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May 15th, 2016
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  1. #This is the configuration for BungeeBan by VinciDev.
  2. #The source for the plugin can be found at
  3. #Releases can be found at
  5. #Wiki:
  7. #ATTENTION: If you are coming from BungeeBan 2.5, Ban and Mute migration unfortunately isn't possible.
  9. #Select your backend type here. Either put 'sqlite' for SQLite, or 'mysql' for MySQL
  10. backend: 'sqlite'
  12. #If you want to use SQLite, edit the path to the sqlite database if you want to (not needed)
  13. sqlite:
  14. file: 'plugins/BungeeBan/data.db'
  16. #If you want to use MySQL, enter your login data here. Make sure your user has access to the database
  17. mysql:
  18. host: ''
  19. port: 3306
  20. username: 'bungeeban'
  21. password: 'abc123'
  22. database: 'bungeeban'
  24. #Players who are muted can't access these commands
  25. mute_deny_commands:
  26. - '/msg'
  27. - '/tell'
  29. #Edit the language configuration here. It should be self explanatory.
  30. #
  31. #Theese are the placeholders available:
  32. #(Of course not every placeholder is available everywhere. They are only available, where they make sense.)
  33. #
  34. #{NAME} - The name of the player
  35. #{UUID} - The uuid of the player
  36. #{REASON} - The reason for a players ban/mute/kick
  37. #{REMAININGTIME} - The remaining time of the ban/mute, using the below specified timeformat
  38. #{BY} - The name of the person who has banned/muted/kicked the player
  39. #{DETAILS} - If a message has some details, use this. (Only useful for internal error message)
  40. #
  41. lang:
  43. prefix: '&8[&cBungeeBan&8] '
  44. console_prefix: '[BungeeBan] '
  45. time_format: '{DAYS} day(s), {HOURS} hour(s), {MINUTES} min(s) and {SECONDS} sec(s)'
  46. time_format_permanent: '&9-_-'
  48. errors:
  49. no_permissions: '&cYou are not allowed to use this.'
  50. cooldown: '&cPlease wait before using this again.'
  51. have_to_be_player: '&cYou have to be a player to use this.'
  52. player_uuid_not_found: '&cThe UUID of this player could not be found.'
  53. player_not_online: '&cThe player &e{NAME} &cis not online.'
  54. internal_error: '&cAn internal error occured: &e{DETAILS}'
  55. player_already_banned: '&cThe player &e{NAME} &cis already banned.'
  56. player_not_banned: '&cThe player &e{NAME} &cis not banned.'
  57. player_already_muted: '&cThe player &e{NAME} &cis already muted.'
  58. player_not_muted: '&cThe player &e{NAME} &cis not muted.'
  59. unknown_timeunit: '&cUnknown timunit. <sec|min|h|days>'
  61. banmessage:
  62. - '&9&lShooter&8&lMC'
  63. - ''
  64. - '&c&lBanned!'
  65. - '&7'
  66. - '&9Banned By: &8{BY}'
  67. - '&7'
  68. - '&9Reason: &8{REASON}'
  69. - '&7'
  70. - '&9Time remaining: &8{REMAININGTIME}'
  71. - '&7'
  72. - '&9If you feel you did not deserve this ban email'
  73. - '&'
  75. mutemessage:
  76. - '&9&lShooter&8&lMC'
  77. - ''
  78. - '&c&lMuted!'
  79. - '&7'
  80. - '&9Muted By: &8{BY}'
  81. - '&7'
  82. - '&9Reason: &8{REASON}'
  83. - '&7'
  84. - '&9Time remaining: &8{REMAININGTIME}'
  85. - '&7'
  86. - '&9If you feel you did not deserve this mute email'
  87. - '&'
  89. kickedmessage:
  90. - '&9&lShooter&8&lMC'
  91. - ''
  92. - '&c&lKicked!'
  93. - '&7'
  94. - '&9Kicked By: &8{BY}'
  95. - '&7'
  96. - '&9Reason: &7{REASON}'
  98. commands:
  99. ban:
  100. syntax: '&3Usage: &e/ban <Player> <Reason>'
  101. banned: '&aYou have successfully banned &e{NAME}&a.'
  102. broadcast:
  103. - '&e{NAME} &chas been banned by &e{BY}&c.'
  104. - '&cReason: &e{REASON}'
  105. - '&cTime: &e{REMAININGTIME}'
  106. tempban:
  107. syntax: '&3Usage: &e/tempban <Player> <Time> <TimeUnit> <Reason>'
  108. banned: '&aYou have successfully banned &e{NAME}&a.'
  109. broadcast:
  110. - '&e{NAME} &chas been banned by &e{BY}&c.'
  111. - '&cReason: &e{REASON}'
  112. - '&cTime: &e{REMAININGTIME}'
  113. unban:
  114. syntax: '&3Usage: &e/unban <Player>'
  115. unbanned: '&aYou have successfully unbanned &e{NAME}&a.'
  116. broadcast:
  117. - '&e{NAME} &chas been unbanned by &e{BY}&c.'
  118. mute:
  119. syntax: '&3Usage: &e/mute <Player> <Reason>'
  120. muted: '&aYou have successfully muted &e{NAME}&a.'
  121. broadcast:
  122. - '&e{NAME} &chas been muted by &e{BY}&c.'
  123. - '&cReason: &e{REASON}'
  124. - '&cTime: &e{REMAININGTIME}'
  125. tempmute:
  126. syntax: '&3Usage: &e/tempmute <Player> <Time> <TimeUnit> <Reason>'
  127. muted: '&aYou have successfully muted &e{NAME}&a.'
  128. broadcast:
  129. - '&e{NAME} &chas been muted by &e{BY}&c.'
  130. - '&cReason: &e{REASON}'
  131. - '&cTime: &e{REMAININGTIME}'
  132. unmute:
  133. syntax: '&3Usage: &e/unmute <Player>'
  134. unmuted: '&aYou have successfully unmuted &e{NAME}&a.'
  135. broadcast:
  136. - '&e{NAME} &chas been unmuted by &e{BY}&c.'
  137. kick:
  138. syntax: '&3Usage: &e/kick <Player> <Reason>'
  139. kicked: '&aYou have successfully kicked &e{NAME}&a.'
  140. broadcast:
  141. - '&e{NAME} &chas been kicked by &e{BY}&c.'
  142. - '&cReason: &e{REASON}'
  143. check:
  144. syntax: '&3Usage: &e/check <Player>'
  145. banned:
  146. positive:
  147. - '&3The player &e{NAME} &4is banned&3.'
  148. - '&3Reason: &e{REASON}'
  149. - '&3By: &e{BY}'
  150. - '&3Remaining time: &e{REMAININGTIME}'
  151. negative:
  152. - '&3The player &e{NAME} is &2not banned&3.'
  153. muted:
  154. positive:
  155. - '&3The player &e{NAME} &4is muted&3.'
  156. - '&3Reason: &e{REASON}'
  157. - '&3By: &e{BY}'
  158. - '&3Remaining time: &e{REMAININGTIME}'
  159. negative:
  160. - '&3The player &e{NAME} is &2not muted&3.'
  161. uuid: '&3UUID: &e{UUID}'
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