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  1. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  3. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  5. # Guilds by the Glare Masters
  6. # Guilds on DevBukkit:
  7. # Guilds on SpigotMC:
  8. # Guilds on GitHub:
  9. # Guilds Wiki:
  10. # Guilds Development Builds:
  12. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  14. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  16. # This is used to determine what version of the config you are using.
  17. # Please do not change this as it may cause issues with your config.
  18. version: 20
  20. # This will automatically move your current config to "config-old.yml" and replace with a new, updated, "config.yml".
  21. # If you ever get tired of your config being moved, just change this to "false".
  22. auto-update-config: false
  24. # This is used for the Guild's Announcement System, which allow me (The Author) to communicate to you guys without updating.
  25. # The way this works is very simple. If you have "console" set to "true", you will see the announcement when the server starts.
  26. # If you have "in-game" set to "true", your OPed players will see it the first time they login to the server.
  27. # OPed players will only be notified on the first time they login after each server reboot.
  28. announcements:
  29. console: false
  30. in-game: false
  33. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  34. # Hooks Configuration #
  35. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  37. # Hooks will control what the plugin can hook into.
  38. # For Guild Claims to work, you MUST have WorldGuard installed & the WorldGuard Hook enabled.
  39. # If you change a hook to true and don't actually have the plugin, it may throw errors.
  40. # Note on the NameTagEdit Hook: They may not all look the best if someone has a long guild name / username.
  41. # It will allow 16 characters before the user's Username.
  42. hooks:
  43. worldguard: true
  44. nametagedit: false
  46. # This allows you to configure how nametags will work in game with NameTagEdit.
  47. # You can also display a guild's prefix by using {prefix} instead of {guild}.
  48. nametagedit:
  49. name: "&7[&b{guild}&7]&r "
  52. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  54. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  56. # Choosing your language for the plugin couldn't be easier! The default language is english.
  57. # Not an english server? No worries, you can choose from the following list of languages that we currently support.
  58. # If you speak another language but don't see it here, feel free to submit it via one of the links above to have it added to the plugin.
  59. lang: russian
  60. # The plugin also supports the following other languages:
  61. # - chinese
  62. # - dutch
  63. # - english
  64. # - french
  65. # - hungarian
  66. # - japanese
  67. # - polish
  68. # - romanian
  69. # - russian
  70. # - simplifiedchinese
  71. # - slovak
  72. # - swedish
  73. # - portuguese
  74. # - german
  75. # - vietnamese
  76. # - norwegian
  77. # - italian
  80. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  81. # Command Descriptions #
  82. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  84. # This allows you to modify how /guild help look in-game.
  85. # This is mainly towards those who aren't English speaking servers.
  86. # This allows you to fully translate commands to your own language.
  87. commands:
  88. description:
  89. accept: "Принятие приглашения в гильдию"
  90. admin: "Команды для администратора"
  91. ally: "Команды для союзников"
  92. boot: "Выгнать игрока из гильдии"
  93. bank: "Банк гильдии"
  94. buff: "Покупка баффов для гильдии"
  95. bugreport: "Сообщение о баге"
  96. cancel: "Отмена"
  97. chat: "Чат гильдии"
  98. check: "Проверка приглашений в гильдии"
  99. claim: "Приват территории для гильдии"
  100. confirm: "Подтверждение действия"
  101. create: "Создание гильдии"
  102. decline: "Отказ от приглашения в гильдию"
  103. delete: "Удаление гильдии"
  104. demote: "Понижение участника гильдии"
  105. give: "Выдача наград игрокам"
  106. help: "Меню помощи по гильдиям"
  107. home: "Телепорт на дом гильдии"
  108. info: "Информация о гильдии"
  109. inspect: "Информация о другой гильдии"
  110. invite: "Приглашение игрока в гильдию"
  111. leave: "Выход из гильдии"
  112. list: "Список всех гильдий"
  113. prefix: "Смена префикса гильдии"
  114. promote: "Повышение участника гильдии"
  115. reload: "Перезагрузка конфигураций"
  116. sethome: "Установка дома гильдии"
  117. status: "Переключение статуса гильдии"
  118. transfer: "Передача главы гильдии"
  119. unclaim: "Удаление привата гильдии"
  120. update: "Обновление версии плагина"
  121. upgrade: "Повышение уровня гильдии"
  122. vault: "Хранилище гильдии"
  123. version: "Информация о плагине"
  125. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  126. # Rewards / Tickets Configuration #
  127. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  129. # This part of the config will allow you to configure what different rewards will look like inside the plugin.
