
Twitch Commands

Sep 25th, 2018
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  1. !commands - Will link you to a URL with this full list below.
  2. !tokens - Let's you know how much Tokens you have acquired from viewing the stream.
  3. !heist - Heist mini game in chat. Providing you have the Tokens you can start a heist in chat by typing !heist then amount eg. !heist 300.
  4. !challenge - This is for duelling another member of chat for a chance to win their Tokens. You can activate this by typing eg. !challenge daniel_arsenal4lyf. To accept a duel you do the same command but the challengers name.
  5. !ffa - This is for organising a Free For All against every member of chat currently viewing. If you wish to be a part of a Free For All just type the command when the command is open.
  6. !goals - Brief info of my goals on Twitch.
  7. !uptime - Nightbot will send out a message on how long the streams been live for.
  8. !request - Brief info for making a particular request; costing currency.
  9. !rules - Brief info for the rules of the chat.
  10. !twitter - Plug to my Twitter.
  11. !youtube - Plug to my YouTube channel.
  12. !filters - Managed by mods to filter out certain Twitch chat stuff.
  13. !regulars - Managed by mods to specify a regular viewer.
  14. !title - Managed by mods to specify the stream title.
  15. !game - Managed by mods to specify the game being played.
  16. !songs - To allow viewers to request songs.
  17. !discord - Link to my Twitch chat discord.
  18. !psn - My PSN account.
  19. !steam - My Steam account.
  20. !store - List of all the commands for items redeemable with currency in chat and currency costs.
  21. !shoutout - Will shoutout during the stream; your stream and/or social media costing currency.
  22. !promote - Allows you an upgraded viewer status to "Regular", offering small bonuses to currency gain; costing currency.
  23. !mod - Allows you an upgraded viewer status to "Moderator", offering extra bonuses to currency gain; costing currency.
  24. !lootz - You can pick a game of your choice on any platform up to £5; costing currency.
  25. !lootzz - You can pick a game of your choice on any platform up to £10; costing currency.
  26. !rank - List of ranks obtainable after reaching currency milestones.
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