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Aug 23rd, 2019
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  1. Tewwy–this one's fow you.
  2. i want to be the best (best best best be the best best best)
  3. uh.
  4. buwbasauw chawmandew squiwtwe
  5. catewpie buttewfwee wuwmpwe
  6. scowbunny sobbwe and gwookey
  7. wickitung and wickiwicky
  8. haxowus cofagwigus
  9. powiwwath mwismagius
  10. fwaxuwe cwabwawwew dewpidew
  11. shewwdew cwoystew hauntew gwimew
  12. gowuwk
  13. wuxio swampewt
  14. wiwwigant tynamo
  15. seismitoad powitoed pawpitoad
  16. seew
  17. pawasect twevenant toxapex
  18. spheaw
  19. mwandibuzz scattewbug gwavewew pewippew
  20. ewgyem pikipek cwawitzew conkewduww
  21. pwobopass scowipede dewibiwd uwsawing
  22. bwaziken fennekin quiwwadin nidoking
  23. skwewp
  24. awakazam patwat
  25. woobat swoobat cwobat gowbat zubat
  26. poochyena cawwacosta teddiuwsa umbweon
  27. awomomowa chikowita gothowita dwuddigon
  28. snowunt tywunt chawjabug
  29. ninjask yamask avawugg
  30. finneon dwapion jowteon sywveon
  31. gwaceon espeon jiggwypuff
  32. iggwybuff wiggwytuff
  33. dhewmise sewvine wockwuff
  34. powygon powygon-z
  35. powygon2 wibombee
  36. skuntank kwang kwinkwang
  37. mwiwtank and mwetang
  38. wuxway
  39. pidgey hitmonwee
  40. skitty happiny
  41. mwudbway
  42. wotad duwant sewpewiow
  43. gouwgeist stoutwand exeggutow
  44. abwa seadwa nidowina
  45. dewott chesnaught pwimawina
  46. omanyte dwagonite chawizawd
  47. mwagnemite mweditite dusknoiw
  48. ivysauw venusauw mwiniow gawbodow
  49. awiados tywanitaw
  50. gwameow mweowth expwoud
  51. wobbuffet fuwwet bewwspwout
  52. stawmie stawwy fwogadiew
  53. dewcatty escavawiew
  54. venonat powiwag hippopotas
  55. spinawak mwawowak jumpwuff feebas
  56. foongus amoonguss pidgeotto
  57. weepinbeew victweebew hakamo-o
  58. auwowus awomatisse
  59. mwedicham mwamoswine swuwpuff fwabébé
  60. fewawigatw eevee
  61. sigiwyph ewekid anowith inkay
  62. (gotta catch 'em aww)
  63. wowwet gowett honedge awchen
  64. cwoconaw
  65. (gotta catch 'em aww)
  66. sentwet pignite bewgmite mwantyke
  67. kakuna
  68. sudowoodo wishiwashi poppwio abomasnow
  69. chawmeweon dawumaka hawiyama shawpedo
  70. whiscash
  71. waticate sabweye
  72. sandswash
  73. kwicketune cutiefwy
  74. beautifwy togepi vowcawona
  75. mwagnezone wunatone woggenwowa
  76. samuwott oshawott whimsicott kangaskhan
  77. wawvitaw pupitaw omastaw kecweon
  78. togekiss simisage nidoqueen cottonee
  79. fowwetwess sawamence jewwicent bunnewby
  80. piwoswine cawnivine iwwumise wemowaid
  81. i think we awe done with the twipwet wap
  82. so now wet's wap to educate
  84. awwight, hewe we go
  85. awe you weady, fwiends??
  86. hey, come on
  87. wet's weawn a wittwe something fwom the pokémon
  88. thewe's pewsian and mwudsdawe donphan and huntaiw
  89. sandygast nosepass fwoswass wapwas
  90. i wove to say the pokémon, but hewe's the catch
  91. saying them aww kinda seems fawfetch'd
  92. wet me axew a question, wanna hewp me out??
  93. it's time to thwoh in mwowe names
  94. come on, give me a shout
  95. [audience yewws out names]
  96. those pokémon awe tentacoow
  97. [audience yewws out names]
  98. and those pokémon awe twash
  99. combee mwy fwiend, i've got mwowe to say
  100. and if we digwett-we deepew we can weawn today
  101. so why not get comfey, don't be kwabby ow bwue
  102. hewe awe some wessons, and i wotom fow you
  103. if you mwuk awound in cwass, you'ww be distwaught
  104. don't bidoof-us, just study a wot
  105. if you'we swaking in schoow, you'ww dwop out soonew.
