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- set UnoChan "#uno"
- set UnoRobot "Games"
- set UnoPointsName "Points"
- set UnoStopAfter 5
- set UnoBonus 1000
- set UnoWildDrawTwos 1
- set UnoCFGFile "scripts/jeux/uno.cfg"
- set UnoScoreFile "scripts/jeux/UnoScores"
- set UnoMaxNickLen 9
- set UnoMaxPlayers 10
- set UnoOpFlags "o|o"
- set UnoNTC "NOTICE"
- # Command Binds
- bind pub - !unocmds UnoCmds
- bind pub - !remove UnoRemove
- bind pub - !pause UnoPause
- bind pub - !unowon UnoWon
- bind pub - !top10 UnoTopTen
- bind pub - !top10won UnoTopTenWon
- bind pub - !top3last UnoTopThreeLast
- bind pub - !fast UnoTopFast
- bind pub - !high UnoHighScore
- bind pub - !played UnoPlayed
- bind pub - !records UnoRecords
- bind pub - !version UnoVersion
- bind pub - !uno UnoInit
- bind pub - !stop UnoStop
- # DCC Binds
- bind dcc - unohands dccUnoHands
- bind dcc - unorehash dcc_unorehash
- # Cron Bind For Score Reset
- bind time - "00 00 01 * *" UnoNewMonth
- # Global Variables
- set UnoOn 0
- set UnoMode 0
- set UnoPaused 0
- set UnoPlayers 0
- set MasterDeck ""
- set UnoDeck ""
- set DiscardPile ""
- set PlayCard ""
- set RoundRobin ""
- set ThisPlayer ""
- set ThisPlayerIDX 0
- set UnoStartTime [unixtime]
- set IsColorChange 0
- set ColorPicker ""
- set IsDraw 0
- set UnoIDX ""
- set UnPlayedRounds 0
- # Scores Records And Ads
- set UnoLastMonthCards(0) "Nobody 0"
- set UnoLastMonthCards(1) "Nobody 0"
- set UnoLastMonthCards(2) "Nobody 0"
- set UnoLastMonthGames(0) "Nobody 0"
- set UnoLastMonthGames(1) "Nobody 0"
- set UnoLastMonthGames(2) "Nobody 0"
- set UnoFast "Nobody 600"
- set UnoHigh "Nobody 0"
- set UnoPlayed "Nobody 0"
- set UnoRecordHigh "Nobody 0"
- set UnoRecordFast "Nobody 600"
- set UnoRecordCard "Nobody 0"
- set UnoRecordWins "Nobody 0"
- set UnoRecordPlayed "Nobody 0"
- set UnoAdNumber 0
- # Card Stats
- set CardStats(played) 0
- set CardStats(passed) 0
- set CardStats(drawn) 0
- set CardStats(wilds) 0
- set CardStats(draws) 0
- set CardStats(skips) 0
- set CardStats(revs) 0
- # Timers
- set UnoStartTimer ""
- set UnoSkipTimer ""
- set UnoCycleTimer ""
- set UnoBotTimer ""
- # Grace periods and timeouts
- # AutoSkip period can be raised but not lower than 2
- set AutoSkipPeriod 2
- set StartGracePeriod 30
- set RobotRestartPeriod 1
- set UnoCycleTime 30
- # Nick colours
- set UnoNickColour "06 13 03 07 12 10 04 11 09 08"
- # Debugging info
- set Debug 0
- set UnoVersion ""
- #
- # Bind Channel Commands
- #
- proc UnoBindCmds {} {
- bind pub - !go JoinUno
- bind pub - !zou JoinUno
- bind pub - !ordre UnoOrder
- bind pub - !od UnoOrder
- bind pub - !time UnoTime
- bind pub - !tps UnoTime
- bind pub - !cartes UnoShowCards
- bind pub - !ca UnoShowCards
- bind pub - !carte UnoPlayCard
- bind pub - !j UnoPlayCard
- bind pub - !card UnoTopCard
- bind pub - !cd UnoTopCard
- bind pub - !turn UnoTurn
- bind pub - !tu UnoTurn
- bind pub - !p UnoDraw
- bind pub - !dr UnoDraw
- bind pub - !color UnoColorChange
- bind pub - !c UnoColorChange
- bind pub - !passe UnoPass
- bind pub - !pa UnoPass
- bind pub - !count UnoCount
- bind pub - !ct UnoCount
- bind pub - !stats UnoCardStats
- bind pub - !st UnoCardStats
- }
- #
- # Unbind Channel Commands
- #
- proc UnoUnbindCmds {} {
- catch {unbind pub - !go JoinUno}
- catch {unbind pub - !zou JoinUno}
- catch {unbind pub - !order UnoOrder}
- catch {unbind pub - !od UnoOrder}
- catch {unbind pub - !time UnoTime}
- catch {unbind pub - !tps UnoTime}
- catch {unbind pub - !cartes UnoShowCards}
- catch {unbind pub - !ca UnoShowCards}
- catch {unbind pub - !carte UnoPlayCard}
- catch {unbind pub - !j UnoPlayCard}
- catch {unbind pub - !card UnoTopCard}
- catch {unbind pub - !cd UnoTopCard}
- catch {unbind pub - !turn UnoTurn}
- catch {unbind pub - !tu UnoTurn}
- catch {unbind pub - !p UnoDraw}
- catch {unbind pub - !dr UnoDraw}
- catch {unbind pub - !color UnoColorChange}
- catch {unbind pub - !c UnoColorChange}
- catch {unbind pub - !passe UnoPass}
- catch {unbind pub - !pa UnoPass}
- catch {unbind pub - !count UnoCount}
- catch {unbind pub - !ct UnoCount}
- catch {unbind pub - !stats UnoCardStats}
- catch {unbind pub - !st UnoCardStats}
- }
- #
- # Reset Game Variables
- #
- proc UnoReset {} {
- global UnoOn UnoMode UnoPaused UnoPlayers RoundRobin UnoDeck ThisPlayer ThisPlayerIDX PlayCard
- global DiscardPile IsColorChange ColorPicker IsDraw UnoIDX MasterDeck CardStats
- global UnoStartTimer UnoSkipTimer UnoCycleTimer
- set UnoMode 0
- set UnoPaused 0
- set UnoPlayers 0
- set MasterDeck ""
- set UnoDeck ""
- set DiscardPile ""
- set RoundRobin ""
- set ThisPlayer ""
- set ThisPlayerIDX 0
- set PlayCard ""
- set IsColorChange 0
- set ColorPicker ""
- set IsDraw 0
- set UnoIDX ""
- set UnoAdNumber 0
- set CardStats(played) 0
- set CardStats(passed) 0
- set CardStats(drawn) 0
- set CardStats(wilds) 0
- set CardStats(draws) 0
- set CardStats(skips) 0
- set CardStats(revs) 0
- set UnoStartTimer ""
- set UnoSkipTimer ""
- set UnoCycleTimer ""
- return
- }
- #
- # Stop a game
- #
- proc UnoStop {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global Debug UnoChan UnoOn UnoPaused UnPlayedRounds UnoStartTimer UnoSkipTimer UnoCycleTimer
- if {$chan != $UnoChan} {return}
- catch {killutimer $UnoStartTimer}
- catch {killtimer $UnoSkipTimer}
- catch {killutimer $UnoCycleTimer}
- unomsg "[unoad]\00306 arrêté par \00304\[\00312$nick!$uhost\00304\]\003"
- set UnoOn 0
- set UnoPaused 0
- set UnPlayedRounds 0
- UnoUnbindCmds
- UnoReset
- return
- }
- #
- # First Entry
- #
- proc UnoInit {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoOn
- if {($chan != $UnoChan)||($UnoOn > 0)} {return}
- unomsg "[unoad] \00304\[\00310$nick\!$uhost\00304\]\003"
- set UnoOn 1
- UnoBindCmds
- UnoNext
- return
- }
- #
- # Initialize a new game
- #
- proc UnoNext {} {
- global UnoOn MasterDeck UnoDeck UnoMode StartGracePeriod UnoHand NickColor UnoVersion UnoStartTimer UnoSkipTimer
- if {$UnoOn == 0} {return}
- UnoReset
- set UnoMode 1
- set MasterDeck [list B0 B1 B1 B2 B2 B3 B3 B4 B4 B5 B5 B6 B6 B7 B7 B8 B8 B9 B9 BR BR BP BP BTD BTD R0 R1 R1 R2 R2 R3 R3 R4 R4 R5 R5 R6 R6 R7 R7 R8 R8 R9 R9 RR RR RP RP RTD RTD J0 J1 J1 J2 J2 J3 J3 J4 J4 J5 J5 J6 J6 J7 J7 J8 J8 J9 J9 JR JR JP JP JTD JTD V0 V1 V1 V2 V2 V3 V3 V4 V4 V5 V5 V6 V6 V7 V7 V8 V8 V9 V9 VR VR VP VP VTD VTD C C C C CTQ CTQ CTQ CTQ]
- set UnoDeck ""
- binary scan [unixtime] S1 rseed
- set newrand [expr srand($rseed)]
- while {[llength $UnoDeck] != 108} {
- set pcardnum [rand [llength $MasterDeck]]
- set pcard [lindex $MasterDeck $pcardnum]
- lappend UnoDeck $pcard
- set MasterDeck [lreplace $MasterDeck $pcardnum $pcardnum]
- }
- if [info exist UnoHand] {unset UnoHand}
- if [info exist NickColor] {unset NickColor}
- unomsg " "
