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Jul 15th, 2017
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  1. >It's a couple days later that you actually do anything of note again.
  2. >Despite how awesome you are, you don't do something interesting every single day.
  3. >That was true before you were a chaos deity, and hasn't changed now.
  4. >Not to mention you just wanted to relax and enjoy Earth's more basic comforts.
  5. >Which, was fun and all, but now you're feeling the urge to raise hell again.
  6. >And you think you have just the thing.
  7. >In your days of downtime, you started looking into My Little Pony a bit more.
  8. >After all, that world exists, it couldn't hurt to learn more in case you visit.
  9. >And during your searching, you happened across something rather interesting.
  10. >/You/ exist.
  11. >As in, Eris exists!
  12. >Granted, you don't seem to be canon, but people have drawn and written about you.
  13. >It's weird as hell, and a little flattering.
  14. >And what started as you learning more about Discord and his world became a vanity trip.
  15. >Looking at fanart and reading stories, basically indulging in all things you.
  16. >Which lead you to one artist in particular.
  17. >One who /loves/ Eris, even going as far as to draw themselves turning into you!
  18. >So, who better to go give a hands on demonstration of your powers than a total Eris fanboy?
  19. >You check their name one more time to be sure.
  20. >"Tf-Sential."
  21. >Surely a username is more than enough to take you to them, right?
  22. >If not, you'll just dox them or some shit.
  23. >Easy as pie!
  24. >Today should be pretty fun for you, and you're sure Sential will have fun as well.
  25. >After all, he does /love/ Eris~!
  27. >You turn into your draconequus self, thankfully sitting down while you do so.
  28. >Last time you went draconequus in here your horns knocked a hole in the ceiling.
  29. >But you just have to show up as your real self for this guy.
  30. >It would just feel wrong to not to.
  31. >A smile envelops your face as you're back in your body.
  32. >Being a human is fun and definitely has perks, but there's no denying how good being a nine animal chaotic mashup feels.
  33. >It's still early, so you decide to devote the morning to relaxing a bit more before paying your artist friend a visit.
  34. >So you lie there, simply enjoying the peaceful serenity of the world ar-
  35. >Yeah, right, you spend a couple minutes relaxing before feeling like you're wasting time.
  36. >You practically shoot up off the couch after a minute.
  37. >Perhaps you should have seen this coming, but your horns ram into the ceiling yet again.
  38. "Fuck!"
  39. >Bits of the popcorn ceiling fall, getting in your hair.
  40. >You brush them out, removing your horns.
  41. >Maybe you should do some remodeling here.
  42. >Or maybe shrink yourself down a bit.
  43. >Because even though this is your human apartment, you want to be comfortable at all times.
  44. >Eh, you can concern yourself with that later.
  45. >Right now you want to have some fun.
  46. >Taking a deep breath to compose yourself, you start planning out your entrance.
  47. >You could go big and flashy or just ambush the guy.
  48. >Decisions, decisions...
  49. >Oh to hell with it, you can be up front with the guy!
  50. >It's more your style anyways.
  52. >Suddenly you're in a different room.
  53. >You instantly see a man hunched over what looks like a drawing tablet.
  54. >He sighs a little, erasing whatever he's working on.
  55. Curious, you peek over his shoulder, making sure to not to let him know you're here yet.
  56. >Looks like they're in the middle of drawing something, or rather, attempting to draw something.
  57. >The image is basically just a series of basic shapes and lines.
  58. >You frown a bit, you never really got how all those circles and ovals turn into art.
  59. >Some people just have their talents.
  60. >Their's is drawing, yours is warping reality to your each and every whim.
  61. >Seems fair to you.
  62. >Sential sits back a bit, running his hands through his dark hair.
  63. >Inhaling deeply, he sets aside the tablet.
  64. >Now he's checking notifications.
  65. >But even that doesn't last long, he's quickly back to trying to make art out of his squiggles.
  66. >It's easy to tell that he's not in the best of moods.
  67. >Probably going through some kind of artist's block.
  68. >No need to fear, Eris is here!
  69. >You slap your hands down on his shoulders, a smirk on your face.
  70. "Hey, why so glum~?"
