Guest User


a guest
Nov 30th, 2018
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  1. #modules
  2. import sqlite3
  3. import autopy
  4. import kivy
  5. kivy.require("1.9.0")
  6. from import NumericProperty
  7. from import App
  8. from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
  9. from import ObjectProperty
  10. from kivy.core.window import Window
  11. from import StringProperty
  12. import smtplib
  13. from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
  14. from email.mime.text import MIMEText
  15. Window.clearcolor = (0, 0, 0.5, 1)#SET COLOR
  16. import winsound
  17. import smtplib
  18. import webbrowser
  19. import random
  20. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  21. class CustomWidget(Widget):
  25. #login_inputs
  26. password_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  27. user_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  28. #registration inputs
  29. firstnaminp_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  30. lastnameinp_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  31. emailinp_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  32. passwordinp_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  33. countryinp_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  34. cityinp_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  35. addressinp_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  36. postcodeinp_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  37. #settings inputs :
  38. chname_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  39. chlstname_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  40. chemail_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  41. chpassword_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  42. chcountry_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  43. chcity_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  44. chaddress_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  45. chpostal_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  46. #contact
  47. emailinput_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  48. subjectinput_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  49. messageinput_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  50. #shop ammounts:
  51. product1am_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  52. product2am_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  53. product3am_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  59. #labels(registry)
  60. firstnaminp=""
  61. lastnameinp=""
  62. emailinp=""
  63. passwordinp=""
  64. countryinp=""
  65. cityinp=""
  66. addressinp=""
  67. postcodeinp=""
  68. chname=""
  69. #labels(lgoin)
  70. password=""
  71. user=""
  72. def remove_rgstr(self):#removes about us
  73. self.ids.infoimg.pos=10000,1000
  74. self.ids.infohead.pos=10000,1000
  75. self.ids.infolab.pos=10000,10000
  76. def update_user_name(self):#--------------------------------change some frsnp--------------------------#
  77. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  78. c = conn.cursor()
  79. password=self.password_text_input.text
  80. user=self.user_text_input.text
  81. newfirstname=self.chname_text_input.text
  82. print user
  83. print password
  84. print newfirstname
  85. if (len(newfirstname)<5):
  86. autopy.alert.alert("Your first name should be over 5 characters")
  87. else:
  88. try:
  89. c.execute("UPDATE accounts SET firstname = (?) WHERE email= (?) AND password = (?) ",(newfirstname, user, password))
  90. conn.commit()
  91. autopy.alert.alert("Your new name saved succesfully")
  92. self.ids.chname.text=""
  93. except:
  94. autopy.alert.alert("Something wrong happened")
  96. def update_user_lstname(self):#--------------------------------change some lstnm--------------------------#
  97. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  98. c = conn.cursor()
  99. password=self.password_text_input.text
  100. user=self.user_text_input.text
  101. newlastname=self.chlstname_text_input.text
  102. print user
  103. print password
  104. print newlastname
  105. if (len(newlastname)<5):
  106. autopy.alert.alert("Your last name should be over 5 characters")
  107. else:
  108. try:
  109. c.execute("UPDATE accounts SET lastname = (?) WHERE email= (?) AND password = (?) ",(newlastname, user, password))
  110. conn.commit()
  111. autopy.alert.alert("Your new lastname saved succesfully")
  112. self.ids.chlstname.text=""
  113. except:
  114. autopy.alert.alert("Something wrong happened")
  118. def update_user_email(self):#--------------------------------change some email--------------------------#
  119. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  120. c = conn.cursor()
  121. password=self.password_text_input.text
  122. user=self.user_text_input.text
  123. newemail=self.chemail_text_input.text
  124. print user
  125. print password
  126. print newemail
  127. if (len(newemail)<5):
  128. autopy.alert.alert("Your email should be over 5 characters")
  129. else:
  130. try:
  131. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  132. c = conn.cursor()
  133. c.execute("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE email= ?",(newemail,))
  134. if c.fetchone() is not None :
  135. autopy.alert.alert("This email is used !")
  136. autopy.alert.alert("Try again! !")
  138. else:
  139. msg="This email is just to verify that this mail works !"
  140. mail=smtplib.SMTP('',587)
  141. mail.ehlo()
  142. mail.starttls()
  143. mail.login("","myllwcutinlyswpw")
  144. mail.sendmail("",newemail,msg)
  145. mail.sendmail("",user,"Your email has been changed ,if you didn't do that send us an email now in")
  147. c.execute("UPDATE accounts SET email = (?) WHERE email= (?) AND password = (?) ",(newemail, user, password))
  148. conn.commit()
  149. autopy.alert.alert("Your new email saved succesfully")
  150. self.ids.chemail.text=""
  151. except:
  152. autopy.alert.alert("Your email does not works!")
  153. def update_user_password(self):#--------------------------------change some password--------------------------#
  154. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  155. c = conn.cursor()
  156. password=self.password_text_input.text
  157. user=self.user_text_input.text
  158. newpassword=self.chpassword_text_input.text
  159. print user
  160. print password
  161. print newpassword
  162. if (len(newpassword)<5):
  163. autopy.alert.alert("Your password should be over 5 characters")
  164. else:
  165. try:
  166. msg=newpassword
  167. password=self.password_text_input.text
  168. user=self.user_text_input.text
  169. newemail=self.user_text_input.text
  170. mail=smtplib.SMTP('',587)
  171. mail.ehlo()
  172. mail.starttls()
  173. mail.login("","myllwcutinlyswpw")
  174. mail.sendmail("",newemail,"Your new password will be sent in some minutes !!!")
