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a guest
Jan 17th, 2016
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  1. sql:
  2. driver: SQLite
  3. address:
  4. username: '17019'
  5. password: '02402f9c90'
  6. database: LiteBans
  7. table_prefix: 'litebans_'
  8. engine: MyISAM
  9. has_connected_before: false
  10. drivers:
  11. - mysql:com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  12. - sqlite:org.sqlite.JDBC
  13. - h2:org.h2.Driver:
  14. durations:
  15. tempban_max: 7 days
  16. mute_max: 1 day
  17. round_down: true
  18. force_command_override: true
  19. allow_duplicate_history: false
  20. dupeip_scan_all_ips: true
  21. debug_level: 0
  22. mutes:
  23. enabled: true
  24. command_blacklist:
  25. - /me
  26. - /say
  27. prevent_bypass: true
  28. sync_ticks: 0
  29. ban_sync_ticks: 0
  30. warnings:
  31. expire_after: 3 days
  32. actions:
  33. - '3:/kick $player Final warning: $reason'
  34. - '4:/tempban $player 1 day Reached 4 warnings: $list'
  35. actions_execute_as_console: false
  36. console_sender_name: Console
  37. notify:
  38. banned_player_join: true
  39. dupeip_on_join: true
  40. dupeip_on_join_threshold: 3
  41. dupeip_on_banned_account: true
  42. notify_console: true
  43. import:
  44. from: maxbans
  45. sqlite: true
  46. sqlite_file: plugins/MaxBans/bans.db
  47. import_ipbans: true
  48. import_mysql_address: localhost:3306
  49. import_mysql_username: ''
  50. import_mysql_password: ''
  51. import_mysql_database: maxbans
  52. sql:
  53. driver: mysql
  54. address: localhost:3306
  55. username: ''
  56. password: ''
  57. database: litebans
  58. table_prefix: ''
  59. engine: MyISAM
  60. has_connected_before: false
  61. drivers:
  62. - mysql:com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  63. - sqlite:org.sqlite.JDBC
  64. - h2:org.h2.Driver:
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