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Feb 21st, 2019
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  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ERROR at setup of test_basic_ops _________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. self = <lib389.instance.setup.SetupDs object at 0x7fb26620dfd0>, general = {'config_version': 2, 'defaults': '999999999', 'full_machine_name': 'lucy1', 'selinux': True, ...}
  4. slapd = {'backup_dir': '/home/lkrispen/TEST/ci/install/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-standalone1/bak', 'bin_dir': '/home/lkrispen/TEST/...nstall/etc/dirsrv/slapd-standalone1', 'config_dir': '/home/lkrispen/TEST/ci/install/etc/dirsrv/slapd-standalone1', ...}
  5. backends = [{'cn': 'userRoot', 'nsslapd-suffix': 'dc=example,dc=com', 'sample_entries': '999999999'}], extra = None
  7. def create_from_args(self, general, slapd, backends=[], extra=None):
  8. """
  9. Actually does the setup. this is what you want to call as an api.
  10. """
  12."\nStarting installation...")
  14. # Check we have privs to run
  15. self.log.debug("READY: Preparing installation for %s...", slapd['instance_name'])
  17. self._prepare_ds(general, slapd, backends)
  18. # Call our child api to prepare itself.
  19. self._prepare(extra)
  21. self.log.debug("READY: Beginning installation for %s...", slapd['instance_name'])
  23. if self.dryrun:
  24."NOOP: Dry run requested")
  25. else:
  26. # Actually trigger the installation.
  27. try:
  28. > self._install_ds(general, slapd, backends)
  30. ws/389-ds-base/src/lib389/lib389/instance/
  31. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  33. self = <lib389.instance.setup.SetupDs object at 0x7fb26620dfd0>, general = {'config_version': 2, 'defaults': '999999999', 'full_machine_name': 'lucy1', 'selinux': True, ...}
  34. slapd = {'backup_dir': '/home/lkrispen/TEST/ci/install/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-standalone1/bak', 'bin_dir': '/home/lkrispen/TEST/...nstall/etc/dirsrv/slapd-standalone1', 'config_dir': '/home/lkrispen/TEST/ci/install/etc/dirsrv/slapd-standalone1', ...}
  35. backends = [{'cn': 'userRoot', 'nsslapd-suffix': 'dc=example,dc=com', 'sample_entries': '999999999'}]
  37. def _install_ds(self, general, slapd, backends):
  38. """
  39. Actually install the Ds from the dicts provided.
  41. You should never call this directly, as it bypasses assert_cions.
  42. """
  43. # register the instance to /etc/sysconfig
  44. # We do this first so that we can trick if needed.
  45. # There may be a way to create this from template like the dse.ldif ...
  46. initconfig = ""
  47. with open("%s/dirsrv/config/template-initconfig" % slapd['sysconf_dir']) as template_init:
  48. for line in template_init.readlines():
  49. initconfig += line.replace('{{', '{', 1).replace('}}', '}', 1).replace('-', '_')
  50. try:
  51. # /etc/sysconfig
  52. os.makedirs("%s" % slapd['initconfig_dir'], mode=0o770)
  53. except FileExistsError:
  54. pass
  55. sysconfig_filename = "%s/dirsrv-%s" % (slapd['initconfig_dir'], slapd['instance_name'])
  56. with open(sysconfig_filename, 'w') as f:
  57. f.write(initconfig.format(
  58. SERVER_DIR=slapd['lib_dir'],
  59. SERVERBIN_DIR=slapd['sbin_dir'],
  60. CONFIG_DIR=slapd['config_dir'],
  61. INST_DIR=slapd['inst_dir'],
  62. RUN_DIR=slapd['run_dir'],
  63. DS_ROOT='',
  64. PRODUCT_NAME='slapd',
  65. ))
  66. os.chmod(sysconfig_filename, 0o440)
  67. os.chown(sysconfig_filename, slapd['user_uid'], slapd['group_gid'])
  69. # Create all the needed paths
  70. # we should only need to make bak_dir, cert_dir, config_dir, db_dir, ldif_dir, lock_dir, log_dir, run_dir?
  71. for path in ('backup_dir', 'cert_dir', 'config_dir', 'db_dir', 'ldif_dir', 'lock_dir', 'log_dir', 'run_dir'):
  72. self.log.debug("ACTION: creating %s", slapd[path])
  73. try:
  74. os.umask(0o007) # For parent dirs that get created -> sets 770 for perms
  75. os.makedirs(slapd[path], mode=0o770)
  76. except OSError:
  77. pass
  78. os.chown(slapd[path], slapd['user_uid'], slapd['group_gid'])
  80. # /var/lock/dirsrv needs special attention...
