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Aug 18th, 2017
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  1. // ---- [ FORWARDS ] ----
  2. forward sqlite_return_free_vw(); // This returns the next free virtual world, each time a house etc is added it adds one.
  3. forward LoadVehicles(); // Loads all existing vehicles.
  4. forward DeleteVehicle(vehicleid); // Deletes a vehicle.
  5. forward LoadVehicle(sqlid); // Loads the vehicle.
  6. forward AddVehicle(Float:carx,Float:cary,Float:carz,carmodel,carcolor1,carcolor2, Float:carangle, world, price, forsale, factionid, owner_sql_id, owned); // Creates a vehicle.
  7. forward VehicleExists(vehicleid); // Checks if the vehicle exists.
  8. forward PlayerOwnsCharacter_ID(playerid, id); // Checks if the player owns the character by id.
  9. forward PlayerOwnsCharacter_Name(playerid, charactername[]); // Checks if the player owns the character by name.
  10. forward LoadScript(); // Loads information from a non sqlite file.
  11. forward SaveScript(); // Saves information to a non sqlite file.
  12. forward AccountExists(playerid); // Checks if the master account is already registered.
  13. forward MasterAccountLogin(playerid, password[]); // Login to an existing master account.
  14. forward MasterAccountRegister(playerid); // Register a new Master Account if name not already in use.
  15. forward ResetMasterAccountVariables(playerid); // Resetting variables upon connection.
  16. forward MasterAccountSave(playerid); // Saves the master account variables to SQLite.
  17. forward ShowMenuDialog(playerid); // Shows the Main Menu dialog.
  18. forward PlayerCharacterCount(playerid); // Returns how many characters the user has already created.
  19. forward ResetPlayerCharacterVariables(playerid); // Resetting character variables upon connection.
  20. forward split(const strsrc[], strdest[][], delimiter); // Splitting a string.
  21. forward LoadCharacter(playerid, charactername[]); // Load character.
  22. forward CharacterID(charactername[]); // Returns the character ID of the desired name.
  23. forward CharacterExists(charactername[]); // Checks if the character exists by name.
  24. forward SpawnedAsCharacter(playerid); // Checks if the masteraccount is spawned as a character.
  25. forward DespawnCharacter(playerid); // Despawns the character if it's spawned.
  26. forward SaveCharacter(playerid); // Saves the character.
  27. forward CreateCharacter(playerid, charactername[], Float:playerx, Float:playery, Float:playerz, Float:playerangle, playerworld, playerinterior, playercash, playersex, playerage, playerreligion, playerbank, playerskin); // Creates a character.
  28. forward PlayerVehicleCount(playerid); // Counts how many vehicles the player owns.
  29. forward SaveVehicles(); // Saves all vehicles.
  30. forward SaveVehicle(vehicleid); // Saves vehicle by vehicle id which then saves by sqlid.
  31. forward GamemodeRestart(); // Starts the gamemode restart process.
  32. forward GameModeRestartFunction(); // Restarts the server.
  33. forward VehicleUpdateSpawn(vehicleid, Float:newx, Float:newy, Float:newz, Float:newangle); // Updates vehicle spawn.
  34. forward isVehiclePlayerOwned(vehicleid); // Checks if the vehicle is player owned, not affiliated with a faction etc.
  35. forward isVehicleOwner(vehicleid, playerid); // Checks if the user is the owner of the vehicle.
  36. forward VehicleForSale(vehicleid); // Checks if the vehicle is for sale, returns true/false.
  37. forward ObjectsInit(); // Function that loads objects.
  38. forward SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, Float:sx, Float:sy, Float:sz, Float:sangle, sinterior, svirtualworld); // Set multiple clientside world data at once.
  39. forward BuildingExists(sqlid); // Checks if a building exists by sqlid.
  40. forward LoadBuilding(sqlid); // Load a building by sqlid.
  41. forward LoadBuildings(); // Loads all buildings.
  42. forward CreateBuilding(sname[MAX_BUILDING_NAME], Float:fentx, Float:fenty, Float:fentz, ientfee, ientworld, ientint, Float:fenta, Float:fexitx, Float:fexity, Float:fexitz, iexitint, Float:fexita, iexitw, ilocked); // Creates a building.
  43. forward VehicleExistsEx(sqlid); // Checks if a vehicle exists by sqlid.
  44. forward ShowInteriorDialog(playerid); // Shows the player the dialog with the list of interiors.
  45. forward PlayerToPoint(Float:radi, playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z); // Playertopoint checks.
  46. forward PickupGametexts(); // Shows the gametexts when a player walks on a pickup.
  47. forward EnterExitChecks(playerid); // Function that is run when the user attempts to enter a building.
  48. forward AntiCheatTimer(); // Runs the anticheat code.
  49. // ----------------------
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