  130. # Keep in mind, this is for stuff like voting or crate plugin rewards.
  131. # Console will be able to run the /guild give on a player to give different items.
  132. # This may throw errors if you are on 1.8
  134. rewards-enabled: false
  135. upgrade-ticket:
  136. name: "&bGuild Upgrade Ticket"
  137. lore: "&dRight click this ticket to upgrade your guild tier!"
  139. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  141. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  143. # In this section of the config you can choose if you would look a GUI for various commands. The ones displayed below are the only ones that have implemented GUIs on them.
  144. # As stated above, the name here such as list and info will modify data inside that commands GUI.
  145. # If your server's language is not english, you will need to manually modify these to your server's language and they will display in the GUI as your new input.
  147. # The "display" section allows you to choose which parts you want to display in /guild list.
  148. # For example: If I didn't want to display the members, I could change that to "false".
  149. display:
  150. name: true
  151. prefix: true
  152. master: true
  153. guildstatus: true
  154. guildtier: true
  155. guildbalance: true
  156. member-count: true
  157. members: true
  159. list:
  160. name: "&cГильдия: "
  161. prefix: "&aПрефикс: "
  162. master: "&8Глава: "
  163. guildstatus: "&3Статус: "
  164. guildtier: "&fУровень: "
  165. guildbalance: "&dБаланс: "
  166. member-count: "&6Кол-во участников: "
  167. members: "&5Участники: "
  169. info:
  170. balance: "Банк: "
  171. deaths: "Смерти: "
  172. guildname: "Гильдия: "
  173. guildstatus: "Статус: "
  174. guildtier: "Уровень: "
  175. info: "Информация: "
  176. kills: "Убийства: "
  177. master: "Глава: "
  178. max-balance: "Макс. баланс: "
  179. member-count: "Кол-во участников: "
  180. members: "Участники: "
  181. money: "Ваш баланс: "
  182. playername: "Вы: "
  183. prefix: "Префикс: "
  184. role: "Звание: "
  186. # This part controls what is shown as the inventory name for things such as Guild List and Guild Vaults.
  187. gui-name:
  188. vault: "Хранилище"
  189. info: "Информация"
  190. buff: "Баффы"
  191. list:
  192. name: "Список гильдий"
  193. next-page: "Следующая страница"
  194. previous-page: "Предыдущая страница"
  195. page: "Текущая страница: "
  196. head-name: "{player}'а гильдия"
  197. # head-name is what show's when you hover over a head in the Guild List. For example, the default will show Username's Guild
  199. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  200. # Buff Configuration #
  201. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  203. # In this section of the config, you can modify the buff name, price, time, and amplifier (Haste 1, 2 ,3 4, etc).
  204. # The current will give Haste 2, Speed 2, etc with "1". If you make it "2", it'll change it to 3, and so on.
  206. # Do you want disable the ability to buy multiple buffs at once?
  207. disable-buff-stacking: true
  209. # Do you want to use a guild's bank balance for buying the buffs?
  210. use-guild-bank: true
  212. buff:
  213. name:
  214. haste: "Субстанция торопливости антилопы"
  215. speed: "Благословление гепарда"
  216. fire-resistance: "Дыхание дракона"
  217. night-vision: "Глаза скрытого демона"
  218. invisibility: "Ноги призрачного путешественника"
  219. strength: "Могущественная сила льва"
  220. jump: "Прыжок быстрого кролика"
  221. water-breathing: "Легкие акулы"
  222. regeration: "Интеллект мистической ведьмы"
  223. price:
  224. haste: 1000
  225. speed: 3000
  226. fire-resistance: 2000
  227. night-vision: 800
  228. invisibility: 5000
  229. strength: 1000
  230. jump: 3000
  231. water-breathing: 2000
  232. regeration: 2000
  233. time:
  234. haste: 300
  235. speed: 300
  236. fire-resistance: 300
  237. night-vision: 300
  238. invisibility: 60
  239. strength: 300
  240. jump: 300
  241. water-breathing: 300
  242. regeration: 300
  243. amplifier:
  244. haste: 1
  245. speed: 1
  246. fire-resistance: 1
  247. night-vision: 1
  248. invisibility: 1
  249. strength: 1
  250. jump: 1
  251. water-breathing: 1
  252. regeration: 1
  253. description:
  254. price: "&bЦена: "
  255. length: "&bВремя действия: "
  256. haste:
  257. - "&bЭтот бафф позволит Вам и вашим"
  258. - "&bчленам гильдии получить увеличенную"
  259. - "&cскорость добычи &bна определенное время."