- unomsg "[unoad]\003 \0030,7 Taper !unocmds pour une aide sur les commandes \003"
- unomsg "[unoad]\003 \0030,12 Inscrivez-vous - Vous avez $StartGracePeriod Seconds ,tappez !go ou !zou \003"
- set UnoStartTimer [utimer $StartGracePeriod UnoStart]
- return
- }
- #
- # Start a new game
- #
- proc UnoStart {} {
- global UnoChan UnoOn UnoCycleTime UnoRobot Debug UnoIDX UnoStartTime UnoPlayers RoundRobin ThisPlayer ThisPlayerIDX UnoDeck DiscardPile UnoMode UnoHand PlayCard AutoSkipPeriod
- global UnoSkipTimer UnPlayedRounds UnoStopAfter NickColor
- if {$UnoOn == 0} {return}
- if {[llength $RoundRobin] == 0} {
- unomsg "[unoad] \0030,3 Pas de joueurs - Prochaine partie dans $UnoCycleTime secondes \003"
- incr UnPlayedRounds
- if {($UnoStopAfter > 0)&&($UnPlayedRounds >= $UnoStopAfter)} {
- unomsg "[unoad] \0030,6 Stopper apres $UnoStopAfter relance - Tapez !uno pour relancé un partie \003"
- utimer 1 "UnoStop $UnoRobot $UnoRobot none $UnoChan none"
- return
- }
- UnoCycle
- return
- }
- # Bot Joins If One Player
- if {[llength $RoundRobin] == 1} {
- incr UnoPlayers
- lappend RoundRobin "$UnoRobot"
- lappend UnoIDX "$UnoRobot"
- if [info exist UnoHand($UnoRobot)] {unset UnoHand($UnoRobot)}
- if [info exist NickColor($UnoRobot)] {unset NickColor($UnoRobot)}
- set UnoHand($UnoRobot) ""
- set NickColor($UnoRobot) [colornick $UnoPlayers]
- unomsg "[nikclr $UnoRobot]\003 joins [unoad]\003"
- UnoShuffle 7
- while {[llength $UnoHand($UnoRobot)] != 7} {
- set pcardnum [rand [llength $UnoDeck]]
- set pcard [lindex $UnoDeck $pcardnum]
- set UnoDeck [lreplace ${UnoDeck} $pcardnum $pcardnum]
- lappend UnoHand($UnoRobot) "$pcard"
- }
- if {$Debug > 1} { unolog $UnoRobot $UnoHand($UnoRobot) }
- }
- unomsg "\0030,6 Bienvenue à \003 [unoad]\003"
- unomsg "\0030,10 \002$UnoPlayers\002 joueurs pour cette partie \0030,6 $RoundRobin \003"
- set UnoMode 2
- set ThisPlayer [lindex $RoundRobin 0]
- # Draw Card From Deck - First Top Card
- set DiscardPile ""
- set pcardnum [rand [llength $UnoDeck]]
- set pcard [lindex $UnoDeck $pcardnum]
- # Play Doesnt Start With A Wild Card
- while {[string range $pcard 0 0] == "C"} {
- set pcardnum [rand [llength $UnoDeck]]
- set pcard [lindex $UnoDeck $pcardnum]
- }
- set PlayCard $pcard
- set UnoDeck [lreplace ${UnoDeck} $pcardnum $pcardnum]
- set Card [CardColor $pcard]
- unomsg "[nikclr $ThisPlayer]\003 joue en premier - la première carte est $Card \003"
- set Card [CardColorAll $ThisPlayer]
- showcards $ThisPlayerIDX $Card
- set UnoStartTime [unixtime]
- # Start Auto-Skip Timer
- set UnoSkipTimer [timer $AutoSkipPeriod UnoAutoSkip]
- set UnPlayedRounds 0
- return
- }
- #
- # Cycle a new game
- #
- proc UnoCycle {} {
- global UnoOn UnoMode UnoCycleTime UnoCycleTimer UnoSkipTimer
- if {$UnoOn == 0} {return}
- set UnoMode 4
- catch {killtimer $UnoSkipTimer}
- set AdTime [expr $UnoCycleTime /2]
- set UnoAdTimer [utimer $AdTime UnoScoreAdvertise]
- set UnoCycleTimer [utimer $UnoCycleTime UnoNext]
- return
- }
- #
- # Add a player
- #
- proc JoinUno {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global Debug UnoIDX UnoMode UnoPlayers RoundRobin UnoDeck UnoHand UnoChan NickColor UnoMaxPlayers
- if {($chan != $UnoChan)||($UnoMode < 1)||($UnoMode > 2)} {return}
- if {[llength $RoundRobin] == $UnoMaxPlayers} {
- unontc $nick "Désolé $nick - cette partie de Uno a déjà $UnoMaxPlayers joueurs, essayez au prochain jeu"
- return
- }
- set pcount 0
- while {[lindex $RoundRobin $pcount] != ""} {
- if {[lindex $RoundRobin $pcount] == $nick} {
- return
- }
- incr pcount
- }
- incr UnoPlayers
- lappend RoundRobin $nick
- lappend UnoIDX $nick
- if [info exist UnoHand($nick)] {unset UnoHand($nick)}
- if [info exist NickColor($nick)] {unset NickColor($nick)}
- set UnoHand($nick) ""
- set NickColor($nick) [colornick $UnoPlayers]
- # Re-Shuffle Deck
- UnoShuffle 7
- # Deal Cards To Player
- set Card ""
- while {[llength $UnoHand($nick)] != 7} {
- set pcardnum [rand [llength $UnoDeck]]
- set pcard [lindex $UnoDeck $pcardnum]
- set UnoDeck [lreplace ${UnoDeck} $pcardnum $pcardnum]
- lappend UnoHand($nick) $pcard
- append Card [CardColor $pcard]
- }
- if {$Debug > 1} { unolog $nick $UnoHand($nick) }
- unomsg "[nikclr $nick]\003 join cette parti de [unoad]\003"
- unontc $nick "main: $Card"
- return
- }
- #
- # Add card(s) to players hand
- #
- proc UnoAddDrawToHand {cplayer idx num} {
- global UnoHand UnoDeck RoundRobin CardStats
- # Check if deck needs reshuffling
- UnoShuffle $num
- set Card ""
- set newhand [expr [llength $UnoHand($cplayer)] + $num]
- while {[llength $UnoHand($cplayer)] != $newhand} {
- set pcardnum [rand [llength $UnoDeck]]
- set pcard [lindex $UnoDeck $pcardnum]
- set UnoDeck [lreplace ${UnoDeck} $pcardnum $pcardnum]
- lappend UnoHand($cplayer) $pcard
- append Card [CardColor $pcard]
- }
- showdraw $idx $Card
- incr CardStats(drawn) $num
- }
- #
- # Remove played card from player's hand
- #
- proc UnoRemoveCardFromHand {cplayer pcard} {
- global UnoHand
- set UnoHand($cplayer) [lreplace $UnoHand($cplayer) $pcard $pcard]
- }
- #
- # Add card to discard pile
- #
- proc AddToDiscardPile {playcard} {
- global DiscardPile
- if {[string range $playcard 1 1] != ""} {
- lappend DiscardPile $playcard
- }
- }
- #
- # Draw a card
- #
- proc UnoDraw {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoMode UnoDeck ThisPlayer ThisPlayerIDX UnoHand RoundRobin IsDraw CardStats
- if {($chan != $UnoChan)||($UnoMode != 2)||($nick != $ThisPlayer)} {return}
- if {$IsDraw == 0} {
- set IsDraw 1
- UnoShuffle 1
- set dcardnum [rand [llength $UnoDeck]]
- set dcard [lindex $UnoDeck $dcardnum]
- lappend UnoHand($nick) $dcard
- set UnoDeck [lreplace ${UnoDeck} $dcardnum $dcardnum]
- append Card [CardColor $dcard]
- showdraw $ThisPlayerIDX $Card
- showwhodrew $nick
- incr CardStats(drawn)
- UnoAutoSkipReset
- return
- }
- unontc $nick "Vous avez déjà tiré une carte $nick, joue une carte ou passe ton tour"
- UnoAutoSkipReset
- return
- }
- #
- # Pass a turn
- #
- proc UnoPass {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoMode ThisPlayer IsDraw ThisPlayerIDX RoundRobin IsColorChange CardStats
- if {($chan != $UnoChan)||($UnoMode != 2)} {return}
- if {($nick != $ThisPlayer)||($IsColorChange == 1)} {return}
- UnoAutoSkipReset
- if {$IsDraw == 1} {
- incr CardStats(passed)
- set IsDraw 0
- UnoNextPlayer
- playpass $nick $ThisPlayer
- set Card [CardColorAll $ThisPlayer]
- showcards $ThisPlayerIDX $Card
- UnoRobotRestart
- } {
- unontc $nick "désolé $nick - tu a passer sans tirer une carte"
- }
- return
- }
- #
- # Color change
- #
- proc UnoColorChange {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoMode IsDraw PlayCard ColorPicker IsColorChange ThisPlayer ThisPlayerIDX RoundRobin
- if {($chan != $UnoChan)||($UnoMode != 2)} {return}
- if {($nick != $ColorPicker)||($IsColorChange == 0)} {return}