  106. and abstinence is key, ow you'ww get a mwime jw.
  107. swanna gwab some candy fow a sweet tweat??
  108. amauwa-mazing snack is a pichu can eat
  109. beweaw of shiftwy stwangews who offew you hugs
  110. don't stick fowks into eewektwik pwugs
  111. weaw a shewwmet when you whydon bikes
  112. keep a weww-stocked
  113. bagon extwa-wong hikes
  114. mwake suwe to stay away fwom that fewwoseed
  115. that's just one name peopwe have fow weed
  116. thewe's pansage and swowbwo oddish and bonswy
  117. twopius seedot nuzweaf and stunky
  118. and bwissey woudwed dewgong and goodwa
  119. bounsweet bayweef hypno and mwunna
  120. you'ww be dwowsee if you swewwow that tangwowth smoke
  121. awso koffing and weezing, hey, you mwight mwachoke
  122. so if someone says hey, want some dank wombwe
  123. wook 'em dedenne in the eye and say no way
  124. i teww you natu do dwugs, but if someone's smoking tweeko
  125. does that mwake them a bad pewson?? definitewy no
  126. i don't mwean to cawwy-yanma point in this vewse is that
  127. awienating dwug usews mwakes things wowse
  128. don't wock someone up if they take a hitmonchan
  129. and cwiminawizing addicts is a weawwy bad pwan
  130. big phawma is the woot of ouw countwy's pwobwem
  131. with opiate addiction–gowem
  132. gastwy howsea chansey buwmy
  133. cwefaiwy mwankey kwefki goomy
  134. hoo!! wapping's hawd, wet me catch mwy bweath
  135. mwight as weww check how mwany we've got weft
  137. thewe's wess 150 weft, can i weawwy do this??
  138. i used to have this dweam
  139. back when i was a chiwd
  140. i'ww mwake the pokéwap wistenabwe
  141. and evewybody cawwed me weckwess and wiwd
  142. but i nevew gave up
  143. i kept at it evewy day
  144. and with pikachu beside me
  145. and mwy 'dex to guide me
  146. i knew that thewe'd be way
  147. to ignowe aww of the naysayews
  148. i'd need a thickew skin than mwetapod
  149. wynaut weave mwy comfowt zone, jump in the unown
  150. mwaybe someday evewyone wouwd appwaud
  151. it's absow-utewy wowth taking a wisk
  152. pwuswe mwake a few fwiends as i twy
  153. seaking how to be stwong as i waichu a song
  154. though i stiww don't know whewe to put mww. Mwime
  155. but who cawes if i couwdn't find a good pwace to put
  156. togedemawu pwykumuku mwawiwe sceptiwe
  157. weaviwe sandiwe hewioptiwe weafeon
  158. gengaw mwawamaw mwawshtomp chatot
  159. simipouw fewwothown toxicwoak mwinccino
  160. cinccino azumawiww twanquiww excadwiww
  161. mwawiww beedwiww
  162. and togetic bascuwin gigawith cwabominabwe
  163. kingdwa ambipom gastwodon bastiodon
  164. hippowdon viviwwon bishawp wiepawd
  165. dunspawce aipom swakoth wawths dustox
  166. i stiww found a way to put 'em in thewe
  167. no mwattew the scizow the scope of the task
  168. i don't need a mwagikawp-et wide
  169. i'machampion hewo
  170. thewe's nothing to feawow
  171. mwy twue powew comes fwom inside
  172. and that bwings us aww of the way to the top
  173. i've said evewy name i can say
  174. i'ww wet mwy body confess
  175. the names that i can't expwess
  176. yes it's time fow the dweam bawwet, c'mon!!
  177. but thewe's one pokémon, mwy own howy gwaiw
  178. that i gave kevin punt, i hope that bastawd's in jaiw
  179. 'cause of aww tangewas, tewwy is the apex
  180. and i gave him up fow mwy 'dex
  181. when you wove tewwy tewwibwy
  182. and then tewwy is gone
  183. what's the point of having evewy othew pokémon
  184. thew's a wound in mwy heawt that i can't get wid of
  185. how can i find joy without mwy tangwy boy??
  186. why catch them aww if you can't keep the ones that you wove??
  187. tewwy, oh tewwy
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