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Jul 18th, 2023
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  1. Screenshot of the wife's messages with her husband:
  2. Contact name: hubby
  3. Wife: Hey honey, just got done jogging with your mom
  4. She's got so much stamina, it's hard to keep up!
  5. Husband: Yeah she's pretty amazing isn't she?
  6. Glad you're getting along!
  7. Wife: She said she's going to train me until I'm as fit as her lol
  8. Husband: Lucky me!
  9. Wife: hehe that's right. I'll need a foot massage when I get home, ok?
  10. Husband: Of course baby
  12. Screenshot of the wife's messages with her mother in law
  13. Contact name: mommy in law
  14. Wife: Thanks for working out with me today
  15. I'm still sore from our 'stretches' hehe
  16. Mother in law: My pleasure dear
  17. I'm glad my son married such a beautiful, flexible young woman
  18. Wife: I can't stop thinking about what you did with your hands in the park
  19. Mother in law: Wait until I show you my home gym
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