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Nov 18th, 2019
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  1. command /automsg [<text>] [<text>]:
  2. permission: automsg.use
  3. trigger:
  4. player has permission "automsg.cmd":
  5. arg 1 is not set:
  6. send "&7[&eAuto Message&7] &c /automsg newmsg <message> - To add new one"
  7. send "&7[&eAuto Message&7] &c /automsg delmsg <number> - Delete a message"
  8. send "&7[&eAuto Message&7] &c /automsg listmsg - List all messages"
  9. send "&7[&eAuto Message&7] &c /automsg setdelay <minutes> - Set delay"
  11. arg 1 is "newmsg":
  12. arg 2 is set:
  13. send "&7[&eAuto Message&7] &cMessage (%arg 2%) Added to list successfuly!"
  14. loop {automsg.messages::*}:
  15. add 1 to {_numexist}
  16. add 1 to {_numexist}
  17. set {automsg.messages::%{_numexist}%} to "%arg 2%"
  18. else:
  19. send "&7[&eAuto Message&7] &cEnter the message!"
  21. arg 1 is "listmsg":
  22. send "&7All Messages:"
  23. loop {automsg.messages::*}:
  24. send "&e> &7[&c%loop-index%&7]&r %colored loop-value%"
  26. arg 1 is "delmsg":
  27. arg 2 is set:
  28. send "&7[&eAuto Message&7] &cMessage %arg 2% deleted!"
  29. delete {automsg.messages::%arg 2%}
  30. loop {automsg.messages::*}:
  31. add 1 to {_num}
  32. if {automsg.messages::%{_num}%} is set:
  33. set {_numm} to {_num} + 1
  34. if {automsg.messages::%{_numm}%} is not set:
  35. set {_nummm} to {_numm} + 1
  36. if {automsg.messages::%{_nummm}%} is set:
  37. set {automsg.messages::%{_numm}%} to {automsg.messages::%{_nummm}%}
  38. delete {automsg.messages::%{_nummm}%}
  39. else:
  40. set {_numm} to {_num} + 1
  41. if {automsg.messages::%{_numm}%} is set:
  42. set {automsg.messages::%{_num}%} to {automsg.messages::%{_numm}%}
  43. delete {automsg.messages::%{_numm}%}
  44. else:
  45. send "&7[&eAuto Message&7] &cSpecify message number!"
  46. arg 1 is "setdelay":
  47. arg 2 is set:
  48. send "&7[&eAuto Message&7] &cDelay set to &7%arg 2% &cminutes!"
  49. set {automsg.delay} to arg 2
  50. else:
  51. send "&7[&eAuto Message&7] &cEnter delay! (number)"
  53. every 60 seconds:
  54. add 1 to {automsg.time}
  55. {automsg.time} is bigger than or equal to {automsg.delay} parsed as number:
  56. if {automsg.messages::1} is set:
  57. loop {automsg.messages::*}:
  58. add 1 to {_numr}
  59. set {automsg.max} to {_numr}
  60. add 1 to {automsg.curr}
  61. if {automsg.curr} is bigger than {automsg.max}:
  62. set {automsg.curr} to 1
  63. set {_final} to colored "%{automsg.messages::%{automsg.curr}%}%"
  64. broadcast {_final}
  65. set {automsg.time} to 0
  70. on join:
  71. {firstjoin::%player's uuid%} isn't set
  72. execute console command "broadcast &bWelcome! &a%player%"
  73. set {firstjoin::%player's uuid%} to true
  75. command /resetfirstjoin:
  76. permission: admin.resetjoin
  77. trigger:
  78. send "&dSuccesfully reset your first join!"
  79. delete {firstjoin::%player's uuid%}
  83. command /mutechat:
  84. permission: chat.mute
  85. permission message: &c You don't have the required permission to perform that command.
  86. trigger:
  87. if {Globalchat} is not set:
  88. set {Globalchat} to true
  89. broadcast "&6[&414&bSky&aBlock&6] &4Chat muted by &r&b%player%"
  90. stop trigger
  92. if {Globalchat} is set:
  93. clear {Globalchat}
  94. broadcast "&6[&414&bSky&aBlock&6] &aChat unmuted by &r&b%player%"
  96. on chat:
  97. if {Globalchat} is true:
  98. if player has permission "chat.mute.bypass":
  99. stop trigger
  100. else:
  101. cancel event
  102. send "&6[&414&bSky&aBlock&6] &cChat is currently muted."
