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Oct 17th, 2017
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  2. Sagely - Today at 4:26 PM
  3. hey man, with this whole lexa thing, you can't really expect to keep something like this hidden. there are people complaining about her and already suspecting you two as being together or you being into her. if you hide it and people realize it is true, it makes all of us look worse for concealing it whether we had a part in it or not. I just think everyone wants to see her get by on her own merit, not by GM special treatment. obviously im not telling you to go tell everyone about it right now, but if it becomes a serious thing it should be disclosed eventually. im happy you like each other and are gonna do your thing, but I dont want to see this become a big issue we have to deal with down the line.
  4. Darmstadt - Today at 4:27 PM
  5. k lmao
  6. reading it after a response
  7. I’d lol irl if you think that she’s gotten special treatment already. Purely numbers wise she’s good enough for the team. If her numbers weren’t good enough, there’s way too many people that would fall under that category as well, including your “special interest”
  8. Sagely - Today at 4:30 PM
  9. I dont think she has, but other people have said things
  10. look man, Im not attacking you or her, Im just trying to look out for our best interest
  11. heres one from october 1st if you dont believe me "just feels like darm has a crush and is giving her favoritism"
  12. Darmstadt - Today at 4:31 PM
  13. You’re blindly defending lestrange and accusing me of something very early. Nothing’s even going on, she’s still in a relationship and I’m not about that life this time around.
  14. From who
  15. Because if that’s meg
  16. That is HYPERLUL
  17. Because I’m basically having to favour her WAY more just to keep her on the team
  18. And if it’s gargong, the same thing applies cuz he’d quit if meg got cut
  19. Like how do you not see that if people don’t like someone’s personality, they think they’re worse than they actually are
  20. Sagely - Today at 4:33 PM
  21. while I agree, people are still worrying about it. again, Im not attacking you or accusing you, I feel like you're taking this much more hostile than it is.
  22. Darmstadt - Today at 4:34 PM
  23. Because if you agree then fucking stand up for me you pussy
  24. Like what the honest fuck
  25. Grow a backbone
  26. But if you agree with them
  27. Tell me like a man
  28. Sagely - Today at 4:34 PM
  29. you have no proof that I didnt stand up for you
  30. like I said 4 minutes ago, I dont think shes gotten special treatment so far
  31. but I dont want it to be a thing that makes us look bad in the future
  32. Darmstadt - Today at 4:35 PM
  33. If you stood up for your opinion (which is technically factual because were using logs to prove that she’s good enough”
  34. )*
  35. Then their opinion no meme doesn’t matter
  36. Sagely - Today at 4:36 PM
  37. I would disagree there, their opinion can be wrong, but it still hurts us to have raiders harboring resentment towards each other for the wrong reasons
  38. Darmstadt - Today at 4:36 PM
  39. Like, a debate over whether or not a raider is good enough for the team is almost always won just with facts. It’s not an opinion thing, really. At least officer v raider
  40. Then we need to try to change their opinion. And if we can’t, that’s their fault man not mine
  41. Sagely - Today at 4:37 PM
  42. you're right, Im not saying its your fault
  43. all Im saying is if you conceal this forever then a year down the line someone figures it out, it looks bad
  44. Im not assuming or accusing you of doing that
  45. Darmstadt - Today at 4:38 PM
  46. I don’t see why keeping something private is a bad thing. I was only going to keep t private until she was single anyways
  47. Sagely - Today at 4:38 PM
  48. normally keeping something private is fine, its just because you're the GM and shes a raider people will think theres something going on even if there isnt
  49. its like if I tried to keep it hidden that me and lestrange were a thing, people would think theres special treatment when it eventually came out
  50. Darmstadt - Today at 4:41 PM
  51. If you bombard them with facts while they’re at the early stages of calling bias, I think you can squash it early, and if they still don’t drop it then it shouldn’t matter, because the officers are on a united front against their opinion.
  52. But if you guys secretly think she gets special treatment, tell me extremely soon
  53. Sagely - Today at 4:41 PM
  54. again, I don't
  55. Im just telling you this is something we should be careful of and be ready to argue with people because Im looking out for you. I would have said something very differently if I thought you were treating her differently.
  56. Darmstadt - Today at 4:43 PM
  57. I’m ready to argue with people and I already have, with meg, gargong, you, etc
  58. I’m tellin you man, if they dislike someone’s personality, they think they’re worse than they actually are.
  59. I’ve done that shit as well. It’s not right, still happens tho
  60. Sagely - Today at 4:44 PM
  61. I agree, I get that. I just think you deserve to be aware of it, when that just goes on behind someones back theres not much you can do to change public opinion.
  62. anyway, Im on your side here, lestrange didnt tell me so that Id come yell at you or anything, we were just talking about how you'd be gone on thanksgiving and she told me about it expecting me to keep it to myself. normally we'd keep it to ourselves, but I thought the right thing to do was just talk to you about it. sorry that you didnt want me to know and that this happened, but Im just trying to look out for all of us, try not to look at myself or her differently for this, she tried to convince me to just leave it, but I didnt think it was right, maybe I was in the wrong to say anything, but I only did because I care about what happens.
  63. Darmstadt - Today at 4:57 PM
  64. I’d rather know right away when you know tbh, rather than telling you a month down the road and you being like “ I know cx”
  65. Doesn’t mean I’m okay though
  66. Sagely - Today at 4:58 PM
  67. I mean, its a hard thing to bring up the right way. are you upset that I came to talk to you about this or something instead of just saying "I know"?
  68. Darmstadt - Today at 4:58 PM
  69. No
  70. I’m mad that you don’t just fire back with your opinions. I understand listening to raiders, but if you’re already set on your decision on it, no reason to give them hope that you actually might do something about it
  71. Darmstadt - Today at 5:00 PM
  72. If it’s a non negotiable argument, tell them that.
  73. Sagely - Today at 5:01 PM
  74. at the time all I had said was shes one of our weaker melee, she had just gotten shoulders after that raid week though and I had said maybe thatll change things for her, now shes a lot closer to tirwa and Ive said that and backed her up on it
  75. Im not sure what more I can do there
  76. Darmstadt - Today at 5:02 PM
  77. Then I’m confused why we need to “watch out” and “be careful” if we’ve already decided it’s not bias
  78. If I haven’t proven that I won’t be biased for a bitch then idk what I’m doing with my wow life lmao
  79. Sagely - Today at 5:03 PM
  80. ugh this has nothing to do with you proving it or not though, most people wont take your past track record into account, especially newer people that dont know it
  81. Darmstadt - Today at 5:03 PM
  82. But my track record doesn’t have any bias in it either???
  83. Sagely - Today at 5:04 PM
  84. right and I know that, but not everyone else does and not everyone will care if they think you are biased in the future
  85. again, Im fine with this, I dont think theres an issue right now. Im just saying something because Im looking out for you, I dont want to see people bitching and whining about this in the future and have us caught off guardhe future and have us caught off guard
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