  260. speed:
  261. - "&bЭтот бафф позволит Вам и вашим"
  262. - "&bчленам гильдии получить увеличенную"
  263. - "&cскорость передвижения &bна определенное время."
  264. fire-resistance:
  265. - "&bЭтот бафф позволит Вам и вашим"
  266. - "&bчленам гильдии получить увеличенную"
  267. - "&cогнестойкость &bна определенное время."
  268. night-vision:
  269. - "&bЭтот бафф позволит Вам и вашим"
  270. - "&bчленам гильдии получить увеличенное"
  271. - "&cночное зрение &bна определенное время."
  272. invisibility:
  273. - "&bЭтот бафф позволит Вам и вашим"
  274. - "&bчленам гильдии получить увеличенную"
  275. - "&cневидимость &bна определенное время."
  276. strength:
  277. - "&bЭтот бафф позволит Вам и вашим"
  278. - "&bчленам гильдии получить увеличенную"
  279. - "&cсилу &bна определенное время."
  280. jump:
  281. - "&bЭтот бафф позволит Вам и вашим"
  282. - "&bчленам гильдии получить увеличенную"
  283. - "&cпрыгучесть &bна определенное время."
  284. water-breathing:
  285. - "&bЭтот бафф позволит Вам и вашим"
  286. - "&bчленам гильдии получить увеличенное"
  287. - "&cподводное дыхание &bна определенное время."
  288. regeration:
  289. - "&bЭтот бафф позволит Вам и вашим"
  290. - "&bчленам гильдии получить увеличенную"
  291. - "&cрегенерацию &bна определенное время."
  293. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  294. # Vault Configuration #
  295. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  297. # This section of the config will display options for your server based upon if you are using the Vault plugin or not.
  298. # This option only matters if you have an economy plugin on your server AND you have Vault installed.
  299. # The plugin will work without Vault but ONLY if you don't have an economy plugin also.
  300. require-money: true
  302. # Uncomment the lines below if you have Vault + an economy plugin and have change the option above to true.
  303. # You can define how much it costs for users to create a guild, the cost option, and you can define how much it costs for users to set a guild home.
  305. Requirement:
  306. cost: 5000
  307. sethome-cost: 1000
  309. reward-on-kill:
  310. enabled: false
  311. reward: 0
  312. take-from-killed-player: 0
  314. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  315. # Guild Claims Configuration #
  316. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  317. # This section of the config will allow you to handle guild land claiming.
  318. # Remember that the enable / disable for this is the WorldGuard Hook at the TOP of the config.
  319. # There are multiple options when it comes to guild claims. For the time being, all guilds will only get one claim.
  320. # As a server owner, you will have a few options here.
  321. # First off, you will have the ability to have a standard set claim size.
  322. # There is an option you can modify if you want players to be able to set their own claim size.
  323. # Don't worry, you will be able to modify the max claim size to prevent abuse.
  324. # Prices for guilds will be based up each section of blocks they claim with the region.
  325. # For example: If I want a 25x25 claim, I'd do /guild claim 25 and I'd be charged 25 * price you set.
  327. # Would you like to allow players to set their own claim size?
  328. custom-claim-size: false
  330. # You can set the max size for the claim size, so players can't take some absurd amount
  331. custom-max-claim-size: 100
  333. # Here you can set the custom price for claiming with custom regions (read above to see how it works)
  334. custom-claim-price: 10.00
  336. # Here you can set the regular max claim size when you aren't allowing custom claims
  337. regular-claim-size: 100
  339. # Here you can set the price for regular claims when you aren't allowing custom claims
  340. regular-claim-price: 100000.00
  343. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  344. # Title Configuration #
  345. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  347. # This section of the config will walk you through making and configuring custom titles for different events in the plugin.
