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a guest
Jun 2nd, 2019
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  1. /*
  2. How to find this sig:
  3. 1. open engine module
  4. 2. xref string "Couldn't dispatch user message (%i)\n"
  5. 3. goto its only xref
  7. CClientState__ProcessUserMessage+17 loc_10269177: ; CODE XREF: CClientState__ProcessUserMessage+13?j
  8. CClientState__ProcessUserMessage+17 8B 0D 58 89 88 10 mov ecx, dword_10888958
  9. CClientState__ProcessUserMessage+1D 57 push edi
  10. CClientState__ProcessUserMessage+1E FF 72 10 push dword ptr [edx+10h]
  11. CClientState__ProcessUserMessage+21 8B 01 mov eax, [ecx]
  12. CClientState__ProcessUserMessage+23 FF 76 10 push dword ptr [esi+10h]
  13. CClientState__ProcessUserMessage+26 FF 76 0C push dword ptr [esi+0Ch]
  14. CClientState__ProcessUserMessage+29 8B 80 98 00 00 00 mov eax, [eax+98h] <-- theres your index convert it to decimal and divide it by 4 and you have your index
  15. CClientState__ProcessUserMessage+2F FF D0 call eax
  16. CClientState__ProcessUserMessage+31 84 C0 test al, al
  17. CClientState__ProcessUserMessage+33 75 19 jnz short loc_102691AE
  18. CClientState__ProcessUserMessage+35 FF 76 0C push dword ptr [esi+0Ch]
  19. CClientState__ProcessUserMessage+38 68 74 E3 4A 10 push offset aCouldnTDispatc ; "Couldn't dispatch user message (%i)\n"
  20. CClientState__ProcessUserMessage+3D FF 15 B8 A5 43 10 call ds:?ConMsg@@YAXPBDZZ ; ConMsg(char const *,...)
  21. */
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