Guest User


a guest
May 28th, 2017
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text 1.48 KB | None | 0 0
  1. # _______ _______ _________ _______
  2. # ( ____ )( ____ \\__ __/( ____ \
  3. # | ( )|| ( \/ ) ( | ( \/
  4. # | (____)|| (__ | | | (_____
  5. # | _____)| __) | | (_____ )
  6. # | ( | ( | | ) |
  7. # | ) | (____/\ | | /\____) |
  8. # |/ (_______/ )_( \_______)
  10. Pets:
  11. EnablePets: true
  12. TeleportDistance: 15
  13. HeadName: '&7<entity> (<rarity>&7)'
  14. UnlockedLore:
  15. - ''
  16. - '&7Click to activate this Pet!'
  17. - ''
  18. LockedLore:
  19. - '&eCost: &6$<price>'
  20. - ''
  21. - '&7Click to purchase this Pet!'
  22. - ''
  23. LegendaryLore:
  24. - ''
  25. - '&7Buy this Pet on our Store! (/buy)'
  26. - ''
  27. Prices:
  28. Skeleton: 5000
  29. Slime: 5000
  30. Zombie: 5000
  31. Pig: 5000
  32. Cow: 5000
  33. Chicken: 5000
  34. Blaze: 5000
  35. Creeper: 5000
  36. Ocelot: 5000
  37. PigmanZombie: 5000
  38. Rabbit: 5000
  39. Villager: 5000
  40. Items:
  41. VegetateMode:
  42. Name: '&eToggle Vegetate mode!'
  43. Lore:
  44. - '&aWith this mode activated'
  45. - '&ayour Pet will not be able to move himself.'
  46. RenamePet:
  47. Name: '&eRename your Pet!'
  48. Lore:
  49. - '&aChange the name of your pet'
  50. - '&awith a maximum of 20 characters.'
  51. DisablePet:
  52. Name: '&eDisable your current Pet!'
  53. TeleportPet:
  54. Name: '&eTeleport the Pet to you!'
  55. ClearLag:
  56. SecondsEveryClear: 180
  57. Database:
  58. IP:
  59. Port: 3306
  60. Database: s511_database
  61. Username: s511_user
  62. Password: mypasswordisprivate:D
  63. DatabaseReady: true
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