- UnoAutoSkipReset
- regsub -all \[`.,!{}] $arg "" arg
- set NewColor [string toupper [string range $arg 0 0]]
- switch $NewColor {
- "B" { set PlayCard "B"; set Card " \0030,12 Bleu \003 "}
- "V" { set PlayCard "V"; set Card " \0030,3 Vert \003 "}
- "J" { set PlayCard "J"; set Card " \0031,8 Jaune \003 "}
- "R" { set PlayCard "R"; set Card " \0030,4 Rouge \003 "}
- default { unontc $nick "Choisir une couleur - (R ou r )=rouge, ( V ou v )=vert, ( B ou b )=bleu, ( J ou j )=jaune"; return }
- }
- UnoNextPlayer
- unomsg "[nikclr $ColorPicker]\003 choisi $Card le jeu se poursuit avec [nikclr $ThisPlayer]\003"
- set Card [CardColorAll $ThisPlayer]
- showcards $ThisPlayerIDX $Card
- set ColorPicker ""
- set IsColorChange 0
- set IsDraw 0
- UnoRobotRestart
- return
- }
- #
- # Skip card
- #
- proc PlayUnoSkipCard {nick pickednum crd} {
- global IsDraw ThisPlayer ThisPlayerIDX PlayCard RoundRobin CardStats
- set c0 [string range $crd 0 0]
- set c1 [string range $crd 1 1]
- set cip0 [string range $PlayCard 0 0]
- set cip1 [string range $PlayCard 1 1]
- if {$c1 != "P"} {return 0}
- if {($c0 != $cip0)&&($c1 != $cip1)} {return 0}
- incr CardStats(played)
- incr CardStats(skips)
- AddToDiscardPile $PlayCard
- UnoRemoveCardFromHand $nick $pickednum
- set PlayCard $crd
- set Card [CardColor $crd]
- set SkipPlayer $ThisPlayer
- UnoNextPlayer
- set SkippedPlayer [lindex $RoundRobin $ThisPlayerIDX]
- UnoNextPlayer
- # No Cards Left = Winner
- if {[check_unowin $SkipPlayer $Card] > 0} {
- showwin $SkipPlayer $Card
- UnoWin $SkipPlayer
- UnoCycle
- return 1
- }
- playskip $nick $Card $SkippedPlayer $ThisPlayer
- check_hasuno $SkipPlayer
- set Card [CardColorAll $ThisPlayer]
- showcards $ThisPlayerIDX $Card
- set IsDraw 0
- return 1
- }
- #
- # Reverse card
- #
- proc PlayUnoReverseCard {nick pickednum crd} {
- global IsDraw UnoIDX ThisPlayer ThisPlayerIDX PlayCard RoundRobin CardStats
- set c0 [string range $crd 0 0]
- set c1 [string range $crd 1 1]
- set cip0 [string range $PlayCard 0 0]
- set cip1 [string range $PlayCard 1 1]
- if {$c1 != "R"} {return 0}
- if {($c0 != $cip0)&&($c1 != $cip1)} {return 0}
- incr CardStats(played)
- incr CardStats(revs)
- AddToDiscardPile $PlayCard
- UnoRemoveCardFromHand $nick $pickednum
- set PlayCard $crd
- set Card [CardColor $crd]
- # Reverse RoundRobin and Move To Next Player
- set NewRoundRobin ""
- set OrigOrderLength [llength $RoundRobin]
- set IDX $OrigOrderLength
- while {$OrigOrderLength != [llength $NewRoundRobin]} {
- set IDX [expr ($IDX - 1)]
- lappend NewRoundRobin [lindex $RoundRobin $IDX]
- }
- set Newindexorder ""
- set OrigindexLength [llength $UnoIDX]
- set IDX $OrigindexLength
- while {$OrigindexLength != [llength $Newindexorder]} {
- set IDX [expr ($IDX - 1)]
- lappend Newindexorder [lindex $UnoIDX $IDX]
- }
- set UnoIDX $Newindexorder
- set RoundRobin $NewRoundRobin
- set ReversePlayer $ThisPlayer
- # Next Player After Reversing RoundRobin
- set pcount 0
- while {$pcount != [llength $RoundRobin]} {
- if {[lindex $RoundRobin $pcount] == $ThisPlayer} {
- set ThisPlayerIDX $pcount
- break
- }
- incr pcount
- }
- # <3 Players Act Like A Skip Card
- if {[llength $RoundRobin] > 2} {
- incr ThisPlayerIDX
- if {$ThisPlayerIDX >= [llength $RoundRobin]} {set ThisPlayerIDX 0}
- }
- set ThisPlayer [lindex $RoundRobin $ThisPlayerIDX]
- # No Cards Left = Winner
- if {[check_unowin $ReversePlayer $Card] > 0} {
- showwin $ReversePlayer $Card
- UnoWin $ReversePlayer
- UnoCycle
- return 1
- }
- playcard $nick $Card $ThisPlayer
- check_hasuno $ReversePlayer
- set Card [CardColorAll $ThisPlayer]
- showcards $ThisPlayerIDX $Card
- set IsDraw 0
- return 1
- }
- #
- # Draw Two card
- #
- proc PlayUnoDrawTwoCard {nick pickednum crd} {
- global IsDraw ThisPlayer ThisPlayerIDX PlayCard RoundRobin CardStats UnoWildDrawTwos
- set CardOk 0
- set c0 [string range $crd 0 0]
- set c2 [string range $crd 2 2]
- set cip0 [string range $PlayCard 0 0]
- set cip1 [string range $PlayCard 1 1]
- set cip2 [string range $PlayCard 2 2]
- if {$c2 != "D"} {return 0}
- if {$c0 == $cip0} {set CardOk 1}
- if {$cip2 == "D"} {set CardOk 1}
- if {$UnoWildDrawTwos != 0} {
- if {($cip1 != "")&&($cip2 != "Q")} {set CardOk 1}
- }
- if {$CardOk == 1} {
- incr CardStats(draws)
- incr CardStats(played)
- AddToDiscardPile $PlayCard
- UnoRemoveCardFromHand $nick $pickednum
- set PlayCard $crd
- set Card [CardColor $crd]
- set DrawPlayer $ThisPlayer
- set DrawPlayerIDX $ThisPlayerIDX
- # Move to the player that draws
- UnoNextPlayer
- set PlayerThatDrew $ThisPlayer
- set PlayerThatDrewIDX $ThisPlayerIDX
- # Move To The Next Player
- UnoNextPlayer
- if {[check_unowin $nick $Card] > 0} {
- UnoAddDrawToHand $PlayerThatDrew $PlayerThatDrewIDX 2
- showwin $nick $Card
- UnoWin $nick
- UnoCycle
- return 1
- }
- playdraw $nick $Card $PlayerThatDrew $ThisPlayer
- UnoAddDrawToHand $PlayerThatDrew $PlayerThatDrewIDX 2
- check_hasuno $nick
- set Card [CardColorAll $ThisPlayer]
- showcards $ThisPlayerIDX $Card
- set IsDraw 0
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- #
- # Wild Draw Four card
- #
- proc PlayUnoWildDrawFourCard {nick pickednum crd isrobot} {
- global ThisPlayer ThisPlayerIDX PlayCard RoundRobin IsColorChange ColorPicker CardStats
- if {[string range $crd 2 2] != "Q"} {return 0}
- incr CardStats(wilds)
- incr CardStats(played)
- set ColorPicker $ThisPlayer
- AddToDiscardPile $PlayCard
- UnoRemoveCardFromHand $nick $pickednum
- set PlayCard $crd
- set Card [CardColor $crd]
- # move to the player that draws
- UnoNextPlayer
- set PlayerThatDrew $ThisPlayer
- set PlayerThatDrewIDX $ThisPlayerIDX
- if {$isrobot > 0} {
- # choose color and move to next player
- set cip [UnoBotPickAColor]
- UnoNextPlayer
- }
- if {[check_unowin $nick $Card] > 0} {
- UnoAddDrawToHand $PlayerThatDrew $PlayerThatDrewIDX 4
- showwin $nick $Card
- UnoWin $nick
- UnoCycle
- return 1
- }
- if {$isrobot > 0} {
- botplaywildfour $ColorPicker $PlayerThatDrew $ColorPicker $cip $ThisPlayer
- set ColorPicker ""
- set IsColorChange 0
- } {
- playwildfour $nick $PlayerThatDrew $ColorPicker
- set IsColorChange 1
- }
- UnoAddDrawToHand $PlayerThatDrew $PlayerThatDrewIDX 4
- check_hasuno $nick
- if {$isrobot > 0} {
- set Card [CardColorAll $ThisPlayer]
- showcards $ThisPlayerIDX $Card
- }
- set IsDraw 0
- return 1
- }
- #
- # Wild card
- #
- proc PlayUnoWildCard {nick pickednum crd isrobot} {
- global IsDraw ThisPlayer ThisPlayerIDX PlayCard RoundRobin IsColorChange ColorPicker CardStats
- if {[string range $crd 0 0] != "C"} {return 0}
- incr CardStats(wilds)
- incr CardStats(played)
- set ColorPicker $ThisPlayer
- AddToDiscardPile $PlayCard
- UnoRemoveCardFromHand $nick $pickednum
- set PlayCard $crd
- set Card [CardColor $crd]
- # Ok to remove this?