  175. mail.sendmail("",newemail,msg)
  177. c.execute("UPDATE accounts SET password = (?) WHERE email= (?) AND password = (?) ",(newpassword, user, password))
  178. conn.commit()
  179. autopy.alert.alert("Your new password saved succesfully")
  180. self.ids.chpassword.text=""
  183. except:
  184. autopy.alert.alert("Something wrong happened")
  187. def update_user_country(self):#--------------------------------change some country--------------------------#
  188. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  189. c = conn.cursor()
  190. password=self.password_text_input.text
  191. user=self.user_text_input.text
  192. newcountry=self.chcountry_text_input.text
  193. print user
  194. print password
  195. print newcountry
  196. if (len(newcountry)<5):
  197. autopy.alert.alert("Your country should be over 5 characters")
  198. else:
  199. try:
  200. c.execute("UPDATE accounts SET country = (?) WHERE email= (?) AND password = (?) ",(newcountry, user, password))
  201. conn.commit()
  202. autopy.alert.alert("Your new country saved succesfully")
  203. self.ids.chcountry.text=""
  204. except:
  205. autopy.alert.alert("Something wrong happened")
  207. def update_user_city(self):#--------------------------------change some city--------------------------#
  208. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  209. c = conn.cursor()
  210. password=self.password_text_input.text
  211. user=self.user_text_input.text
  212. newcity=self.chcity_text_input.text
  213. print user
  214. print password
  215. print newcity
  216. if (len(newcity)<5):
  217. autopy.alert.alert("Your city should be over 5 characters")
  218. else:
  219. try:
  220. c.execute("UPDATE accounts SET city = (?) WHERE email= (?) AND password = (?) ",(newcity, user, password))
  221. conn.commit()
  222. autopy.alert.alert("Your new city saved succesfully")
  223. self.ids.chcity.text=""
  224. except:
  225. autopy.alert.alert("Something wrong happened")
  227. def update_user_address(self):#--------------------------------change some address--------------------------#
  228. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  229. c = conn.cursor()
  230. password=self.password_text_input.text
  231. user=self.user_text_input.text
  232. newaddress=self.chaddress_text_input.text
  233. print user
  234. print password
  235. print newaddress
  236. if (len(newaddress)<5):
  237. autopy.alert.alert("Your address should be over 5 characters")
  238. else:
  239. try:
  240. c.execute("UPDATE accounts SET address = (?) WHERE email= (?) AND password = (?) ",(newaddress, user, password))
  241. conn.commit()
  242. autopy.alert.alert("Your new address saved succesfully")
  243. self.ids.chaddress.text=""
  244. except:
  245. autopy.alert.alert("Something wrong happened")
  247. def update_user_postal(self):#--------------------------------change some postal--------------------------#
  248. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  249. c = conn.cursor()
  250. password=self.password_text_input.text
  251. user=self.user_text_input.text
  252. newpostal=self.chpostal_text_input.text
  253. print user
  254. print password
  255. print newpostal
  256. if (len(newpostal)<=4):
  257. autopy.alert.alert("Your postal should be 5 characters")
  258. else:
  259. try:
  260. c.execute("UPDATE accounts SET postcode = (?) WHERE email= (?) AND password = (?) ",(newpostal, user, password))
  261. conn.commit()
  262. autopy.alert.alert("Your new postal saved succesfully")
  263. self.ids.chpostal.text=""
  264. except:
  265. autopy.alert.alert("Something wrong happened")
  268. def delete_my_acc_vrf(self):
  269. self.removecontact()
  270. self.remove_settings()
  271. self.ids.verification_del.pos=900,600
  272. self.ids.verification_yes.pos=720,550
  273. self.ids.verification_no.pos=1020,550
  274. def delete_my_acc_yes(self):
  275. self.removecontact()
  276. try:
  277. passworddel=self.password_text_input.text
  278. userdel=self.user_text_input.text
  279. print userdel
  280. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  281. c = conn.cursor()
  282. print passworddel
  284. c.execute("DELETE FROM accounts WHERE email = ?",(userdel,))
  285. autopy.alert.alert("Your account deleted !")
