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a guest
Apr 25th, 2018
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Bash 2.49 KB | None | 0 0
  1. AimAssist Range 3.9
  2. Aimbot Range 4.4
  3. AntiBot Derp true
  4. AntiBot Swing false
  5. AntiBot Armor false
  6. AntiBot Tab true
  7. AntiBot Color false
  8. AntiBot Ping false
  9. AntiBot NeedHit false
  10. AntiBot Health false
  11. AntiBot EntityID true
  12. AntiBot Ground true
  13. AntiBot WasInvisible false
  14. AntiBot LivingTime false
  15. AutoArmor Bypass None
  16. AutoArmor MinDelay 100
  17. AutoArmor MaxDelay 200
  18. AutoClicker MaxCPS 8
  19. AutoClicker MinCPS 5
  20. AutoLeave Health 8.0
  21. AutoPot Mode Normal
  22. AutoPot Health 13.4
  23. AutoSoup Health 15.0
  24. BowAimbot Silent true
  25. BugUp Mode FlyFlag
  26. BugUp FallDistance 1.48
  27. ChestAura ThroughWalls true
  28. ChestStealer OnlyItems false
  29. ChestStealer MinDelay 150
  30. ChestStealer TakeRandomized false
  31. ChestStealer MaxDelay 200
  32. Criticals Type Packet
  33. FastClimb Bypass Normal
  34. FastStairs Mode NCP
  35. FastUse Mode NCP
  36. Fly Bypass Vanilla
  37. Fly AACSpeed 0.3
  38. Fly VanillaSpeed 0.4
  39. Fly NCPMotion 0.0
  40. Fucker ThroughWalls true
  41. Fucker id 26
  42. Fucker Instant false
  43. GhostHand id 54
  44. HighJump Bypass DAC
  45. HighJump Height 2.0
  46. HitBox Size 0.4
  47. IceSpeed Type NCP
  48. InventoryCleaner OpenInv false
  49. InventoryCleaner MinDelay 100
  50. InventoryCleaner MaxDelay 200
  51. InventoryMove AACAdditionPro false
  52. KillAura KeepSprint true
  53. KillAura ThroughWalls false
  54. KillAura AAC true
  55. KillAura MultiMode NCP
  56. KillAura HurtTime false
  57. KillAura Range 4.0
  58. KillAura Priority Health
  59. KillAura FOV 180.0
  60. KillAura MaxCPS 9
  61. KillAura RayCast true
  62. KillAura MinCPS 7
  63. KillAura Swing true
  64. KillAura AutoBlock false
  65. KillAura NoInvAttack false
  66. KillAura FailRate 13.8
  67. KillAura TargetMode Single
  68. KillAura TurnSpeed 124.9
  69. KillAura FakeSharp false
  70. LegitAura Range 4.4
  71. LegitAura TurnSpeed 12.0
  72. LegitAura MaxCPS 8
  73. LegitAura Hitbox true
  74. LegitAura MinCPS 5
  75. LiquidWalk Type NCP
  76. LongJump NoCheat NCP
  77. LongJump NCPBoost 4.1
  78. NameProtect FakeName &cMe
  79. NoFall Mode SpoofGround
  80. NoSlow Bypass true
  81. NoWeb Mode None
  82. Phase Type Vanilla
  83. Regen Speed 100
  84. Scaffold ExpandLenght 5
  85. Scaffold AutoBlock true
  86. Scaffold Swing true
  87. Scaffold Slow false
  88. Scaffold Type Normal
  89. ServerCrasher Mode AACNew
  90. Spammer Delay 60
  91. Spammer Message LiquidBounce Client | liquidbounce(.net) | CCBlueX on yt
  92. Speed CustomSpeed 1.6
  93. Speed CustomY 0.0
  94. Speed CustomStrafe true
  95. Speed Type OldAACBHop
  96. Sprint AllDirections true
  97. Step Mode NCP
  98. Step Height 1.0
  99. TNTBlock Fuse 10
  100. Teleport Type Blink
  101. Timer Speed 2.0
  102. Tower AutoBlock true
  103. Tower Swing true
  104. Tower Type Packet
  105. Trigger MaxCPS 8
  106. Trigger MinCPS 5
  107. VClip YPort 5.0
  108. Velocity Horizontal 0.0
  109. Velocity AAC false
  110. Velocity Vertical 0.0
  111. Velocity Reverse false
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