  81. parentdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(slapd['lock_dir'], os.pardir))
  82. os.chown(parentdir, slapd['user_uid'], slapd['group_gid'])
  84. ### Warning! We need to down the directory under db too for .restore to work.
  85. # See dblayer.c for more!
  86. db_parent = os.path.join(slapd['db_dir'], '..')
  87. os.chown(db_parent, slapd['user_uid'], slapd['group_gid'])
  89. # Copy correct data to the paths.
  90. # Copy in the schema
  91. # This is a little fragile, make it better.
  92. # It won't matter when we move schema to usr anyway ...
  94. _ds_shutil_copytree(os.path.join(slapd['sysconf_dir'], 'dirsrv/schema'), slapd['schema_dir'])
  95. os.chown(slapd['schema_dir'], slapd['user_uid'], slapd['group_gid'])
  96. os.chmod(slapd['schema_dir'], 0o770)
  98. # Copy in the collation
  99. srcfile = os.path.join(slapd['sysconf_dir'], 'dirsrv/config/slapd-collations.conf')
  100. dstfile = os.path.join(slapd['config_dir'], 'slapd-collations.conf')
  101. shutil.copy2(srcfile, dstfile)
  102. os.chown(dstfile, slapd['user_uid'], slapd['group_gid'])
  103. os.chmod(dstfile, 0o440)
  105. # Copy in the certmap configuration
  106. srcfile = os.path.join(slapd['sysconf_dir'], 'dirsrv/config/certmap.conf')
  107. dstfile = os.path.join(slapd['config_dir'], 'certmap.conf')
  108. shutil.copy2(srcfile, dstfile)
  109. os.chown(dstfile, slapd['user_uid'], slapd['group_gid'])
  110. os.chmod(dstfile, 0o440)
  112. # If we are on the correct platform settings, systemd
  113. if general['systemd'] and not self.containerised:
  114. # Should create the symlink we need, but without starting it.
  115. subprocess.check_call(["systemctl",
  116. "enable",
  117. "dirsrv@%s" % slapd['instance_name']])
  119. # Setup tmpfiles_d
  120. tmpfile_d = ds_paths.tmpfiles_d + "/dirsrv-" + slapd['instance_name'] + ".conf"
  121. with open(tmpfile_d, "w") as TMPFILE_D:
  122. TMPFILE_D.write("d {} 0770 {} {}\n".format(slapd['run_dir'], slapd['user'], slapd['group']))
  123. TMPFILE_D.write("d {} 0770 {} {}\n".format(slapd['lock_dir'].replace("slapd-" + slapd['instance_name'], ""),
  124. slapd['user'], slapd['group']))
  125. TMPFILE_D.write("d {} 0770 {} {}\n".format(slapd['lock_dir'], slapd['user'], slapd['group']))
  127. # Else we need to detect other init scripts?
  128. # WB: No, we just install and assume that docker will start us ...
  130. # Bind sockets to our type?
  132. # Get suffix for some plugin defaults (if possible)
  133. # annoyingly for legacy compat backend takes TWO key types
  134. # and we have to now deal with that ....
  135. #
  136. # Create ds_suffix here else it won't be in scope ....
  137. ds_suffix = ''
  138. if len(backends) > 0:
  139. ds_suffix = normalizeDN(backends[0]['nsslapd-suffix'])
  141. # Create certdb in sysconfidir
  142. self.log.debug("ACTION: Creating certificate database is %s", slapd['cert_dir'])
  144. # Create dse.ldif with a temporary root password.
  145. # The template is in slapd['data_dir']/dirsrv/data/template-dse.ldif
  146. # Variables are done with %KEY%.
  147. # You could cheat and read it in, do a replace of % to { and } then use format?
  148. self.log.debug("ACTION: Creating dse.ldif")
  149. dse = ""
  150. with open(os.path.join(slapd['data_dir'], 'dirsrv', 'data', 'template-dse.ldif')) as template_dse:
  151. for line in template_dse.readlines():
  152. dse += line.replace('%', '{', 1).replace('%', '}', 1)
  154. with open(os.path.join(slapd['config_dir'], 'dse.ldif'), 'w') as file_dse:
  155. file_dse.write(dse.format(
  156. schema_dir=slapd['schema_dir'],
  157. lock_dir=slapd['lock_dir'],
  158. tmp_dir=slapd['tmp_dir'],
  159. cert_dir=slapd['cert_dir'],
  160. ldif_dir=slapd['ldif_dir'],
  161. bak_dir=slapd['backup_dir'],
  162. run_dir=slapd['run_dir'],
  163. inst_dir=slapd['inst_dir'],
  164. log_dir=slapd['log_dir'],
  165. fqdn=general['full_machine_name'],
  166. ds_port=slapd['port'],
  167. ds_user=slapd['user'],
  168. rootdn=slapd['root_dn'],
  169. # ds_passwd=slapd['root_password'],
  170. ds_passwd=self._secure_password, # We set our own password here, so we can connect and mod.