  286. conn.commit()
  287. self.remove_dels()
  288. self.ret()
  290. except:
  291. autopy.alert.alert("Something wrong happened")
  293. def delete_my_acc_no(self):
  294. self.settings()
  295. self.remove_dels()
  296. def remove_dels(self):
  297. self.ids.verification_del.pos=90000,60000
  298. self.ids.verification_yes.pos=72000,55000
  299. self.ids.verification_no.pos=10020,55000
  301. def settings(self):#---------------------------------settings----------------------------------
  302. self.rembuy()
  303. self.rempb()
  304. self.removecontact()
  305. self.remove_dels()
  306. self.remove_rgstr()
  307. winsound.Beep(50,50)
  308. self.ids.chname.pos=900,650
  309. self.ids.chnamebtn.pos=1100,650
  310. self.ids.chfrstnmlbl.pos=700,620
  311. #lastname
  312. self.ids.chlstname.pos=900,600
  313. self.ids.chlstnamebtn.pos=1100,600
  314. self.ids.chlstsnmlbl.pos=700,570
  315. #email
  316. self.ids.chemail.pos=900,550
  317. self.ids.chemailbtn.pos=1100,550
  318. self.ids.chemaillbl.pos=700,520
  319. #password
  320. self.ids.chpassword.pos=900,500
  321. self.ids.chpasswordbtn.pos=1100,500
  322. self.ids.chpasswordlbl.pos=700,470
  323. #country
  324. self.ids.chcountry.pos=900,450
  325. self.ids.chcountrybtn.pos=1100,450
  326. self.ids.chcountrylbl.pos=700,420
  327. #city
  328. self.ids.chcity.pos=900,400
  329. self.ids.chcitybtn.pos=1100,400
  330. self.ids.chcitylbl.pos=700,370
  331. #address
  332. self.ids.chaddress.pos=900,350
  333. self.ids.chaddressbtn.pos=1100,350
  334. self.ids.chaddresslbl.pos=700,320
  335. #postal
  336. self.ids.chpostal.pos=900,300
  337. self.ids.chpostalbtn.pos=1100,300
  338. self.ids.chpostallbl.pos=700,270
  339. #delete
  340. self.ids.delv.pos=810,250
  341. def remove_settings (self):
  342. self.ids.chname.pos=9000,6500
  343. self.ids.chnamebtn.pos=11000,6500
  344. self.ids.chfrstnmlbl.pos=7000,6200
  345. #lastname
  346. self.ids.chlstname.pos=9000,6000
  347. self.ids.chlstnamebtn.pos=11000,6000
  348. self.ids.chlstsnmlbl.pos=7000,5700
  349. #email
  350. self.ids.chemail.pos=9000,55000
  351. self.ids.chemailbtn.pos=11000,55000
  352. self.ids.chemaillbl.pos=70000,52000
  353. #password
  354. self.ids.chpassword.pos=9000,5000
  355. self.ids.chpasswordbtn.pos=11000,50000
  356. self.ids.chpasswordlbl.pos=70000,47000
  357. #password
  358. self.ids.chcountry.pos=90000,45000
  359. self.ids.chcountrybtn.pos=11000,45000
  360. self.ids.chcountrylbl.pos=70000,42000
  361. #city
  362. self.ids.chcity.pos=90000,40000
  363. self.ids.chcitybtn.pos=11000,40000
  364. self.ids.chcitylbl.pos=70000,370000
  365. #address
  366. self.ids.chaddress.pos=90000,35000
  367. self.ids.chaddressbtn.pos=11000,35000
  368. self.ids.chaddresslbl.pos=700,32000
  369. #postal
  370. self.ids.chpostal.pos=90000,30000
  371. self.ids.chpostalbtn.pos=11000,30000
  372. self.ids.chpostallbl.pos=70000,27000
  373. self.ids.delv.pos=11000,25000
  377. def remove_logn(self):#afairei to logn
  378. self.remove_dels()
  379. self.ids.password.pos=9999,9999
  380. self.ids.passlab.pos=9999,9999
  381. self.ids.user.pos=9999,9999
  382. self.ids.userlab.pos=9999,9999
  383. self.ids.registera.pos=9999,9999
  384. self.ids.login.pos=9999,9999
  385. self.ids.aply.pos=9999,9999
  386. self.ids.hidepassword.pos=15555,15555
  387. self.ids.showpassword.pos=15555,15555
  388. def user(self):#------------------------------------------user-------------------------------------------------------
  389. self.remove_logn()
  390. autopy.alert.alert("User logined")
  391. self.ids.peas.pos=30,900
  392. self.ids.infobtn.pos=245,900
  393. self.ids.set.pos=400,900
  394. self.ids.contactmainbtn.pos=615,900
  396. def admin(self):#------------------------------------------------admin------------------------------------------------
  397. autopy.alert.alert("Admin logined")
  398. self.remove_settings()
  399. self.remove_logn()
  400. self.ids.peas.pos=30,900
  401. self.ids.password.pos=9999,9999
  402. self.ids.passlab.pos=9999,9999
  403. self.ids.user.pos=9999,9999
  404. self.ids.userlab.pos=9999,9999
  405. self.ids.registera.pos=9999,9999
  406. self.ids.login.pos=9999,9999
  407. self.ids.aply.pos=9999,9999
  408. self.ids.infobtn.pos=245,900
  410. def peos(self):#test
  411. print 10
  412. def ret(self):#__________________________________________________relogin________________________________________________
  413. self.rembuy()
  414. self.rempb()
  415. self.removecontact()
  416. self.remove_dels()
  417. winsound.Beep(300,300)
  418. self.ids.user.text=""
  419. self.ids.password.text=""
  421. self.ids.chname.text=""
  422. self.ids.chlstname.text=""
  423. self.ids.chemail.text=""
  424. self.ids.chpassword.text=""
  425. self.ids.chcountry.text=""
  426. self.ids.product1am.text=""
  427. self.ids.product2am.text=""
  428. self.ids.product3am.text=""
  429. self.ids.login.pos=900,500
  430. self.ids.registera.pos=1000,500
  431. self.ids.infobtn.pos=10000,10000
  432. self.ids.contactmainbtn.pos=61005,90000
  433. self.login()
  434. self.remove_rgstr()
  435. self.remove_settings()
  436. def login(self):#------------------------------------------------login---------------------------------------------------------
  437. self.removecontact()
  438. self.remove_dels()
