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Aug 18th, 2015
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  1. from random import randint
  2. import string
  3. import requests
  4. import urllib2
  5. import random
  6. from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
  8. #Regions : EUNE, EUW, NA, LAN, LAS, BR
  10. #Username : 4-24 length, only letters and numbers
  11. #Password : 6-16 length, at least 1 number and one letter, no ", / ."
  12. #Password2 : = Password
  13. #E-mail :
  14. #Date of Birth : randomint(1-30), randomint(1-12), randomint(1980-1996)
  15. #Terms of use : 1 checkbox (has to be checked)
  16. #Captcha : img, then a Label to input a captcha text
  17. #Play for free button : just imitate a click on that
  19. #Files to work on : names.txt, created_accounts.txt
  20. #Possible separators : ":" and "|"
  22. #Variables used : username, password, email
  24. created = []
  25. def saveAcc(username, password):
  26. username = username
  27. password = password
  28. fid = open('created_accounts.txt', 'w')
  29. fid.write("n%s%s%st" +time) % (username, sep, password)
  30. fid.close()
  31. created.append(username)
  32. def createAcc(region, password, number, sep):
  33. #So for now we have those variables: region(Region), password(if given), number(Number of accs to create), sep(A separator between username and password)
  34. region = region
  35. password = password
  36. number = number
  37. sep = sep
  38. #Setting a url to register using the region given from input
  39. url = "https://signup." +region+"" +region
  40. #creating a random username
  41. fid = open('names.txt', 'r')
  42. names = fid.readlines()
  43. names2 = random.choice(names)
  44. username = names2[:len(names2)-1] + str(randint(100,1000))
  45. #Creating a e-mail equal to random username +
  46. email = username+""
  47. #Checking if password is valid
  48. if len(password) <= 6:
  49. #checking if password should be random
  50. if password == "":
  51. #creating a random password
  52. def id_generator(size=6, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits):
  53. return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
  54. password = id_generator()
  55. elif password != "":
  56. print "Invalid password!"
  57. #Creating a list which : [0] is a day, [1] is a month and [2] is a year
  58. dob = []
  59. dob.append(randint(10,30))
  60. dob.append(randint(1,12))
  61. dob.append(randint(1980, 1996))
  62. #Creating new variables : dd for Day, mm for Month and yyyy for Year
  63. dd = dob[0]
  64. mm = dob[1]
  65. yyyy = dob[2]
  66. #Username, e-mail and password are strings! Dates of birth are integers!!!
  67. #debug()
  68. print "nURL: %s" % url
  69. print "Region: %s" % region
  70. print "Username: %s" % username
  71. print "Password: %s" % password
  72. print "E-mail: %s" % email
  73. print "Date of Birth: %s %s %s" % (str(dob[0]), str(dob[1]), str(dob[2]))
  74. print "Number of accounts: %s" % number
  75. print "Separator: %s" % sep
  76. #Here comes the hardest part, the WEB part:
  80. #Saving a created account to created_accounts.txt
  81. #saveAcc(username, password) --- commented just to not use it for now
  82. def main():
  83. print "Regions : EUNE, EUW, NA, LAN, LAS, BR"
  84. print "Password may only contain letters and numbers!!!!!!!"
  85. print 'Possible separators : ":" and "|"n'
  86. region = raw_input("Region: ").lower()
  87. password = raw_input("Password for your accounts (if u want random pass, then skip it with ENTER)")
  88. number = int(raw_input("Number of accounts to create: "))
  89. sep = raw_input("Separator?: ")
  90. createAcc(region, password, number, sep)
  91. #To delete, when we finish a code (when no debug is needed):
  92. #debug()
  93. #for i in range(number):
  94. #createAcc()
  95. #print "We've created " +len(created)+ "accounts successfully"
  96. main()
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