- #set ThisPlayer [lindex $RoundRobin $ThisPlayerIDX]
- #set DrawnPlayer $ThisPlayer
- if {$isrobot > 0} {
- # Make A Color Choice
- set cip [UnoBotPickAColor]
- UnoNextPlayer
- }
- # No Cards Left = Winner
- if {[check_unowin $nick $Card] > 0} {
- showwin $nick $Card
- UnoWin $nick
- UnoCycle
- return 1
- }
- if {$isrobot > 0} {
- botplaywild $nick $ColorPicker $cip $ThisPlayer
- set ColorPicker ""
- set Card [CardColorAll $ThisPlayer]
- showcards $ThisPlayerIDX $Card
- set IsColorChange 0
- } {
- playwild $nick $ColorPicker
- set IsColorChange 1
- }
- check_hasuno $nick
- set IsDraw 0
- return 1
- }
- #
- # Number card
- #
- proc PlayUnoNumberCard {nick pickednum crd} {
- global IsDraw ThisPlayer ThisPlayerIDX PlayCard RoundRobin CardStats
- set CardOk 0
- set c1 [string range $crd 0 0]
- set c2 [string range $crd 1 1]
- set cip1 [string range $PlayCard 0 0]
- set cip2 [string range $PlayCard 1 1]
- if {$c2 == -1} {return 0}
- if {$c1 == $cip1} {set CardOk 1}
- if {($cip2 != "")} {
- if {$c2 == $cip2} {set CardOk 1}
- }
- if {$CardOk == 1} {
- incr CardStats(played)
- AddToDiscardPile $PlayCard
- UnoRemoveCardFromHand $nick $pickednum
- set PlayCard $crd
- set Card [CardColor $crd]
- set NumberCardPlayer $ThisPlayer
- UnoNextPlayer
- if {[check_unowin $NumberCardPlayer $Card] > 0} {
- showwin $NumberCardPlayer $Card
- UnoWin $NumberCardPlayer
- UnoCycle
- return 1
- }
- playcard $nick $Card $ThisPlayer
- check_hasuno $NumberCardPlayer
- set Card [CardColorAll $ThisPlayer]
- showcards $ThisPlayerIDX $Card
- set IsDraw 0
- return 1
- }
- unontc $nick "Oops! Pas une carte en cours de validité - tirer ou de jouer une autre"
- return 0
- }
- #
- # Attempt to find card in hand
- #
- proc UnoFindCard {nick pickednum crd IsRobot} {
- global UnoRobot ThisPlayer ThisPlayerIDX
- #if {$Debug > 1} {unolog $UnoRobot "UnoFindCard: [lindex $UnoHand($ThisPlayer) $pickednum"}
- # Wild Draw Four
- set FoundCard [PlayUnoWildDrawFourCard $nick $pickednum $crd $IsRobot]
- if {$FoundCard == 1} {return 4}
- # Wild
- set FoundCard [PlayUnoWildCard $nick $pickednum $crd $IsRobot]
- if {$FoundCard == 1} {return 5}
- # Draw Two
- set FoundCard [PlayUnoDrawTwoCard $nick $pickednum $crd]
- if {$FoundCard == 1} {return 3}
- # Skip
- set FoundCard [PlayUnoSkipCard $nick $pickednum $crd]
- if {$FoundCard == 1} {return 1}
- # Reverse
- set FoundCard [PlayUnoReverseCard $nick $pickednum $crd]
- if {$FoundCard == 1} {return 2}
- # Number card
- set FoundCard [PlayUnoNumberCard $nick $pickednum $crd]
- if {$FoundCard == 1} {return 6}
- return 0
- }
- #
- # Play a card
- #
- proc UnoPlayCard {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoMode IsDraw IsColorChange ColorPicker UnoPlayers RoundRobin UnoHand ThisPlayer
- if {($chan != $UnoChan)||($UnoMode != 2)||($nick != $ThisPlayer)} {return}
- UnoAutoSkipReset
- if {$IsColorChange == 1} {return}
- regsub -all \[`,.!{}\ ] $arg "" arg
- if {$arg == ""} {return}
- set pcard [string toupper [string range $arg 0 3]]
- set CardInPlayerHand 0
- set pcount 0
- while {[lindex $UnoHand($nick) $pcount] != ""} {
- if {$pcard == [lindex $UnoHand($nick) $pcount]} {
- set pcardnum $pcount
- set CardInPlayerHand 1
- break
- }
- incr pcount
- }
- if {$CardInPlayerHand == 0} {
- unontc $nick "Désolé $nick - Vous ne disposez pas de cette carte - tiré ou jouer une autre"
- return
- }
- set CardFound [UnoFindCard $nick $pcardnum $pcard 0]
- switch $CardFound {
- 0 {return}
- 4 {return}
- 5 {return}
- default {UnoRobotRestart; return}
- }
- }
- #
- # Robot Player
- #
- proc UnoRobotPlayer {} {
- global Debug UnoIDX IsDraw IsColorChange ColorPicker UnoMode UnoPlayers RoundRobin UnoDeck UnoHand ThisPlayer ThisPlayerIDX PlayCard CardStats UnoRobot
- # Check for a valid card in hand
- set CardOk 0
- set IsDraw 0
- set CardCount 0
- set cip1 [string range $PlayCard 0 0]
- set cip2 [string range $PlayCard 1 1]
- while {$CardCount < [llength $UnoHand($ThisPlayer)]} {
- set playcard [lindex $UnoHand($ThisPlayer) $CardCount]
- set c1 [string range $playcard 0 0]
- set c2 [string range $playcard 1 1]
- #if {$Debug > 1} {unolog $UnoRobot "Trying: $playcard"}
- if {($c1 == $cip1)||($c2 == $cip2)||($c1 == "C")} {
- set CardOk 1
- set pcard $playcard
- set pcardnum $CardCount
- break
- }
- incr CardCount
- }
- # Play the card if found
- if {$CardOk == 1} {
- set CardFound [UnoFindCard $UnoRobot $pcardnum $pcard 1]
- switch $CardFound {
- 0 {}
- 5 {return}
- 6 {return}
- default {UnoRobotRestart; return}
- }
- }
- # Bot draws a card
- UnoShuffle 1
- set dcardnum [rand [llength $UnoDeck]]
- set dcard [lindex $UnoDeck $dcardnum]
- lappend UnoHand($UnoRobot) "$dcard"
- set UnoDeck [lreplace ${UnoDeck} $dcardnum $dcardnum]
- showwhodrew $UnoRobot
- set CardOk 0
- set CardCount 0
- incr CardStats(drawn)
- while {$CardCount < [llength $UnoHand($ThisPlayer)]} {
- set playcard [lindex $UnoHand($ThisPlayer) $CardCount]
- set c1 [string range $playcard 0 0]
- set c2 [string range $playcard 1 1]
- # if {$Debug > 1} {unolog $UnoRobot "DrawTry: $playcard"}
- if {($c1 == $cip1)||($c2 == $cip2)||($c1 == "C")} {
- set CardOk 1
- set pcard $playcard
- set pcardnum $CardCount
- break
- }
- incr CardCount
- }
- # Bot plays drawn card or passes turn
- if {$CardOk == 1} {
- set CardFound [UnoFindCard $UnoRobot $pcardnum $pcard 1]
- if {$CardFound == 1} {UnoRobotRestart; return}
- switch $CardFound {
- 0 {}
- 5 {return}
- 6 {return}
- default {UnoRobotRestart; return}
- }
- } {
- incr CardStats(passed)
- set IsDraw 0
- UnoNextPlayer
- playpass $UnoRobot $ThisPlayer
- set Card [CardColorAll $ThisPlayer]
- showcards $ThisPlayerIDX $Card
- }
- return
- }
- #
- # Autoskip inactive players
- #
- proc UnoAutoSkip {} {
- global UnoMode ThisPlayer ThisPlayerIDX RoundRobin AutoSkipPeriod IsColorChange ColorPicker
- global UnoIDX UnoPlayers UnoDeck UnoHand UnoChan UnoSkipTimer Debug NickColor UnoPaused
- if {$UnoMode != 2} {return}
- if {$UnoPaused != 0} {return}
- if {[uno_isrobot $ThisPlayerIDX]} {return}
- set Idler $ThisPlayer
- set IdlerIDX $ThisPlayerIDX
- if {[unotimerexists UnoAutoSkip] != ""} {
- unolog "uno" "AutoSkip Timer Already Exists"
- return
- }
- set InChannel 0
- set uclist [chanlist $UnoChan]
- set pcount 0
- while {[lindex $uclist $pcount] != ""} {
- if {[lindex $uclist $pcount] == $Idler} {
- set InChannel 1
- break
- }
- incr pcount
- }
- if {$InChannel == 0} {
- unomsg "[nikclr $Idler]\003 a quitté le chan et est retiré du Uno\003"
- if {$IsColorChange == 1} {
- if {$Idler == $ColorPicker} {
- # Make A Color Choice
- set cip [UnoPickAColor]
- unomsg "\0030,13 $Idler \003a pas sélectionner une couleur: choix au hasard $cip \003"
- set IsColorChange 0
- } {
- unolog "uno" "UnoAutoRemove: IsColorChange definis mais $Idler pas ColorPicker"
- }
- }
- UnoNextPlayer
- unomsg "le joueur actuel est [nikclr $Idler]\003 ,on continus avec [nikclr $ThisPlayer]\003"
- if {![uno_isrobot $ThisPlayerIDX]} {
- set Card [CardColorAll $ThisPlayer]
- showcards $ThisPlayerIDX $Card
- }
- set UnoPlayers [expr ($UnoPlayers -1)]
- # Remove Player From Game And Put Cards Back In Deck
- if {$UnoPlayers > 1} {
- set RoundRobin [lreplace ${RoundRobin} $IdlerIDX $IdlerIDX]
- set UnoIDX [lreplace ${UnoIDX} $IdlerIDX $IdlerIDX]
- lappend UnoDeck "$UnoHand($Idler)"
- unset UnoHand($Idler)
- unset NickColor($Idler)
- }
- switch $UnoPlayers {
- 1 {
- showwindefault $ThisPlayer
- UnoWin $ThisPlayer
- UnoCycle
- }
- 0 {
- unomsg "[unoad] \0030,10 Pas de joueur - Pas de gagnant - Recycling \003"
- UnoCycle
- }
- default {
- if {![uno_isrobot $ThisPlayerIDX]} {
- UnoAutoSkipReset
- UnoRobotRestart
- }
- }
- }
- return
- }
- if {$Debug > 0} {unolog "uno" "AutoSkip Player: $Idler"}
- unomsg "[nikclr $Idler]\003 inactif pendant \00313$AutoSkipPeriod \003minutes il passe son tour"
- # Player Was ColorPicker
- if {$IsColorChange == 1} {
- if {$Idler == $ColorPicker} {
- # Make A Color Choice
- set cip [UnoPickAColor]
- unomsg "[nikclr $Idler]\003 a pas choisi de couleur : choix au hazard $cip"
- set IsColorChange 0
- } {
- unolog "uno" "UnoRemove: IsColorChange definis mais $Idler pas ColorPicker"
- }
- }
- UnoNextPlayer
- unomsg "[nikclr $Idler]\003est le joueur actuel. On continu avec [nikclr $ThisPlayer]\003"
- if {![uno_isrobot $ThisPlayerIDX]} {
- set Card [CardColorAll $ThisPlayer]
- showcards $ThisPlayerIDX $Card
- } {
- UnoRobotRestart
- }
- UnoAutoSkipReset
- return
- }
- #
- # Pause play
- #
- proc UnoPause {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoOn UnoMode UnoOpFlags UnoPaused
- if {$chan != $UnoChan} {return}
- if {$UnoOn != 1} {return}
- if {$UnoMode != 2} {return}
- if {([validuser $nick])&&([matchattr $nick $UnoOpFlags $UnoChan])} {
- if {$UnoPaused == 0} {
- set UnoPaused 1
- UnoUnbindCmds
- unomsg "[unoad] \0030,4 Mise en pause par $nick \003"
- } {
- set UnoPaused 0
- UnoBindCmds
- UnoAutoSkipReset
- unomsg "[unoad] \0030,4 reprise de la partie par $nick \003"
- }
- }
- }
- #
- # Remove user from play
- #
- proc UnoRemove {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoOn UnoCycleTime UnoIDX UnoPlayers ThisPlayer ThisPlayerIDX RoundRobin UnoDeck DiscardPile UnoHand IsColorChange ColorPicker NickColor UnoOpFlags
- if {$chan != $UnoChan} {return}
- if {$UnoOn == 0} {return}
- regsub -all \[`,.!{}] $arg "" arg
- # Allow Ops To Remove Another Player
- set UnoOpRemove 0
- if {[string length $arg] > 0} {
- if {([validuser $nick])&&([matchattr $nick $UnoOpFlags $UnoChan])} {
- set UnoOpRemove 1
- set UnoOpNick $nick
- set nick $arg
- } {
- return
- }
- }
- set PlayerFound 0
- # Remove Player If Found - Put Cards Back To Bottom Of Deck
- set pcount 0
- while {[lindex $RoundRobin $pcount] != ""} {
- if {[string tolower [lindex $RoundRobin $pcount]] == [string tolower $nick]} {
- set PlayerFound 1
- set FoundIDX $pcount
- set nick [lindex $RoundRobin $pcount]
- break
- }
- incr pcount
- }
- if {$PlayerFound == 1} {
- if {$UnoOpRemove > 0} {
- unomsg "[nikclr $nick]\003 a été retiré de cette partie de Uno par $UnoOpNick"
- } {
- unontc $nick "Vous êtes maintenant retirée de l'actuel partie de Uno."