  439. self.remove_settings()
  440. self.peos()#removes all registery labels and texts
  441. self.ids.set.pos=100000,10000
  442. self.ids.showpassword.pos=1240,540
  443. self.ids.peas.pos=9999,9999
  444. self.ids.firstnaminp.pos=9999,9999
  445. self.ids.lastnameinp.pos=9999,9999
  446. self.ids.emailinp.pos=9999,9999
  447. self.ids.passwordinp.pos=9999,9999
  448. self.ids.countryinp.pos=9999,9999
  449. self.ids.cityinp.pos=9999,9999
  450. self.ids.addressinp.pos=9999,9999
  451. self.ids.postcodeinp.pos=9999,9999
  453. self.ids.password.pos=990,540
  454. self.ids.passlab.pos=860,510
  455. self.ids.user.pos=990,590
  456. self.ids.userlab.pos=860,563
  458. self.ids.aply.pos=9999,9999
  459. self.ids.firstnamlab.pos=9999,9999
  460. self.ids.lastnamelab.pos=9999,9999
  461. self.ids.emaillab.pos=9999,9999
  462. self.ids.passwordlab.pos=9999,9999
  463. self.ids.countrylab.pos=9999,9999
  464. self.ids.citylab.pos=9999,9999
  465. self.ids.addresslab.pos=9999,9999
  466. self.ids.postcodelab.pos=9999,9999
  467. password_text_input=ObjectProperty()#--------------------------------------lgn_txt_Nnp
  468. user_text_input=ObjectProperty()
  469. password=""
  470. user=""
  471. try:
  472. password=self.password_text_input.text
  473. user=self.user_text_input.text
  474. passlen=len(password)
  475. userlen=len(user)
  476. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  477. c = conn.cursor()
  478. c.execute("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE email= ? AND password= ? ",(user,password))#-----------------------------------------connection and login in database-----------------------
  479. fes=c.execute("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE email= ? AND password= ? ",(user,password))#nothing special
  481. if(userlen==0 and passlen==0):#if someone do not write anything in user and psw inputs
  482. autopy.alert.alert("No username and no password input")
  483. elif c.fetchone() is not None:#connection
  484. winsound.Beep(300,300)
  485. self.user()
  486. else:
  489. if (password=="admin" and user=="admin"):#--admin--#
  490. winsound.Beep(300,300)
  491. self.admin()
  493. elif(userlen==0 and passlen==0):#pithanotites
  494. autopy.alert.alert("No username and no password input")
  495. elif (userlen==0):
  496. autopy.alert.alert("No username input")
  497. elif (passlen==0):
  498. autopy.alert.alert("No password input")
  499. elif (userlen!=0 and passlen!=0):
  500. autopy.alert.alert("Wrong password or wrong username")
  501. else:
  502. autopy.alert.alert("A bug occured")
  504. except:
  505. print "aek"
  506. def register(self):
  507. self.rempb()
  508. self.remove_dels()
  509. self.remove_settings()
  510. self.remove_logn()
  511. self.ids.password.pos=9999,9999
  512. self.ids.passlab.pos=9999,9999
  513. self.ids.user.pos=9999,9999
  514. self.ids.userlab.pos=9999,9999
  515. self.ids.login.pos=895,400
  516. self.ids.registera.pos=1000,400
  517. self.ids.aply.pos=1000,500
  518. #xxx
  519. self.ids.firstnamlab.pos=800,725
  520. self.ids.lastnamelab.pos=800,695
  521. self.ids.emaillab.pos=800,670
  522. self.ids.passwordlab.pos=800,650
  523. self.ids.countrylab.pos=800,630
  524. self.ids.citylab.pos=800,610
  525. self.ids.addresslab.pos=800,590
  526. self.ids.postcodelab.pos=800,570
  527. #yyy
  528. self.ids.firstnaminp.pos=930,755
  529. self.ids.lastnameinp.pos=930,710.9
  530. self.ids.emailinp.pos=930,735
  531. self.ids.passwordinp.pos=930,691.5
  532. self.ids.countryinp.pos=930,670
  533. self.ids.cityinp.pos=930,650
  534. self.ids.addressinp.pos=930,627
  535. self.ids.postcodeinp.pos=930,600
  536. winsound.Beep(300,300)
  538. def aply(self):
  539. self.remove_dels()
  540. firstnaminp=self.firstnaminp_text_input.text
  541. lastnameinp=self.emailinp_text_input.text
  542. emailinp=self.lastnameinp_text_input.text
  543. passwordinp=self.passwordinp_text_input.text
  544. countryinp=self.countryinp_text_input.text
  545. cityinp=self.cityinp_text_input.text
  546. addressinp=self.addressinp_text_input.text
  547. postcodeinp=self.postcodeinp_text_input.text
  548. pos=str("user")
  549. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  550. c = conn.cursor()
  551. c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS accounts(firstname TEXT, lastname TEXT, email TEXT, password TEXT, country TEXT, city TEXT, address TEXT, postcode TEXT)")
  552. c.execute("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE email= ?",(emailinp,))
  554. winsound.Beep(300,300)
  556. firstnameinplen=len(firstnaminp)
  557. lastnameinplen=len(lastnameinp)
  558. emailinplen=len(emailinp)
  559. passwordinplen=len(passwordinp)
  560. countryinplen=len(countryinp)
  561. cityinplen=len(cityinp)
  562. addressinplen=len(addressinp)
  563. postcodeinplen=len(postcodeinp)
  565. if(firstnameinplen<=5 or lastnameinplen <= 5 or emailinplen <= 5 or passwordinplen<=5 or countryinplen <=5 or cityinplen <= 5 or addressinplen <= 5 or postcodeinplen <=5):
  566. autopy.alert.alert("You have to answer all the questions with at least 5 characters !")
  567. elif c.fetchone() is not None:
  568. self.ids.lastnameinp.text=""
  569. autopy.alert.alert("Email is used")
  572. else:
  573. try:
  574. msg="This email is just to verify that this mail works !"
