
#unreal-support complaining about supernets spam

Apr 2nd, 2018
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  1. 06:58 ▬▬▶ │ Stanley ( has joined #unreal-support
  2. 06:58 Stanley │ does someone know how to add a spamfilter with regex on a URL with spaces?
  3. 08:54 @Gottem │ Stanley: A URL officially may not contain a space, it should be encoded as %20
  4. 08:54 @Gottem │ Anyways: \s* if you wanna match 0 spaces or more, \s for exactly one and \s+ for 1 or more
  5. 08:55 Stanley │ Well some doe spam the url with spaces in the url so spamfilter wouldn't catch them :p
  6. 08:57 @Gottem │ tru =]
  7. 08:57 @Gottem │ I'm assuming you already found a regex for URLs? ;]
  8. 08:58 Stanley │ (.*?)irc\.supernets\.org(.*?) <-- example
  9. 09:07 ◀▬▬ │ Cronus ( has quit (Quit: ZNC -
  10. 09:08 ▬▬▶ │ Cronus ( has joined #unreal-support
  11. 09:08 -- │ Mode #unreal-support [+o Cronus] by ChanServ
  12. 13:40 ▬▬▶ │ anikwa ( has joined #unreal-support
  13. 13:40 anikwa │ Hi. I'm trying to compile a paid module for Unreal (it's been a while since I've done this) but I keep getting this error:
  14. 13:45 anikwa │ also, i cannot join from my own connection because my ISP doesn't have rDNS on their IPs. that sucks
  15. 13:50 ◀▬▬ │ anikwa ( has quit (Quit: leaving)
  16. 15:53 -- │ Mode #unreal-support [+b *!*] by GTAXL
  17. 00:53 │ [acidvegas away: I am away from IRC (screen detached) since 2018-04-02 00:53:14-0400]
  18. 00:55 │ [acidvegas back: gone 00:02:25]
  19. 01:23 ▬▬▶ │ DeviL ( has joined #unreal-support
  20. 01:23 DeviL │ Stanley I think they did spam every single network :)
  21. 01:27 acidvegas │ Stanley: dont do that
  22. 01:27 acidvegas │ setting a spamfilte rfor that network will onyl result in more flooding
  23. 01:32 DeviL │ and also a spam report to ovh may suspend the account
  24. 07:06 @Gottem │ acidvegas: or _you_ could, you know, stop spamming your network
  25. 07:06 @Gottem │ crazy idea I know
  26. 07:11 acidvegas │ im not spamming anything
  27. 07:11 @Gottem │ sure, cause supernets isn't your network
  28. 07:11 acidvegas │ does that mean i am the one spamming?
  29. 07:12 acidvegas │ i can spam everywhere
  30. 07:12 acidvegas │ and i dont own this network
  31. 07:12 acidvegas │ anyone can dot eh same with supernets
  32. 07:12 acidvegas │ i dont control people
  33. 07:12 @Gottem │ I don't see why anyone outside supernets would spam it
  34. 07:12 @Gottem │ keep making excuses lol
  35. 07:12 acidvegas │ no im saying someone in supernets is obviously doing it
  36. 07:13 acidvegas │ but there over 100 people there
  37. 07:13 acidvegas │ and im not the one spamming
  38. 07:13 @Gottem │ uhuh
  39. 07:13 acidvegas │ and im not gonna tell people to not spam either
  40. 07:13 @Gottem │ Go "figure" it out then
  41. 07:13 acidvegas │ this network didnt even get hit
  42. 07:13 acidvegas │ you cant complain oper
  43. 07:13 @Gottem │ Not saying it's this network ;]
  44. 07:13 acidvegas │ ok
  45. 07:14 acidvegas │ well you are free to go in #5000 on supernets and ask the guy flooding to stop
  46. 07:14 acidvegas │ he will remove your network or channel(s)
  47. 07:14 acidvegas │ if you ask
  48. 07:15 @Gottem │ As the network owner, that sort of thing would be your responsibility ;]
  49. 07:15 @Gottem │ Then again you have retarded """policies"""
  50. 07:16 acidvegas │ its really not that retarded. i give pepole a place to chat where they can do what they want and say what they want
  51. 07:16 acidvegas │ as long as they dont disrupt the orderly operations of the network or are spamming nonsensical stuff, we dont really take any moderation into praxis
  52. 07:17 acidvegas │ you should just kick back and laugh about it
  53. 07:17 acidvegas │ Gottem:
  54. 07:19 @Gottem │ After the nth time it's a bit tiresome ;]
  55. 07:22 acidvegas │ really?
  56. 07:22 acidvegas │ its actually affecting your ability to chat?
  57. 07:22 acidvegas │ ive seen what they do
  58. 07:22 acidvegas │ its like 5 lines of text that says SUPER NETS
  59. 07:22 acidvegas │ thats actually getting under your skin that much that you cant chat?
  60. 07:22 acidvegas │ LMFAO
  61. 07:22 acidvegas │ oh ok buddy
  62. 07:22 acidvegas │ ;]
  63. 07:23 @Gottem │ Not the point ;]
  64. 07:24 acidvegas │ sounds like ur just complaining to the wrong person ;]
  65. 07:24 acidvegas │ im only here to help out w/ unreal (as much as i can)
  66. 07:24 acidvegas │ and ask q's
  67. 07:24 DeviL │ :)
  68. 07:25 @Gottem │ You're the owner, but w/e keep making excuses ;]
  69. 07:27 acidvegas │ so if someone spams all over, the CEO of twitter has to act on that?
