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Oct 22nd, 2019
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  1. Before you judge, walk a mile in my shoes. All at the same time two years ago I found out my biological mom had been abusing the grandmother I gave up a dream job for to come back and take care of her, proceed to get fired from a job because taking care of her all night and holding down the kind of jobs I do (IT is more of a lifestyle) and then lambasted by family for "using" her for a place to stay until I had to leave and move to Columbus. Come to find out that in my absence her health went downhill completely where it was improving. I called the police about it and thought they were investigating the whole time (also about abuse for my baby brother at the hands of said biological mother) but then she died. Turns out somehow my grandmother, who wasn't aware of what room she was in half the time, "changed" her will to write off 4 members of her family and left just herself on the will and she got everything.
  3. At around the same time, I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me.
  5. At also the same time, I was suffering from a lot of abuse at the job I ended up getting when I moved to Columbus, to the point where a coworker planted a gun in my house with one bullet in it as a clear sign to kill myself, I'm not sure why to this day but there's a pending case for it whenever I decide to call- but I've been through one bullshit arrangement after another or some bullshit thing keeps happening that prevents me from doing that. I also got fucked over for a $10,000 bonus at the same time, so not sure if that was the motivation or if they found out I was gay, no clue.
  7. In both cases I wouldn't have to stay in the fucking hilltop if I didn't get fucked over in both situations so much.
  9. At the same time, I found out a family member I was really close to was just manipulating people around me socially to fuck with me more.
  11. And other than that it's been a series of petty rejections by people in general since, even people I've gone so far out of my way for over the years who are nowhere to fucking be found when I need them.
  13. So, when I say humans are shit, I've got the experience to say it. Rarely been shown otherwise, I can think of one example.
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