  575. mail=smtplib.SMTP('',587)
  576. mail.ehlo()
  577. mail.starttls()
  578. mail.login("","myllwcutinlyswpw")
  579. mail.sendmail("",emailinp,msg)
  580. c.execute("INSERT INTO accounts (firstname, lastname, email, password, country, city, address, postcode) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
  581. (firstnaminp, lastnameinp , emailinp , passwordinp, countryinp, cityinp, addressinp, postcodeinp,))
  582. conn.commit()
  583. autopy.alert.alert("You are in our database ! you can login in our program !")
  584. self.login()
  585. self.ids.firstnaminp.text=""
  586. self.ids.lastnameinp.text=""
  587. self.ids.emailinp.text=""
  588. self.ids.passwordinp.text=""
  589. self.ids.countryinp.text=""
  590. self.ids.cityinp.text=""
  591. self.ids.addressinp.text=""
  592. self.ids.postcodeinp.text=""
  594. except:
  595. autopy.alert.alert("This email does not work !")
  596. autopy.alert.alert("Try again !")
  598. def contactfunc(self):#--------------------------------------------------------CONTACT-----------------------------------------------------
  599. self.rembuy()
  600. self.remove_dels()
  601. self.remove_rgstr()
  602. self.remove_settings()
  603. self.rempb()
  604. #-----POSITIONS-----#
  605. self.ids.ourmail.pos=140,800
  606. self.ids.emailinputlbl.pos=540,600
  607. self.ids.emailinput.pos=620,630
  608. self.ids.subjectinputlbl.pos=540,550
  609. self.ids.subjectinput.pos=620,580
  610. self.ids.messageinputlbl.pos=540,500
  611. self.ids.messageinput.pos=630,230
  612. self.ids.sendmail.pos=640,150
  613. def sendml(self):
  614. self.rembuy()
  615. self.rempb()
  616. self.remove_dels()
  617. self.remove_rgstr()
  618. self.remove_settings()
  619. #------SHMASIES-----
  620. email=self.emailinput_text_input.text
  621. subject=self.subjectinput_text_input.text
  622. message=self.messageinput_text_input.text
  623. #--acc---
  624. myemail=""
  625. mypassword="myllwcutinlyswpw"
  626. print "contactfunc"
  630. try:
  631. msg="We have received your message!"
  632. mail=smtplib.SMTP('',587)
  633. mail.ehlo()
  634. mail.starttls()
  635. mail.login(myemail,mypassword)
  636. mail.sendmail(myemail,email,msg)
  637. try:
  638. lensub=len(subject)
  639. lenmsg=len(message)
  640. if(lensub == 0):
  641. autopy.alert.alert("You have to write a subject !")
  642. elif(lenmsg==0):
  643. autopy.alert.alert("You have to write a message !")
  644. else:
  645. try:
  646. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  647. c = conn.cursor()
  648. c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS messages(email TEXT, subject TEXT ,message TEXT)")
  649. c.execute("INSERT INTO messages(email,subject,message) VALUES (?,?,?)",(email,subject,message))
  650. conn.commit()
  651. autopy.alert.alert("We have put your mail in our database")
  652. self.ids.messageinput.text=""
  653. self.ids.subjectinput.text=""
  654. self.ids.emailinput.text=""
  655. except:
  656. autopy.alert.alert("ERROR occured")
  663. except:
  664. autopy.alert.alert("ERROR occured")
  667. except:
  668. autopy.alert.alert("This email does not work !")
  670. def removecontact(self):
  671. print "remv"
  673. self.ids.ourmail.pos=10040,10800
  674. self.ids.emailinputlbl.pos=54000,60000
  675. self.ids.emailinput.pos=62000,630000
  676. self.ids.subjectinputlbl.pos=54000,55000
  677. self.ids.subjectinput.pos=62000,58000
  678. self.ids.messageinputlbl.pos=540000,50000
  679. self.ids.messageinput.pos=600030,230000
  680. self.ids.sendmail.pos=640000,150000
  682. def product1info(self):
  684. winsound.Beep(500,500)
  685. def product2info(self):
  687. winsound.Beep(500,500)
  689. def product3info(self):
  691. winsound.Beep(500,500)
  693. def movpb(self):
  695. self.rembuy()
  696. self.removecontact()
  697. self.remove_dels()
  698. self.remove_rgstr()
  699. self.remove_settings()
  700. self.ids.amount.pos=220,800
  701. self.ids.product1.pos=100,700
  702. self.ids.product2.pos=100,500
  703. self.ids.product3.pos=100,300
  705. self.ids.product1am.pos=220,730
  706. self.ids.product2am.pos=220,530
  707. self.ids.product3am.pos=220,330
  710. self.ids.product1pr.pos=340,700
  711. self.ids.product2pr.pos=340,500
  712. self.ids.product3pr.pos=340,300
  714. self.ids.product1info.pos=470,730
  715. self.ids.product2info.pos=470,530
  716. self.ids.product3info.pos=470,330
  718. self.ids.product1ord.pos=650,730
  719. self.ids.product2ord.pos=650,530
  720. self.ids.product3ord.pos=650,330
  722. self.ids.product1calc.pos=850,730
  723. self.ids.product2calc.pos=850,530
  724. self.ids.product3calc.pos=850,330
  726. def rempb(self):
  727. self.ids.amount.pos=22000,80000
  728. self.ids.product1.pos=10000,70000
  729. self.ids.product2.pos=10000,50000
  730. self.ids.product3.pos=10000,30000
  732. self.ids.product1am.pos=2000020,73000
  733. self.ids.product2am.pos=20020,53000
  734. self.ids.product3am.pos=22000,330
  737. self.ids.product1pr.pos=34000,700000
  738. self.ids.product2pr.pos=34000,50000