  171. ds_suffix=ds_suffix,
  172. config_dir=slapd['config_dir'],
  173. db_dir=slapd['db_dir'],
  174. ))
  176. # open the connection to the instance.
  178. # Should I move this import? I think this prevents some recursion
  179. from lib389 import DirSrv
  180. ds_instance = DirSrv(self.verbose)
  181. ds_instance.containerised = self.containerised
  182. args = {
  183. SER_PORT: slapd['port'],
  184. SER_SERVERID_PROP: slapd['instance_name'],
  185. SER_ROOT_DN: slapd['root_dn'],
  186. SER_ROOT_PW: self._raw_secure_password,
  187. SER_DEPLOYED_DIR: slapd['prefix']
  188. }
  190. ds_instance.allocate(args)
  191. # Does this work?
  192. assert_c(ds_instance.exists(), "Instance failed to install, does not exist when expected")
  194. # Create a certificate database.
  195. tlsdb = NssSsl(dbpath=slapd['cert_dir'])
  196. if not tlsdb._db_exists():
  197. tlsdb.reinit()
  199. if slapd['self_sign_cert']:
  200. etc_dirsrv_path = os.path.join(slapd['sysconf_dir'], 'dirsrv/')
  201. ssca_path = os.path.join(etc_dirsrv_path, 'ssca/')
  202. ssca = NssSsl(dbpath=ssca_path)
  203. # If it doesn't exist, create a CA DB
  204. if not ssca._db_exists():
  205. ssca.reinit()
  206. ssca.create_rsa_ca(months=slapd['self_sign_cert_valid_months'])
  207. # If CA is expired or will expire soon,
  208. # Reissue it and resign the existing certs that were signed by the cert previously
  209. elif ssca.rsa_ca_needs_renew():
  210. ca = ssca.renew_rsa_ca(months=slapd['self_sign_cert_valid_months'])
  211. # Import CA to the existing instances except the one we install now (we import it later)
  212. for dir in os.listdir(etc_dirsrv_path):
  213. if dir.startswith("slapd-") and dir != slapd['cert_dir']:
  214. tlsdb_inst = NssSsl(dbpath=os.path.join(etc_dirsrv_path, dir))
  215. tlsdb_inst.import_rsa_crt(ca)
  217. csr = tlsdb.create_rsa_key_and_csr()
  218. (ca, crt) = ssca.rsa_ca_sign_csr(csr)
  219. tlsdb.import_rsa_crt(ca, crt)
  220. if not self.containerised and general['selinux']:
  221. # Set selinux port label
  222. selinux_label_port(slapd['secure_port'])
  224. # Do selinux fixups
  225. if not self.containerised and general['selinux']:
  226. selinux_paths = ('backup_dir', 'cert_dir', 'config_dir', 'db_dir', 'ldif_dir',
  227. 'lock_dir', 'log_dir', 'run_dir', 'schema_dir', 'tmp_dir')
  228. for path in selinux_paths:
  229. selinux_restorecon(slapd[path])
  231. > selinux_label_port(slapd['port'])
  233. ws/389-ds-base/src/lib389/lib389/instance/
  234. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  236. port = 38901, remove_label = False
  238. def selinux_label_port(port, remove_label=False):
  239. """
  240. Either set or remove an SELinux label(ldap_port_t) for a TCP port
  242. :param port: The TCP port to be labelled
  243. :type port: str
  244. :param remove_label: Set True if the port label should be removed
  245. :type remove_label: boolean
  246. :raises: ValueError: Error message
  247. """
  248. try:
  249. import selinux
  250. except ImportError:
  251. log.debug('selinux python module not found, skipping port labeling.')
  252. return
  254. try:
  255. import sepolicy
  256. except ImportError:
  257. log.debug('sepolicy python module not found, skipping port labeling.')
  258. return
  260. if not selinux.is_selinux_enabled():
  261. log.debug('selinux is disabled, skipping port relabel')
  262. return
  264. # We only label ports that ARE NOT in the default policy that comes with
  265. # a RH based system.
