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Oct 17th, 2017
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  1. public static Texture2D[] armorArmTexture = new Texture2D[10];
  2. public static Texture2D[] armorBodyTexture = new Texture2D[10];
  3. public static Texture2D[] armorHeadTexture = new Texture2D[12];
  4. public static Texture2D[] armorLegTexture = new Texture2D[10];
  5. public static int[] availableRecipe = new int[Recipe.maxRecipes];
  6. public static float[] availableRecipeY = new float[Recipe.maxRecipes];
  7. public static int background = 0;
  8. public static int[] backgroundHeight = new int[7];
  9. public static Texture2D[] backgroundTexture = new Texture2D[7];
  10. public static int[] backgroundWidth = new int[7];
  11. private static int backSpaceCount = 0;
  12. private int bgScroll;
  13. public static Texture2D blackTileTexture;
  14. public static bool bloodMoon = false;
  15. public static Texture2D boneArmTexture;
  16. public static float bottomWorld = 38400f;
  17. public static Texture2D bubbleTexture;
  18. public static float caveParrallax = 1f;
  19. public static string cDown = "S";
  20. public static Texture2D cdTexture;
  21. public static Texture2D chain2Texture;
  22. public static Texture2D chain3Texture;
  23. public static Texture2D chain4Texture;
  24. public static Texture2D chain5Texture;
  25. public static Texture2D chain6Texture;
  26. public static Texture2D chainTexture;
  27. public static Texture2D chat2Texture;
  28. public static Texture2D chatBackTexture;
  29. public static int chatLength = 600;
  30. public static int numChatLines = 7;
  31. public static ChatLine[] chatLine = new ChatLine[numChatLines];
  32. public static bool chatMode = false;
  33. public static bool chatRelease = false;
  34. public static string chatText = "";
  35. public static Texture2D chatTexture;
  36. public static int checkForSpawns = 0;
  37. public static Chest[] chest = new Chest[0x3e8];
  38. public static string cInv = "Escape";
  39. public static string cJump = "Space";
  40. public static string cLeft = "A";
  41. public static Player clientPlayer = new Player();
  42. public static Cloud[] cloud = new Cloud[100];
  43. public static int cloudLimit = 100;
  44. public static Texture2D[] cloudTexture = new Texture2D[4];
  45. private int colorDelay;
  46. public static CombatText[] combatText = new CombatText[100];
  47. public static string cRight = "D";
  48. public static string cThrowItem = "Q";
  49. public static string cUp = "W";
  50. public int curMusic;
  51. public static int curRelease = 3;
  52. public static float cursorAlpha = 0f;
  53. public static Color cursorColor = Color.White;
  54. public static int cursorColorDirection = 1;
  55. public static float cursorScale = 0f;
  56. public static Texture2D cursorTexture;
  57. public const double dayLength = 54000.0;
  58. public static bool dayTime = true;
  59. public static bool debugMode = false;
  60. public static string defaultIP = "";
  61. public static int drawTime = 0;
  62. public static bool dumbAI = false;
  63. public static int dungeonTiles;
  64. public static int dungeonX;
  65. public static int dungeonY;
  66. public static Dust[] dust = new Dust[0x7d0];
  67. public static Texture2D dustTexture;
  68. public static bool editSign = false;
  69. public static AudioEngine engine;
  70. public static int evilTiles;
  71. private static float exitScale = 0.8f;
  72. public static int fadeCounter = 0;
  73. public static Texture2D fadeTexture;
  74. public static bool fixedTiming = false;
  75. private int focusColor;
  76. private int focusMenu = -1;
  77. public static int focusRecipe;
  78. public static SpriteFont fontCombatText;
  79. public static SpriteFont fontDeathText;
  80. public static SpriteFont fontItemStack;
  81. public static SpriteFont fontMouseText;
  82. public static int frameRate = 0;
  83. public static bool frameRelease = false;
  84. public static bool gameMenu = true;
  85. public static string getIP = defaultIP;
  86. public static bool godMode = false;
  87. public static Gore[] gore = new Gore[0xc9];
  88. public static Texture2D[] goreTexture = new Texture2D[0x49];
  89. public static bool grabSky = false;
  90. public static bool grabSun = false;
  91. private GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
  92. public static bool hasFocus = true;
  93. public static Texture2D heartTexture;
  94. public static int helpText = 0;
  95. public static bool hideUI = false;
  96. public static float[] hotbarScale = new float[] { 1f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f };
  97. public static bool ignoreErrors = true;
  98. private static KeyboardState inputText;
