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Shekel/JEW MN VPS Guide

a guest
Jan 22nd, 2018
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  1. This guide is for a single masternode, on a Ubuntu 14.04 64bit server(1GB RAM, 25GB SDD) hosted by and will be controlled from the wallet on your local computer.
  5. Remember: Linux VPS, wallet containing your coins on a windows PC
  6. !Make sure to double check everything you type!
  7.  You can use either the servers console on, or use putty to login. Be aware that if you login with the servers console you will not be able to copy/paste from and into the console and it can cause pain. I suggest going for the putty method. If you type in your password but nothing appears in the console/terminal, don’t worry, it’s there, just type all in and hit enter
  8.  After you successfully logged in type the following commands and hit enter:
  9.  apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
  10.  apt-get install ntp unzip git build-essential libssl-dev libdb-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libqrencode-dev aptitude && aptitude install miniupnpc libminiupnpc-dev
  11.  it will ask you to confirm with a Y or N, so type Y and hit enter
  12.  create a swap file so that the wallet compiles faster by typing and pressing enter after every line:
  13.  sudo fallocate -l 1G /mnt/1GB.swap
  14.  sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/1GB.swap bs=1024 count=1048576
  15.  sudo mkswap /mnt/1GB.swap
  16.  sudo swapon /mnt/1GB.swap
  17.  nano /etc/fstab – this will open a little text editor in terminal. Go all the way to the bottom and add this:
  18.  /mnt/1GB.swap none swap sw 0 0
  19.  once you type that you do control +x, it'll ask you to save, so type y, then enter to save. It should write some lines (12 in my case).
  20.  nano /etc/sysctl.conf - this will open a little text editor in terminal. Go all the way to the bottom and add this:
  21.  vm.swappiness=50
  22.  once you type that you do control +x, it'll ask you to save, so type y, then enter to save. It should write some lines (65 in my case).
  23.  sudo swapon -s – this should show something like /mnt/1GB.swap file 1048572 0 -1
  24.  apt-get update && apt-get upgrade – when prompt to continue, type y, and hit enter
  25.  apt-get install ntp unzip git build-essential libssl-dev libdb-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libqrencode-dev aptitude && aptitude install miniupnpc libminiupnpc-dev
  26.  apt-get install dh-autoreconf
  27.  apt-get install pkg-config
  28.  git clone
  29.  mv wallet/ shekel/
  30.  cd shekel/src/leveldb
  31.  chmod +x build_detect_platform
  32.  make clean
  33.  make libleveldb.a libmemenv.a
  34.  cd ../../
  35.  ./ – will copy some files
  36.  ./configure --with-incompatible-bdb
  37.  make - this is going to build the wallet and it will take quite a bit of time. It might take up to 15-20 minutes. This was just to get the wallet installed on the VPS. Usually coins have precompiled wallets, so normally you just have to download the wallet. When it’s done, continue:
  38.  cd src
  39.  ./shekeld -daemon – this will show you some stuff, including rpcuser and rpcpassword. Copy them into a notepad for later use.
  40.  nano ~/.shekel/shekel.conf – go to the bottom and add your rpcuser and rpcpassword and some addnodes. Everything must be on a separate line. So type in rpcuser=shekel hit enter, proceed to type rpcpassword=shekel1240 hit enter, proceed to type addnode=, hit enter, addnode=, hit enter, addnode=, hit enter, addnode=, hit enter. Ctrl + x and type y to save.
  41.  ./shekeld -daemon – you should see JEW server starting
  42.  ./shekel-cli masternode genkey – copy that key into a notepad for future use. After you copied the key type
  43.  shekel-cli stop – you should see JEW server stopping
  44.  nano ~/.shekel/shekel.conf – go to the bottom and add
  45.  bind=VPSIPADDRESS:49472 (it’s your vps ip from
  46.  masternode=1
  47.  masternodeprivkey=the key you saved 5 steps behind where you got the masternode genkey
  48.  ctrl+x, type y to save
  49.  ./shekeld -daemon – JEW server starting
  50.  sudo iptables -t nat -I OUTPUT -d YOURIP -p tcp --dport 49472 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 49472 – replace YOURIP with your actual VPS IP
  51.  Now go ahead and edit your masternode.conf file as specified in the guide at step 5. Should be formatted as mn1 ipaddress:49472 privkey txid 0
  52.  After you save the masternode.conf, restart windows wallet
  53.  You should see your MN in the Masternodes tab. Click on it and then Start alias
  54. That’s it! This guide is based on CryptoCartel’s knowledge. All I did was to assemble everything into a .docx
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