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a guest
Nov 19th, 2019
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  1. \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 2cm]
  2. \draw node[start] (start) at (0, 0) {}
  3. node[block, below of = start] (off) {\small{Off}}
  4. node[block, below of = off] (idle) {\small{Idle}}
  5. node[block, below of = idle] (light) {\small{Check light level}}
  6. node[block, below of = light] (temp) {\small{Check temperature}}
  7. node[block, below of = temp] (vision) {\small{Check vision system}}
  8. node[block, left of = light, node distance = 4cm] (light-a) {\small{Turning on lights}}
  9. node[block, node distance = 3cm] (temp-a) at ([xshift=3cm, yshift=1cm] temp.45) {\small{Turning on heater}}
  10. node[block, node distance = 3cm] (temp-b) at ([xshift=3cm, yshift=-1cm] temp.315) {\small{Turning on fan}}
  11. node[block, left of = vision, node distance = 3.5cm] (water) {\small{Watering}}
  12. node[draw = none, below of = water] (spacer) {\tiny{All clear / watering done}}
  13. node[draw = none, left of = light-a] (spacer2) {}
  14. node[draw = none, right of = temp-b, node distance = 3cm] (spacer3) {\tiny{Done heating / cooling}};
  15. \draw[|->, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (start) -- (off);
  16. \draw[|->, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (off) -- (idle) node[midway, fill = white] {\tiny{Turn on}};
  17. \draw[|->, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (idle) -- (light) node[midway, fill = white] {\tiny{Interval timer}};
  18. \draw[|->, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (light) -- (temp) node[midway, fill = white] {\tiny{All clear}};
  19. \draw[|->, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (temp) -- (vision) node[midway, fill = white] {\tiny{All clear}};
  20. \draw[|-, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (vision) |- (spacer);
  21. \draw[->, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (spacer) -| (spacer2) |- (idle);
  22. \draw[|->, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (light) -- (light-a) node[midway, fill = white, above = 1em] {\tiny{Below threshold}};
  23. \draw[|->, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (temp.15) -| (temp-a) node[midway, fill = white] {\tiny{Below threshold}};
  24. \draw[|->, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (temp.345) -| (temp-b) node[midway, fill = white] {\tiny{Above threshold}};
  25. \draw[|->, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (vision) -- (water) node[midway, fill = white, above = 1em] {\tiny{Suboptimal watering}};
  26. \draw[|-, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (temp-a) -| (spacer3);
  27. \draw[->, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (spacer3) |- (vision.345);
  28. \draw[|-, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (temp-b) -- (spacer3);
  29. \draw[|->, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (light-a) |- (temp) node[midway, fill = white] {\tiny{Done lighting}};
  30. \draw[|-, shorten >= 2pt, shorten <= 2pt] (water) -- (spacer);
  31. \end{tikzpicture}
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