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a guest
Apr 21st, 2018
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  1. on join:
  2. send "&e--&bぴょんぴょんする鯖&e--"
  3. send "&bぴょんぴょんする鯖, [PyonPyonServer] へようこそ"
  4. send "&aこの鯖はSkriptで作られた機動アイテムを駆使して"
  5. send "&aぴょんぴょんする鯖です"
  6. send "&bお楽しみください"
  7. set {%player%.ct.wheat} to 0
  8. set {%player%.ct.feather} to 0
  9. set {%player%.ct.netherstar} to 0
  10. send "&e&l/item と打つとアイテムがもらえます"
  11. send "&b無重力状態 SneakToggle → 上昇"
  12. send "&c重力状態 SneakToggle → 下降"
  13. broadcast "&b&l%player% &aがぴょんぴょんしに来たよ!"
  15. on quit:
  16. broadcast "&b&l%player%&cがぴょんぴょんするのをやめたよ"
  18. on sneak toggle:
  19. player is sneaking
  20. push the player downwards at speed 0.5
  21. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.firework.launch ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 0.5 1.0 0.5"
  22. command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ particle happyVillager ~ ~ ~ 0.3 0.3 0.3 0 20 force"
  24. command /item <player=%player%>:
  25. trigger:
  26. message "&eぴょんぴょん Kit &9を配布しました" to arg 1
  27. give stick of KnockBack 10 named "&b[&eぶっとばし棒&b]" with lore "&7Playerを攻撃するとぶっ飛びます" to arg 1
  28. give wheat named "&b[&eどっかーん!&b]" with lore "&7右クリックすると、自分がぶっ飛びます" to arg 1
  29. give feather named "&b[&eぴょんぴょん&b]" with lore "&7右クリックすると、大きく飛び跳ねます" to arg 1
  30. give elytra of Unbreaking 50 named "&b[&eえりとら&b]" with lore "&7あなたの機動ライフを助けます" to arg 1
  31. loop 64 times:
  32. give fireworks named "&b[&e打ち上げ花火&b]" with lore "&7エリトラ飛行用です、花火ではありません" to arg 1
  33. give nether star named "&b[&e重力操作(トグル式)&b]" with lore "&7右クリックで、重力の強さを調整します 二段階です" to arg 1
  34. give bone named "&d[下降上昇装置&b]" with lore "&7左クリックで下降、右クリックで上昇" to arg 1
  36. on rightclick with bone:
  37. name of player's tool contains "&b[&e下降上昇装置&b]"
  38. command "/tp %player% ~ ~1 ~"
  39. on leftclick with bone:
  40. name of player's tool contains "&b[&e下降上昇装置&b]"
  41. command "/tp %player% ~ ~-1 ~"
  43. on rightclick with wheat:
  44. name of player's tool contains "&b[&eどっかーん!&b]"
  45. push the player upwards at speed 0.5
  46. push the player horizontally forwards at speed 2
  47. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.firework.launch ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 0.5 1.0 0.5"
  49. on rightclick with feather:
  50. name of player's tool contains "&b[&eぴょんぴょん&b]"
  51. push the player upwards at speed 4
  52. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.firework.launch ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 0.5 1.0 0.5"
  54. on rightclick with nether star:
  55. name of player's tool contains "&b[&e重力操作(トグル式)&b]"
  56. if {%player%.G} is 0:
  57. set {%player%.G} to 1
  58. command "/effect %player% clear"
  59. command "/effect %player% minecraft:levitation 100000 255"
  60. command "/effect %player% minecraft:resistance 100000 5"
  61. send "無重力モードに切り替えました"
  62. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.firework.launch ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 0.5 1.0 0.5"
  63. stop
  64. else:
  65. set {%player%.G} to 0
  66. command "/effect %player% clear"
  67. command "/effect %player% minecraft:resistance 100000 5"
  68. send "重力モードに切り替えました"
  69. command "/playsound minecraft:entity.firework.launch ambient %player% ~ ~ ~ 0.5 1.0 0.5"
  70. stop
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