- unomsg "[nikclr $nick]\003 left Uno"
- }
- # Player Was ColorPicker
- if {$IsColorChange == 1} {
- if {$nick == $ColorPicker} {
- # Make A Color Choice
- set cip [UnoPickAColor]
- unomsg "[nikclr $nick]\003 tu n as pas choisi de couleur... donc choix au hazard $cip"
- set IsColorChange 0
- } {
- unolog "uno" "UnoRemove: IsColorChange definis mais $nick pas ColorPicker"
- }
- }
- if {$nick == $ThisPlayer} {
- UnoNextPlayer
- if {$UnoPlayers > 2} {
- unomsg "[nikclr $nick]\003 vien de joué, on continnus avec [nikclr $ThisPlayer]\003"
- }
- UnoAutoSkipReset
- }
- set UnoPlayers [expr ($UnoPlayers -1)]
- # Remove Player From Game And Put Cards Back In Deck
- if {$UnoPlayers > 1} {
- set RoundRobin [lreplace ${RoundRobin} $FoundIDX $FoundIDX]
- set UnoIDX [lreplace ${UnoIDX} $FoundIDX $FoundIDX]
- lappend DiscardPile "$UnoHand($nick)"
- unset UnoHand($nick)
- unset NickColor($nick)
- }
- set pcount 0
- while {[lindex $RoundRobin $pcount] != ""} {
- if {[lindex $RoundRobin $pcount] == $ThisPlayer} {
- set ThisPlayerIDX $pcount
- break
- }
- incr pcount
- }
- if {$UnoPlayers == 1} {
- showwindefault $ThisPlayer
- UnoWin $ThisPlayer
- UnoCycle
- return
- }
- UnoRobotRestart
- } {
- # Player not in current game
- return
- }
- if {$UnoPlayers == 0} {
- unomsg "[unoad] \0030,10 Pas de jouer - pas de gagnant - Recycling \003"
- UnoCycle
- }
- return
- }
- #
- # Move to next player
- #
- proc UnoNextPlayer {} {
- global ThisPlayer ThisPlayerIDX RoundRobin
- incr ThisPlayerIDX
- if {$ThisPlayerIDX >= [llength $RoundRobin]} {set ThisPlayerIDX 0}
- set ThisPlayer [lindex $RoundRobin $ThisPlayerIDX]
- }
- #
- # Pick a random color for skipped/removed players
- #
- proc UnoPickAColor {} {
- global PlayCard
- set ucolors "r v b j"
- set pcol [string tolower [lindex $ucolors [rand [llength $ucolors]]]]
- switch $pcol {
- "r" {set PlayCard "R"; return "\0030,4 Rouge \003"}
- "v" {set PlayCard "V"; return "\0030,3 Vert \003"}
- "b" {set PlayCard "B"; return "\0030,12 Bleu \003"}
- "j" {set PlayCard "J"; return "\0031,8 Jaune \003"}
- }
- }
- #
- # Robot picks a color by checking hand for 1st color card
- # found with matching color, else picks color at random
- #
- proc UnoBotPickAColor {} {
- global PlayCard UnoHand ThisPlayer
- set CardCount 0
- while {$CardCount < [llength $UnoHand($ThisPlayer)]} {
- set thiscolor [string range [lindex $UnoHand($ThisPlayer) $CardCount] 0 0]
- switch $thiscolor {
- "R" {set PlayCard "R"; return "\0030,4 Rouge \003"}
- "V" {set PlayCard "V"; return "\0030,3 Vert \003"}
- "B" {set PlayCard "B"; return "\0030,12 Bleu \003"}
- "J" {set PlayCard "J"; return "\0031,8 Jaune \003"}
- }
- incr CardCount
- }
- set ucolors "r v b j"
- set pcol [string tolower [lindex $ucolors [rand [llength $ucolors]]]]
- switch $pcol {
- "r" {set PlayCard "R"; return "\0030,4 Rouge \003"}
- "v" {set PlayCard "V"; return "\0030,3 Vert \003"}
- "b" {set PlayCard "B"; return "\0030,12 Bleu \003"}
- "j" {set PlayCard "J"; return "\0031,8 Jaune \003"}
- }
- }
- #
- # Set robot for next turn
- #
- proc UnoRobotRestart {} {
- global UnoMode ThisPlayerIDX RobotRestartPeriod UnoBotTimer
- if {$UnoMode != 2} {return}
- if {![uno_isrobot $ThisPlayerIDX]} {return}
- set UnoBotTimer [utimer $RobotRestartPeriod UnoRobotPlayer]
- }
- #
- # Reset autoskip timer
- #
- proc UnoAutoSkipReset {} {
- global AutoSkipPeriod UnoMode UnoSkipTimer
- catch {killtimer $UnoSkipTimer}
- if {$UnoMode == 2} {
- set UnoSkipTimer [timer $AutoSkipPeriod UnoAutoSkip]
- }
- }
- #
- # Channel triggers
- #
- #
- # Show current player order
- #
- proc UnoOrder {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoMode UnoPlayers RoundRobin
- if {($chan != $UnoChan)||($UnoMode < 2)} {return}
- unomsg "\0030,10 ordre des joueurs \[$UnoPlayers\]: \0030,6 $RoundRobin "
- return
- }
- #
- # Show game running time
- #
- proc UnoTime {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoMode
- if {($chan != $UnoChan)||($UnoMode != 2)} {return}
- set unotime "\0030,10 temp de jeux: \0030,6 [duration [game_time]] \003"
- unomsg "$unotime"
- return
- }
- #
- # Show player what cards they hold
- #
- proc UnoShowCards {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoMode UnoHand ThisPlayerIDX
- if {($chan != $UnoChan)||($UnoMode != 2)} {return}
- if [info exist UnoHand($nick)] {
- set Card ""
- set ccnt 0
- while {[llength $UnoHand($nick)] != $ccnt} {
- set pcard [lindex $UnoHand($nick) $ccnt]
- append Card [CardColor $pcard]
- incr ccnt
- }
- if {![uno_isrobot $ThisPlayerIDX]} {
- unontc $nick "votre main: $Card\003"
- }
- }
- return
- }
- #
- # Show current player
- #
- proc UnoTurn {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoMode ThisPlayer RoundRobin UnoMode
- if {($chan != $UnoChan)||($UnoMode != 2)} {return}
- if {[llength $RoundRobin] < 1 } {return}
- set info "\0030,10 Joueur actuel: \0030,6 $ThisPlayer \003"
- unomsg "$info"
- return
- }
- #
- # Show current top card
- #
- proc UnoTopCard {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global PlayCard UnoChan UnoMode
- if {($chan != $UnoChan)||($UnoMode != 2)} {return}
- set pcard $PlayCard
- set Card [CardColor $pcard]
- unomsg "\0030,10 Carte jouer: \003 $Card \003"
- return
- }
- #
- # Show card stats
- #
- proc UnoCardStats {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoMode CardStats
- if {($chan != $UnoChan)||($UnoMode != 2)} {return}
- set passdraw [format "%3.1f" [get_ratio $CardStats(passed) $CardStats(drawn)]]
- set skiprev [expr $CardStats(skips) +$CardStats(revs)]
- unomsg "\0030,10 Stats des Cartes : \0030,6 jouer:$CardStats(played) Pass\/Draw Ratio:$passdraw\% Skip\/Rev:$skiprev DrawCards:$CardStats(draws) WildCards:$CardStats(wilds) \003"
- return
- }
- #
- # Card count
- #
- proc UnoCount {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global RoundRobin UnoHand UnoMode UnoChan
- if {($chan != $UnoChan)||($UnoMode != 2)} {return}
- set ordcnt 0
- set crdcnt ""
- while {[lindex $RoundRobin $ordcnt] != ""} {
- append crdcnt "\0030,10 [lindex $RoundRobin $ordcnt] \0030,6 [llength $UnoHand([lindex $RoundRobin $ordcnt])] Carte "
- incr ordcnt
- }
- unomsg "$crdcnt\003"
- return
- }
- #
- # Show player's score
- #
- proc UnoWon {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoScoreFile UnoPointsName
- regsub -all \[`,.!] $arg "" arg
- if {[string length $arg] == 0} {set arg $nick}
- set scorer [string tolower $arg]
- set pflag 0
- set f [open $UnoScoreFile r]
- while {[gets $f sc] != -1} {
- set cnick [string tolower [lindex [split $sc] 0]]
- if {$cnick == $scorer} {
- set pmsg "\0030,10 [lindex [split $sc] 0] \0030,6 [lindex $sc 2] $UnoPointsName in [lindex $sc 1] Games \003"
- set pflag 1
- }
- }
- close $f
- if {$pflag == 0} {
- set pmsg "\0030,10 $arg \0030,6 Pas de score \003"
- }
- unomsg "$pmsg"
- return
- }
- #
- # Display current top10
- #
- proc UnoTopTen {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan
- if {$chan != $UnoChan} {return}
- UnoTop10 1
- return
- }
- proc UnoTopTenWon {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan
- if {$chan != $UnoChan} {return}
- UnoTop10 0
- return
- }
- #
- # Display last month's top3
- #
- proc UnoTopThreeLast {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan
- if {$chan != $UnoChan} {return}
- UnoLastMonthTop3 $nick $uhost $hand $chan 0
- unomsg " "
- UnoLastMonthTop3 $nick $uhost $hand $chan 1
