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Jan 18th, 2019
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  1. public static void Prayer(TextDrawingArea[] TDA) {
  2. RSInterface Interface = addTabInterface(5608);
  3. int index = 0;
  4. setChildren(92, Interface);
  5. /* Top Row */
  6. addPray(25000, 0, 83, 0, 0, "Thick Skin", 25058);
  7. setBounds(25000, 2, 5, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  8. setBounds(25001, 5, 8, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  9. addPray(25002, 0, 84, 3, 1, "Burst of Strength", 25060);
  10. setBounds(25002, 40, 5, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  11. setBounds(25003, 44, 8, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  12. addPray(25004, 0, 85, 6, 2, "Clarity of Thought", 25062);
  13. setBounds(25004, 76, 5, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  14. setBounds(25005, 79, 11, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  15. addPray(25006, 0, 101, 7, 3, "Sharp Eye", 25064);
  16. setBounds(25006, 113, 5, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  17. setBounds(25007, 116, 10, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  18. addPray(25008, 0, 102, 8, 4, "Mystic Will", 25066);
  19. setBounds(25008, 150, 5, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  20. setBounds(25009, 153, 9, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  21. /* 2nd Row */
  22. addPray(25010, 0, 86, 9, 5, "Rock Skin", 25068);
  23. setBounds(25010, 2, 45, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  24. setBounds(25011, 5, 48, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  25. addPray(25012, 0, 87, 12, 6, "Superhuman Strength", 25070);
  26. setBounds(25012, 39, 45, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  27. setBounds(25013, 44, 47, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  28. addPray(25014, 0, 88, 15, 7, "Improved Reflexes", 25072);
  29. setBounds(25014, 76, 45, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  30. setBounds(25015, 79, 49, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  31. addPray(25016, 0, 89, 18, 8, "Rapid Restore", 25074);
  32. setBounds(25016, 113, 45, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  33. setBounds(25017, 116, 50, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  34. addPray(25018, 0, 90, 21, 9, "Rapid Heal", 25076);
  35. setBounds(25018, 151, 45, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  36. setBounds(25019, 154, 50, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  37. /* 3rd Row */
  38. addPray(25020, 0, 91, 24, 10, "Protect Item", 25078);
  39. setBounds(25020, 2, 82, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  40. setBounds(25021, 4, 84, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  41. addPray(25022, 0, 103, 25, 11, "Hawk Eye", 25080);
  42. setBounds(25022, 40, 82, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  43. setBounds(25023, 42, 86, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  44. addPray(25024, 0, 104, 26, 12, "Mystic Lore", 25082);
  45. setBounds(25024, 77, 82, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  46. setBounds(25025, 80, 86, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  47. addPray(25026, 0, 92, 27, 13, "Steel Skin", 25084);
  48. setBounds(25026, 114, 83, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  49. setBounds(25027, 117, 85, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  50. addPray(25028, 0, 93, 30, 14, "Ultimate Strength", 25086);
  51. setBounds(25028, 153, 83, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  52. setBounds(25029, 156, 87, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  53. /* 4th Row */
  54. addPray(25030, 0, 94, 33, 15, "Incredible Relfexes", 25088);
  55. setBounds(25030, 2, 120, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  56. setBounds(25031, 5, 125, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  57. addPray(25032, 0, 95, 34, 26, "Protect from Summoning", 25090);<<---