  348. # NOTE: When configuring times, keep in mind that 1 = 1 second, and so on.
  350. # CUSTOM TITLE PLACEHOLDERS: {guild} {prefix} {username} {tier}
  352. # NOTE: There is a current bug which only allows Color Codes to work on creation, upgrade, and prefix.
  353. # IMPORTANT: This will ONLY work on servers 1.9 and ABOVE.
  354. titles:
  355. enabled: false
  356. events:
  357. guild-creation:
  358. title: "Congrats"
  359. sub-title: "{guild} has been created!"
  360. fade-in: 3
  361. stay: 3
  362. fade-out: 3
  363. player-joins-guild:
  364. title: ""
  365. sub-title: "{username} has just joined the guild."
  366. fade-in: 3
  367. stay: 3
  368. fade-out: 3
  369. player-leaves-guild:
  370. title: ""
  371. sub-title: "{username} has just left the guild."
  372. fade-in: 3
  373. stay: 3
  374. fade-out: 3
  375. guild-prefix-change:
  376. title: "Congrats"
  377. sub-title: "Your new prefix is {prefix}"
  378. fade-in: 3
  379. stay: 3
  380. fade-out: 3
  381. guild-tier-upgrade:
  382. title: "Success!"
  383. sub-title: "Your guild is now Tier {tier}"
  384. fade-in: 3
  385. stay: 3
  386. fade-out: 3
  389. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  390. # Guild Upgrade Configuration #
  391. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  393. # This section of the config will talk about various parts of upgrading a guild and allow you to choose how it works.
  394. # For "mob-xp-multiplier" the default is 1, meaning that it will drop the normal amount of XP for non-upgraded guilds.
  395. # DO NOT set it to 0, that will either throw errors or cause mobs to not drop XP.
  397. # You can make as many as you want. You MUST name each tier "tier1, tier2, tier3, etc." while following the format of the already made ones.
  398. # For example: if I wanted to add a 4th tier, I would do this:
  400. max-number-of-tiers: 6
  402. tier1:
  403. name: "α"
  404. cost: 0
  405. mob-xp-multiplier: 1
  406. tier2:
  407. name: "β"
  408. cost: 5000
  409. mob-xp-multiplier: 1.2
  410. tier3:
  411. name: "γ"
  412. cost: 20000
  413. mob-xp-multiplier: 1.4
  414. tier4:
  415. name: "δ"
  416. cost: 40000
  417. mob-xp-multiplier: 1.6
  418. tier5:
  419. name: "ε"
  420. cost: 60000
  421. mob-xp-multiplier: 1.8
  422. tier6:
  423. name: "ϝ"
  424. cost: 80000
  425. mob-xp-multiplier: 2
  428. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  429. # Community Server List #
  430. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  432. # Guilds comes with it's own Server Listing website.
  433. # If you choose to not display your website among the others on the Server List, you can change the below option to false.
  434. # The Community Server List website is
  435. server-list: true
  437. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  438. # Guild Configuration #
  439. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  441. # This section of the config will talk about various parts of making a guild and options as server owner you can set.
  443. # The prefix of all messages send by this plugin to a player for all messages and commands
  444. plugin-prefix: "&6&l[Гильдии]"
  446. # Disable this to remove guild names showing next to a player in "TabList"
  447. tablist-guilds: false
  449. tablist-use-display-name: false
  451. # Change how the Prefixes in the TabList show!
  452. # Note: DO NOT REMOVE THE {guild}
  453. # You can use {prefix} to show the Guild Prefix instead if you would like.
  454. tablist: "&7[&b{guild}&7]"
  456. # Disable this if you don't want to allow Guild Signs to be made.
  457. guild-signs: false
  459. # Here you can modify how the /guild chat message style works.
  460. guild-chat-format: "&7&l[GC]&r &b[{role}] %s: %s"
  462. # Change this to true if you want to allow players in the same guild to damage each other.
  463. allow-guild-damage: true
  465. # Check for update on startup (SUGGESTED YOU KEEP THIS ENABLED)
  466. updater:
  467. check: false
  469. # This part pertains to the /guild home command
  470. home:
  471. # Define how long they must wait to use the command
  472. cool-down: 60
  473. # Define how long they must stand still before being teleported
  474. teleport-delay: 5
  475. # Keep this TRUE unless you really don't want it. It could mess up how teleport-delay works.