  70. 07:27 acidvegas │ i dont have to do a damn thing
  71. 07:28 DeviL │ in this case its your network
  72. 07:28 DeviL │ and that someone is your friend visitor or @ :)
  73. 07:28 acidvegas │ good job detective
  74. 07:28 acidvegas │ "its someone from the network being spammed"
  75. 07:29 acidvegas │ DeviL is a genius
  76. 07:29 DeviL │ and you need to grow up :)
  77. 07:29 acidvegas │ i guess. this is a reflection of the internet
  78. 07:30 acidvegas │ people do what they want
  79. 07:30 acidvegas │ supernets gets hype and people like to spam
  80. 07:30 acidvegas │ you act like spam is new to irc
  81. 07:30 acidvegas │ this is just old school irc ways being brought to the modern irc culture
  82. 07:30 acidvegas │ and they arent used to it.
  83. 07:30 DeviL │ there are many ways to advertise/promote your product/service
  84. 07:32 acidvegas │ yeah. i guess my way of doing it letting people do what they want instead of trying to control everyone with bans and moderation
  85. 07:33 DeviL │ why would you need @ and oper status than?
  86. 07:35 acidvegas │ the only reason why we would ban anyone is nonsensical spamming
  87. 07:35 acidvegas │ aka doing like an urban dictionary command 1400 times in a row
  88. 07:35 acidvegas │ or spamming nonsense so no one can chat
  89. 07:35 acidvegas │ tho we allow ascii art and stuff
  90. 07:35 acidvegas │ its just if its nonsense
  91. 07:35 acidvegas │ opers will kick/ban
  92. 07:36 acidvegas │ if made an ascii and came on supernets every day and pasted it and it was like 10 lines. i wouldnt give a shit at all.
  93. 07:36 acidvegas │ the channel opers might
  94. 07:36 acidvegas │ if they are mid chat
  95. 07:36 acidvegas │ or dont agree
  96. 07:36 acidvegas │ but me, as the net oper
  97. 07:36 acidvegas │ wouldnt care
  98. 07:36 acidvegas │ all that does is make me understand flood mitigation more.
  99. 07:37 DeviL │ acidvegas there is no ifs and buts
  100. 07:38 DeviL │ what you and your guys are doing is wrong
  101. 07:38 DeviL │ thats why Stanley asked for a spamfilter
  102. 07:38 DeviL │ and everyone else would do the same
  103. 07:38 acidvegas │ ok? and a before unknown feature to stanley is now known
  104. 07:38 acidvegas │ now anytime someone tries to spam his net
  105. 07:38 acidvegas │ he knows exactly how to act
  106. 07:38 ▬▬▶ │ Celine ( has joined #unreal-support
  107. 07:38 Celine │ I also receive supernet spam and I have a French server
  108. 07:38 Celine │ ..
  109. 07:38 acidvegas │ no one likes to act until shit hits the fan
  110. 07:38 acidvegas │ Celine: cheers
  111. 07:39 DeviL │ someone will hit you
  113. 07:39 acidvegas │ we have 7 boxes
  114. 07:39 DeviL │ and than you will ask for help :)
  115. 07:39 acidvegas │ and they are mostly ovh dedis
  116. 07:39 acidvegas │ we arent going anywhere
  117. 07:39 acidvegas │ and no one can doa nything about it
  118. 07:39 acidvegas │ but complain or join us and chat
  119. 07:39 acidvegas │ Celine: no profanity please
  120. 07:40 Celine │ that's what I get as spam
  121. 07:41 acidvegas │ ok
  122. 07:41 acidvegas │ it came from jesus...
  123. 07:41 acidvegas │ are you saying JESUS IS SPAM?
  124. 07:41 acidvegas │ XD
  125. 07:41 acidvegas │ jk
  126. 07:41 Celine │ I doubt that you are there for nothing.
  127. 07:41 acidvegas │ what do you mean
  128. 07:42 Celine │ Users spiling for your server for free? I do not believe it.
  129. 07:43 acidvegas │ spiling?
  130. 07:43 acidvegas │ you think someone is paying them to spam on irc
  131. 07:43 acidvegas │ are you a moron lmfao
  132. 07:43 acidvegas │ there is no money in irc
  133. 07:44 Celine │ spam*
  134. 07:44 acidvegas │ SOMEONE IN #5000 IS PAYING PEOPLE 1000$ EACH TO GO AROUND AND FLOOD IRC
  135. 07:45 acidvegas │ c O n S p I r A c Y
  136. 07:45 Celine │ what I mean is that there is no point in someone spamming your server on multiple irc servers
  137. 07:46 DeviL │ Celine as the spam says, his network is the best, so people fight who would spam first :)
  138. 07:47 acidvegas │ Celine: its for attention and rage
  139. 07:48 acidvegas │ everyone comes in and rages hard as fuck making legal threats (which is ridiculous)
  140. 07:48 acidvegas │ and 2
  141. 07:48 acidvegas │ i mean EVERYONE
  142. 07:48 acidvegas │ got hit by this
  143. 07:48 acidvegas │ literally
  144. 07:48 acidvegas │ its pretty wild imo
  145. 07:48 acidvegas │ to see irc get this crazy in 2018
  146. 07:48 acidvegas │ like i said. irc used to be like this. you are just new ;)
  147. 07:48 acidvegas │ lil baby chatter Celine
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