Guest User


a guest
Nov 22nd, 2019
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  1. command /join:
  2. trigger:
  3. if {_join::%player%} is not set:
  4. set {_join::%player%} to player
  5. add 1 to {join.player}
  6. teleport player to {spawn.join}
  7. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &6%player%が参加しました &7(現在参加者:&a%{join.player}%&7人)"
  8. wait a tick
  9. if {join.player} is 2:
  10. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &6参加者が集まったのでカウントダウンを開始します"
  11. set {_game.start.timer} to 100
  12. if {join.player} >= 3:
  13. remove 7 from {_game.start.timer}
  14. else:
  15. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &cすでに参加しています!"
  16. while {_game.start.timer} is not 0:
  17. wait 1 second
  18. remove 1 from {_game.start.timer}
  19. send action bar "&7ゲーム開始まで &a%{_game.start.timer}%&7秒" to player
  20. while {_game.start.timer} is 0:
  21. loop {_join::*}:
  22. if size of {red::*} is 0:
  23. add loop-player to {red::*}
  24. send "&8[&eTDM&8]&6 あなたは&c赤&6チームです" to loop-player
  25. if size of {red::*} = size of {blue::*}:
  26. add loop-player to {red::*}
  27. send "&8[&eTDM&8]&6 あなたは&c赤&6チームです" to loop-player
  28. if size of {red::*} > size of {blue::*}:
  29. add loop-player to {blue::*}
  30. send "&8[&eTDM&8]&6 あなたは&9青&6チームです" to loop-player
  35. command /game [<text>]:
  36. permission: admin
  37. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  38. trigger:
  39. if arg-1 is "reset":
  40. delete {_join::*}
  41. delete {_game.start}
  42. delete {join.player}
  43. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &aゲームをリセットしました"
  45. command /spawn [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  46. permission: admin
  47. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  48. trigger:
  49. if arg-1 is "help":
  50. if arg-2 or arg-3 is not set:
  51. send "&7使用法&8: &c/spawn < join | game > < set | delete > < red | blue >"
  52. else if arg-3 is not set:
  53. if arg-1 is "join":
  54. if arg-2 is "set":
  55. if {spawn.join} is not set:
  56. set {spawn.join} to player's location
  57. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &6GAMEJOINスポーン地点をセットしました"
  58. else:
  59. set {spawn.join} to player's location
  60. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &6GAMEJOINスポーン地点を上書きしました"
  61. else if arg-2 is "delete":
  62. if {spawn.join} is set:
  63. delete {spawn.join}
  64. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &6GAMEJOINスポーン地点を削除しました"
  65. else:
  66. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &cGAMEJOINスポーン地点をセットしていません!"
  67. else if arg-1 is "game":
  68. if arg-2 is "set":
  69. if arg-3 is "red" or "r":
  70. if {} is not set:
  71. set {} to player's location
  72. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &6赤チームのスポーン地点を設定しました"
  73. else:
  74. set {} to player's location
  75. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &6赤チームのスポーン地点を上書きしました"
  76. else if arg-3 is "blue" or "b":
  77. if {} is not set:
  78. set {} to player's location
  79. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &6青チームのスポーン地点を設定しました"
  80. else:
  81. set {} to player's location
  82. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &6青チームのスポーン地点を上書きしました"
  83. else:
  84. if arg-2 is "delete":
  85. if arg-3 is "red" or "r":
  86. if {} is set:
  87. delete {}
  88. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &6赤チームのスポーン地点を削除しました"
  89. else:
  90. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &c赤チームのスポーン地点をセットしていません!"
  91. else if arg-3 is "blue" or "b":
  92. if {} is set:
  93. delete {}
  94. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &6青チームのスポーン地点を削除しました"
  95. else:
  96. send "&8[&eTDM&8] &c青チームのスポーン地点をセットしていません!"
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