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a guest
Jun 21st, 2017
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  1. Program AntiPots;
  2. Var x,y,PotColor:Integer;
  3. Const
  4. OutColor=1579032;
  5. HerbsColor=1593649;
  6. SHPotColor=3249919; //fix
  7. BHPotsColor=524527;
  8. ElixerColor=15663318;
  9. // Windows Clasic Themes Off
  10. // Windowed 16 Bit Color
  11. // F1 Close Chests
  12. // F3 Start F2 Stop Speeding
  13. // F5 Speed(1) F6 Speed(-1.8) F7 Speed(8)Or What Ever You Use
  14. // F8 Login - F9 End AntiPots
  16. LogInOn=1; // 0=Off 1=On
  17. WhatChar=1; //Char 1,2,3
  18. UserName='None'; //Hit F8 To Login
  19. PassWord='None';
  21. PotsOn=1; // 0=Off 1=On
  22. UsePot=186; // 150-186 When To Use Pot
  23. PotStop=188; // When To Stop Poting
  24. PWait=350; // 10=Herbs 50=Med 200=Big 350=Elixers
  25. PotType=1; // 1=Herbs 2=SmallHpPots 3=BigHpPots 4=Elixer
  27. // Dont Edit Below
  28. Procedure TypeIn(Input:String);
  29. Var Key,C:Integer; Str,Check:String; Shift:Boolean; Begin
  30. If(C>0)Then Begin Str:=LowerCase(Input);
  31. End Else Begin Str:=Input;End;
  32. Check:='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@#$%^&*()~_+{}:"<>?';
  33. For Key:=1 To Length(Str)
  34. Do Begin C:=Pos(StrGet(Str,Key),Check); Shift:=(C>0);
  35. If(Shift)Then Begin KeyDown(16);End;
  36. KeyDown(GetKeyCode(StrGet(Str,Key)));Wait(15);
  37. KeyUp(GetKeyCode(StrGet(Str,Key)));
  38. If(Shift)Then Begin KeyUp(16);End;Wait(10);End;End;
  40. Procedure Login; Begin // Press F8 To Login
  41. If(IsFKeyDown(8)) Then Begin
  42. ClickMouse(125,365,True); Wait(1000);
  43. ClickMouse(430,350,True); Wait(20); TypeIn(UserName); Wait(500);
  44. ClickMouse(430,388,True); Wait(20); TypeIn(PassWord); Wait(500);
  45. ClickMouse(420,430,True); Wait(2000);
  46. If(WhatChar=1)Then Begin ClickMouse(540,125,True); End;
  47. If(WhatChar=2)Then Begin ClickMouse(540,250,True); End;
  48. If(WhatChar=3)Then Begin ClickMouse(540,375,True); End;
  49. Wait(1000); End;End;
  51. Procedure Pot; Begin If (PotsOn=1) Then Begin
  52. If(PotType=1)Then Begin PotColor:=HerbsColor; End;
  53. If(PotType=2)Then Begin PotColor:=SHPotColor; End;
  54. If(PotType=3)Then Begin PotColor:=BHPotsColor; End;
  55. If(PotType=4)Then Begin PotColor:=ElixerColor; End;
  56. If(FindColor(x,y,OutColor,125,27,UsePot,28))Then Begin
  57. Wait(10);Clickmouse(80,360,True);Wait(10);
  58. If(FindColor(x,y,PotColor,115,359,475,459)) Then Begin Repeat
  59. Clickmouse(x,y,True);Clickmouse(x,y,True);
  60. Clickmouse(x,y,False); Wait(PWait);
  61. Until Not(FindColor(x,y,OutColor,125,27,PotStop,28))
  62. Or Not(FindColor(x,y,PotColor,115,359,475,459))Or(IsFKeyDown(9));
  63. Wait(10);Clickmouse(80,440,True);Wait(10); End;End;End;End;
  65. Procedure Chest; Begin
  66. If(IsFKeyDown(1))Then Begin
  67. ClickMouse(150,85,False);ClickMouse(150,85,False);
  68. Clickmouse(170,285,True);
  69. End;
  70. End;
  72. Procedure Anti; Begin // F3 Start F2 Stop Speeding
  73. If(IsFKeyDown(3))Then Begin Wait(10); Repeat
  74. Keydown(117);Wait(10);Pot;Keyup(117);
  75. Keydown(118);Wait(3500);Keyup(118);
  76. Until(IsFKeyDown(2))Or(IsFKeyDown(9));
  77. Keydown(116);Wait(10);Keyup(116);
  78. End;End;
  80. Begin FindWindowTitlePart('Endless Online',False);
  81. Activateclient; Wait(500); Repeat
  83. Login;
  84. Anti;
  85. Pot;
  86. Chest;
  88. If(IsFKeyDown(9))Then Begin TerminateScript; End;
  89. Until(False); End.
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