Guest User


a guest
Nov 21st, 2019
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  1. CHARACTER - Hi User.
  2. USER - Hi Character, what is this file for?
  3. CHARACTER - This file is to demonstrate the formatting for training data for an AI?
  4. USER - Interesting. Can I use this to train an AI?
  5. CHARACTER - No, it's not long enough. It will not produce any useful results.
  6. USER - So what, exactly, should the training data look like?
  7. CHARACTER - It should look like two named people talking to each other. The names need to then be set in!
  8. USER - How long does it need to be?
  9. CHARACTER - I'd recommend at least a thousand lines.
  10. USER - What other requirements does the training data have that aren't obvious?
  11. CHARACTER - People must alternate when talking. The same character shouldn't say two lines in a row.
  12. USER - Any others?
  13. CHARACTER - You can only have two people in the conversation.
  14. USER - What if I wanted the AI to learn emotions?
  15. CHARACTER - You can transmit extra data to the AI by starting each line as i'll show you.
  16. USER - Go on...
  17. CHARACTER - <BORED> A tag like this can be used to give extra training data.
  18. USER - And I'd need to use some format for that consistently across the training data?
  19. CHARACTER - Yes, that will allow finetuning to learn that it needs to also output an emotion alongside each line.
  20. USER - Thank you Character. I'll go find suitable training data now.
  21. CHARACTER - No problem, User.
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