  71. >He jumps upon you touching him, craning his neck around to see you.
  72. >"Wh-what...? How?!"
  73. >Giggling, you save him the effort of checking to see if he's asleep and pinch his arm for him.
  74. "Looks like you're having some trouble there! So I think it's only right that I come over and help my number one fan!"
  75. >You accent this by bopping his nose with your paw.
  76. >His eyes are wide and nervous, but he doesn't seem to be disbelieving like that first guy.
  77. >Which makes this already twice as interesting for you.
  79. "I really do like your art kid."
  80. >You're probably around the same as him, be he doesn't have to know that.
  81. >As far as he's concerned you're as old as the universe or some other abstract age.
  82. >"Um... thanks?"
  83. >He rubs him arm, not sure how to deal with this.
  84. >Not that you can blame him, you thought you were going crazy when you met your first draconequus!
  85. "I'm glad that I can serve as such a talented artist's muse~"
  86. >You swear you can almost make out a blush on his face, it's hard to tell though.
  87. "I did just find out you exist though, so pardon me taking so long to pay you a visit!"
  88. >"It's fine! It's... jeez this is so bizarre." Sential mumbles.
  89. "Now then, with introductions out of the w-"
  90. >"How fucked am I?"
  91. >You blink.
  92. "Huh?"
  93. >"Eris is paying /me/ a visit, I doubt this is going to end well for me."
  94. >Well, he's not exactly wrong.
  95. >You're not surprised that he'd be suspicious.
  96. "One second, let me find something..."
  97. >Pushing him out of the way slightly, you start typing on his computer.
  98. >A paw and a talon make it hard, but you manage.
  99. >After some searching, you pull up a little sequence of Sential's.
  100. >A simple three parter of him turning into you.
  101. >Looking back at him, you grin.
  102. "Want to make this a reality?"
  103. >"I don't th-"
  104. "Great, let's get started!"
  105. >He steps back a bit, fear beginning to well.
  106. >He's not exactly wrong to be afraid either~
  108. >His backing away won't do much for him though.
  109. >He's backed into the corner of his room.
  110. >Rolling your eyes, you motion with your paw for him to come forward.
  111. >That, coupled with a heavy dose of magic, does indeed push him closer towards you.
  112. >You gently seat him into his chair and stand over him.
  113. "You ready~?"
  114. >"A-absolutely not!"
  115. >Patting his head, you begin his changes.
  116. >His hair begins to bleach itself white, quickly growing itself out.
  117. >A bit of blood trickles from his head as a horn begins to push through his skin.
  118. "I promise that this isn't going to be messy! Just... parts of it!"
  119. >That, for some reason, doesn't seem to calm him down!
  120. >Wincing, he touches the small pointed nub beginning to grow.
  121. >Little does he know that touching his head is only going to succeed in speeding things up!
  122. >In order to make things interesting, the transformation will only proceed to parts of the body that it touches.
  123. >Sential learns this the hard way as his fingers begin to stretch slightly, folding into claws at the tip.
  124. >The skin begins to harden and contort, two of his fingers outright fusing together.
  125. >His now longer hair brushes against his face and outright covers his ears now, meaning the domino effect of the transformation is picking up.
  126. >You can only imagine the sensation, what you remember of your change was pretty taxing.
  127. >The tears beginning to stream down his face are pretty indicative of that.
  128. >Feeling his other horn begin to grow, he instinctively clamps down his other hand on it.
  129. >Looks like he still hasn't gotten the memo yet.
  130. >Oh well, that soon to be paw coming sooner is nothing to complain about.
  132. >Sential's nose begins to twitch slightly, like he's holding back a sneeze.
  133. >But it's a lot more than a sneeze he's trying to hold back.
  134. >It widens out slightly, bones creaking and twisting in ways that are audibly wrong.
  135. >He gasps, squeezing the side of his chair with his talons.
  136. >His whole face begins to push outward, involuntarily barring his lengthening teeth.
  137. >Blood wells up in his gums at the sudden growth and the tears are becoming a more steady stream right now.
  138. >All the while you're watching with absolute glee.
  139. >He's looking so good so far!
  140. >Looking on with glee, you playfully flick his long, fuzzy ear.
