Guest User


a guest
Jul 22nd, 2017
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  1. FavouritesA =
  2. FavouritesB =
  3. TreeSortMode = Search
  4. TreeSortMode2 = Artist
  5. keyOsuLeft = X
  6. keyOsuRight = C
  7. keyFruitsDash = Insert
  8. keyFruitsLeft = Left
  9. keyFruitsRight = Right
  10. keyTaikoInnerLeft = N
  11. keyTaikoInnerRight = M
  12. keyTaikoOuterLeft = X
  13. keyTaikoOuterRight = C
  14. keyPause = Escape
  15. keySkip = Space
  16. keyToggleScoreboard = Tab
  17. keyToggleChat = F8
  18. keyToggleExtendedChat = F9
  19. keyScreenshot = F12
  20. keyIncreaseAudioOffset = OemPlus
  21. keyDecreaseAudioOffset = OemMinus
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  24. keyVolumeDecrease = Down
  25. Skin = Default
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  40. Username = Keksi
  41. Password = c0af5106d1065f246c98a09f2fde2826
  42. NotifySubmittedThread = 1
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  53. VolumeEffect = 80
  54. VolumeMusic = 80
  55. VolumeUniversal = 95
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  59. ComboFireHeight = 3
  60. ScreenshotId = 62
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  62. HelpTips = 00000000000000000000
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  83. HighlightWords = Keks Kekse Lord
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  94. ChatLastChannel = #german
  95. PopupDuringGameplay = 1
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  100. ChatChannels = #modhelp #korean #filipino #german #finnish #chinese #announce
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  103. ConfirmExit = 0
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  106. ForceSliderRendering = 0
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