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Jun 20th, 2019
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  1. on damage:
  2. if attacker is a player:
  3. {smocza.runa::%attacker%} is set:
  4. set {_runa.dmg} to damage * ( {smocza.runa.dmg::%attacker%} / 100 )
  5. set damage to damage + {_runa.dmg}
  7. on damage:
  8. if attacker is a player:
  9. {smocza.runa::%attacker%} is set:
  10. set damage to damage + {smocza.runa.obr::%attacker%}
  12. on damage:
  13. if victim is a player:
  14. {lodowa.runa::%victim%} is set:
  15. set {_runa.def} to damage * ( {lodowa.runa.def::%victim%} / 100 )
  16. set damage to damage - {_runa.def}
  18. on damage:
  19. if victim is a player:
  20. if attacker is a player:
  21. if {elektryczna.runa::%victim%} is set:
  22. set {_odplud} to damage * ( {elektryczna.runa.lud::%victim%} / 100 )
  23. set damage to damage - {_odplud}
  25. on damage:
  26. if attacker is a player:
  27. if {obrazeniapogromca::%attacker%} is set:
  28. set {_obrazeniapogromca} to damage * ( {obrazeniapogromca::%attacker%} / 100 )
  29. set damage to damage + {_obrazeniapogromca}
  31. on damage:
  32. if attacker is a player:
  33. if {rownowaga-obrazenia::%attacker%} is set:
  34. set {_rownowagaobrazenia} to damage * ( {rownowaga-obrazenia::%attacker%} / 100 )
  35. set damage to damage + {_rownowagaobrazenia}
  37. on damage:
  38. if victim is a player:
  39. if attacker is a player:
  40. if {rownowaga-odpludzi::%victim%} is set:
  41. set {_rownowagaodpludzie} to damage * ( {rownowaga-odpludzi::%victim%} / 100 )
  42. set damage to damage - {_rownowagaodpludzie}
  44. on damage:
  45. if attacker is a player:
  46. if name of victim is "&aNapastnik Smierci &6Lvl. Mistrz":
  47. if {sztuka-obrazeniasmierci::%attacker%} is set:
  48. set {_sztukaobrazeniasmierci} to damage * ( {sztuka-obrazeniasmierci::%attacker%} / 100 )
  49. set damage to damage + {_sztukaobrazeniasmierci}
  51. on damage:
  52. if victim is a player:
  53. if {obronapogromca::%victim%} is set:
  54. set {_obronapogromca} to damage * ( {obronapogromca::%victim%} / 100 )
  55. set damage to damage - {_obronapogromca}
  58. on damage:
  59. if attacker is a player:
  60. if {naszyjnik::%attacker%} is set:
  61. set damage to damage + {naszyjnik-obrazenia::%attacker%} / 3
  63. on damage:
  64. if attacker is a player:
  65. if {srednie-bao::%attacker%} is set:
  66. set {_sredniebao} to damage * ( {srednie-bao::%attacker%} / 100 )
  67. set damage to damage + {_sredniebao}
  68. on damage:
  69. if attacker is a player:
  70. if {obrazeniawoj::%attacker%} is set:
  71. set {_wojobr} to damage * ( {obrazeniawoj::%attacker%} / 100 )
  72. set damage to damage + {_wojobr}
  74. on damage:
  75. if attacker is a player:
  76. if {rekawica::%attacker%} is set:
  77. set {_rekawicadmg} to damage * ( {rekawica-obrazenia::%attacker%} / 100 )
  78. set damage to damage + {_rekawicadmg}
  79. on damage:
  80. if attacker is a player:
  81. if {pas::%attacker%} is set:
  82. set {_pasdmg} to damage * ( {pas-obrazenia::%attacker%} / 100 )
  83. set damage to damage + {_pasdmg}
  84. on damage:
  85. if attacker is a player:
  86. if {sila.%attacker%} is set:
  87. set {_generalsila} to damage * ( {sila.%attacker%} / 100 )
  88. set damage to damage + {_generalsila}
  90. on damage:
  91. if attacker is a player:
  92. if victim is a player:
  93. if {silny-ludzie::%attacker%} is set:
  94. set {_silnyludzie} to damage * ( {silny-ludzie::%attacker%} / 100 )
  95. set damage to damage + {_silnyludzie}
  96. on damage:
  97. if attacker is a player:
  98. if victim is not a player:
  99. if {silny-moby::%attacker%} is set:
  100. set {_silnymoby} to damage * ( {silny-moby::%attacker%} / 100 )
  101. set damage to damage + {_silnymoby}
  103. on damage:
  104. if victim is a player:
  105. if {tarcza::%victim%} is set:
  106. set {_tarczadeff} to damage * ( {tarcza-obrona::%victim%} / 100 )
  107. set damage to damage - {_tarczadeff}
  108. on damage:
  109. if victim is a player:
  110. if {pas::%victim%} is set:
  111. set {_pasdeff} to damage * ( {pas-odpornosc::%victim%} / 100 )
  112. set damage to damage - {_pasdeff}
  113. on damage:
  114. if victim is a player:
  115. if {obrona.%victim%} is set:
  116. set {_generalodp} to damage * ( {obrona.%victim%} / 100 )
  117. set damage to damage - {_generalodp}
  118. on damage:
  119. if victim is a player:
  120. if {odp-srednia::%victim%} is set:
  121. set {_sredniaodp} to damage * ( {odp-srednia::%victim%} / 100 )
  122. set damage to damage - {_sredniaodp}
  123. on damage:
