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Jul 16th, 2018
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  1. on damage:
  2. victim is a player
  3. if the attacker is holding a stone hoe named "§a§lOROCHI":
  4. set {_critical} to random integer between 1 and 5
  5. if {_critical} is 1:
  6. poison the victim for 5 seconds
  7. damage victim by 1 heart
  8. if the attacker is holding a stone shovel named "§a§lLONG-SWORD":
  9. set {_critical} to random integer between 1 and 10
  10. if {_critical} is 1:
  11. damage victim by 5 hearts
  12. if the attacker is holding a stone axe named "§a§lSHORT-SWORD":
  13. set {_critical} to random integer between 1 and 2
  14. if {_critical} is 1:
  15. damage victim by 1 heart
  16. execute console command "/execute %victim% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.zombie.attack_door_wood master @a ~ ~ ~"
  17. if {fruits.%player%} is 1
  18. cancel the event
  19. set {fruits.%player%} to 2
  20. wait 30 seconds
  21. set {fruits.%player%} to 0
  22. #初期地点指定(運営用)
  23. on rightclick with stick:
  24. send "初期スポーン地点を指定しました!" to player
  25. set {m0spawn} to location of player
  26. #死亡時の処理
  27. on death:
  28. force victim to respawn
  29. teleport victim to {m0spawn}
  30. remove all items from the victim
  31. set the victim's gamemode to spectator
  32. set {enter.%victim%} to 0
  33. command /enter:
  34. description: pvpを開始する
  35. trigger:
  36. if {enter.%player%} is 0
  37. execute console command "tp @p @r[type=armor_stand,tag=spawn]"
  38. set the player's gamemode to adventure
  39. set {enter.%player%} to 1
  40. if {kit.%player%} is 1:
  41. make player execute command "give @p minecraft:stone_hoe 1 0 {HideFlags:4,AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:""generic.attackDamage"",Name:""generic.attackDamage"",Amount:3,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:602690,UUIDMost:619059,Slot:""mainhand""},{AttributeName:""generic.attackSpeed"",Name:""generic.attackSpeed"",Amount:-0.55,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:817507,UUIDMost:877308,Slot:""mainhand""}],Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§a§lOROCHI""}}"
  42. if {kit.%player%} is 2:
  43. make player execute command "give @p minecraft:stone_shovel 1 0 {HideFlags:4,AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:""generic.attackDamage"",Name:""generic.attackDamage"",Amount:3,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:602690,UUIDMost:619059,Slot:""mainhand""},{AttributeName:""generic.attackSpeed"",Name:""generic.attackSpeed"",Amount:-2,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:817507,UUIDMost:877308,Slot:""mainhand""}],Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§a§lLONG-SWORD""}}"
  44. if {kit.%player%} is 3:
  45. make player execute command "give @p minecraft:stone_axe 1 0 {HideFlags:4,AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:""generic.attackDamage"",Name:""generic.attackDamage"",Amount:2,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:602690,UUIDMost:619059,Slot:""mainhand""},{AttributeName:""generic.attackSpeed"",Name:""generic.attackSpeed"",Amount:-0.5,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:817507,UUIDMost:877308,Slot:""mainhand""}],Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§a§lSHORT-SWORD""}}"
  46. if {enter.%player%} is 1
  47. send "すでにpvp中です!" to player
  48. command /kit [<number>]:
  49. description: kitを変更する
  50. trigger:
  51. if {enter.%player%} is 0
  52. send "kitを変更しました!" to player
  53. set {kit.%player%} to arg-1
  54. if {enter.%player%} is 1
  55. send "ゲーム中はkitを変更できません!" to player
  56. on first join:
  57. set {enter.%player%} to 0
  58. send "初めまして!「/kit 1~3」でkitを変更、「/enter」で参加できます!"
  59. on join:
  60. if {enter.%player%} is 1
  61. teleport player to m0spawn
  62. set the player's gamemode to spectator
  63. send "pvp中の退出はやめましょう!" to player
  64. set {enter.%player%} to 0
  65. on left click:
  66. block is coal ore
  67. set {_success} to random iteger between 1 and 3
  68. if {_success} is between 2 and 3
  69. send "採掘は失敗しました!" to player
  70. if {_success} is 1
  71. set {_randomitem} to random integer between 1 and 5
  72. if {_randomitem} is 1:
  73. make player execute command "/give @p minecraft:apple 1 0 {display:{Name:"§a§lシールドフルーツ",Lore:["§7§l右クリックでシールドを張る"]}}"
  74. if {_randomitem} is 2:
  75. make player execute command "/give @p minecraft:paper 1 0 {display:{Name:"§a§l包帯",Lore:["§7§l右クリックで回復する"]}}"
  76. if {_randomitem} is 3:
  77. make player execute command "tell @p 考えてない"
  78. if {_randomitem} is 4:
  79. make player execute command "tell @p 考えてない"
  80. if {_randomitem} is 5:
  81. make player execute command "tell @p 考えてない"
  82. on right click with paper:
  83. name of held item contains "§a§l包帯"
  84. if {bandage.%player%} is 1
  85. send "包帯を2つ同時に使用することはできません" to player
  86. if {bandage.%player%} is 0
  87. set {bandage.%player%} to 1
  88. remove 1 of event-item from player
  89. apply blindness 1 to player for 2 seconds
  90. apply slowness 1 to player for 2 seconds
  91. heal player by 3 hearts
  92. wait 2 seconds
  93. set {bandage.%player%} to 0
  94. on right click with apple:
  95. name of held item contains "§a§lシールドフルーツ"
  96. if {fruits.%player%} is 1
  97. send "シールドは2枚以上はれません" to player
  98. if {fruits.%player%} is 0
  99. set {fruits.%player%} to 1
  100. remove 1 of event-item from player
  101. if {fruits.%player%} is 2
  102. send "ダメージを受けてから30秒間はシールドフルーツを使用できません"
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