. <h3>AVAILABILITY</h3>
  2246. Very active. Very loud as well. While Naut his original story unfolds quite a number of years before most interactions within the Age of Sail fandom take place, I will later develop verses for him so he can slide in on various fandoms with more ease.
  2247. </div></div>
  2249. </div></div>
  2250. </div></div>
  2251. </div>
  2252. </div></div>
  2254. <div id="box5" class="popup_block">
  2255. <div id="text">
  2257. <h3>DON'T TOUCH THE BOOTY</h3>
  2259. Treasure was buried here once - rumor has it more may yet appear if you steer clear!
  2261. </div>
  2262. </div>
  2264. <div id="box6" class="popup_block">
  2266. <center>
  2268. <h3>NAVIGATION</h3>
  2270. <div class="links_list">
  2271. <p class="links_head">ROLEPLAY</p>
  2272. <div class="links_body"><div class="popupnavlinks">
  2273. <a href="/tagged/but why is it sea turtles anyway || crack">Crack</a>
  2274. <a href="/tagged/open the flood gates || memes">Memes</a>
  2275. <a href="/tagged/open the flood gates || memes">Memes</a>
  2276. <a href="/tagged/dreams reflected in the stars || wishlist">Wishlist</a>
  2279. <br></div></div></div>
  2281. <div class="links_list">
  2282. <p class="links_head">OOC</p>
  2283. <div class="links_body"><div class="popupnavlinks">
  2284. <a href="/tagged/pulled into port || ooc">OOC</a>
  2285. <a href="/tagged/memo to all personnel || psa">PSA</a>
  2286. <a href="/tagged/artfully adjusting the wanted posters || promo: self">Self Promo</a>
  2287. <a href="/tagged/nailing up the wanted posters || promo: friend">Friend Promo</a>
  2288. <a href="/tagged/we make what moves us || edits: gif">Gif Edits</a>
  2289. <a href="/tagged/we craft what soothes us || edits: aesthetic">Aesthetic Edits</a>
  2290. <a href="/tagged/tutorial **">Tutorials</a>
  2293. <br></div></div></div>
  2295. <div class="links_list">
  2296. <p class="links_head">HORNBLOWER FANDOM</p>
  2297. <div class="links_body"><div class="popupnavlinks">
  2298. <a href="/tagged/ships full of lobsters and frogs || hornblower fandom">General</a>
  2299. <a href="/tagged/he who teaches tolerance through bravery || andre cotard">Andre Cotard</a>
  2300. <a href="/tagged/he who sees the world through poetry || archie kennedy">Archie Kennedy</a>
  2301. <a href="/tagged/lord of the glorious eyebrows || bram edrington">Bram Edrington</a>
  2302. <a href="/tagged/he who values life over glory || edward pellew">Edward Pellew</a>
  2303. <a href="/tagged/he who feared more than he could admire || jack hammond">Jack Hammond</a>
  2304. <a href="/tagged/he who challenges convention || horatio hornblower">Horatio Hornblower</a>
  2305. <a href="/tagged/she who holds the world at her feet || kitty cobham">Kitty Cobham</a>
  2306. <a href="/tagged/he who begs pardon for sass || matthews">Matthews</a>
  2307. <a href="/tagged/he who fights with good humor || styles">Styles</a>
  2308. <a href="/tagged/he who found faith amid dying stars || william bush">William Bush</a>
  2311. <br></div></div></div>
  2313. <div class="links_list">
  2314. <p class="links_head">AUBREY - MATURIN FANDOM</p>
  2315. <div class="links_body"><div class="popupnavlinks">
  2316. <a href="/tagged/ships full of luck and spies || aubrey maturin fandom">General</a>
  2317. <a href="/tagged/he who debauched the sloth || jack aubrey">Jack Aubrey</a>
  2318. <a href="/tagged/he who bore the weight of jonah || midshipman hollom">Hollom</a>
  2319. <a href="/tagged/he who must choose the lesser of two weevils || stephen maturin">Stephen Maturin</a>
  2320. <a href="/tagged/he who bears the scars of victory and defeat || thomas pullings">Thomas Pullings</a>
  2321. <a href="/tagged/he who deserved better || william warley">William Warley</a>
  2323. <br></div></div></div>
  2325. <div class="links_list">
  2326. <p class="links_head">POTC FANDOM</p>
  2327. <div class="links_body"><div class="popupnavlinks">
  2328. <a href="/tagged/ships full of pirates and officers || potc fandom">General</a>
  2329. <a href="/tagged/he who underestimated the sparrow || armando salazar">Armando Salazar</a>
  2330. <a href="/tagged/he whose soul has died || cutler beckett">Cutler Beckett</a>
  2331. <a href="/tagged/she who rules across sea and piracy || elizabeth swann">Elizabeth Swann</a>
