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Nov 24th, 2017
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  1. 20:49:17 [INFO] Loaded plugin LuckPerms version 3.2.37 by Luck
  2. 20:49:17 [INFO] Loaded plugin BungeeChat version 2.0.4 by shawn_ian, BrainStone
  3. 20:49:17 [INFO] Loaded plugin PartyAndFriends version 1.0.147-E by Simonsator
  4. 20:49:17 [INFO] Loaded plugin QuietCord version 1.0-git-00f2196 by Literallie
  5. 20:49:17 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_list version git:cmd_list:1.12-SNAPSHOT:caeb724:1250 by SpigotMC
  6. 20:49:17 [INFO] Loaded plugin ServerTimeout version 1.0.1 by inventivetalent
  7. 20:49:17 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_find version git:cmd_find:1.12-SNAPSHOT:caeb724:1250 by SpigotMC
  8. 20:49:17 [INFO] Loaded plugin JoinMe version 1.3.1 by Fabb111
  9. 20:49:17 [INFO] Loaded plugin HubCommand version 1.2 by Frame_Einbruch
  10. 20:49:17 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_server version git:cmd_server:1.12-SNAPSHOT:caeb724:1250 by SpigotMC
  11. 20:49:17 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_alert version git:cmd_alert:1.12-SNAPSHOT:caeb724:1250 by SpigotMC
  12. 20:49:17 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_send version git:cmd_send:1.12-SNAPSHOT:caeb724:1250 by SpigotMC
  13. 20:49:17 [INFO] Loaded plugin Yamler version 2.4.0-SNAPSHOTb-16 by geNAZt
  14. 20:49:17 [INFO] Loaded plugin BungeeTabListPlus version 2.7.4 by CodeCrafter47
  15. 20:49:17 [WARNING] Forced host server pvp is not defined
  16. 20:49:17 [INFO] Enabled plugin reconnect_yaml version git:reconnect_yaml:1.12-SNAPSHOT:caeb724:1250 by SpigotMC
  17. 20:49:17 [INFO] §f§b __ §3 __ ___ __ __
  18. 20:49:17 [INFO] §f§b | | | / ` |__/ §3|__) |__ |__) |\/| /__`
  19. 20:49:17 [INFO] §f§b |___ \__/ \__, | \ §3| |___ | \ | | .__/
  20. 20:49:17 [INFO] §f
  21. 20:49:17 [INFO] §f§2 Loading version §bv3.2.37§2 on Bungee - BungeeCord
  22. 20:49:17 [INFO] §f§8 Running on server version git:BungeeCord-Bootstrap:1.12-SNAPSHOT:caeb724:1250
  23. 20:49:17 [INFO] §f
  24. 20:49:17 [INFO] §f§7§l[§bL§3P§7§l] §3Loading configuration...
  25. 20:49:17 [INFO] §f§7§l[§bL§3P§7§l] §3Identified the following dependencies: [MYSQL_DRIVER, SLF4J_API, SLF4J_SIMPLE, HIKARI]
  26. 20:49:17 [INFO] §f§7§l[§bL§3P§7§l] §3Loading storage provider... [MYSQL]
  27. 20:49:17 [SEVERE] [main] INFO com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - luckperms - Starting...
  28. 20:49:18 [SEVERE] [main] INFO com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - luckperms - Start completed.
  29. 20:49:19 [INFO] §f§7§l[§bL§3P§7§l] §3Loading internal permission managers...
  30. 20:49:19 [INFO] §f§7§l[§bL§3P§7§l] §3Performing initial data load...
  31. 20:49:19 [INFO] §f§7§l[§bL§3P§7§l] §3Successfully enabled.
  32. 20:49:19 [INFO] Enabled plugin LuckPerms version 3.2.37 by Luck
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