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a guest
Jun 24th, 2019
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  1. every 1 seconds:
  2. loop all players:
  3. if {sw.player.%uuid of loop-player%.playing} is true:
  4. if {sw.arena.%{sw.player.%uuid of loop-player%.arena}%.status} is "{@ingame}" or "{@restarting}":
  5. invoke "sw.checklocation" from loop-player
  6. if stylish scoreboard "SWGAME-%loop-player%" does not exist:
  7. create new stylish scoreboard named "SWGAME-%loop-player%"
  8. loop 14 times:
  9. create a new id based score "SWGAME-%loop-player%Slot%loop-number%" with text "&%loop-number%" slot loop-number for stylish scoreboard "SWGAME-%loop-player%"
  10. wait 3 ticks
  11. set title of stylish scoreboard "SWGAME-%loop-player%" to "&6&lSKYWARS"
  12. set stylish scoreboard of loop-player to "SWGAME-%loop-player%"
  13. set the text of id "SWGAME-%loop-player%Slot14" to "&7&l%now%"
  14. set the text of id "SWGAME-%loop-player%Slot13" to "&fStatus"
  15. set the text of id "SWGAME-%loop-player%Slot12" to "&6&l• &e%{sw.arena.%{sw.player.%uuid of loop-player%.arena}%.status}%"
  16. set the text of id "SWGAME-%loop-player%Slot11" to "&5"
  17. set the text of id "SWGAME-%loop-player%Slot10" to "&fNext Event:"
  18. set the text of id "SWGAME-%loop-player%Slot9" to "&6&l• &e%{sw.arena.%{sw.player.%uuid of loop-player%.arena}}% &c&l%{sw.arena.%{sw.player.%uuid of loop-player%.arena}%.gametime::event}%:%{sw.arena.%{sw.player.%uuid of loop-player%.arena}%.gametime::seconds}%"
  19. set the text of id "SWGAME-%loop-player%Slot8" to "&1"
  20. set the text of id "SWGAME-%loop-player%Slot7" to "&fPlayers left: &e%{sw.arena.%{sw.player.%uuid of loop-player%.arena}%.playing}%"
  21. set the text of id "SWGAME-%loop-player%Slot6" to "&4"
  22. set the text of id "SWGAME-%loop-player%Slot5" to "&fKills: &e%{sw.gamekills.%{sw.player.%uuid of loop-player%.arena}%::%loop-player%}%"
  23. set the text of id "SWGAME-%loop-player%Slot4" to "&6"
  24. set the text of id "SWGAME-%loop-player%Slot3" to "&fMap: &e%{sw.player.%uuid of loop-player%.arena}%"
  25. set the text of id "SWGAME-%loop-player%Slot2" to "&8"
  26. set the text of id "SWGAME-%loop-player%Slot1" to "{@websitename}"
  27. if {sw.arena.%{sw.player.%uuid of loop-player%.arena}%.status} is "{@waiting}" or "{@starting}" or "{@full}":
  28. if stylish scoreboard "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%" does not exist:
  29. create new stylish scoreboard named "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%"
  30. loop 14 times:
  31. create a new id based score "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%Slot%loop-number%" with text "&%loop-number%" slot loop-number for stylish scoreboard "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%"
  32. wait 3 ticks
  33. set title of stylish scoreboard "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%" to "&6&lSKYWARS"
  34. set stylish scoreboard of loop-player to "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%"
  35. set the text of id "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%Slot14" to "&5"
  36. set the text of id "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%Slot13" to "&fStatus"
  37. set the text of id "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%Slot12" to "&6&l• %{sw.arena.%{sw.player.%uuid of loop-player%.arena}%.status}%"
  38. set the text of id "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%Slot11" to "&8&1"
  39. set the text of id "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%Slot10" to "&fMap"
  40. set the text of id "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%Slot9" to "&6&l• &e%{sw.player.%uuid of loop-player%.arena}%"
  41. set the text of id "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%Slot8" to "&4&1"
  42. set the text of id "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%Slot7" to "&fStarting in"
  43. set the text of id "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%Slot6" to "&6&l• &e%{sw.arena.%{sw.player.%uuid of loop-player%.arena}%.seconds}%"
  44. set the text of id "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%Slot5" to "&2"
  45. set the text of id "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%Slot4" to "&fPlayers"
  46. set the text of id "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%Slot3" to "&6&l• &e%{sw.arena.%{sw.player.%uuid of loop-player%.arena}%.playing}%/%{sw.arena.%{sw.player.%uuid of loop-player%.arena}%.max}%"
  47. set the text of id "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%Slot2" to "&1"
  48. set the text of id "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%Slot1" to "{@websitename}"
  49. else:
  50. delete stylish scoreboard "SWLOBBY-%loop-player%"
  51. delete stylish scoreboard "SWGAME-%loop-player%"
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