

Oct 22nd, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. Warn_Prefix: &6[WARN]
  4. on join:
  5. if {warns.%uuid of player%} is not set:
  6. set {warns.%uuid of player%} to 0
  7. command /warn [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  8. trigger:
  9. if player doesn't have permission "skript.warn":
  10. send "{@Warn_Prefix} &7You don't have &epermission &7to execute this command."
  11. else:
  12. if arg-1 is set:
  13. add 1 to {warns.%uuid of player%}
  14. if arg-2 is set:
  15. broadcast "{@Warn_Prefix} &e%player% &7 has been warned &e%arg-1% &7for &e%arg-2%"
  16. set {warns.reason.%uuid of player%.%{warns.%uuid of player%}%} to arg-2
  17. else:
  18. broadcast "{@Warn_Prefix} &e%player% &7 has been warned &e%arg-1%"
  19. set {warns.reason.%uuid of player%.%{warns.%uuid of player%}%} to "(NOT GIVEN)"
  20. else:
  21. send "&cUsage: /warn <player> [reason]"
  23. command /checkwarn [<offline player>]:
  24. trigger:
  25. if arg 1 is not set:
  26. send "&7&m-----------&8< &6Warns &8>&7&m-----------"
  27. send ""
  28. set {_n_1} to 1
  29. loop {warns.%uuid of player%} times:
  30. send "&c%{_n_1}% &f- &a%{warns.reason.%uuid of player%.%{_n_1}%}%"
  31. add 1 to {_n_1}
  32. send ""
  33. send "&7&m------------------------------"
  34. else:
  35. send "&7&m-----------&8< &6Warns &8>&7&m-----------"
  36. send ""
  37. set {_n_2} to 1
  38. loop {warns.%uuid of arg-1%} times:
  39. send "&c%{_n_1}% &f- &a%{warns.reason.%uuid of arg-1%.%{_n_1}%}%"
  40. add 1 to {_n_2}
  41. send ""
  42. send "&7&m------------------------------"
  44. command /clearwarns [<offline player>] :
  45. trigger:
  46. if player doesn't have permission "skript.warn":
  47. send "{@Warn_Prefix} &7You don't have &epermission &7to execute this command."
  48. else:
  49. set {_n_3} to 1
  50. loop {warns.%uuid of arg-1%} times:
  51. clear {warns.reason.%uuid of player%.%{_n_1}%}
  52. add 1 to {_n_1}
  53. set {warns.%uuid of arg-1%} to 0
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