  739. self.ids.product3pr.pos=34000,30000
  741. self.ids.product1info.pos=470000,730000
  742. self.ids.product2info.pos=470000,530000
  743. self.ids.product3info.pos=47000,330000
  745. self.ids.product1ord.pos=100000,100000
  746. self.ids.product2ord.pos=100000,100000
  747. self.ids.product3ord.pos=100000,100000
  749. self.ids.product1calc.pos=82250,73022
  750. self.ids.product2calc.pos=85220,53022
  751. self.ids.product3calc.pos=85220,33220
  753. self.ids.product1alpr.text=""
  754. self.ids.product2alpr.text=""
  755. self.ids.product3alpr.text=""
  756. def buyno(self):
  757. self.rembuy()
  758. self.shopfunc()
  761. def calcprice1(self):
  762. try:
  763. product1am=self.product1am_text_input.text
  764. d=product1am
  765. f=eval(d + "* 70")
  767. finalpay=f
  768. self.ids.product1alpr.text="You have to pay :"+str(finalpay)
  769. except:
  770. lnpr1=len(product1am)
  771. if(lnpr1==0):
  772. print "broo"
  773. self.ids.product3am.text=""
  774. self.ids.product3pr.text=""
  775. finalpay=0
  776. else:
  777. autopy.alert.alert("You have to put only numbers")
  778. self.ids.product1am.text=""
  780. def calcprice2(self):
  781. try:
  782. product2am=self.product2am_text_input.text
  783. d=product2am
  784. f=eval(d + "* 50")
  786. finalpay=f
  787. self.ids.product2alpr.text="You have to pay :"+str(finalpay)
  788. except:
  789. lnpr2=len(product2am)
  790. if(lnpr2==0):
  791. print "broo"
  792. self.ids.product2am.text=""
  793. self.ids.product2pr.text=""
  794. finalpay=0
  796. else:
  797. autopy.alert.alert("You have to put only numbers")
  798. self.ids.product2am.text=""
  799. def calcprice3(self):
  800. try:
  801. product3am=self.product3am_text_input.text
  802. d=product3am
  803. f=eval(d + "* 100")
  805. finalpay=f
  806. self.ids.product3alpr.text="You have to pay :"+str(finalpay)
  807. except:
  808. lnpr3=len(product3am)
  809. if(lnpr3==0):
  810. self.ids.product3am.text=""
  811. self.ids.product3alpr.text=""
  812. finalpay=0
  813. print "broo"
  816. else:
  817. autopy.alert.alert("You have to put only numbers")
  818. self.ids.product3am.text=""
  819. def buyyes(self):
  820. try:
  821. myemail=""
  822. mypassword="myllwcutinlyswpw"
  823. product1am=self.product1am_text_input.text
  824. farank1=len(product1am)
  825. product2am=self.product2am_text_input.text
  826. farank2=len(product2am)
  827. product3am=self.product3am_text_input.text
  828. farank3=len(product3am)
  829. if (farank1 >= 1):
  830. password=self.password_text_input.text
  831. user=self.user_text_input.text
  832. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  833. c = conn.cursor()
  834. c.execute("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE email= ? AND password= ? ",(user,password))
  835. for row in c.fetchall():
  836. name=row[0]
  837. lstname=row[1]
  838. email=row[2]
  839. passw=row[3]
  840. country=row[4]
  841. city=row[5]
  842. address=row[6]
  843. postalcode=row[7]
  844. product="KABIVEN"
  845. d=product1am
  846. g=eval(d + "* 70 + 20")
  847. price=str(g)
  848. c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders(name TEXT, lastname TEXT, email TEXT, country TEXT, city TEXT, address TEXT, postal TEXT, product TEXT, amount TEXT, price TEXT)")
  849. c.execute("INSERT INTO orders(name,lastname,email,country,city,address,postal,product,amount,price) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",(name,lstname,email,country,city,address,postalcode,product,product1am,price))
  850. autopy.alert.alert("THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER")
  851. conn.commit()
  852. self.shopfunc()
  853. msg="We have received your order !"
  854. mail=smtplib.SMTP('',587)
  855. mail.ehlo()
  856. mail.starttls()
  857. mail.login(myemail,mypassword)
  858. mail.sendmail(myemail,user,msg)
  860. elif(farank2 >= 1):
  861. password=self.password_text_input.text
  862. user=self.user_text_input.text
  863. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  864. c = conn.cursor()
  865. c.execute("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE email= ? AND password= ? ",(user,password))
  866. for row in c.fetchall():
  867. name=row[0]
  868. lstname=row[1]
  869. email=row[2]
  870. passw=row[3]
  871. country=row[4]
  872. city=row[5]
  873. address=row[6]
  874. postalcode=row[7]
  875. product="L-THYROXIN"
  876. d=product2am
  877. f=eval(d + "* 50 + 20")
  878. price=str(f)
  879. c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders(name TEXT, lastname TEXT, email TEXT, country TEXT, city TEXT, address TEXT, postal TEXT, product TEXT, amount TEXT, price TEXT)")
  880. c.execute("INSERT INTO orders(name,lastname,email,country,city,address,postal,product,amount,price) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",(name,lstname,email,country,city,address,postalcode,product,product2am,price))
  881. autopy.alert.alert("THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER")
  882. conn.commit()
  883. msg="We have received your order !"
