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a guest
Mar 24th, 2018
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  1. JaMiees_Life = {
  2. removeallactions player;
  3. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Medical Assistance -",{ ["Set",0] call fnc_doHealth; _price = 0; if(karma_level > 0) then { _mydiscount = karma_level / 100; _discount = 1 - _mydiscount; _price = _price * _discount; _discountper = _mydiscount * 100; }; ["cash","take",_price] call life_fnc_handleCash; { if(player getVariable [_x, 1] != 1) then { player setVariable [_x, 1, true]; }; } foreach life_injuries; player forceWalk false; player setVariable["severeInjuries", nil, true];}];
  4. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Heal Self -",life_fnc_healself];
  5. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Revive Target -",{[cursorTarget] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_revived",cursorTarget];}];
  6. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Give me ur key -",{life_vehicles set [count life_vehicles, cursorTarget];}];
  7. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- TOOLKIT -",{cursorTarget setDamage 0;}];
  8. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Copy -",{player setUnitLoadout (getUnitLoadout cursortarget);;hint "Copy"}];
  9. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Restrained -",{player setVariable["restrained", false, true];}];
  10. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- LowerTerrain -",{setTerrainGrid 50;}];
  11. player addAction ["<t color='#ff0000'>- Close -", "removeAllActions player;"];
  12. };
  13. JaMiees_Life2 = {
  14. removeallactions player;
  15. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Ico0oplayer -",{if (isnil("boom")) then {boom = 0;};if (boom == 0) then {boom = 1;hint "ON";} else {boom = 0;hint "OFF";};if (boom == 1) then {onEachFrame {_nigs = nearestobjects[player, ["CAManBase"], 600]; {if ((side _x != side player) && (getPlayerUID _x != "") && ((player distance _x) < 600)) then {drawIcon3D["", [0, 1, 0, 1], [visiblePosition _x select 0, visiblePosition _x select 1, 2], 0.1, 0.3, 45, (format["%2 : %1m", round(player distance _x), name _x]), 1.5, 0.03, "PuristaLight"]} else {if ((getPlayerUID _x != "") && ((player distance _x) < 600)) then {drawIcon3D["", [1,0.1,0.66,1], [visiblePosition _x select 0, visiblePosition _x select 1, 2], 0.1, 0.3, 45, (format["%2 : %1m", round(player distance _x), name _x]), 1.5, 0.03, "PuristaLight"]};};}foreach playableUnits;};} else {onEachFrame {nil};};}];
  16. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- TaskForceRadio -",{cutText["", "BLACK IN", 1];}];
  17. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Delete -",{deleteVehicle cursorTarget;}];
  18. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- NoReco0oil -",{player setAnimSpeedCoef 1.2; player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0; player setCustomAimCoef 0.01;}];
  19. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Jamie_IS_Here -",{[] spawn {["TaskSucceeded",["","<t size='1.3' color='#62ff00'>ĴĂмĬÊ IS Here . . ."]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification;};}];
  20. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- JME_IS_Here -",{[] spawn {["TaskSucceeded",["","<t size='1.3' color='#62ff00'>ĴмÊ IS Here . . ."]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification;};}];
  21. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Map -",{titleText["Select Map Position", "PLAIN"]; onMapSingleClick "vehicle player setPos _pos; onMapSingleClick '';true;";}];
  22. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Kick -",{target = name selectedPlayer; _adminKick = format["if(name player == '%1') then {endMission 'END1';}; systemChat ""A player was kicked by an administrator."";", target]; [_adminKick] call RemExe; cutText[format["PLAYER KICKED"], "PLAIN"];}];
  23. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- EXPLODE TARGET -",{cursorTarget setDamage 1;}];
  24. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Eject vehicle -","doGetOut cursorTarget;"];
  25. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- UnAmoON -",{player addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}];}];
  26. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- UnAmoOFF -",{player addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 0}];}];
  27. player addAction ["<t color='#ff0000'>- Close -", "removeAllActions player;"];
  28. };
  29. JaMiees_Life3 = {
  30. removeallactions player;
  31. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- VIP Gun Shop -",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu,"dongunshop"];
  32. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Rebel Shop -",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu,"rebel_high"];
  33. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- General and Fishing -",life_fnc_weaponShopMenu,"genstore"];
  34. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Clothing Store -",life_fnc_clothingMenu,"bruce"];
  35. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Market -",life_fnc_virt_menu,"market"];
  36. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Rebel Market -",life_fnc_virt_menu,"rebel"];
  37. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- Drug Dealer -",life_fnc_virt_menu,"heroin"];
  38. player addAction ["<t color='#ff0000'>- Close -", "removeAllActions player;"];
  39. };
  40. JaMiees_Life4 = {
  41. removeallactions player;
  42. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- 50K [Cash] -",{cash_in_hand = cash_in_hand + 50000;}];
  43. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- 100K [Cash] -",{cash_in_hand = cash_in_hand + 100000;}];
  44. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- 500K [Cash] -",{cash_in_hand = cash_in_hand + 500000;}];
  45. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- 50K [bank] -",{cash_in_bank = cash_in_bank + 50000;}];
  46. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- 100K [bank] -",{cash_in_bank = cash_in_bank + 100000;}];
  47. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- 500K [bank] -",{cash_in_bank = cash_in_bank + 500000;}];
  48. player addAction ["<t color='#ffffff'>- ATM -",life_fnc_atmMenu];
  49. player addAction ["<t color='#ff0000'>- Close -", "removeAllActions player;"];
  50. };
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