  476. freeze-player: false
  477. # Freezing a player will make them not able to move while teleporting.
  478. # Change the teleport-delay if you want them to wait longer to teleport after running the command.
  480. # Define how long they must wait to use the command
  481. sethome:
  482. cool-down: 3600
  484. name:
  485. # Minimum length of guild names
  486. min-length: 5
  487. # Maximum length of guild names
  488. max-length: 25
  489. # RegEx ( used to only allow certain characters (default only allows alphanumeric characters)
  490. # To turn off the ability for colored names change the regex to "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$"
  491. regex: "[a-zA-Z0-9а-яА-Я]*$"
  493. # This will automatically prevent players from making a guild if it contains anything in the list below.
  494. # Note: Capitalization doesn't matter. I can put "crap" and Crap cRaP, etc, will be blocked.
  495. # Note: Also, it'll sense stuff such as "PieceofCrap", hopefully making it easier for you to make the blacklist.
  496. enable-blacklist: true
  498. blacklist:
  499. - "admin"
  500. - "admins"
  501. - "test"
  503. # Here you can set the size of the claims. For example if it's 50, it'll be 50x50, 100 = 100x100, etc.
  504. claims:
  505. size: 100
  507. prefix:
  508. # With the default Regex currently set, the minimum length of the prefix is 1 and the maximum is 20.
  509. # To change this, adjust the numbers and maybe have a look at the link above (RegEx).
  510. # To turn off the ability for colored prefixes change the regex to "[a-zA-Z0-9&]{1,20}"
  511. regex: "[a-zA-Z0-9а-яА-Я&]{1,11}"
  513. # There are lots of options when it comes to configuring the roles. We have NOT (yet) experience with adding new ranks, so if it breaks, do not be surprised.
  514. # You can change individual perms for each rank but please DO NOT modify the order in which they go along with the numbers such as 0, 1 ,2, 3, etc.
  516. roles:
  517. 0:
  518. name: "Гранд-Мастер"
  519. permissions:
  520. chat: true
  521. ally-chat: true
  522. invite: true
  523. kick: true
  524. promote: true
  525. demote: true
  526. add-ally: true
  527. remove-ally: true
  528. change-prefix: true
  529. change-home: true
  530. remove-guild: true
  531. toggle-guild: true
  532. open-vault: true
  533. transfer-guild: true
  534. activate-buff: true
  535. upgrade-guild: true
  536. deposit-money: true
  537. withdraw-money: true
  538. claim-land: true
  539. unclaim-land: true
  541. 1:
  542. name: "Мастер"
  543. permissions:
  544. chat: true
  545. ally-chat: true
  546. invite: true
  547. kick: true
  548. promote: true
  549. demote: true
  550. add-ally: true
  551. remove-ally: true
  552. change-prefix: true
  553. change-home: true
  554. remove-guild: false
  555. toggle-guild: true
  556. open-vault: true
  557. transfer-guild: false
  558. activate-buff: true
  559. upgrade-guild: true
  560. deposit-money: true
  561. withdraw-money: false
  562. claim-land: true
  563. unclaim-land: false
  565. 2:
  566. name: "Претор"
  567. permissions:
  568. chat: true
  569. ally-chat: true
  570. invite: true
  571. kick: true
  572. promote: true
  573. demote: true
  574. add-ally: false
  575. remove-ally: false
  576. change-prefix: true
  577. change-home: true
  578. remove-guild: false
  579. toggle-guild: false
  580. open-vault: true
  581. transfer-guild: false
  582. activate-buff: true
  583. upgrade-guild: false
  584. deposit-money: true
  585. withdraw-money: false
  586. claim-land: false
  587. unclaim-land: false
  589. 3:
  590. name: "Архи-Прелат"
  591. permissions:
  592. chat: true
  593. ally-chat: true
  594. invite: true
  595. kick: true
  596. promote: false
  597. demote: true
  598. add-ally: false
  599. remove-ally: false
  600. change-prefix: true
  601. change-home: false
  602. remove-guild: false
  603. toggle-guild: false
  604. open-vault: true
  605. transfer-guild: false
  606. activate-buff: true
  607. upgrade-guild: false
  608. deposit-money: true
  609. withdraw-money: false