- return
- }
- #
- # Display month fastest game
- #
- proc UnoTopFast {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoFast
- if {$chan != $UnoChan} {return}
- unomsg "\0030,6 le plus rapide du jeu de ce mois-ci \0030,10 [lindex [split $UnoFast] 0] [duration [lindex $UnoFast 1]] \003"
- return
- }
- #
- # Display month high score
- #
- proc UnoHighScore {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoHigh UnoPointsName
- if {$chan != $UnoChan} {return}
- unomsg "\0030,6 Le plus grand Score de Ce mois-ci \0030,10 [lindex [split $UnoHigh] 0] [lindex $UnoHigh 1] $UnoPointsName \003"
- return
- }
- #
- # Display month most cards played
- #
- proc UnoPlayed {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoPlayed
- if {$chan != $UnoChan} {return}
- unomsg "\0030,6 Le plus grand nombres de cartes joué Ce mois-ci \0030,10 [lindex [split $UnoPlayed] 0] [lindex $UnoPlayed 1] Cards \003"
- return
- }
- #
- # Show all-time records
- #
- proc UnoRecords {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoRecordFast UnoRecordHigh UnoRecordCard UnoRecordWins UnoRecordPlayed
- if {$chan != $UnoChan} {return}
- unomsg "\0030,6 Tout-les Records: Points \0030,10 $UnoRecordCard \0030,6 Jeux \0030,10 $UnoRecordWins \0030,6 rapidité \0030,10 [lindex $UnoRecordFast 0] [duration [lindex $UnoRecordFast 1]] \0030,6 High Score \0030,10 $UnoRecordHigh \0030,6 Cartes jouer \0030,10 $UnoRecordPlayed \003"
- return
- }
- #
- # Display month top10
- #
- proc UnoTop10 {mode} {
- global UnoScoreFile unsortedscores UnoPointsName UnoRobot
- if {($mode < 0)||($mode > 1)} {set mode 0}
- switch $mode {
- 0 {set winners "\0030,6 Top10 des jeux gagner "}
- 1 {set winners "\0030,6 Top10 $UnoPointsName "}
- }
- if ![file exists $UnoScoreFile] {
- set f [open $UnoScoreFile w]
- puts $f "$UnoRobot 0 0"
- unomsg "\0030,10 Le dossier de Score est vide - Création d'un nouveau One\003"
- close $f
- return
- }
- if [info exists unsortedscores] {unset unsortedscores}
- if [info exists top10] {unset top10}
- set f [open $UnoScoreFile r]
- while {[gets $f s] != -1} {
- switch $mode {
- 0 {set unsortedscores([lindex [split $s] 0]) [lindex $s 1]}
- 1 {set unsortedscores([lindex [split $s] 0]) [lindex $s 2]}
- }
- }
- close $f
- for {set s 0} {$s < 10} {incr s} {
- set top10($s) "Nobody 0"
- }
- set s 0
- foreach n [lsort -decreasing -command UnoSortScores [array names unsortedscores]] {
- set top10($s) "$n $unsortedscores($n)"
- incr s
- }
- for {set s 0} {$s < 10} {incr s} {
- if {[lindex $top10($s) 1] > 0} {
- append winners "\0030,6 #[expr $s +1] \0030,10 [lindex [split $top10($s)] 0] [lindex $top10($s) 1] "
- } {
- append winners "\0030,6 #[expr $s +1] \0030,10 Nobody 0 "
- }
- }
- unomsg "$winners\003"
- return
- }
- #
- # Last month's top3
- #
- proc UnoLastMonthTop3 {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan UnoLastMonthCards UnoLastMonthGames UnoPointsName
- if {$chan != $UnoChan} {return}
- if {$arg == 0} {
- if [info exists UnoLastMonthCards] {
- set UnoTop3 "\0030,6 Le Top 3 du mois $UnoPointsName jeux "
- for { set s 0} { $s < 3 } { incr s} {
- append UnoTop3 "\0030,6 #[expr $s +1] \0030,10 $UnoLastMonthCards($s) "
- }
- unomsg "$UnoTop3"
- }
- } {
- if [info exists UnoLastMonthGames] {
- set UnoTop3 "\0030,6 Le Top 3 des Jeux Gagné ce mois ci "
- for { set s 0} { $s < 3 } { incr s} {
- append UnoTop3 "\0030,6 #[expr $s +1] \0030,10 $UnoLastMonthGames($s) "
- }
- unomsg "$UnoTop3"
- }
- }
- }
- #
- # Show game help
- #
- proc UnoCmds {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoChan
- if {$chan != $UnoChan} {return}
- unontc $nick "Uno Commandes: !uno !stop !remove \[nick\] !unowon \[nick\] !unocmds"
- unontc $nick "Uno Stats: !top10 !top3last !fast !high !records"
- unontc $nick "Uno Chan Commandes: ca=cartes, cd=card, tu=tourner, od=ordre, ct=compteur, st=stats, tps=time"
- unontc $nick "Uno Card Commands: !go ou !zou=joindre la partie, !j=jouer une carte, !pioche=tirer une carte, !passe=pass, !c=couleur"
- unontc $nick "Uno \00301--------------------\003LES CARTES"
- unontc $nick "Uno couleur des cartes \00301,12b=bleu\003 \00301---\00301,4r=rouge\003 \00301---\00301,3v=vert\003 \00301---\00301,8j=jaune.."
- unontc $nick "Uno exemples \00301------------\00304pl j1 = jouer la carte \00301,8jaune N°1\003 \00304 .. pl r8 = jouer la carte \00301,4rouge N°8"
- unontc $nick "Uno jouer \00301------------------\00304C = \0031,8 \002C\0031,3o\0031,4u\0031,12l\0031,7e\0031,8u\0031,9r\002 \003 changer de couleur co = choix de la couleur"
- unontc $nick "Uno jouer \00301------------------\00304CTQ = \0031,8 \002T\0031,3I \0031,4R\0030,12E \0031,8Q\0031,3U\0031,4A\0031,12T\0031,8R\0031,3E \0031,8C\0031,3a\0031,4r\0031,12t\0031,12e\002 \003 faire tirer quatre cartes .. "
- unontc $nick "Uno jouer \00301------------------\00304B,R,J ou VP ou b,r,j ou vP \00301,3 Pass\003=passer le tour du joueur"
- unontc $nick "Uno jouer \00301------------------\00304B,R,J ou VR ou b,r,j ou vR \00301,3 Sens inverse\003 =changer de sens"
- unontc $nick "Uno jouer \00301------------------\00304B,R,J ou VTD ou b,r,j ou VTD \00301,3 Tire deux\003 = faire tirer deux cartes"
- return
- }
- #
- # Uno version
- #
- proc UnoVersion {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
- global UnoVersion
- unomsg "[unoad]\003 \0030,6 v$UnoVersion \003"
- return
- }
- #
- # Read score file
- #
- proc UnoReadScores {} {
- global unogameswon unoptswon UnoScoreFile UnoRobot
- if [info exists unogameswon] { unset unogameswon }
- if [info exists unoptswon] { unset unoptswon }
- if ![file exists $UnoScoreFile] {
- set f [open $UnoScoreFile w]
- puts $f "$UnoRobot 0 0"
- close $f
- }
- set f [open $UnoScoreFile r]
- while {[gets $f s] != -1} {
- set unogameswon([lindex [split $s] 0]) [lindex $s 1]
- set unoptswon([lindex [split $s] 0]) [lindex $s 2]
- }
- close $f
- return
- }
- #
- # Clear top10 and write monthly scores
- #
- proc UnoNewMonth {min hour day month year} {
- global unsortedscores unogameswon unoptswon UnoLastMonthCards UnoLastMonthGames UnoScoreFile UnoRobot
- global UnoFast UnoHigh UnoPlayed UnoRecordFast UnoRecordHigh UnoRecordPlayed UnoRecordCard UnoRecordWins
- set lmonth [UnoLastMonthName $month]
- unomsg "[unoad] \0030,4 mise a jour des scores mensuel \003"
- set UnoMonthFileName "$UnoScoreFile.$lmonth"
- # Read Current Scores
- UnoReadScores
- # Write To Old Month File
- if ![file exists $UnoMonthFileName] {
- set f [open $UnoMonthFileName w]
- foreach n [array names unogameswon] {
- puts $f "$n $unogameswon($n) $unoptswon($n)"
- }
- close $f
- }
- # Find Top 3 Card Holders and Game Winners
- set mode 0
- while {$mode < 2} {
- if [info exists unsortedscores] {unset unsortedscores}
- if [info exists top10] {unset top10}
- set f [open $UnoScoreFile r]
- while {[gets $f s] != -1} {
- switch $mode {
- 0 {set unsortedscores([lindex [split $s] 0]) [lindex $s 1]}
- 1 {set unsortedscores([lindex [split $s] 0]) [lindex $s 2]}
- }
- }
- close $f
- set s 0
- foreach n [lsort -decreasing -command UnoSortScores [array names unsortedscores]] {
- set top10($s) "$n $unsortedscores($n)"
- incr s
- }
- for {set s 0} {$s < 3} {incr s} {
- if {[lindex $top10($s) 1] > 0} {
- switch $mode {
- 0 {set UnoLastMonthGames($s) "[lindex [split $top10($s)] 0] [lindex $top10($s) 1]"}
- 1 {set UnoLastMonthCards($s) "[lindex [split $top10($s)] 0] [lindex $top10($s) 1]"}
