

Feb 6th, 2017
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  1. Sociology - the study of human social life, groups, and society
  2. Sociological imagination - putting personal problems into a wider social context, the ability to connect to larger issues
  3. Early theorists-
  4. • Comte - coined term sociology
  5. • Marx - disliked capitalism, cause of class discrimination
  6. • Weber - importance of cultural ideas on social change, economic effect, capitalism first developed in the west bc Protestantism
  7. • Durkheim - study of suicide and isolation
  8. Neglected founders -
  9. • Harriet Martineau - study of women lives - domestic life - marriage children etc
  10. • WEB DuBois - AA sociologist - double consciousness - seeing self how others (whites) see you (inferior)
  11. Symbolic interactionism - small scale - exchange of symbols
  12. Functionalism - society as a whole - the contribution each social activity makes to society. Manifest vs latent function - intended vs unintended
  13. Marxism - power, class division, conflict, ideology
  14. Feminism - gender relations and gender inequality
  15. Postmodernism - world is diverse, unstable, uncertain, dominated by media, not improving in overall grand narrative
  16. Globalization - interconnected world, single unified economy
  17. Microsociology - study of small scale interactions, symbolic interactionism
  18. Macrosociology - large scale social systems - gender, class, capitalism
  20. Research process - 1. find research question
  21. Park - qualitative studies
  22. Ogburn - quantitative studies
  23. Ethnography - field work, participant observations, interviews - Pro: rich information, Con: can't be used with large population
  24. Survey - questionnaire administered to the population of study - Pro: can be used on large population, Con: questions oversimplify subject, people may lie on survey
  25. Experiments - variables analyzed in controlled and systematic way, Pro: very controlled, Con: not as natural, social aspects can't be brought into lab
  27. Mode/mean/median: most often occurring/average/middle number
  28. Human subjects and ethical dilemmas- Milgram experiment subjects were not told the truth. Subjects now cannot be lied to in experiments. Tearoom trade (Humphrey) - lied about his identity and got subjects personal information by stalking them
  30. Cultures - made up of values, norms, language, symbols, material goods
  31. Values - abstract ideas about what is proper and good
  32. Norms - dos and donts of society
  33. Material goods - physical objects that a society creates
  34. Cultural turn - "tool kit" we pick and choose what parts of society we follow
  35. Subculture - group of ppl within larger culture that differ from majority in terms of cultural bg
  36. Assimilation - culture absorbed into mainstream culture
  37. Multiculturalism - equality of different cultures
  38. Ethnocentrism - judging other cultures in terms of your own standards
  39. Cultural relativism - judging society by its own standards
  40. Semiotics - analysis of nonverbal cultural meanings: food, architecture etc
  41. Industrialized societies - political communities w clear borders, under gov influence, ppl live in cities/towns
  42. Colonialism - occupying/controlling other country
  43. Emerging economies - recently China, India, Singapore, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea
  44. Global culture - shows and other american culture spreading, and backlash from other countries spark nationalism. Protect own values and traditions
  46. Socialization - process of infant gradually becoming self aware over lifetime
  47. Social reproduction - structural continuity over time, social class and traditions passed down
  48. "Unsocialized children" -
  49. • Victor "Wild boy of Aveyron" - in france raised by wolves, no human contact until he was found and he could barely learn words and died early
  50. • Genie - girl locked in dads basement, no social skill
  51. Social self - The Me (conscious of how others see you) by George Herbert Mead
  52. Self-consciousness -
  53. Generalized other - general values of society
  54. Agents of socialization - family, work, school, peers, mass media
  55. Social roles - socially defined expectations of a person in their social position
  56. Social identity - can have more than 1, how other ppl categorize u
  57. Self identity- personal identity, how u define urself
  58. Gender roles - the role each gender plays in society
  59. Freud - possession of penis defines gender identity - boys rival father, girls have penis envy
  60. Chodorow - gender identity derives from infants attachment to parents, importance of mother, girls foster sensitivity and remain close to mother, boys break from mother and learn what is masculine
  61. Gilligan - furthering chodorow: images adult women and men have of themselves, women achievements in ability to care for others, men personal achievements
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