
SCP Concept: The Coveted

Nov 21st, 2017
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  1. SCP Concept: The Coveted
  2. Object Class: Euclid
  3. Special Containment Procedures:
  4. Description:
  5. SCP-XXXX is a massive axe made of orbicular diorite. The entire axe measures approximately 2.5 meters in length, with the head of the axe measuring approximately 0.6 meters in length and 0.8 meters in width. The haft is approximately 1.9 meters in length with a diameter of approximately 10.1 centimeters. The head of the axe consists of a large semi-circle blade with a large knob opposite the blade, presumably for added weight and striking force. The artifact was discovered by a group of archeologists in REDACTED. SCP-XXXX was found in a sealed tomb underneath a ruined temple, with the blade wedged firmly in an executioner’s chopping block which had been almost completely bisected by the axe. The archeologists who discovered it began investigating and pushed back their return date to study it. Contact was lost with the group after three (3) days and a group sent to investigate did not return. Embedded Agent Erlang reported the mysterious circumstance and a Task Force was sent in to investigate. SCP-XXXX’s anomalous properties were discovered, and was recovered with acceptable losses. SCP-XXXX exudes an aura of negative emotion, making humans around it uneasy, distrustful and paranoid. This effect attenuates over a short distance, which appears to require visual contact to achieve a noticeable effect, and is only dangerous if a subject is exposed over a long period of time. The effect is notably different in subjects that have killed another human. The definition of ‘killed’ varies, but the effect usually does not. An affected subject that has killed another human experiences the standard effect yet stronger by several orders of magnitude, and experiences a constant desire to pick up SCP-XXXX to the point of auditory hallucinations “calling” the subject to wield it. If an affected subject1 (whether or not they have killed someone before)1 picks up SCP-XXXX, they begin to express joy or satisfaction at its various qualities, such as balance and blade sharpness 2 (The axe shows little signs of wear, especially the blade which remains inexplicably sharp despite use)2 as well as a desire to use it. The subject will refer to SCP-XXXX as “The Coveted” and themselves as “The Coveting” and refuse to put the axe down. At this point, affected subjects are referred to as SCP-XXXX-2 and will carry SCP-XXXX with them until the second stage of affection begins, sometimes for as long as three (3) weeks. The second stage is triggered by someone attempting to take SCP-XXXX away, or when the affected attempts to harm someone with it to “test the edge”. The second stage is characterized by a lust for power and extreme agitation and a described “bloodlust” where SCP-XXXX-2 attempts to execute 3 (preferred method of killing is decapitation)3 every person they can find with a higher station than them, as well as anyone who tries to stop them, and claim the station for themselves. Despite weighing easily over 300 kg4 (exact measurement impossible due to nature of the artifact)4, instances of SCP-XXXX-2 have shown little trouble in wielding it, as well as remarkable agility and previously unseen strength, endurance, and have proven extremely difficult to neutralize. SCP-XXXX appears to be indestructible, as instances of SCP-XXXX-2 are able to destroy objects that should withstand the blows and, in an extreme containment breach, survived a near direct hit with a depleted uranium tank shell fired from an M1A2 Abrams tank which was on site for testing with other SCPs 5 (The affected subject then cleaved the tank’s main turret in two with SCP-XXXX, and destroyed the tank’s engine despite its steel and depleted uranium armor plating)5. Blows delivered by subjects wielding SCP-XXXX possess extreme amounts of force and are capable of rendering buildings structurally unsound through the destruction of load-bearing walls and support structures. Instances of SCP-XXXX-2 show incredible resilience to most forms of injury. Successful methods of termination of affected subjects include:
  6. Several consecutive headshots from high caliber rifles
  7. Crushing with blast doors present at Site-□
  8. A total of three (3) land mines
  9. Continuous fire from two (2) high power flamethrowers for a total of 47 seconds
  10. Agent DUEL armed with a Claymore longsword forged to resemble King Arthur’s Excalibur
  12. Note: Agent DUEL had the sword with him because his fellow agent did not believe that Agent DUEL, had a sword or knew how to use it.
  14. Researcher’s Note: Seriously, how did he do that? Instances of SCP-XXXX-2 can survive a direct hit from a tank shell! And you expect me to believe that Agent DUEL killed one with a sword?
  16. Addendums:
  17. Addendum-XXXX-01: Initial testing with D-Class personnel was incredibly helpful in revealing SCP-XXXX’s precise nature, yet was discontinued as the SCP-XXXX-2 created through testing were almost invariably able to breach containment and often resulted in the deaths of high level personnel due to the nature of SCP-XXXX-2 and their preferred targets for execution.
  18. Addendum-XXXX-02: Further testing with Class D personnel has been debated, as the number of D-Class who have committed murder, and therefore susceptible to SCP-XXXX’s more powerful effects, is extremely high, yet neutralization of any SCP-XXXX-2 proves extremely difficult and SCP-XXXX-2 are capable of breaking through containment walls with SCP-XXXX.
  19. Addendum-XXXX-03: Senior Researcher OLDGUY has proposed a method of experimentation that could prove viable, as well as answer many questions we have about SCP-XXXX. Senior Researcher OLDGUY has proposed the collection of several D-Class personnel, with one being convicted of homicide, and administering powerful amnesiacs to the D-Class. The goal would be the creation of a society for a long term experiment in which SCP-XXXX is either discovered by or inserted into said society. This proposition is currently pending approval.
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