  99. public static bool inputTextEnter = false;
  100. public static int invasionDelay = 0;
  101. public static int invasionSize = 0;
  102. public static int invasionType = 0;
  103. public static int invasionWarn = 0;
  104. public static double invasionX = 0.0;
  105. public static Texture2D inventoryBackTexture;
  106. private static float inventoryScale = 0.75f;
  107. public static Item[] item = new Item[0xc9];
  108. public static Texture2D[] itemTexture = new Texture2D[0xec];
  109. public static int jungleTiles;
  110. public static KeyboardState keyState = Keyboard.GetState();
  111. public static int lastItemUpdate;
  112. public static int lastNPCUpdate;
  113. public static float leftWorld = 0f;
  114. public static bool lightTiles = false;
  115. public static Liquid[] liquid = new Liquid[Liquid.resLiquid];
  116. public static LiquidBuffer[] liquidBuffer = new LiquidBuffer[0x2710];
  117. public static Texture2D[] liquidTexture = new Texture2D[2];
  118. public static Player[] loadPlayer = new Player[5];
  119. public static string[] loadPlayerPath = new string[5];
  120. public static string[] loadWorld = new string[5];
  121. public static string[] loadWorldPath = new string[5];
  122. private float logoRotation;
  123. private float logoRotationDirection = 1f;
  124. private float logoRotationSpeed = 1f;
  125. private float logoScale = 1f;
  126. private float logoScaleDirection = 1f;
  127. private float logoScaleSpeed = 1f;
  128. public static Texture2D logoTexture;
  129. public static int magmaBGFrame = 0;
  130. public static int magmaBGFrameCounter = 0;
  131. public static Texture2D manaTexture;
  132. public const int maxBackgrounds = 7;
  133. public const int maxChests = 0x3e8;
  134. public const int maxClouds = 100;
  135. public const int maxCloudTypes = 4;
  136. public const int maxCombatText = 100;
  137. public const int maxDust = 0x7d0;
  138. public const int maxGore = 200;
  139. public const int maxGoreTypes = 0x49;
  140. public const int maxHair = 0x11;
  141. public const int maxInventory = 0x2c;
  142. public const int maxItems = 200;
  143. public const int maxItemSounds = 0x10;
  144. public const int maxItemTypes = 0xec;
  145. public static int maxItemUpdates = 10;
  146. public const int maxLiquidTypes = 2;
  147. private static int maxMenuItems = 11;
  148. public const int maxMusic = 7;
  149. public const int maxNPCHitSounds = 3;
  150. public const int maxNPCKilledSounds = 3;
  151. public const int maxNPCs = 0x3e8;
  152. public const int maxNPCTypes = 0x2c;
  153. public static int maxNPCUpdates = 15;
  154. public const int maxPlayers = 8;
  155. public const int maxProjectiles = 0x3e8;
  156. public const int maxProjectileTypes = 0x26;
  157. public static int maxSectionsX = (maxTilesX / 200);
  158. public static int maxSectionsY = (maxTilesY / 150);
  159. public const int maxStars = 130;
  160. public const int maxStarTypes = 5;
  161. public const int maxTileSets = 80;
  162. public static float rightWorld = 134400f;
  163. public static int maxTilesX = ((((int) rightWorld) / 0x10) + 1);
  164. public static int maxTilesY = ((((int) bottomWorld) / 0x10) + 1);
  165. public const int maxWallTypes = 14;
  166. private float[] menuItemScale = new float[maxMenuItems];
  167. public static int menuMode = 0;
  168. public static bool menuMultiplayer = false;
  169. public static int meteorTiles;
  170. private const int MF_BYPOSITION = 0x400;
  171. public static short moonModY = 0;
  172. public static int moonPhase = 0;
  173. public static Texture2D moonTexture;
  174. public static Color mouseColor = new Color(0xff, 50, 0x5f);
  175. private static bool mouseExit = false;
  176. public static Item mouseItem = new Item();
  177. public static bool mouseLeftRelease = false;
  178. public static bool mouseRightRelease = false;
  179. public static MouseState mouseState = Mouse.GetState();
  180. public static byte mouseTextColor = 0;
  181. public static int mouseTextColorChange = 1;
  182. public static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.Cue[] music = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.Cue[7];
  183. public static float[] musicFade = new float[7];
  184. public static float musicVolume = 0.75f;
  185. public static int myPlayer = 0;
  186. public static int netMode = 0;
  187. public static int netPlayCounter;
  188. public int newMusic;
  189. public static string newWorldName = "";
  190. public const double nightLength = 32400.0;
  191. public static NPC[] npc = new NPC[0x3e9];
  192. public static bool npcChatFocus1 = false;
  193. public static bool npcChatFocus2 = false;
  194. public static bool npcChatRelease = false;
