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- #!/usr/bin/env node
- /*
- Automatically grade files for the presence of specified HTML tags/attributes.
- Uses commander.js and cheerio. Teaches command line application development
- and basic DOM parsing.
- References:
- + cheerio
- -
- -
- -
- + commander.js
- -
- -
- + JSON
- -
- -
- -
- */
- var fs = require('fs');
- var program = require('commander');
- var cheerio = require('cheerio');
- var HTMLFILE_DEFAULT = "index.html";
- var CHECKSFILE_DEFAULT = "checks.json";
- var rest = require('restler');
- // Checks to see if the file infile exists. If so, the returns file name. If not, then error.
- var assertFileExists = function(infile) {
- var instr = infile.toString();
- if(!fs.existsSync(instr)) {
- console.log("%s does not exist. Exiting.", instr);
- process.exit(1); //
- }
- return instr;
- };
- // Checks to see if the given URL exists. If so, the returns URL in string. If not, then error.
- var assertURLExists = function(url) {
- var urlstr = url.toString();
- rest.get(urlstr).on('complete', function(result) {
- if (result instanceof Error) {
- console.log('Error: ' + result.message);
- this.retry(5000); // try again after 5 sec
- }
- });
- return urlstr;
- }
- var cheerioHtmlFile = function(htmlfile) {
- return cheerio.load(fs.readFileSync(htmlfile));
- };
- var loadChecks = function(checksfile) {
- return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(checksfile));
- };
- var checkHtmlFile = function(htmlfile, checksfile) {
- $ = cheerioHtmlFile(htmlfile);
- var checks = loadChecks(checksfile).sort();
- var out = {};
- for(var ii in checks) {
- var present = $(checks[ii]).length > 0;
- out[checks[ii]] = present;
- }
- return out;
- };
- //
- var checkURL = function(urlContents, checksfile) {
- $ = cheerio.load(urlContents);
- var checks = loadChecks(checksfile).sort();
- var out = {};
- for(var ii in checks) {
- var present = $(checks[ii]).length > 0;
- out[checks[ii]] = present;
- }
- return out;
- };
- var clone = function(fn) {
- // Workaround for commander.js issue.
- //
- return fn.bind({});
- };
- if(require.main == module) {
- program
- .option('-c, --checks <check_file>', 'Path to checks.json', clone(assertFileExists), CHECKSFILE_DEFAULT)
- .option('-f, --file <html_file>', 'Path to index.html', clone(assertFileExists), HTMLFILE_DEFAULT)
- .option('-u, --url <url_file>', 'Path to url of a file', clone(assertURLExists))
- .parse(process.argv);
- // If file name was given, compare checks to file
- if(!program.url) {
- var checkJson = checkHtmlFile(program.file, program.checks);
- var outJson = JSON.stringify(checkJson, null, 4);
- console.log(outJson);
- }
- // If URL was given, compare checks to URL
- else {
- // Compare checks to URL
- rest.get(program.url).on('complete', function(result) {
- // result is the info in URL
- var checkJson = checkURL(result, program.checks);
- var outJson = JSON.stringify(checkJson, null, 4);
- console.log(outJson);
- });
- }
- }
- else {
- exports.checkHtmlFile = checkHtmlFile;
- }
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