  266. selinux_default_ports = [389, 636, 3268, 3269, 7389]
  267. if port in selinux_default_ports:
  268. log.debug('port %s already in %s, skipping port relabel' % (port, selinux_default_ports))
  269. return
  271. label_set = False
  272. label_ex = None
  274. policies = [p for p in
  275. if p['protocol'] == 'tcp'
  276. if port in range(p['low'], p['high'] + 1)
  277. if p['type'] not in ['unreserved_port_t', 'reserved_port_t', 'ephemeral_port_t']]
  279. for policy in policies:
  280. if "ldap_port_t" == policy['type']:
  281. label_set = True # Port already has our label
  282. if policy['low'] != policy['high']:
  283. # We have a range
  284. if port in range(policy['low'], policy['high'] + 1):
  285. # The port is within the range, just return
  286. return
  287. break
  288. elif not remove_label:
  289. # Port belongs to someone else (bad)
  290. # This is only an issue during setting a label, not removing a label
  291. raise ValueError("Port {} was already labelled with: ({}) Please choose a different port number".format(port, policy['type']))
  293. if (remove_label and label_set) or (not remove_label and not label_set):
  294. for i in range(3):
  296. try:
  297. subprocess.check_call(["semanage", "port",
  298. "-d" if remove_label else "-a",
  299. "-t", "ldap_port_t",
  300. "-p", "tcp", str(port)])
  301. return
  302. except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:
  303. label_ex = e
  304. time.sleep(3)
  305. > raise ValueError("Failed to mangle port label: " + str(label_ex))
  306. E ValueError: Failed to mangle port label: Command '['semanage', 'port', '-a', '-t', 'ldap_port_t', '-p', 'tcp', '38901']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
  308. ws/389-ds-base/src/lib389/lib389/ ValueError
  310. During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
  312. request = <SubRequest 'topology_st' for <Function 'test_basic_ops'>>
  314. @pytest.fixture(scope="module")
  315. def topology_st(request):
  316. """Create DS standalone instance"""
  318. > topology = create_topology({ReplicaRole.STANDALONE: 1})
  320. ws/389-ds-base/src/lib389/lib389/
  321. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  322. ws/389-ds-base/src/lib389/lib389/ in create_topology
  323. topo = _create_instances(topo_dict, suffix)
  324. ws/389-ds-base/src/lib389/lib389/ in _create_instances
  325. instance.create()
  326. ws/389-ds-base/src/lib389/lib389/ in create
  327. self._createPythonDirsrv(version)
  328. ws/389-ds-base/src/lib389/lib389/ in _createPythonDirsrv
  329. sds.create_from_args(general, slapd, backends, None)
  330. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  332. self = <lib389.instance.setup.SetupDs object at 0x7fb26620dfd0>, general = {'config_version': 2, 'defaults': '999999999', 'full_machine_name': 'lucy1', 'selinux': True, ...}
  333. slapd = {'backup_dir': '/home/lkrispen/TEST/ci/install/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-standalone1/bak', 'bin_dir': '/home/lkrispen/TEST/...nstall/etc/dirsrv/slapd-standalone1', 'config_dir': '/home/lkrispen/TEST/ci/install/etc/dirsrv/slapd-standalone1', ...}
  334. backends = [{'cn': 'userRoot', 'nsslapd-suffix': 'dc=example,dc=com', 'sample_entries': '999999999'}], extra = None
  336. def create_from_args(self, general, slapd, backends=[], extra=None):
  337. """
  338. Actually does the setup. this is what you want to call as an api.
  339. """
  341."\nStarting installation...")
  343. # Check we have privs to run
  344. self.log.debug("READY: Preparing installation for %s...", slapd['instance_name'])
  346. self._prepare_ds(general, slapd, backends)
  347. # Call our child api to prepare itself.
  348. self._prepare(extra)
  350. self.log.debug("READY: Beginning installation for %s...", slapd['instance_name'])
  352. if self.dryrun:
  353."NOOP: Dry run requested")
  354. else:
  355. # Actually trigger the installation.
  356. try:
  357. self._install_ds(general, slapd, backends)
  358. except ValueError as e:
  359. self.log.fatal("Error: " + str(e) + ", removing incomplete installation...")
  360. self._remove_failed_install(slapd['instance_name'])
  361. > raise ValueError("Instance creation failed!")
  362. E ValueError: Instance creation failed!
  364. ws/389-ds-base/src/lib389/lib389/instance/ ValueError
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