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Aug 18th, 2019
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  1. Cryptid: Also, yes I vaguely remember Jay.
  2. Subjugate: Okay okay, well.
  3. Cryptid: You know how my brain works.
  4. Subjugate: He's one of the ones who is spreading shit about good old Lazzy boy.
  5. Subjugate: And he's super well connected.
  6. Subjugate: so pretty much 90% of the Lifestyle community will know.
  7. Subjugate: Lol.
  8. Camus: Hi, I guess I'm a switch and I'm seeking nothing just to hang out.
  9. Cryptid: Good. Honestly, I don't want anyone under him every again.
  10. Cryptid: ever*
  11. Subjugate: Neither do I.
  12. Subjugate: As soon as I saw he was back I wanted to puke.
  13. Subjugate: Like what fucking nerve.
  14. MadMaenad: Thank you, Camus. Please take a seat on the edge of the stage, the stairs, one of the pillows, or an armchair. Thrones up top are off limits.
  15. Subjugate: Have you seen or heard from Doll?
  16. Cryptid: Honestly, when I saw the post I felt like cold ice had been dumped on me.
  17. Camus: I'm always hearing about some Jay person, no matter the year lmao.Always causing trouble.
  18. Cryptid: I haven't.
  19. Subjugate: He didn't cause any trouble.
  20. Cryptid: But I have her contacts still.
  21. Camus: Thanks Mad.
  22. Subjugate: He was doing us a favour.
  23. Subjugate: Maybe you should reach out to her and chuck her a text or something so she's aware he's around again.
  24. Subjugate: I don't know if she still comes on.
  25. MadMaenad: Some Jay person, Camus?
  26. Cryptid: Last I heard she was trying to be friends with him. I doubt a warning would go well.
  27. Camus shrugs.
  28. Subjugate: ...
  29. Subjugate: Is she brainless?
  30. Camus: I just heard the name a few times across the years.
  31. Subjugate: After what you both went through?
  32. Creatureteeth: u_____u
  33. Cryptid: Apparently.
  34. MadMaenad: The name Jay?
  35. Creatureteeth sips his water
  36. Camus: Yup.
  37. Subjugate: What the fuck is she doing?
  38. MadMaenad: It's fairly common.
  39. Camus: And I suppose it's always the same character. Just a feeling.
  40. Cryptid: She tries to see the good in everyone. Even if there is none.
  41. MadMaenad: What gives you that impression?
  42. Subjugate rubs his face.
  43. Subjugate: There was ZERO good in him. I thought when she left him she saw that.
  44. Camus: It's always shit and drama, the same /kind/ of drama, it just /feels/ like people are complaining about one same person. Just a feeling.
  45. Cryptid: I'm just lucky to be stubborn enough and have some equally stubborn friends to keep me stable.
  46. Guest_luverbabykink has joined the chat
  47. Subjugate: @Camus, literally no one was talking shit about Jay.
  48. Subjugate: We were praising him.
  49. Subjugate: So.
  50. MadMaenad: Interesting that you say that, since no one was complaining about Jay /this/ time.
  51. MadMaenad: Welcome, luver, status and what you're seeking once loaded, please~
  52. Camus: I haven't heard much anyway just this kind of things like jay this jay that I can't believe jay... I take it's a very troubled person who can't have healthy relationships?
  53. Camus: :x
  54. Camus: Maybe it's not the same person.
  55. MadMaenad: Highly unlikely.
  56. Subjugate played with Fawn's hair idly.
  57. Guest_luverbabykink: sub seeking Dom
  58. Camus bats a hand in the air.
  59. Camus: Don't mind me.
  60. Subjugate: You know I will always have your back.
  61. Cryptid Nuzzles into the hand affectionately.
  62. Subjugate: So will Nat, and Jay will as well, and the regulars in here.
  63. MadMaenad: Thank you, please take a seat on the edge of the stage, the stairs, or a pillow to either side of them.
  64. Camus: brb
  65. MadMaenad: Tyt
  66. Guest_luverbabykink: thx
  67. Subjugate: If Doll wants to be a brainless imbecile and be his friend again than whatever.
  68. Subjugate: She's going to regret it though.
  69. MadMaenad: That's a shame.
  70. Subjugate: I don't know what the fuck she's thinking.
  71. Cryptid: I cut ties for a reason.
  72. Subjugate: Laz treated them both like trash.
  73. Cryptid: Being reminded of Laz takes a lot out of me.
  74. Subjugate holds him close.
  75. Subjugate: Sorry, dove.
  76. Subjugate: We'll change the subject.
  77. Cryptid: It's okay hun. I'm okay.
  78. Subjugate kisses his temple.
  79. Camus: Seems like I gotta go, sorry for butting in x] nice stay, nice room. See ya.
  80. MadMaenad: Take care~
  81. Subjugate: So. Tell me about your day?
  82. Camus has left the chat
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