  610. claim-land: false
  611. unclaim-land: false
  613. 4:
  614. name: "Прелат"
  615. permissions:
  616. chat: true
  617. ally-chat: true
  618. invite: true
  619. kick: true
  620. promote: false
  621. demote: false
  622. add-ally: false
  623. remove-ally: false
  624. change-prefix: true
  625. change-home: false
  626. remove-guild: false
  627. toggle-guild: false
  628. open-vault: true
  629. transfer-guild: false
  630. activate-buff: true
  631. upgrade-guild: false
  632. deposit-money: true
  633. withdraw-money: false
  634. claim-land: false
  635. unclaim-land: false
  637. 5:
  638. name: "Протектор"
  639. permissions:
  640. chat: true
  641. ally-chat: true
  642. invite: true
  643. kick: false
  644. promote: false
  645. demote: false
  646. add-ally: false
  647. remove-ally: false
  648. change-prefix: false
  649. change-home: false
  650. remove-guild: false
  651. toggle-guild: false
  652. open-vault: true
  653. transfer-guild: false
  654. activate-buff: true
  655. upgrade-guild: false
  656. deposit-money: true
  657. withdraw-money: false
  658. claim-land: false
  659. unclaim-land: false
  661. 6:
  662. name: "Рыцарь"
  663. permissions:
  664. chat: true
  665. ally-chat: true
  666. invite: false
  667. kick: false
  668. promote: false
  669. demote: false
  670. add-ally: false
  671. remove-ally: false
  672. change-prefix: false
  673. change-home: false
  674. remove-guild: false
  675. toggle-guild: false
  676. open-vault: true
  677. transfer-guild: false
  678. activate-buff: true
  679. upgrade-guild: false
  680. deposit-money: true
  681. withdraw-money: false
  682. claim-land: false
  683. unclaim-land: false
  685. 7:
  686. name: "Последователь"
  687. permissions:
  688. chat: true
  689. ally-chat: true
  690. invite: false
  691. kick: false
  692. promote: false
  693. demote: false
  694. add-ally: false
  695. remove-ally: false
  696. change-prefix: false
  697. remove-guild: false
  698. toggle-guild: false
  699. open-vault: false
  700. transfer-guild: false
  701. activate-buff: false
  702. upgrade-guild: false
  703. deposit-money: true
  704. withdraw-money: false
  705. claim-land: false
  706. unclaim-land: false
  708. 8:
  709. name: "Преемник"
  710. permissions:
  711. chat: true
  712. ally-chat: false
  713. invite: false
  714. kick: false
  715. promote: false
  716. demote: false
  717. add-ally: false
  718. remove-ally: false
  719. change-prefix: false
  720. remove-guild: false
  721. toggle-guild: false
  722. open-vault: false
  723. transfer-guild: false
  724. activate-buff: false
  725. upgrade-guild: false
  726. deposit-money: true
  727. withdraw-money: false
  728. claim-land: false
  729. unclaim-land: false
  731. 9:
  732. name: "Послушник"
  733. permissions:
  734. chat: false
  735. ally-chat: false
  736. invite: false
  737. kick: false
  738. promote: false
  739. demote: false
  740. add-ally: false
  741. remove-ally: false
  742. change-prefix: false
  743. remove-guild: false
  744. toggle-guild: false
  745. open-vault: false
  746. transfer-guild: false
  747. activate-buff: false
  748. upgrade-guild: false
  749. deposit-money: true
  750. withdraw-money: false
  751. claim-land: false
  752. unclaim-land: false
  755. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  756. # Storage Configuration #
  757. #-----------------------------------------------------------#
  759. # In this part of the config, we will discuss data saving for the plugin.
  761. # As of Guilds-1.8.3 MySQL has been remade, but it is EXPERIMENTAL, please report any and all bugs using MySQL to us before commenting poorly
  762. # on the Spigot plugin page.
  764. database:
  765. # Set the type of the database (Either JSON or MySQL)
  766. type: JSON
  767. # Uncomment when using MySQL
  768. # host: ""
  769. # port: 3306
  770. # username: "root"
  771. # password: "password"
  772. ## Note: Database needs to be created manually
  773. # database: "guilds"
  774. # pool-size: 10
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