  141. >He'd probably voice a complaint if he wasn't so preoccupied.
  142. >As he deals with the experience of growing a snout, fur begins to grow.
  143. >Starting at the forehead, the hairs rapidly begin to fill in the face.
  144. >Which is good considering how awkward your face looks without fur.
  145. >His hand has already morphed into the yellow paw it should be, and that second horn has rapidly pushed out as well.
  146. >Noticing his paw has some specks of blood on it, you quickly clean it for him.
  147. >When you look that good, you don't want to look messy!
  148. >A burning sensation forces Sential to clamp his eyes shut for a moment.
  149. >And once they are opened, his eyes have changed to a beautiful red and yellow.
  150. >Breathing rapidly, he feels his face.
  151. >It's not even recognizable as human anymore, everything has remolded into a far more attractive shape.
  152. "You're doing so great Sential! Isn't it wonderful~?"
  154. >He doesn't answer, instead opting to watch in horror as the fur begins to travel down his body.
  155. >It quickly reaches his arms, meeting up with his already altered hands.
  156. >However, that's hardly the most interesting thing going on.
  157. >That honor goes to the fact that his body is subtly stretching out.
  158. >Sential is getting taller and thinner gradually as his body is coated.
  159. >Gritting his teeth, there's not much he can do but watch.
  160. >Clothes quickly become a problem as his body is no longer shaped for them.
  161. >Looks like you'll have to speed up one certain part of his transformation before getting rid of them.
  162. >Giggling, you snap your fingers and watch the magic happen.
  163. >Although their chest remains flat, Sential instantly notices his missing member.
  164. >With a sharp gasp he, or rather- she, looks at you.
  165. >"Oh come on!" she complains.
  166. >The pain is nowhere near as intense at this moment, letting her actually get out the words.
  167. >Words spoken in your voice.
  168. >Smirking, you get rid of her clothes and look over her body.
  169. >It's long, her torso and arms showing absolutely no skin.
  170. >She suddenly doubles over as her spine begins to extend.
  171. "That tailbone is a bitch, isn't it?"
  172. >There's no doubt that's what she's reacting to, because you can see a small nub at the base of their back.
  173. >It extends excruciatingly slow, bringing back the intense pain that had only recently subsided.
  174. >The tip of the tail having grown first makes it so that the growth gets progressively worse.
  175. >A thicker part of the tail would obviously hurt more pushing out.
  176. >It takes over a solid minute for that long reddish tail to grow out.
  177. >And the relief on Sential's face is palpable once it does.
  179. >Her relief is awfully short lived however.
  180. >Mounds on her back have been quietly growing there for a while.
  181. >But they're beginning to push with more intensity.
  182. >Knowing what's about to happen, you mute Sential for a moment.
  183. >Almost exactly on cue two wings burst out from her back.
  184. >The force sends her sprawling on the floor, silently screaming.
  185. >You magically clean off the feathers and leathery skin of the two mismatched wings before giving her back a voice.
  186. >She's sobbing slightly, picking herself off the ground slowly.
  187. >As she does, her legs begin to lock up as the muscle structure begins to change.
  188. >"Ow, ow, ow, oow..."
  189. >The pain is nowhere as intense as her sudden wings, but it's more of a radiant burning coursing through her legs.
  190. >One leg's skin is beginning to crack as if it hasn't seen moisture in years.
  191. >The cracked skin begins to change in color and hardened, becoming thick scales.
  192. >The other leg is coated in a coarse brown fur growing roughly as fast as the scales.
  193. >His toes clench tightly together on one of his feet as the the whole foot begins to stiffen and reshape.
  194. >The defined shape of a human foot twists into an equine hoof as the bones in it snap into place.
  195. "Almost there sweetie, you're so close!"
  196. >Your doppelganger rudely extends her middle talon as her other foot's claws dig into her carpet.
  197. >Looking her over, she's your spitting image!
  198. >Not a part of her seems out of place.
  199. >She slowly gets up, wobbly as hell and still aching from her changes.
  200. >"That... was..."
  201. "Great~?"
  202. >"Not the word I was looking for..."
  204. "Now then Sential, or Other Eris, not sure which you prefer, we can get on to step two!"