  884. mail=smtplib.SMTP('',587)
  885. mail.ehlo()
  886. mail.starttls()
  887. mail.login(myemail,mypassword)
  888. mail.sendmail(myemail,user,msg)
  889. self.shopfunc()
  890. elif(farank3>=1):
  892. password=self.password_text_input.text
  893. user=self.user_text_input.text
  894. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  895. c = conn.cursor()
  896. c.execute("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE email= ? AND password= ? ",(user,password))
  897. for row in c.fetchall():
  898. name=row[0]
  899. lstname=row[1]
  900. email=row[2]
  901. passw=row[3]
  902. country=row[4]
  903. city=row[5]
  904. address=row[6]
  905. postalcode=row[7]
  906. product="PABAL"
  907. d=product3am
  908. f=eval(d + "* 100 + 20")
  909. price=str(f)
  910. c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders(name TEXT, lastname TEXT, email TEXT, country TEXT, city TEXT, address TEXT, postal TEXT, product TEXT, amount TEXT, price TEXT)")
  911. c.execute("INSERT INTO orders(name,lastname,email,country,city,address,postal,product,amount,price) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",(name,lstname,email,country,city,address,postalcode,product,product3am,price))
  912. autopy.alert.alert("THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER")
  913. conn.commit()
  914. msg="We have received your order !"
  915. mail=smtplib.SMTP('',587)
  916. mail.ehlo()
  917. mail.starttls()
  918. mail.login(myemail,mypassword)
  919. mail.sendmail(myemail,user,msg)
  920. self.shopfunc()
  921. else:
  922. autopy.alert.alert("ERROR OCCURED")
  923. autopy.alert.alert("AN ERROR OCCURED OR WRONG EMAIL")
  924. except:
  925. autopy.alert.alert("!!!! NO INTERNET CONNECTION !!!!")
  930. def ordpr1(self):
  932. product1am=self.product1am_text_input.text
  933. frank1=len(product1am)
  934. product2am=self.product2am_text_input.text
  935. frank2=len(product2am)
  936. product3am=self.product3am_text_input.text
  937. frank3=len(product3am)
  939. if (frank1>=1):
  940. self.rempb()
  941. d=product1am
  942. g=eval(d + "* 70 + 20")
  943. f=str(g)
  944. self.ids.amandpr.text=str("You will order KABIVEN ! Amount : "+product1am+" and you will pay : "+f+" euros (with shipping )")
  945. self.ids.product3am.text=""
  946. self.ids.product2am.text=""
  947. password=self.password_text_input.text
  948. user=self.user_text_input.text
  949. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  950. c = conn.cursor()
  951. c.execute("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE email= ? AND password= ? ",(user,password))
  952. for row in c.fetchall():
  953. name=row[0]
  954. lstname=row[1]
  955. email=row[2]
  956. passw=row[3]
  957. country=row[4]
  958. city=row[5]
  959. address=row[6]
  960. postalcode=row[7]
  961. self.ids.vershipping.text=str("Are you sure about your shipping information ?\n Name : "+name+"\n Last name : "+lstname+"\n Email : "+email+"\n Country : "+country+"\n City : "+city+"\n Address : "+address+"\n Postal Code : "+postalcode)
  962. self.ids.yesbuy.pos=400,400
  963. self.ids.nobuy.pos=600,400
  964. else:
  965. print "ok"
  972. def ordpr2(self):
  973. self.rempb()
  974. product1am=self.product1am_text_input.text
  975. frank1=len(product1am)
  976. product2am=self.product2am_text_input.text
  977. frank2=len(product2am)
  978. product3am=self.product3am_text_input.text
  979. frank3=len(product3am)
  980. self.ids.yesbuy.pos=400,400
  981. if (frank2>=1):
  982. d=product2am
  983. g=eval(d + "* 50" + "+ 20")
  984. f=str(g)
  985. self.ids.amandpr.text=str("You will order L-THYROXIN ! Amount : "+product2am+" and you will pay : "+f+" euros (with shipping)")
  986. self.ids.product3am.text=""
  987. self.ids.product1am.text=""
  988. password=self.password_text_input.text
  989. user=self.user_text_input.text
  990. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  991. c = conn.cursor()
  992. c.execute("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE email= ? AND password= ? ",(user,password))
  993. for row in c.fetchall():
  994. name=row[0]
  995. lstname=row[1]
  996. email=row[2]
  997. passw=row[3]
  998. country=row[4]
  999. city=row[5]
  1000. address=row[6]
  1001. postalcode=row[7]
  1002. self.ids.vershipping.text=str("Are you sure about your shipping information ?\n Name : "+name+"\n Last name : "+lstname+"\n Email : "+email+"\n Country : "+country+"\n City : "+city+"\n Address : "+address+"\n Postal Code : "+postalcode)
  1003. self.ids.yesbuy.pos=400,400
  1004. self.ids.nobuy.pos=600,400
  1007. else:
  1008. print "ok"
  1009. def ordpr3(self):
  1010. self.rempb()
  1011. product1am=self.product1am_text_input.text
  1012. frank1=len(product1am)
  1013. product2am=self.product2am_text_input.text
  1014. frank2=len(product2am)
  1015. product3am=self.product3am_text_input.text
  1016. frank3=len(product3am)
  1017. if (frank3>=1):
  1018. d=product3am
  1019. g=eval(d + "* 100 + 20")
  1020. f=str(g)
  1021. self.ids.amandpr.text=str("You will order PABAL ! Amount : "+product3am+" and you will pay : "+f+" euros (with shipping)")
