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a guest
Feb 19th, 2019
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  1. // Launch options: -console -novid -nojoy -nod3d9ex +exec autoexec
  3. // Tick-rate, bandwidth rate & max ping
  4. cl_cmdrate "64" // 128 tick servers require this rate (64 will default to 64 for you, no need to edit)
  5. cl_updaterate "64" // 128 tick servesr require this rate (64 will default to 64 for you, no need to edit)
  6. rate "786432" // max bandwidth rate
  7. mm_dedicated_search_maxping "200" // max acceptable ping
  9. // FPS maximum
  10. fps_max "500"
  12. // Mouse
  13. sensitivity "1.95" // mouse sensitivity
  14. zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "0.8" // mouse sensitivity for scoped sniper rifle
  15. m_rawinput "1" // enables raw hardware input for mouse, disables all software filtering, acceleration, post-processing etc
  16. m_mouseaccel1 "0" // disable mouse acceleration
  17. m_mouseaccel2 "0" // disable mouse acceleration
  18. joystick "0" // disables joystick support, mandatory for playing on faceit servers
  20. // Keyboard
  21. bind "F7" "disconnect" // Disconnect
  22. bind "K" "slot11" // Zeus
  23. bind "H" "slot12" // Healthshot
  24. bind "J" "slot13" // Utility items
  25. bind "Z" "radio" // Radio message
  26. bind "C" "radio1" // Command radio message
  27. bind "X" "radio2" // Standard radio message
  28. bind "V" "radio3" // Report radio message
  29. bind "MOUSE4" "+voicerecord" // Use mic
  31. // Crosshair
  32. cl_crosshairdot "0" // The dot in the center of the crosshair
  33. cl_crosshairgap "-1" // The amount of space in the center of the crosshair
  34. cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0" // Enable/disable different crosshairgap per weapon/s you're using ie. pistol, rifle, etc.
  35. cl_crosshairthickness "0.7" // Thickness of crosshair
  36. cl_crosshairsize "3" // Change size higher or lower for larger or smaller crosshair
  37. cl_crosshairstyle "4" // Values = 1-5 , 5 is the "active" crosshair that spreads.
  38. cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1" // Places an outline around the crosshair itself
  39. cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1" // Thickness of the outline - edit in .5 values
  40. cl_crosshairusealpha "1" // Enable/disable crosshair alpha
  41. cl_crosshairalpha "200.000000" // Opacity of the crosshair
  42. cl_crosshaircolor "4" // Color of the crosshair
  44. // Game
  45. cl_radar_scale "0.3" // radar scale
  46. cl_radar_rotate "1" // Enable/disable radar rotation
  47. cl_radar_always_centered "0" // Keeps the radar centered
  48. cl_autowepswitch "0" // Will not auto-switch to weapons if you pick them up
  49. cl_autohelp "1" // Enable/disable on screen hints (enemy, trade weapon, etc.)
  50. cl_showhelp "1" // Show the hints on screen
  51. cl_righthand "1" // 0 for left hand 1 for right hand or use bindtoggle <key> cl_righthand to give yourself one-key swapping between right/left handed
  52. spec_replay_autostart "0" // Enable/disable automatic killer replay
  53. gameinstructor_enable "1" // Enable/disable game instructor message
  55. // Net graph
  56. net_graph "1" // Shows net_graph stats (fps, rates, choke, etc.)
  57. net_graphproportionalfont "0" // Changes the size of the net graph text
  58. net_graphheight "32"
  60. // Audio
  61. volume "1.0" // Master volume
  62. snd_menumusic_volume "0" // Menu music volume
  63. snd_roundstart_volume "0" // Round start volume
  64. snd_roundend_volume "0" // Round end volume
  65. snd_mapobjective_volume "0" // Bomb/hostage volume
  66. snd_tensecondwarning_volume "0.2" // Ten second warning volume
  67. snd_deathcamera_volume "0" // Death camera volume
  68. snd_mvp_volume "0" // MVP volume
  69. snd_dzmusic_volume "0.2" // Danger zone music volume
  70. snd_mix_async "1" // (allows for shorter lookahead buffer (snd_mixahead), improves performance)
  71. snd_mixahead "0.025" // (low audio latency, makes CS audio feel more insync with screen)
  73. // Lag reduction
  74. cl_interp "0" // interpolation, should always be set to "0"
  75. cl_interp_ratio "1" // interpolation ratio, "1" = low ping, "2" = higher ping
  76. cl_forcepreload "0" // Force preloading map
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