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Apr 26th, 2017
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  1. 0:47 imo since you weren't with your team, it could have been dangerous to just go in like that with no vision since everyone else was pretty far away
  3. I think you can also full clear with hecarim if you wanted to
  5. Make sure to ask your team where did Jax start, in this case it was apparent that he started botside because janna showed up late. This lets fizz know, ok maybe he will cheese gank me level 3 so he can play a bit more safe or ward up and botlane should be fine as jax can’t really gank that early without redbuff.
  7. 4:00 ~ Pretty good gank for the first blood, you saw a good opportunity and went for it. Nice use of ghost because it has a relatively short cd.
  9. In competitive, it is very important to time flashes/tps and heals.If you press tab, the game will tell you their flash timer because it accounts for masteries as well. Then you can just add it up and put it in chat. When you have exact knowledge of their summoners, then you can’t get surprised killed.
  11. 6:10 Another good gank! Your fizz told you that top lane burned flash, and you came right up. Excellent punish. And also because it will be harder to kill a trundle, early game is probably the only time you can kill him before he gets his tank items. Overall nice timing. And because he had tp, you guys decided to freeze instead of shoving.
  13. 7:30 You saw that jax was bot and you counterjungled his golem and wraiths. Goood :D
  15. 9:00 I’d say place the ward a bit more to the left so that it has vision of the dragon too, incase jax went the other way and wanted to do dragon
  17. 11:50 in this gank I would go for the jax because jhin and janna had flashes. Jax would be a more guaranteed kill. Make sure everyone focuses the same target and you need one person to call for target selection. “Kill jax, jhin and janna have flashes, kill jax, kill jax”
  19. 15:00 At this point I would head over to botlane because you know they don’t have flashes. Lucian has his bork spike so you guys should be able to just run in there and dive/kill. Tell fizz to get ready to teleport only if trundle arrives or jax is somehow there. Cause once you get that tower, you can tell fizz to go bot and then your bot goes top and since trundle just has a thornmail, you can tell ahri to kill and punish his item purchase. Take top then reset for midpush/dragon and continue to snowball.
  21. 17:55 Time jax flash again
  23. 18:13 Focusing the same target is very important, you should have called your lucian and karma to immediately focus the chogath to deny the smite steal.
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