  195. public static string npcChatText = "";
  196. public static int[] npcFrameCount = new int[] {
  197. 1, 2, 2, 3, 6, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
  198. 2, 0x10, 14, 0x10, 14, 14, 0x10, 2, 10, 1, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 3, 1, 14,
  199. 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0x10, 0x10, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3
  200. };
  201. public static int npcShop = 0;
  202. public static Texture2D[] npcTexture = new Texture2D[0x2c];
  203. public const int numArmorBody = 10;
  204. public const int numArmorHead = 12;
  205. public const int numArmorLegs = 10;
  206. public static int numAvailableRecipes;
  207. public static int numClouds = cloudLimit;
  208. private static int numLoadPlayers = 0;
  209. private static int numLoadWorlds = 0;
  210. public static int numStars;
  211. private static KeyboardState oldInputText;
  212. public static MouseState oldMouseState = Mouse.GetState();
  213. public static Player[] player = new Player[9];
  214. public static Texture2D playerBeltTexture;
  215. public static Texture2D playerEyesTexture;
  216. public static Texture2D playerEyeWhitesTexture;
  217. public static Texture2D[] playerHairTexture = new Texture2D[0x11];
  218. public static Texture2D playerHands2Texture;
  219. public static Texture2D playerHandsTexture;
  220. public static Texture2D playerHeadTexture;
  221. public static bool playerInventory = false;
  222. public static Texture2D playerPantsTexture;
  223. public static string PlayerPath = (SavePath + @"\Players");
  224. public static string playerPathName;
  225. public static Texture2D playerShirtTexture;
  226. public static Texture2D playerShoesTexture;
  227. public static Texture2D playerUnderShirt2Texture;
  228. public static Texture2D playerUnderShirtTexture;
  229. public static Projectile[] projectile = new Projectile[0x3e9];
  230. public static Texture2D[] projectileTexture = new Texture2D[0x26];
  231. [ThreadStatic]
  232. public static Random rand;
  233. public static Texture2D raTexture;
  234. public static Recipe[] recipe = new Recipe[Recipe.maxRecipes];
  235. public static bool releaseUI = false;
  236. public static bool resetClouds = true;
  237. public static Texture2D reTexture;
  238. public static double rockLayer;
  239. public static string SavePath = (Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal) + @"\My Games\Terraria");
  240. public static int saveTimer = 0;
  241. public static int screenHeight = 600;
  242. public static Vector2 screenLastPosition;
  243. public static Vector2 screenPosition;
  244. public static int screenWidth = 800;
  245. public const int sectionHeight = 150;
  246. public const int sectionWidth = 200;
  247. private Color selColor = Color.White;
  248. private int selectedMenu = -1;
  249. private int selectedPlayer;
  250. private int selectedWorld;
  251. private int setKey = -1;
  252. public Chest[] shop = new Chest[5];
  253. public static bool showFrameRate = false;
  254. public static bool showItemOwner = false;
  255. public static bool showSpam = false;
  256. public static bool showSplash = true;
  257. public static Texture2D shroomCapTexture;
  258. public static Sign[] sign = new Sign[0x3e8];
  259. public static bool signBubble = false;
  260. public static string signText = "";
  261. public static int signX = 0;
  262. public static int signY = 0;
  263. public static bool skipMenu = false;
  264. public static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundBank soundBank;
  265. public static SoundEffect soundCoins;
  266. public static SoundEffect[] soundDig = new SoundEffect[3];
  267. public static SoundEffect soundDoorClosed;
  268. public static SoundEffect soundDoorOpen;
  269. public static SoundEffect soundDoubleJump;
  270. public static SoundEffect[] soundFemaleHit = new SoundEffect[3];
  271. public static SoundEffect soundGrab;
  272. public static SoundEffect soundGrass;
  273. public static SoundEffectInstance soundInstanceCoins;
  274. public static SoundEffectInstance[] soundInstanceDig = new SoundEffectInstance[3];
  275. public static SoundEffectInstance soundInstanceDoorClosed;
  276. public static SoundEffectInstance soundInstanceDoorOpen;
  277. public static SoundEffectInstance soundInstanceDoubleJump;
  278. public static SoundEffectInstance[] soundInstanceFemaleHit = new SoundEffectInstance[3];
  279. public static SoundEffectInstance soundInstanceGrab;
  280. public static SoundEffectInstance soundInstanceGrass;
  281. public static SoundEffectInstance[] soundInstanceItem = new SoundEffectInstance[0x11];
  282. public static SoundEffectInstance soundInstanceMenuClose;