  106. #! All rights reserved
  107. #! Ruthless_Slayer
  108. #!
  109. #! Shorter version
  110. #!
  111. command /cc:
  112. description: Clear chat for all players
  113. permission: cc.clear
  114. trigger:
  115. loop 300 times:
  116. broadcast " "
  117. broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------"
  118. broadcast "&b&lChat has been cleared by %player%!"
  119. broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------"
  120. #!
  121. #! Longer version
  122. #!
  123. command /clearchat:
  124. description: Clear chat for all players
  125. permission: cc.clear
  126. trigger:
  127. loop 300 times:
  128. broadcast " "
  129. broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------"
  130. broadcast "&b&lChat has been cleared by %player%!"
  131. broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------"
  136. command /commandspy [<player>]:
  137. aliases: /commands, /cspy
  138. permission: commandspy.use
  139. permission message: &e&l(!) You cannot use this command!
  140. trigger:
  141. if arg 1 is set:
  142. if {cs::%uuid of arg 1%} is set:
  143. clear {cs::%uuid of arg 1%}
  144. send "&c&l(!) Command spy has been disabled for %arg 1%."
  145. send "&c&l(!) Your command spy has been disabled." to arg 1
  146. else:
  147. set {cs::%uuid of arg 1%} to true
  148. send "&a&l(!) Your command spy has been enabled." to arg 1
  149. send "&a&l(!) Command spy has been enabled for %arg 1%."
  150. else:
  151. if {cs::%uuid of player%} is set:
  152. clear {cs::%uuid of player%}
  153. send "&c&l(!) Your command spy has been disabled."
  154. else:
  155. set {cs::%uuid of player%} to true
  156. send "&a&l(!) Your command spy has been enabled."
  157. on command:
  158. if sender is a player:
  159. loop all players:
  160. if {cs::%uuid of loop-player%} is set:
  161. if "%player%" is not "%loop-player%":
  162. send "&c&l(!) %player% executed the command &n/%complete command%&c&l." to loop-player
  163. on load:
  164. set {csversion} to "2.1"
  165. message "&4&l(!) Successfully loaded CommandSpy&7." to console
  166. on unload:
  167. message "&4&l(!) Successfully unloaded CommandSpy&7. Goodbye!" to console
  168. on quit:
  169. delete {cs::%uuid of player%}
  174. on any movement:
  175. if block below player is bedrock:
  176. if {random.%player%} is not set:
  177. set {random.%player%} to "oof"
  178. execute console command "eco give %player% 100"
  180. on any movement:
  181. if block below player is bedrock:
  182. execute console command "spawn %player%"
  184. on join:
  185. if name of player is "connorboy":
  186. execute console command "sudo connorboy commands"
  187. stop
  191. on right click:
  192. if player is holding paper named "&a&lVIP &3Voucher":
  193. execute console command "lp user %player% parent set vip"
  194. wait 2 ticks
  195. remove paper from player
  197. on right click:
  198. if player is holding paper named "&b&lVIP+ &3Voucher":
  199. execute console command "lp user %player% parent set vip+"
  200. wait 2 ticks
  201. remove paper from player
  203. on right click:
  204. if player is holding paper named "&4&lYT &3Voucher":
  205. execute console command "lp user %player% parent set youtube"
  206. wait 2 ticks
  207. remove paper from player
  209. on right click:
  210. if player is holding paper named "&d&lTester &3Voucher":
  211. execute console command "lp user %player% parent set tester"
  212. wait 2 ticks
  213. remove paper from player
  215. on right click:
  216. if player is holding paper named "&2&lBuilder &3Voucher":
  217. execute console command "lp user %player% parent set builder"
  218. wait 2 ticks
  219. remove paper from player
  221. on right click:
  222. if player is holding paper named "&e&lHelper &3Voucher":
  223. execute console command "lp user %player% parent set helper"
  224. wait 2 ticks
  225. remove paper from player
  227. on right click:
  228. if player is holding paper named "&9&lAdmin &3Voucher":
  229. execute console command "lp user %player% parent set admin"
  230. wait 2 ticks
  231. remove paper from player
  233. on right click:
  234. if player is holding paper named "&4&lOwner &3Voucher":
  235. execute console command "lp user %player% parent set owner"
  236. wait 2 ticks
  237. remove paper from player
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