  205. >Her eyes widen a bit.
  206. >"St-step two...?"
  207. >You nod, clapping your hands together.
  208. >"H-hey, if I'm a copy of you, then I've got your powers! I'll just..."
  209. >She's cut off by your sharp laughter.
  210. "Do you really think I'd give you the magic? Sorry, but I'm not going to make a mistake /that/ big!"
  211. >"Yeah, that makes sense I suppose."
  212. >Her quick acceptance makes you smile, working with them sure is fun!
  213. >She gets it, but isn't exactly into it!
  214. >It's a good combination.
  215. "Now, as great as I am, there can't be two of me running around."
  216. >"Then why make me a copy of you?"
  217. "I'm getting to that! You see, I love your art so much, and I appreciate you so much for doing it, I'd thought we could work together on your final piece!"
  218. >She doesn't quite get what you mean yet.
  219. >Illustrating your point, you move their tablet over closer.
  220. >Then with utmost care, you gently shove their face directly into the tablet.
  221. >Catching her off guard, she probably expects it to hurt like hell.
  222. >Instead however, a part of her face begins to slip into the tablet!
  223. >Grimacing, she tries to push upward and get away.
  224. >If this was a purely physical fight, she might stand a chance, but you've got magic!
  225. >And that magic helps you very quickly get her into the tablet.
  226. >You watch with glee as she looks around her blank surroundings.
  227. >Her gaze catches you and she bangs on the inside of the screen.
  228. "Hmm, I definitely need to make some edits for you..."
  230. >Picking up the stylus, you get to work.
  231. >You aren't familiar with how art software works, but you can bullshit it.
  232. >A lot of what you do is just tell your magic to do something while you drag the stylus around.
  233. >She looks aghast as you begin moving around body parts and posing them.
  234. >You're fun, sassy, confident, and all those other positive descriptors.
  235. >And this piece has to reflect that!
  236. >After some work, you've got her in a nice pose.
  237. >She's shrugging, staring at you with a cocky smirk.
  238. >You notice that the words "Help me...!" showed up somewhere during your edits.
  239. >Crafty and hilarious.
  240. >Giggling to yourself, you save the image, text and all.
  241. >"Erisisthebest.png"
  242. >Absolutely beautiful.
  243. "See? You get to be me forever! And you'll be seen by countless of people online!"
  244. >Although Sential is very much conscious in there, they can't exactly reply to you.
  245. >Now, on to getting this out there!
  246. >Getting back onto their computer, you go through their accounts and start posting it.
  247. >DeviantArt, FurAffinity, everything!
  248. >Looking through their browser history for other accounts, you notice that they frequent a pony based 4chan board.
  249. >One about transformation of all things!
  250. >Seeing this as just too perfect, you head in and make a post as "Totally TF-sential."
  251. >"Don't mind my dust! Busy enjoying exactly what I asked for~!"
  252. >Submitting the post, you get off their computer.
  254. >That was pretty fun.
  255. >You've got a smug grin plastered on your face.
  256. >Sential probably deep down loves the fact that they're Eris now.
  257. >And if they don't, they've got plenty of time to get used to it!
  258. >As you walk out the door, you can't help but pull up that image on your phone.
  259. >Congrats Sentinal, you're now the phone background of your favorite chaos god!
  260. >Not being totally cruel, you made it so that she can see through her eyes, meaning she can look at several screens if she's pulled up.
  261. >Meaning as long as your phone is up, she probably sees something!
  262. >Because, even though you have no intention of rectifying this, you do like the guy.
  263. >Anybody who things you're as awesome as you are deserves a bit of credit in your book.
  264. >With everything done, you leave.
  265. >No walk this time, you just teleport back to your apartment.
  266. "Gah, fuck!"
  267. >Your horns ram into the ceiling yet again.
  268. >And your day was so perfect so far!
  269. >Turning human, you clean up the little mess and flop down on the couch.
  270. >Maybe you'll pull Sential up in art software again sometime for a little chat.
  271. >Or you'll keep them they way they are.
  272. >After all, the posing is pretty top notch on them right now.
  273. >You'll decide later.
  274. >Right now?
  275. >You kind of want to try drawing.
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