- }
- } {
- switch $mode {
- 0 {set UnoLastMonthGames($s) "Nobody 0"}
- 1 {set UnoLastMonthCards($s) "Nobody 0"}
- }
- }
- }
- incr mode
- }
- # Update records
- if {[lindex $UnoFast 1] < [lindex $UnoRecordFast 1]} {set UnoRecordFast $UnoFast}
- if {[lindex $UnoHigh 1] > [lindex $UnoRecordHigh 1]} {set UnoRecordHigh $UnoHigh}
- if {[lindex $UnoPlayed 1] > [lindex $UnoRecordPlayed 1]} {set UnoRecordPlayed $UnoPlayed}
- if {[lindex $UnoLastMonthCards(0) 1] > [lindex $UnoRecordCard 1]} {set UnoRecordCard $UnoLastMonthCards(0)}
- if {[lindex $UnoLastMonthGames(0) 1] > [lindex $UnoRecordWins 1]} {set UnoRecordWins $UnoLastMonthGames(0)}
- # Wipe last months records
- set UnoFast "$UnoRobot 60"
- set UnoHigh "$UnoRobot 100"
- set UnoPlayed "$UnoRobot 100"
- # Save Top3 And Records To Config File
- Uno_WriteCFG
- # Wipe This Months Score File
- set f [open $UnoScoreFile w]
- puts $f "$UnoRobot 0 0"
- close $f
- unolog "uno" "mise a jour des scores mensuel"
- return
- }
- #
- # Update score of winning player
- #
- proc UnoUpdateScore {winner cardtotals} {
- global unogameswon unoptswon UnoScoreFile
- UnoReadScores
- if {[info exists unogameswon($winner)]} {
- incr unogameswon($winner)
- } {
- set unogameswon($winner) 1
- }
- if {[info exists unoptswon($winner)]} {
- incr unoptswon($winner) $cardtotals
- } {
- set unoptswon($winner) $cardtotals
- }
- set f [open $UnoScoreFile w]
- foreach n [array names unogameswon] {
- puts $f "$n $unogameswon($n) $unoptswon($n)"
- }
- close $f
- return
- }
- #
- # Display winner and game statistics
- #
- proc UnoWin {winner} {
- global UnoHand ThisPlayer RoundRobin UnoPointsName CardStats UnoMode UnoCycleTime UnoFast UnoHigh UnoPlayed UnoBonus
- set cardtotals 0
- set UnoMode 3
- set ThisPlayerIDX 0
- set needCFGWrite 0
- set UnoTime [game_time]
- unomsg "\0030,6 Total des cartes \003"
- # Total up all player's cards
- while {$ThisPlayerIDX != [llength $RoundRobin]} {
- set Card ""
- set ThisPlayer [lindex $RoundRobin $ThisPlayerIDX]
- if {$ThisPlayer != $winner} {
- set ccount 0
- while {[lindex $UnoHand($ThisPlayer) $ccount] != ""} {
- set cardtotal [lindex $UnoHand($ThisPlayer) $ccount]
- set c1 [string range $cardtotal 0 0]
- set c2 [string range $cardtotal 1 1]
- set cardtotal 0
- if {$c1 == "C"} {
- set cardtotal 50
- } {
- switch $c2 {
- "P" {set cardtotal 20}
- "R" {set cardtotal 20}
- "T" {set cardtotal 20}
- default {set cardtotal $c2}
- }
- }
- set cardtotals [expr $cardtotals + $cardtotal]
- incr ccount
- }
- set Card [CardColorAll $ThisPlayer]
- unomsg "[strpad [nikclr $ThisPlayer] 12] $Card"
- }
- incr ThisPlayerIDX
- }
- # Check high score record
- set HighScore [lindex $UnoHigh 1]
- if {$cardtotals > $HighScore} {
- unomsg "\0030,4 $winner Vien de battre le record $UnoBonus Bonus $UnoPointsName \003"
- set UnoHigh "$winner $cardtotals"
- incr cardtotals $UnoBonus
- set needCFGWrite 1
- }
- # Check played cards record
- set HighPlayed [lindex $UnoPlayed 1]
- if {$CardStats(played) > $HighPlayed} {
- unomsg "\0030,4 $winner Vien de battre le record du nombres de cartes jouer $UnoBonus Bonus $UnoPointsName \003"
- set UnoPlayed "$winner $CardStats(played)"
- incr cardtotals $UnoBonus
- set needCFGWrite 1
- }
- # Check fast game record
- set FastRecord [lindex $UnoFast 1]
- if {$UnoTime < $FastRecord} {
- unomsg "\0030,4 $winner Vien de battre le record de rapidité $UnoBonus Bonus $UnoPointsName \003"
- incr cardtotals $UnoBonus
- set UnoFast "$winner $UnoTime"
- set needCFGWrite 1
- }
- # Winner
- unomsg "\0030,10 $winner \0030,6 $cardtotals $UnoPointsName en [duration $UnoTime] \003"
- # Card stats
- set passdraw [format "%3.1f" [get_ratio $CardStats(passed) $CardStats(drawn)]]
- set skiprev [expr $CardStats(skips) +$CardStats(revs)]
- unomsg "\0030,10 Cardstats \0030,6 jouer:$CardStats(played) Pass\/Draw Ratio:$passdraw\% Skip\/Rev:$skiprev DrawCards:$CardStats(draws) WildCards:$CardStats(wilds) \003"
- unomsg "[unoad] \0030,3 Jeux suivant dans $UnoCycleTime Secondes \003"
- # Write scores
- UnoUpdateScore $winner $cardtotals
- # Write records
- if {$needCFGWrite > 0} {Uno_WriteCFG}
- return
- }
- #
- # Re-Shuffle deck
- #
- proc UnoShuffle {len} {
- global UnoDeck DiscardPile
- if {[llength $UnoDeck] >= $len} { return }
- unomsg "[unoad] \0030,4 Re-Shuffling Uno Deck \003"
- lappend DiscardPile "$UnoDeck"
- set UnoDeck ""
- set NewDeckSize [llength $DiscardPile]
- while {[llength $UnoDeck] != $NewDeckSize} {
- set pcardnum [rand [llength $DiscardPile]]
- set pcard [lindex $DiscardPile $pcardnum]
- lappend UnoDeck "$pcard"
- set DiscardPile [lreplace ${DiscardPile} $pcardnum $pcardnum]
- }
- return
- }
- #
- # Read config file
- #
- proc Uno_ReadCFG {} {
- global UnoCFGFile UnoLastMonthCards UnoLastMonthGames UnoPointsName UnoScoreFile UnoRobot UnoChan UnoFast UnoHigh UnoPlayed UnoStopAfter UnoBonus
- global UnoRecordHigh UnoRecordFast UnoRecordCard UnoRecordWins UnoRecordPlayed UnoWildDrawTwos
- if {[file exist $UnoCFGFile]} {
- set f [open $UnoCFGFile r]
- while {[gets $f s] != -1} {
- set kkey [string tolower [lindex [split $s "="] 0]]
- set kval [lindex [split $s "="] 1]
- switch $kkey {
- botname {set UnoRobot $kval}
- channel {set UnoChan $kval}
- points {set UnoPointsName $kval}
- scorefile {set UnoScoreFile $kval}
- stopafter {set UnoStopAfter $kval}
- wilddrawtwos {set UnoWildDrawTwos $kval}
- lastmonthcard1 {set UnoLastMonthCards(0) $kval}
- lastmonthcard2 {set UnoLastMonthCards(1) $kval}
- lastmonthcard3 {set UnoLastMonthCards(2) $kval}
- lastmonthwins1 {set UnoLastMonthGames(0) $kval}
- lastmonthwins2 {set UnoLastMonthGames(1) $kval}
- lastmonthwins3 {set UnoLastMonthGames(2) $kval}
- fast {set UnoFast $kval}
- high {set UnoHigh $kval}
- played {set UnoPlayed $kval}
- bonus {set UnoBonus $kval}
- recordhigh {set UnoRecordHigh $kval}
- recordfast {set UnoRecordFast $kval}
- recordcard {set UnoRecordCard $kval}
- recordwins {set UnoRecordWins $kval}
- recordplayed {set UnoRecordPlayed $kval}
- }
- }
- close $f
- if {$UnoStopAfter < 0} {set UnoStopAfter 0}
- if {$UnoBonus < 0} {set UnoBonus 1000}
- if {($UnoWildDrawTwos < 0)||($UnoWildDrawTwos > 1)} {set UnoWildDrawTwos 0}
- return
- }
- putcmdlog "\[Uno\] Config file $UnoCFGFile pas trouvé ... sauver par défaut"
- Uno_WriteCFG
- return
- }
- #
- # Write config file
- #
- proc Uno_WriteCFG {} {
- global UnoCFGFile UnoLastMonthCards UnoLastMonthGames UnoPointsName UnoScoreFile UnoRobot UnoChan UnoFast UnoHigh UnoPlayed UnoStopAfter UnoBonus
- global UnoRecordHigh UnoRecordFast UnoRecordCard UnoRecordWins UnoRecordPlayed UnoWildDrawTwos
- set f [open $UnoCFGFile w]
- puts $f "# Ce fichier est automatiquement écrasé"
- puts $f "BotName=$UnoRobot"
- puts $f "Channel=$UnoChan"
- puts $f "Points=$UnoPointsName"
- puts $f "ScoreFile=$UnoScoreFile"
- puts $f "StopAfter=$UnoStopAfter"
- puts $f "WildDrawTwos=$UnoWildDrawTwos"
- puts $f "LastMonthCard1=$UnoLastMonthCards(0)"
- puts $f "LastMonthCard2=$UnoLastMonthCards(1)"
- puts $f "LastMonthCard3=$UnoLastMonthCards(2)"
- puts $f "LastMonthWins1=$UnoLastMonthGames(0)"
- puts $f "LastMonthWins2=$UnoLastMonthGames(1)"
- puts $f "LastMonthWins3=$UnoLastMonthGames(2)"
- puts $f "Fast=$UnoFast"
- puts $f "High=$UnoHigh"
- puts $f "Played=$UnoPlayed"
- puts $f "Bonus=$UnoBonus"
- puts $f "RecordHigh=$UnoRecordHigh"
- puts $f "RecordFast=$UnoRecordFast"