  58. setBounds(25032, 40, 120, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  59. setBounds(25033, 43, 123, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  60. addPray(25034, 0, 96, 36, 16, "Protect from Magic", 25092);
  61. setBounds(25034, 78, 120, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  62. setBounds(25035, 82, 124, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  63. addPray(25036, 0, 97, 39, 17, "Protect from Missiles", 25094);
  64. setBounds(25036, 114, 120, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  65. setBounds(25037, 120, 125, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  66. addPray(25038, 0, 105, 42, 18, "Protect from Melee", 25096);
  67. setBounds(25038, 151, 120, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  68. setBounds(25039, 153, 124, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  69. /* 5th Row */
  70. addPray(25040, 0, 106, 43, 19, "Eagle Eye", 25098);
  71. setBounds(25040, 2, 158, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  72. setBounds(25041, 5, 162, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  73. addPray(25042, 0, 98, 44, 20, "Mystic Might", 25100);
  74. setBounds(25042, 39, 158, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  75. setBounds(25043, 42, 162, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  76. addPray(25044, 0, 99, 45, 21, "Retribution", 25102);
  77. setBounds(25044, 76, 158, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  78. setBounds(25045, 77, 160, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  79. addPray(25046, 0, 100, 48, 22, "Redemption", 25106);
  80. setBounds(25046, 114, 158, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  81. setBounds(25047, 117, 164, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  82. addPray(25048, 0, 107, 51, 23, "Smite", 25108);
  83. setBounds(25048, 153, 158, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  84. setBounds(25049, 155, 160, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  85. /* 6th Row */
  86. addPray(25050, 0, 108, 59, 24, "Chivalry", 25110);
  87. setBounds(25050, 2, 199, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  88. setBounds(25051, 9, 202, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  89. addPray(25052, 0, 109, 64, 27, "Rapid Renewal", 25112);
  90. setBounds(25052, 39, 199, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  91. setBounds(25053, 42, 205, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  92. addPray(25054, 0, 110, 69, 25, "Piety", 25114);
  93. setBounds(25054, 76, 199, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  94. setBounds(25055, 78, 210, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  95. addPray(25118, 0, 112, 73, 29, "Rigour", 25120);
  96. setBounds(25118, 114, 199, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  97. setBounds(25119, 117, 203, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  98. addPray(25056, 0, 111, 76, 28, "Augury", 25116);
  99. setBounds(25056, 152, 199, index, Interface);index++;// Glow
  100. setBounds(25057, 155, 203, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  101. /* Prayer Icon/Text */
  102. addSprite(25105, 0, "Interfaces/Prayer/ICON");
  103. addText(25104, "99/99", 0xFF981F, false, false, -1, TDA, 1);
  104. setBounds(25104, 85, 241, index, Interface);index++;// Text
  105. setBounds(25105, 65, 241, index, Interface);index++;// Icon
  106. /* Tooltips/Hover Boxes */
  107. addTooltip(25058, "Level 01\nThick Skin\nIncreases your Defence by 5%", 100, 175);
  108. addTooltip(25060, "Level 04\nBurst of Strength\nIncreases your Srength by 5%", 100, 175);
  109. addTooltip(25062, "Level 07\nClarity of Thought\nIncreases your Attack by 5%", 100, 175);
  110. addTooltip(25064, "Level 08\nSharp Eye\nIncreases your Ranged by 5%", 100, 175);
  111. addTooltip(25066, "Level 09\nMystic Will\nIncreases your Magic by 5%", 100, 175);
  112. addTooltip(25068, "Level 10\nRock Skin\nIncreases your Defence by 10%", 100, 175);
  113. addTooltip( 25070, "Level 13\nSuperhuman Strength\nIncreases your Strength by 10%", 125, 175);
  114. addTooltip(25072, "Level 16\nImproved Reflexes\nIncreases your Attack by 10%", 100, 175);
