Guest User


a guest
Mar 23rd, 2018
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  1. //*******************************************************************************************
  3. //*******************************************************************************************
  4. - User can see landing page/main index of all posts
  5. - User can and see their personal index page with index of their posts
  6. - User can create new post, edit posts, and delete posts
  7. - User can log out to landing page
  9. //*******************************************************************************************
  11. //*******************************************************************************************
  12. - Landing/main index page with "Login" or "Sign Up" links and listing all posts/images
  13. - Login/Signup page with form
  14. - Personal index page with edit/delete buttons (if logged in)
  15. - Edit/Create page when updating or making new post
  18. //*******************************************************************************************
  19. //USER FLOWS
  20. //*******************************************************************************************
  22. Landing page:
  23. a. default landing page has data already there (e.g., image/post gallery), even for users not authenticated,
  24. but you need to log in to add/edit posts
  25. b. user clicks "login/register" and gets taken to login/register form
  27. Login/signup page (has single login button, but below this a link that says "Click here to register", when clicking this,
  28. it changes login button text to "Register" and changes fields to what you need to register;
  29. this will also travel to /login or /register routes):
  30. a. user inputs correct data and is redirected to their personal index page
  31. b. user inputs wrong data and is redirected to same page, with error message
  32. c. user inputs already-taken name or wrong password and gets prompted for right data
  33. d. user has no account and clicks for signup/register
  35. Signup form (replaces login form with new fields, as noted above):
  36. a. user submits validated data and gets redirected to main index page (with message/buttons to add post?)
  37. b. user submits invalid data or tries taking already-taken name and gets error message
  39. Personal index page:
  40. a. user clicks on a thumbnail and is taken to that post's page with text and image
  41. b. user clicks edit and gets taken to that post's page with editable text/image
  42. c. user clicks delete and gets warning before deleting post
  43. d. user clicks main index to see all posts (by user? or just one big gallery?)
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