  124. if victim is a player:
  125. if {obronawoj::%victim%} is set:
  126. set {_odpwoj} to damage * ( {obronawoj::%victim%} / 100 )
  127. set damage to damage - {_odpwoj}
  129. on damage:
  130. if victim is a player:
  131. if attacker is not a player:
  132. if {odp-moby::%victim%} is set:
  133. set {_odpmoby} to damage * ( {odp-moby::%victim%} / 100 )
  134. set damage to damage - {_odpmoby}
  136. on damage:
  137. if victim is a player:
  138. if attacker is a player:
  139. if {odp-ludzie::%victim%} is set:
  140. set {_odpludzie} to damage * ( {odp-ludzie::%victim%} / 100 )
  141. set damage to damage - {_odpludzie}
  144. # BONY #
  146. on damage:
  147. if attacker is a player:
  148. if {BonusDmg2-0.%attacker%} is set:
  149. set {_dmgbony} to damage * ( 10 / 100 )
  150. set damage to damage + {_dmgbony}
  151. if {BonusDmg12-0.%attacker%} is set:
  152. set {_dmgbony} to damage * ( 25 / 100 )
  153. set damage to damage + {_dmgbony}
  154. if {BonusDmg22-0.%attacker%} is set:
  155. set {_dmgbony} to damage * ( 35 / 100 )
  156. set damage to damage + {_dmgbony}
  157. if {BonusDmg32-0.%attacker%} is set:
  158. set {_dmgbony} to damage * ( 50 / 100 )
  159. set damage to damage + {_dmgbony}
  160. if {BonusDmg42-0.%attacker%} is set:
  161. set {_dmgbony} to damage * ( 60 / 100 )
  162. set damage to damage + {_dmgbony}
  164. on damage:
  165. if victim is a player:
  166. if {BonusDef2-0.%victim%} is set:
  167. set {_odpbon} to damage * ( 10 / 100 )
  168. set damage to damage - {_odpbon}
  169. if {BonusDef12-0.%victim%} is set:
  170. set {_odpbon} to damage * ( 25 / 100 )
  171. set damage to damage - {_odpbon}
  172. if {BonusDef22-0.%victim%} is set:
  173. set {_odpbon} to damage * ( 35 / 100 )
  174. set damage to damage - {_odpbon}
  175. if {BonusDef32-0.%victim%} is set:
  176. set {_odpbon} to damage * ( 50 / 100 )
  177. set damage to damage - {_odpbon}
  178. if {BonusDef42-0.%victim%} is set:
  179. set {_odpbon} to damage * ( 60 / 100 )
  180. set damage to damage - {_odpbon}
  182. # CZARODZIEJ #
  184. on damage:
  185. if victim is a player:
  186. if {obronca::%victim%} is set:
  187. set {_odpczar} to damage * ( {obronca::%victim%} / 100 )
  188. set damage to damage - {_odpczar}
  189. stop
  190. on damage:
  191. if attacker is a player:
  192. if {uderzenie::%attacker%} is set:
  193. set {_obrczar} to damage * ( {uderzenie::%attacker%} / 100 )
  194. set damage to damage + {_obrczar}
  195. stop
  197. # MIKSTURY #
  199. on damage:
  200. if attacker is a player:
  201. if {potkadmg.%attacker%} is true:
  202. if {damage20.%attacker%} is true:
  203. set {_dmgmiks} to damage * ( 20 / 100 )
  204. set damage to damage + {_dmgmiks}
  205. if {damage30.%attacker%} is true:
  206. set {_dmgmiks} to damage * ( 30 / 100 )
  207. set damage to damage + {_dmgmiks}
  208. if {damage35.%attacker%} is true:
  209. set {_dmgmiks} to damage * ( 35 / 100 )
  210. set damage to damage + {_dmgmiks}
  211. if {damage50.%attacker%} is true:
  212. set {_dmgmiks} to damage * ( 50 / 100 )
  213. set damage to damage + {_dmgmiks}
  214. if {damage70.%attacker%} is true:
  215. set {_dmgmiks} to damage * ( 70 / 100 )
  216. set damage to damage + {_dmgmiks}
  217. if {obrazenia20.%attacker%} is true:
  218. set {_dmgmiks} to damage * ( 20 / 100 )
  219. set damage to damage + {_dmgmiks}
  221. on damage:
  222. if victim is a player:
  223. if {potkadef.%victim%} is true:
  224. if {def20.%victim%} is true:
  225. set {_odpmiks} to damage * ( 20 / 100 )
  226. set damage to damage - {_odpmiks}
  227. if {def30.%victim%} is true:
  228. set {_odpmiks} to damage * ( 30 / 100 )
  229. set damage to damage - {_odpmiks}
  230. if {def35.%victim%} is true:
  231. set {_odpmiks} to damage * ( 35 / 100 )
  232. set damage to damage - {_odpmiks}
  233. if {def50.%victim%} is true:
  234. set {_odpmiks} to damage * ( 50 / 100 )
  235. set damage to damage - {_odpmiks}
  236. if {def70.%victim%} is true:
  237. set {_odpmiks} to damage * ( 70 / 100 )
  238. set damage to damage - {_odpmiks}
  239. if {obrona20.%victim%} is true:
  240. set {_odpmiks} to damage * ( 20 / 100 )
  241. set damage to damage - {_odpmiks}
  243. # SREDNIE #
  245. on damage:
  246. if attacker is a player:
  247. loop 150 times:
  248. if "%uncoloured lore of attacker's tool%" contains "Srednie Obrazenia » %loop-number%%%":
  249. set {srednie::%attacker%} to loop-number
  250. set {_srednie} to damage * ( {srednie::%attacker%} / 100 )
  251. set damage to damage + {_srednie}
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