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a guest
Jul 8th, 2020
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text 1.39 KB | None | 0 0
  1. #IfWinActive, alt:V Multiplayer
  2. #SingleInstance, Force
  3. #Persistent
  4. #UseHook
  5. #NoEnv
  6. version := 0.9
  7. IniRead, nVoiceRangeUp, %A_ScriptDir%\settings.ini, Settings, VRU
  8. IniRead, nVoiceRangeDn, %A_ScriptDir%\settings.ini, Settings, VRD
  9. Hotkey, %nVoiceRangeUp%, VoiceRangeUpKey, UseErrorLevel
  10. Hotkey, %nVoiceRangeDn%, VoiceRangeDnKey, UseErrorLevel
  11. ToolTip, Downloading rgnbackground.png ... Bitte warten!
  12. IfNotExist rgnbackground.png
  13. URLDownloadToFile,, rgnbackground.png
  14. ToolTip
  15. Gui, Show, x400 y400 h125 w375, RGN:V TKL Voicerange
  16. Gui, Font, S7 CDefault Bold, Verdana
  17. Gui, Add, Text, x310 y110 BackgroundTrans, Version: %version%
  18. Gui, Add, Text, x5 y110 BackgroundTrans, © Ananasbaum
  19. Gui, Font, S10 CDefault Bold, Verdana
  20. Gui, Add, Text, x15 y30 BackgroundTrans, VoiceRange +
  21. Gui, Add, Text, x15 y60 BackgroundTrans, VoiceRange -
  22. Gui, Add, Hotkey, x130 y30 w80 h20 vHotkeyVRU, %nVoiceRangeUp%
  23. Gui, Add, Hotkey, x130 y60 w80 h20 vHotkeyVRD, %nVoiceRangeDn%
  24. Gui, Add, Button, gVoiceRangeSave x230 y40 h30, Speichern
  25. Gui, Add, Picture, x0 y0, rgnbackground.png
  26. return
  27. VoiceRangeSave:
  28. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  29. IniWrite, %HotkeyVRU%, %A_ScriptDir%\settings.ini, Settings, VRU
  30. IniWrite, %HotkeyVRD%, %A_ScriptDir%\settings.ini, Settings, VRD
  31. reload
  32. return
  33. GuiClose:
  34. ExitApp
  35. VoiceRangeUpKey:
  36. Send {NumpadAdd}
  37. return
  38. VoiceRangeDnKey:
  39. Send {NumpadSub}
  40. return
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