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Jun 22nd, 2018
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  1. MSN log - 1:46 PM [2/11/2012]
  3. Sole purpose - OP being abusive
  5. Submitted by Chris
  7. Bells . says
  8. Hey
  9. CobraHost Support says
  10. Yes?
  11. Bells . says
  12. Macro? hurr
  13. CobraHost Support says
  14. ?
  15. Bells . says
  16. nvm
  17. k
  18. I wanted too ask about your deti vps?
  19. CobraHost Support says
  20. what do you need to know?
  21. Bells . says
  22. Well I like your VPS's, they're very nice.
  23. I am thinking about purchasing a dedicated VPS, but I'd like too know your 5 year plan? Like where do you and your website plan to go in 5 years?
  24. I just don't want too buy a really expensive VPS and they website go offline.
  25. CobraHost Support says
  26. We have been in buisness now for over 8 months, we cannot predict the future sorry.
  27. We've had clients who have had services for us for a long time now.
  28. Bells . says
  29. Meh, I don't like the sound of that.
  30. Hmm, I'll try it out.,
  31. CobraHost Support says
  32. How so?
  33. Bells . says
  34. I like hearing future plan's of hosting companys.
  35. It shows dedication.
  36. CobraHost Support says
  37. But you cannot predict the future. as far as I'm concerned no one can.
  38. I'm always working on other companys all the time, starting up others. So there is a lot of things to think about.
  39. Bells . says
  40. Not like that, I wanted a basic layout of what you want for the company within 5 years.
  41. CobraHost Support says
  42. Things change all the time, I cannot give you what we plan to do in 5 years from now.
  43. Bells . says
  44. Mk whatevs.
  45. Not my company lol
  46. CobraHost Support says
  47. You try running a hosting company, come to me and let me ask you the same thing.
  48. Bells . says
  49. Lol, I dont want too? plus I already sell my own VPS's :wub:
  50. So fuck off sir.
  51. CobraHost Support says
  52. Your smart aren't you?
  53. Grow up please.
  54. I guess since you wish to be abusive towards me, I'm removing you from my MSN, as I do not wish to speak to you anymore. Have a nice day.
  55. Bells said (1:45 PM)
  56. Lol says the 15 year old.
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