  2332. <a href="/tagged/he who takes what he can and gives nothing back || hector barbossa">Hector Barbossa</a>
  2333. <a href="/tagged/he who ought to be known as captain || jack sparrow">Jack Sparrow</a>
  2334. <a href="/tagged/he who found himself only when he thought he lost it all || james norrington">James Norrington</a>
  2335. <a href="/tagged/she who is the sea || tia dalma">Tia Dalma</a>
  2336. <a href="/tagged/he who bears the touch of destiny || william turner">William Turner</a>
  2338. <br></div></div></div>
  2340. <p><p>
  2341. <h3>CAST RELATED.</h3>
  2343. <div class="links_list">
  2344. <p class="links_head">HORNBLOWER</p>
  2345. <div class="links_body"><div class="popupnavlinks">
  2346. <h3>Horatio Hornblower</h3>
  2347. <a href="/tagged/that which swells the heart with poetic whispers || hornblower aesthetics ">Aesthetics</a>
  2348. <a href="/tagged/delving deep beyond the surface || hornblower headcanons">Headcanons</a>
  2349. <a href="/tagged/the inquisition of horatio hornblower || interviews">Interviews</a>
  2350. <a href="/tagged/thoughts as profound as the oceans width || hornblower musings">Musings</a>
  2351. <a href="/tagged/engaging in action || hornblower threads">Threads</a>
  2353. <h3>Archie Kennedy</h3>
  2354. <a href="/tagged/that which swells the heart with poetic whispers || kennedy aesthetics ">Aesthetics</a>
  2355. <a href="/tagged/delving deep beyond the surface || kennedy headcanons">Headcanons</a>
  2356. <a href="/tagged/the inquisition of archie kennedy || interviews">Interviews</a>
  2357. <a href="/tagged/thoughts as profound as the oceans width || kennedy musings">Musings</a>
  2358. <a href="/tagged/engaging in action || kennedy threads">Threads</a>
  2360. <h3>William Bush</h3>
  2361. <a href="/tagged/that which swells the heart with poetic whispers || bush aesthetics ">Aesthetics</a>
  2362. <a href="/tagged/delving deep beyond the surface || bush headcanons">Headcanons</a>
  2363. <a href="/tagged/the inquisition of william bush || interviews">Interviews</a>
  2364. <a href="/tagged/thoughts as profound as the oceans width || bush musings">Musings</a>
  2365. <a href="/tagged/engaging in action || bush threads">Threads</a>
  2367. <h3>Edward Pellew</h3>
  2368. <a href="/tagged/that which swells the heart with poetic whispers || pellew aesthetics ">Aesthetics</a>
  2369. <a href="/tagged/delving deep beyond the surface || pellew headcanons">Headcanons</a>
  2370. <a href="/tagged/the inquisition of edward pellew || interviews">Interviews</a>
  2371. <a href="/tagged/thoughts as profound as the oceans width || pellew musings">Musings</a>
  2372. <a href="/tagged/engaging in action || pellew threads">Threads</a>
  2374. <h3>Henry Wellard</h3>
  2375. <a href="/tagged/that which swells the heart with poetic whispers || wellard aesthetics ">Aesthetics</a>
  2376. <a href="/tagged/delving deep beyond the surface || wellard headcanons">Headcanons</a>
  2377. <a href="/tagged/the inquisition of henry wellard || interviews">Interviews</a>
  2378. <a href="/tagged/thoughts as profound as the oceans width || wellard musings">Musings</a>
  2379. <a href="/tagged/engaging in action || wellard threads">Threads</a>
  2381. <h3>Andre Cotard</h3>
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  2388. <h3>Katharine Cobham</h3>
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  2395. <h3>Joshua Styles</h3>
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  2405. <p class="links_head">MASTER AND COMMANDER</p>
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  2408. <h3>Jack Aubrey</h3>
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  2415. <h3>Stephen Maturin</h3>
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  2422. <h3>William Warley</h3>
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  2432. <p class="links_head">PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN</p>
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  2435. <h3>James Norrington</h3>
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  2443. <h3>Elizabeth Swann</h3>
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  2451. <h3>William Turner</h3>
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