  115. addTooltip( 25074, "Level 19\nRapid Restore\n2x restore rate for all stats\nexcept Summoning and Prayer", 100, 175);
  116. addTooltip(25076, "Level 22\nRapid Heal\n2x restore rate for\nyour health", 100, 175);
  117. addTooltip(25078, "Level 25\nProtect Item\nKeep 1 extra item if you die", 100, 175);
  118. addTooltip(25080, "Level 26\nHawk Eye\nIncreases your Ranged by 10%", 113, 175);
  119. addTooltip(25082, "Level 27\nMystic Lore\nIncreases your Magic by 10%", 100, 175);
  120. addTooltip(25084, "Level 28\nSteel Skin\nIncreases your Defence by 15%", 113, 180);
  121. addTooltip(25086, "Level 31\nUltimate Strength\nIncreases your Strength by 15%", 113, 180);
  122. addTooltip(25088, "Level 34\nIncredible Reflexes\nIncreases your Attack by 15%", 113, 180);
  123. addTooltip( 25090, "Level 35\nProtect from Summoning\nReduces the damage dealt\nthrough Summoning scrolls and\nprevents the use of a familiar's\nspecial attack", 113, 180);
  124. addTooltip( 25092, "Level 37\nProtect from Magic\nProtection from magical attacks", 113, 180);
  125. addTooltip( 25094, "Level 40\nProtect from Missiles\nProtection from ranged attacks", 113, 180);
  126. addTooltip(25096, "Level 43\nProtect from Melee\nProtection from close attacks", 113, 180);
  127. addTooltip(25098, "Level 44\nEagle Eye\nIncreases your Ranged by 15%", 113, 180);
  128. addTooltip(25100, "Level 45\nMystic Might\nIncreases your Magic by 15%", 113, 180);
  129. addTooltip( 25102, "Level 46\nRetribution\nInflicts damage to nearby\ntargets if you die", 113, 180);
  130. addTooltip( 25106, "Level 49\nRedemption\nHeals you when damaged\nand Hitpoints falls below 10%", 113, 180);
  131. addTooltip( 25108, "Level 52\nSmite\n1/4 of damage dealt is\nalso removed from\nopponents Prayer", 113, 180);
  132. addTooltip( 25110, "Level 60\nChivalry\nIncreases your Defence by 20%,\nStrength by 18%, and Attack by\n15%", 113, 180);
  133. addTooltip( 25112, "Level 65\nRapid Renewal\nRestores life points at 5x the\nnormal rate", 113, 180);
  134. addTooltip( 25114, "Level 70\nPiety\nIncreases your Defence by 25%,\nStrength by 23%, and Attack by\n20%", 113, 180);
  135. addTooltip( 25120, "Level 74\nRigour\nIncreases your Ranged by 20%\nand Defence by 25%", 113, 180);
  136. addTooltip( 25116, "Level 77\nAugury\nIncreases magical accuracy by\n20% and Defence by 25%", 113, 180);
  137. setBounds(25058, 10, 40, index, Interface);index++;
  138. setBounds(25060, 20, 40, index, Interface);index++;
  139. setBounds(25062, 20, 40, index, Interface);index++;
  140. setBounds(25064, 20, 40, index, Interface);index++;
  141. setBounds(25066, 20, 40, index, Interface);index++;
  142. setBounds(25068, 10, 80, index, Interface);index++;
  143. setBounds(25070, 10, 80, index, Interface);index++;
  144. setBounds(25072, 10, 80, index, Interface);index++;
  145. setBounds(25074, 10, 80, index, Interface);index++;
  146. setBounds(25076, 55, 80, index, Interface);index++;
  147. setBounds(25078, 10, 120, index, Interface);index++;
  148. setBounds(25080, 10, 120, index, Interface);index++;
  149. setBounds(25082, 10, 120, index, Interface);index++;
  150. setBounds(25084, 5, 120, index, Interface);index++;
  151. setBounds(25086, 5, 120, index, Interface);index++;
  152. setBounds(25088, 10, 160, index, Interface);index++;
  153. setBounds(25090, 10, 160, index, Interface);index++;
  154. setBounds(25092, 10, 160, index, Interface);index++;
  155. setBounds(25094, 10, 160, index, Interface);index++;
  156. setBounds(25096, 10, 160, index, Interface);index++;
  157. setBounds(25098, 10, 100, index, Interface);index++;
  158. setBounds(25100, 10, 100, index, Interface);index++;
  159. setBounds(25102, 25, 85, index, Interface);index++;
  160. setBounds(25106, 25, 85, index, Interface);index++;
  161. setBounds(25108, 55, 70, index, Interface);index++;
  162. setBounds(25110, 15, 110, index, Interface);index++;
  163. setBounds(25112, 25, 125, index, Interface);index++;
  164. setBounds(25114, 15, 110, index, Interface);index++;
  165. setBounds(25120, 25, 125, index, Interface);index++;
  166. setBounds(25116, 25, 125, index, Interface);index++;
  167. }
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