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a guest
Dec 6th, 2019
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  1. command /Ranks:
  2. trigger:
  3. open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "Ranks" to player
  4. set {_item} to coal named "&8Coal rank" with lore "&6$1000" without any nbt
  5. format gui slot 10 of player with {_item} to close:
  6. if player's balance is greater than or equal to 1000:
  7. execute console command "pex user %player% group set coal"
  8. remove 1000 from player's balance
  9. send "&aYou now have access to coal mine!"
  10. else:
  11. message "&cYou don't have enough money!"
  12. set {_item} to iron ingot named "&fIron rank" with lore "&6$1500" without any nbt
  13. format gui slot 12 of player with {_item} to close:
  14. if player's balance is greater than or equal to 1500:
  15. execute console command "pex user %player% group set iron"
  16. remove 1500 from player's balance
  17. send "&aYou now have access to iron mine!"
  18. else:
  19. message "&cYou don't have enough money!"
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