  1022. self.ids.product2am.text=""
  1023. self.ids.product1am.text=""
  1024. password=self.password_text_input.text
  1025. user=self.user_text_input.text
  1026. conn = sqlite3.connect('accounts.db')
  1027. c = conn.cursor()
  1028. c.execute("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE email= ? AND password= ? ",(user,password))
  1029. for row in c.fetchall():
  1030. name=row[0]
  1031. lstname=row[1]
  1032. email=row[2]
  1033. passw=row[3]
  1034. country=row[4]
  1035. city=row[5]
  1036. address=row[6]
  1037. postalcode=row[7]
  1038. self.ids.vershipping.text=str("Are you sure about your shipping information ?\n Name : "+name+"\n Last name : "+lstname+"\n Email : "+email+"\n Country : "+country+"\n City : "+city+"\n Address : "+address+"\n Postal Code : "+postalcode)
  1039. self.ids.yesbuy.pos=400,400
  1040. self.ids.nobuy.pos=600,400
  1041. else:
  1042. print "ok"
  1043. def rembuy(self):
  1044. self.ids.amandpr.text=""
  1045. self.ids.vershipping.text=""
  1046. self.ids.yesbuy.pos=1000000000000,10000000000
  1047. self.ids.nobuy.pos=600222,4222200
  1048. def shopfunc(self):
  1049. self.rembuy()
  1050. self.remove_dels()
  1051. self.remove_rgstr()
  1052. self.remove_settings()
  1053. self.movpb()
  1056. pass
  1059. class CustomWidgetApp(App):
  1060. def build(self):
  1062. self.icon = 'icon.png'
  1063. return CustomWidget()
  1065. customWidget = CustomWidgetApp()
  1067. #i have to do the login and registration database and program COMPLETED
  1068. #I have to do the contacts I COMPLETED
  1069. #I have to do the db for product ii
  1070. #I have to do the settings III COMPLETED
  1071. #I have to do the about us option IIII COMPLETED
  1072. #I have to do the shop func and we are done ! COMPLETED
  1073. """
  1074. row[0]=First_Name
  1075. row[1]=Last_name
  1076. row[2]=email
  1077. row[3]=password
  1078. row[4]=country
  1079. row[5]=city
  1080. row[6]=address
  1081. row[7]=postal_code
  1082. row[8]=position
  1084. 4/9/2018 :
  1085. We have to make the user settings
  1086. 7/9/2018:
  1087. We have completed the fucking settings and we have completed some registrations options
  1088. 10/9/2018:
  1089. We have completed the about us option and now we have started the contact form !
  1090. 29/9/2018 :
  1091. The program has been delayed but we have done the contact form and now we have done the design for shopfunc ,and the price calculation funvtion
  1092. 4/10/2018 :
  1093. The program is ready , Good job Kostas !!!!!!
  1094. """
  1095. #c.execute("UPDATE accounts SET position = 'user' WHERE email = (?) and password = (?)) VALUES (?, ?) ",(emailinp, passwordinp,))
  1098. # ------------------------KIVY-------------
  1099. # file name:
  1100. #:kivy 1.10.0
  1101. <CustomWidget>:
  1102. #login
  1103. password_text_input: password
  1104. user_text_input: user
  1105. #-----register
  1106. firstnaminp_text_input: firstnaminp
  1107. lastnameinp_text_input: lastnameinp
  1108. emailinp_text_input: emailinp
  1109. passwordinp_text_input: passwordinp
  1110. countryinp_text_input: countryinp
  1111. cityinp_text_input: cityinp
  1112. addressinp_text_input: addressinp
  1113. postcodeinp_text_input: postcodeinp
  1114. #-----settings
  1115. chname_text_input: chname
  1116. chlstname_text_input: chlstname
  1117. chemail_text_input: chemail
  1118. chpassword_text_input: chpassword
  1119. chcountry_text_input: chcountry
  1120. chcity_text_input: chcity
  1121. chaddress_text_input: chaddress
  1122. chpostal_text_input: chpostal
  1123. #----Contact form
  1124. emailinput_text_input: emailinput
  1125. subjectinput_text_input: subjectinput
  1126. messageinput_text_input: messageinput
  1127. #----Shop
  1128. product1am_text_input: product1am
  1129. product2am_text_input: product2am
  1130. product3am_text_input: product3am
  1131. #XEKINAME
  1132. TextInput:
  1133. id:password
  1134. size:200,30
  1135. password:True
  1136. multiline:True
  1137. pos:990,540
  1138. Label:
  1139. id:passlab
  1140. font_size:24
  1141. color:0.7,0,0,1
  1142. pos:860,510
  1143. text:"Password :"
  1144. Button:
  1145. id:showpassword
  1146. size:150,30
  1147. text:"Show Password"
  1148. on_release:password.password=False
  1149. color:0,0.7,0,1
  1150. on_release:self.pos=14000,14000
  1151. pos:1240,540
  1152. on_release:hidepassword.pos=1240,540
  1154. Button:
  1155. color:0,0.7,0,1
  1156. id:hidepassword
  1157. size:150,30
  1158. pos:15000,15000
  1159. on_release:self.pos=10000,10000
  1160. on_release:showpassword.pos=1240,540
  1161. on_release:password.password=True
  1162. text:"Hide password"
  1163. TextInput:
  1164. id:user
  1165. size:200,30
  1166. password:False
  1167. multiline:True
  1168. pos:990,590
  1169. Label:
  1170. id:userlab
  1171. font_size:24
  1172. color:0.7,0,0,1
  1173. pos:860,563
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  1406. # """
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  1491. text:"Delete my Account !!!"
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