- puts $f "RecordCard=$UnoRecordCard"
- puts $f "RecordWins=$UnoRecordWins"
- puts $f "RecordPlayed=$UnoRecordPlayed"
- close $f
- return
- }
- #
- # Score advertiser
- #
- proc UnoScoreAdvertise {} {
- global UnoChan UnoAdNumber UnoRobot
- unomsg " "
- switch $UnoAdNumber {
- 0 {UnoTop10 0}
- 1 {UnoLastMonthTop3 $UnoRobot none none $UnoChan 0}
- 2 {UnoTop10 1}
- 3 {UnoRecords $UnoRobot none none $UnoChan ""}
- 4 {UnoPlayed $UnoRobot none none $UnoChan ""}
- 5 {UnoHighScore $UnoRobot none none $UnoChan ""}
- 6 {UnoTopFast $UnoRobot none none $UnoChan ""}
- }
- incr UnoAdNumber
- if {$UnoAdNumber > 6} {set UnoAdNumber 0}
- return
- }
- #
- # Color all cards in hand
- #
- proc CardColorAll {cplayer} {
- global UnoHand
- set pCard ""
- set ccount 0
- while {[llength $UnoHand($cplayer)] != $ccount} {
- append pCard [CardColor [lindex $UnoHand($cplayer) $ccount]]
- incr ccount
- }
- return $pCard
- }
- #
- # Color a single card
- #
- proc CardColor {pcard} {
- set cCard ""
- set c2 [string range $pcard 1 1]
- switch [string range $pcard 0 0] {
- "C" {
- if {$c2 == "T"} {
- append cCard "[wildf]"
- } {
- append cCard "[wild]"
- }
- return $cCard
- }
- "J" {append cCard " \0031,8 Jaune "}
- "R" {append cCard " \0030,4 Rouge "}
- "V" {append cCard " \0030,3 Vert "}
- "B" {append cCard " \0030,12 Bleu "}
- }
- switch $c2 {
- "P" {append cCard "\002Pass\002 \003 "}
- "R" {append cCard "\002Sens inverse\002 \003 "}
- "T" {append cCard "\002Tire deux\002 \003 "}
- default {append cCard "$c2 \003 "}
- }
- return $cCard
- }
- #
- # Check if player has Uno
- #
- proc check_hasuno {cplayer} {
- global UnoHand
- if {[llength $UnoHand($cplayer)] > 1} {return}
- hasuno $cplayer
- return
- }
- #
- # Check for winner
- #
- proc check_unowin {cplayer ccard} {
- global UnoHand
- if {[llength $UnoHand($cplayer)] > 0} {return 0}
- return 1
- }
- #
- # Show player what cards they have
- #
- proc showcards {idx pcards} {
- global UnoIDX
- if {[uno_isrobot $idx]} {return}
- unontc [lindex $UnoIDX $idx] "main: $pcards"
- }
- #
- # Check if this is the robot player
- #
- proc uno_isrobot {cplayerIDX} {
- global RoundRobin UnoRobot UnoMaxNickLen
- if {[string range [lindex $RoundRobin $cplayerIDX] 0 $UnoMaxNickLen] != $UnoRobot} {return 0}
- return 1
- }
- # Show played card
- proc playcard {who crd nplayer} {
- unomsg "[nikclr $who]\003 joue $crd \003a [nikclr $nplayer]\003"
- }
- # Show played draw card
- proc playdraw {who crd dplayer nplayer} {
- unomsg "[nikclr $who]\003 joue $crd [nikclr $dplayer]\003 tire \002deux cartes\002 et passe son tour - le joueur suivant est: [nikclr $nplayer]\003"
- }
- # Show played wildcard
- proc playwild {who chooser} {
- unomsg "[nikclr $who]\003 joue [wild] et choisi une couleur [nikclr $chooser]\003"
- }
- # Show played wild draw four
- proc playwildfour {who skipper chooser} {
- unomsg "[nikclr $who]\003 joue [wildf] [nikclr $skipper]\003 tire \002quatres cartes\002 et passe son tour - Choisissez une couleur [nikclr $chooser]\003"
- }
- # Show played skip card
- proc playskip {who crd skipper nplayer} {
- unomsg "[nikclr $who]\003 joue $crd\003 et fait passé le tour de [nikclr $skipper]\003 a [nikclr $nplayer]\003"
- }
- proc showwhodrew {who} {
- unomsg "[nikclr $who]\003 \002tire\002 une cartes"
- }
- proc playpass {who nplayer} {
- unomsg "[nikclr $who]\003 \002passes\002 a [nikclr $nplayer]\003"
- }
- proc botplaywild {who chooser ncolr nplayer} {
- unomsg "[nikclr $who]\003 joue [wild] et choisi $ncolr \003 encore a: [nikclr $nplayer] de joué\003"
- }
- # Show played wild draw four
- proc botplaywildfour {who skipper chooser choice nplayer} {
- unomsg "[nikclr $who]\003 joue [wildf] [nikclr $skipper]\003 tire \002quatres cartes\002 et passe son tour. [nikclr $chooser]\003 choisit $choice\003 encore a: [nikclr $nplayer] de joué\003"
- }
- # Show a player what they drew
- proc showdraw {idx crd} {
- global UnoIDX
- if {[uno_isrobot $idx]} {return}
- unontc [lindex $UnoIDX $idx] "Tire: $crd"
- }
- # Show Win
- proc showwin {who crd} {
- unomsg "[nikclr $who]\003 joue $crd \003et \002\00309G\00312a\00313g\00308n\00307e\002 \00304cette parti de [unoad]\003"
- }
- # Show Win by default
- proc showwindefault {who} {
- unomsg "[nikclr $who] \002\00309G\00312a\00313g\00308n\00307e [unoad]\002\003 par Default \003"
- }
- # Player Has Uno
- proc hasuno {who} {
- global UnoChan
- putquick "PRIVMSG $UnoChan :\001ACTION dit [nikclr $who] \002\00309A\00312n\00313n\00308o\00307n\00304c\00309e \00309U\00312n\00313o\00308! \002\003\001"
- }
- #
- # Utility Functions
- #
- # Check if a timer exists
- proc unotimerexists {cmd} {
- foreach i [timers] {
- if {![string compare $cmd [lindex $i 1]]} then {
- return [lindex $i 2]
- }
- }
- return
- }
- # Sort Scores
- proc UnoSortScores {s1 s2} {
- global unsortedscores
- if {$unsortedscores($s1) > $unsortedscores($s2)} {return 1}
- if {$unsortedscores($s1) < $unsortedscores($s2)} {return -1}
- if {$unsortedscores($s1) == $unsortedscores($s2)} {return 0}
- }
- # Calculate Game Running Time
- proc game_time {} {
- global UnoStartTime
- set UnoCurrentTime [unixtime]
- set gt [expr ($UnoCurrentTime - $UnoStartTime)]
- return $gt
- }
- # Colorize Nickname
- proc nikclr {nick} {
- global NickColor
- return "\003$NickColor($nick)$nick"
- }
- proc colornick {pnum} {
- global UnoNickColour
- set c [lindex $UnoNickColour [expr $pnum-1]]
- set nik [format "%02d" $c]
- return $nik
- }
- # Ratio Of Two Numbers
- proc get_ratio {num den} {
- set n 0.0
- set d 0.0
- set n [expr $n +$num]
- set d [expr $d +$den]
- if {$d == 0} {return 0}
- set ratio [expr (($n /$d) *100.0)]
- return $ratio
- }
- # Name Of Last Month
- proc UnoLastMonthName {month} {
- switch $month {
- 00 {return "Dec"}
- 01 {return "Jan"}
- 02 {return "Feb"}
- 03 {return "Mar"}
- 04 {return "Apr"}
- 05 {return "May"}
- 06 {return "Jun"}
- 07 {return "Jul"}
- 08 {return "Aug"}
- 09 {return "Sep"}
- 10 {return "Oct"}
- 11 {return "Nov"}
- default {return "???"}
- }
- }
- # String Pad
- proc strpad {str len} {
- set slen [string length $str]
- if {$slen > $len} {return $str}
- while {$slen < $len} {
- append str " "
- incr slen
- }
- return $str
- }
- # Uno!
- proc unoad {} {
- return "\002\0033U\00312N\00313O\00308!\002"
- }
- # Wild Card
- proc wild {} {
- return " \0031,8 \002C\0031,3o\0031,4u\0031,12l\0031,7e\0031,8u\0031,9r\002 \003 "
- }
- # Wild Draw Four Card
- proc wildf {} {
- return " \0031,8 \002T\0031,3I \0031,4R\0030,12E \0031,8Q\0031,3U\0031,4A\0031,12T\0031,8R\0031,3E \0031,8C\0031,3a\0031,4r\0031,12t\0031,12e\002 \003 "
- }
- #
- # Channel And DCC Messages
- #
- proc unomsg {what} {
- global UnoChan
- putquick "PRIVMSG $UnoChan :$what"
- }
- proc unontc {who what} {
- global UnoNTC
- putquick "$UnoNTC $who :$what"
- }
- proc unolog {who what} {
- putcmdlog "\[$who\] $what"
- }
- #
- # DCC Routines
- #
- # Show All Players Cards
- proc dccUnoHands {hand idx arg} {
- global UnoHand RoundRobin
- set n 0
- while {$n != [llength $RoundRobin]} {
- set un [lindex $RoundRobin $n]
- unolog $un $UnoHand($un)
- incr n
- }
- }
- # Rehash Configuration
- proc dcc_unorehash {hand idx arg} {
- unolog "$hand" "Rehashing UNO Configuration"
- Uno_ReadCFG
- return
- }
- Uno_ReadCFG
- UnoReadScores
- putlog "Loaded Color Uno $UnoVersion (C) 2004 by Marky traduit en FR par Agathion
- "
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