  283. public static SoundEffectInstance soundInstanceMenuOpen;
  284. public static SoundEffectInstance soundInstanceMenuTick;
  285. public static SoundEffectInstance[] soundInstanceNPCHit = new SoundEffectInstance[4];
  286. public static SoundEffectInstance[] soundInstanceNPCKilled = new SoundEffectInstance[4];
  287. public static SoundEffectInstance[] soundInstancePlayerHit = new SoundEffectInstance[3];
  288. public static SoundEffectInstance soundInstancePlayerKilled;
  289. public static SoundEffectInstance[] soundInstanceRoar = new SoundEffectInstance[2];
  290. public static SoundEffectInstance soundInstanceRun;
  291. public static SoundEffectInstance soundInstanceShatter;
  292. public static SoundEffectInstance[] soundInstanceSplash = new SoundEffectInstance[2];
  293. public static SoundEffectInstance[] soundInstanceTink = new SoundEffectInstance[3];
  294. public static SoundEffectInstance[] soundInstanceZombie = new SoundEffectInstance[3];
  295. public static SoundEffect[] soundItem = new SoundEffect[0x11];
  296. public static SoundEffect soundMenuClose;
  297. public static SoundEffect soundMenuOpen;
  298. public static SoundEffect soundMenuTick;
  299. public static SoundEffect[] soundNPCHit = new SoundEffect[4];
  300. public static SoundEffect[] soundNPCKilled = new SoundEffect[4];
  301. public static SoundEffect[] soundPlayerHit = new SoundEffect[3];
  302. public static SoundEffect soundPlayerKilled;
  303. public static SoundEffect[] soundRoar = new SoundEffect[2];
  304. public static SoundEffect soundRun;
  305. public static SoundEffect soundShatter;
  306. public static SoundEffect[] soundSplash = new SoundEffect[2];
  307. public static SoundEffect[] soundTink = new SoundEffect[3];
  308. public static float soundVolume = 1f;
  309. public static SoundEffect[] soundZombie = new SoundEffect[3];
  310. public static int spawnTileX;
  311. public static int spawnTileY;
  312. private int splashCounter;
  313. public static Texture2D splashTexture;
  314. private SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
  315. public static int stackCounter = 0;
  316. public static int stackDelay = 7;
  317. public static int stackSplit;
  318. public static Star[] star = new Star[130];
  319. public static Texture2D[] starTexture = new Texture2D[5];
  320. public static string statusText = "";
  321. public static bool stopSpawns = false;
  322. public static bool stopTimeOuts = false;
  323. public static short sunModY = 0;
  324. public static Texture2D sunTexture;
  325. public static Color[] teamColor = new Color[5];
  326. public static Texture2D teamTexture;
  327. public static Texture2D textBackTexture;
  328. private int textBlinkerCount;
  329. private int textBlinkerState;
  330. public static Tile[,] tile = new Tile[maxTilesX, maxTilesY];
  331. public static bool[] tileBlockLight = new bool[80];
  332. public static Color tileColor;
  333. public static bool[] tileDungeon = new bool[80];
  334. public static bool[] tileFrameImportant = new bool[80];
  335. public static bool[] tileLavaDeath = new bool[80];
  336. public static bool[] tileNoAttach = new bool[80];
  337. public static bool[] tileNoFail = new bool[80];
  338. public static bool tilesLoaded = false;
  339. public static bool[] tileSolid = new bool[80];
  340. public static bool[] tileSolidTop = new bool[80];
  341. public static bool[] tileStone = new bool[80];
  342. public static bool[] tileTable = new bool[80];
  343. public static Texture2D[] tileTexture = new Texture2D[80];
  344. public static bool[] tileWaterDeath = new bool[80];
  345. public static double time = 13500.0;
  346. public static int timeOut = 120;
  347. public bool toggleFullscreen;
  348. private static Item toolTip = new Item();
  349. public static float topWorld = 0f;
  350. public static Texture2D treeBranchTexture;
  351. public static Texture2D treeTopTexture;
  352. public static int updateTime = 0;
  353. public static bool verboseNetplay = false;
  354. public static string versionNumber = "v1.0.2";
  355. public static bool[] wallHouse = new bool[14];
  356. public static Texture2D[] wallTexture = new Texture2D[14];
  357. public static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.WaveBank waveBank;
  358. private static bool webAuth = false;
  359. public static bool webProtect = false;
  360. public static float windSpeed = 0f;
  361. public static float windSpeedSpeed = 0f;
  362. public static int worldID;
  363. public static string worldName = "";
  364. public static string WorldPath = (SavePath + @"\Worlds");
  365. public static string worldPathName;
  366. public static double worldSurface;
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