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Sep 24th, 2017
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  1. Daeran - Yesterday at 7:58 PM
  2. your moral compass is completely fucking busted
  3. and you act like it's normal
  4. Daisy(Ruricy) - Yesterday at 7:58 PM
  5. that not everyone can accept
  6. Daeran - Yesterday at 7:58 PM
  7. no it's fucking not
  8. Daisy(Ruricy) - Yesterday at 7:58 PM
  9. it is dae
  10. Daeran - Yesterday at 7:58 PM
  11. imagine a partner that leaves an abusive husband and someone saying "both sides hurt each other"
  12. sometimes it's NOT fucking "both sides"
  13. sometimes the people saying "both sides" have a fucked up moral compass that doesn't know the difference between hurting someone and reacting to being hurt
  14. Daisy(Ruricy) - Yesterday at 7:59 PM
  15. u don't think the abusive husband being left is hurt?
  16. smh..
  17. both sides are people too
  18. Daeran - Yesterday at 7:59 PM
  19. your moral compass is beyond fucked
  20. i can't deal with this shit
  21. you need jesus
  22. Daisy(Ruricy) - Yesterday at 7:59 PM
  23. stop demonizing the other side dae
  24. Daeran - Yesterday at 7:59 PM
  25. daisy, listen to me
  26. your sense of morality
  27. Daeran - Yesterday at 8:00 PM
  28. is deeply fucked up
  29. i don't know what kind of upbringing you had
  30. Daisy(Ruricy) - Yesterday at 8:00 PM
  31. if saying that makes u feel better, then I'm ok about it
  32. Daeran - Yesterday at 8:00 PM
  33. but i was taught that there is a such thing as right and wrong
  34. and those things are real and objective things
  35. Daisy(Ruricy) - Yesterday at 8:00 PM
  36. everything yer saying rn is just personal attacks
  37. it's not even related to milleniums and thicc anymore
  38. Daeran - Yesterday at 8:00 PM
  39. yes, it's related to your whole notion of there not being right and wrong
  40. that's what has me pissed off right now
  41. Daisy(Ruricy) - Yesterday at 8:01 PM
  42. when there is a war
  43. u cna't completely say it's always one side's fault
  44. Daeran - Yesterday at 8:01 PM
  45. okay so it was the fault of the polish for getting invaded?
  46. or did the Jews do something to justify getting genocided?
  47. Daisy(Ruricy) - Yesterday at 8:02 PM
  48. people do bad things for their own reasons
  49. u can't say they're wrong or right
  50. Daeran - Yesterday at 8:02 PM
  51. is there a "both sides" to "The Jews" and "Adolf Hitler"
  52. Daisy(Ruricy) - Yesterday at 8:02 PM
  53. u can't say a robber that robbed the bank is bad
  54. when he's reason for it was to feed his family after going through unemployment and feeling cornered
  55. Daeran - Yesterday at 8:03 PM
  56. that's not what I asked
  57. Daisy(Ruricy) - Yesterday at 8:03 PM
  58. in hitler's view, he did what he felt was right
  59. Daeran - Yesterday at 8:03 PM
  60. but you act like EVERY case is like that
  61. okay
  62. so you're literally justifying the holocaust
  63. Daisy(Ruricy) - Yesterday at 8:03 PM
  64. other's didn't see it that way
  65. Daeran - Yesterday at 8:03 PM
  66. good job
  67. Daisy(Ruricy) - Yesterday at 8:03 PM
  68. some did
  69. there were people on his side too
  70. Daeran - Yesterday at 8:04 PM
  71. you
  72. are
  73. literally
  74. Daisy(Ruricy) - Yesterday at 8:04 PM
  75. u need to stop forcing yer ideals of right and wrong onto people
  76. Daeran - Yesterday at 8:04 PM
  77. justifying
  78. genocide
  80. Daisy(Ruricy) - Yesterday at 8:04 PM
  81. america bombed japan
  82. Daeran - Yesterday at 8:04 PM
  86. Daisy(Ruricy) - Yesterday at 8:04 PM
  87. how is that justified?
  88. wow..
  89. Daeran - Yesterday at 8:04 PM
  90. see that's justified toop
  91. because "both sides"
  92. xddd
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