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a guest
Jan 18th, 2019
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text 1.46 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  2. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  3. > client@0.1.0 start:frontend /frontend
  4. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  5. > cross-env PORT=5000 craco start
  6. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  7. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  8. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  9. > murcul-server@1.0.0 dev:stg /server
  10. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  11. > NODE_ENV=stg nodemon -e ts,graphql -x ts-node index.ts
  12. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  13. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  14. [nodemon] 1.18.9
  15. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  16. [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
  17. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  18. [nodemon] watching: *.*
  19. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  20. [nodemon] starting `ts-node index.ts`
  21. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  22. The following changes are being made to your tsconfig.json file:
  23. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  24. - compilerOptions.baseUrl must not be set (absolute imports are not supported (yet))
  25. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  26. - compilerOptions.paths must not be set (aliased imports are not supported)
  27. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  28. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  29. Starting the development server...
  30. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  31. 01/18 03:52 PM (43m)
  32. 🚀 Server ready at http://localhost:3000/api/graphql
  33. 01/18 03:53 PM (42m)
  34. Compiled successfully!
  35. 01/18 03:53 PM (42m)
  36. 01/18 03:53 PM (42m)
  37. You can now view client in the browser.
  38. 01/18 03:53 PM (42m)
  39. 01/18 03:53 PM (42m)
  40. Local: http://localhost:5000/
  41. 01/18 03:53 PM (42m)
  42. On Your Network:
  43. 01/18 03:53 PM (42m)
  44. 01/18 03:53 PM (42m)
  45. Note that the development build is not optimized.
  46. 01/18 03:53 PM (42m)
  47. To create a production build, use yarn build.
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