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Jan 20th, 2020
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  1. import { HttpErrorResponse, HttpEvent, HttpHandler, HttpInterceptor, HttpRequest } from '@angular/common/http';
  2. import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
  3. import { BroadcastService, MsalService } from '@azure/msal-angular';
  4. import { from } from 'rxjs';
  5. import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
  7. // TODO: Remove when MSAL library supports Angular 6, and use MsalInterceptor instead
  9. @Injectable()
  10. export class MsalInterceptorTmp implements HttpInterceptor {
  12. constructor(private auth: MsalService, private broadcastService: BroadcastService) { }
  14. intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
  15. const scopes = this.auth.getScopesForEndpoint(req.url);
  16. this.auth.verbose('Url: ' + req.url + ' maps to scopes: ' + scopes);
  17. if (scopes === null) {
  18. return next.handle(req);
  19. }
  20. const tokenStored = this.auth.getCachedTokenInternal(scopes);
  21. if (tokenStored && tokenStored.token) {
  22. req = req.clone({
  23. setHeaders: {
  24. Authorization: `Bearer ${tokenStored.token}`,
  25. }
  26. });
  27. return next.handle(req).do(event => { }, err => {
  28. if (err instanceof HttpErrorResponse && err.status === 401) {
  29. const scopesl = this.auth.getScopesForEndpoint(req.url);
  30. const tokenStoredl = this.auth.getCachedTokenInternal(scopesl);
  31. if (tokenStoredl && tokenStoredl.token) {
  32. this.auth.clearCacheForScope(tokenStoredl.token);
  33. }
  34. this.broadcastService.broadcast('msal:notAuthorized', { err, scopesl });
  35. }
  36. });
  37. } else {
  38. return from(this.auth.acquireTokenSilent(scopes).then(token => {
  39. const JWT = `Bearer ${token}`;
  40. return req.clone({
  41. setHeaders: {
  42. Authorization: JWT,
  43. },
  44. });
  45. })).mergeMap(reql => next.handle(reql).do(event => { }, err => {
  46. if (err instanceof HttpErrorResponse && err.status === 401) {
  47. const scopesl = this.auth.getScopesForEndpoint(reql.url);
  48. const tokenStoredl = this.auth.getCachedTokenInternal(scopesl);
  49. if (tokenStoredl && tokenStoredl.token) {
  50. this.auth.clearCacheForScope(tokenStoredl.token);
  51. }
  52. this.broadcastService.broadcast('msal:notAuthorized', { err, scopesl });
  53. }
  54. })); // calling next.handle means we are passing control to next interceptor in chain
  55. }
  56. }
  57. }
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